50 research outputs found


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    U članku se analiziraju modaliteti Ecova intertekstualnog prisvajanja fikcionalne osobe J.L. Borgesa i pojedinih književnih metafora koje se razvijaju u njegovim pripovijetkama u izgradnji hermeneutičke recepcije lika Jorgea iz Burgosa, glavnog negativca romana Ime ruže Umberta Eca. Dok je prvi aspekt dostatno obrađen u kritičkoj literaturi o Imenu ruže, drugi je ostao zanemaren u nekim bitnim aspektima. Analiza ideoloških i hermeneutičkih aspekata njegovog lika u Ecovu romanu otkriva da u izgradnji ne samo njegova etičkog i teološkog habitusa nego i razvitku glavnog narativnog tijeka romana, čiji je on pokretač, veliku ulogu igraju dvostruko kodirane metafore koje Borges razvija u svojim pripovijetkama Teolozi i Tri tumačenja Jude. U članku se analizira njihova uloga u spomenutim Borgesovim novelama i njihov intertekstualni odjek u Imenu ruže koji se pronalazi na idejnoj i kompozicijsko-pripovjednoj razini. Temeljna Borgesova metafora \u27svi su ljudi jedan čovjek\u27 razrađuje se u romanu raznim figurama ponavljanja, a unutar te primarne metafore značajna je metaforika Jude koju Borges razvija u noveli Tri tumačenja Jude. Analiza hermeneutičke recepcije Jorgeova lika otkriva presudnu ulogu te metafore u njenoj iozgradnji.This article analyses the modalities of Umberto Eco\u27s intertextual adoption of J. L. Borges\u27 \u27fictional person\u27 and the specific literary metaphors Borges developed and used in his short stories when building the hermeneutical reception of the character of Jorge de Burgos, the villain of Eco\u27s novel The Name of the Rose. While the critical literature on The Name of the Rose has devoted considerable attention to the former, the latter has remained neglected in some crucial aspects. The analysis of ideological and hermeneutic aspects of his character in Eco\u27s novel revealed that, in creating his ethical and theological habitus and even in the development of the novel\u27s main narrative, a significant role was played by double coded metaphors developed by Borges in his short stories The Theologians and Three Versions of Judas. This article analyses their role in the aforementioned short stories by Borges and their intertextual resonance in The Name of the Rose visible both, on the level of ideas and the compositional-narrative level. The basic Borges\u27 metaphor, "Whatever one man does, it is as if all men did it", was developed in the novel with the help of various figures of repetition. Within that primary metaphor, an important place is held by the metaphorics of Judas developed by Borges in Three Versions of Judas. Analysis of the hermeneutical reception of Jorge\u27s character has revealed the crucial role of that metaphor in its creation

    Plan view of panel 1111(1).

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    <p>This figure shows the layout of the face. The boreholes is represented by the green lines. Gray rectangle is coal, and green colored rectangle is gob area.</p

    View of A-A section.

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    <p>This figure shows the view of face in the A-A section. Small green rectangle in the tailgate is concrete wall, and blue scope is caved roof.</p

    Photographs of borehole 6 and 8 failure sections.

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    <p>The Figure have two parts: a) Borehole 6 failure section; b) Borehole 8 failure section.</p

    The Impact of Turbulent Schmidt number on Source Term Estimation Using Bayesian Inference

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    This paper was reviewed and accepted by the APCWE-IX Programme Committee for Presentation at the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, held from 3-7 December 2017

    Scheme for gas drainage effect monitoring.

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    <p>Scheme for gas drainage effect monitoring.</p

    Plots of cumulative methane flow of boreholes 1~11 with face advancing.

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    <p>The negative value of distance represent boreholes is ahead of the working face. The Figure have three parts: a Boreholes 1~4; b Boreholes 5~8; c Boreholes 9~11.</p

    Data for borehole failure position along the casing, height into the roof, and distance behind the coal face where casing has failed.

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    <p>Legends: dense slash is distance behind the coal face; horizontal is distance along the casing; sparse slash is height into roof.</p

    Development of the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale for Children (LEAS-C)

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    A performance-based assessment of the structure and complexity of emotional awareness was developed, the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale for Children (LEAS-C). A pilot study (N=6, ages 9-12, M(age) =10.2 years) was conducted to construct, trial, and select scenarios suitable for the scale. A larger validity study (N=51, ages 10-11, M(age) =10.3 years) examined the relationship between the LEAS-C and two emotion knowledge tasks: emotion expressions and emotion comprehension; two verbal tasks: vocabulary and verbal productivity; and a cognitive developmental measure: the Parental Descriptions Scale (PDS). Gender differences in LEAS-C performance were also examined. The LEAS-C was significantly related to emotion comprehension, and the verbal tasks. Consistent with adult studies, females reported significantly higher LEAS-C scores compared with males. Gender effects remained when controlling for the two verbal tasks. Preliminary support for the validity of the LEAS-C as an objective assessment of emotional complexity in children is found in this study. Results also suggest that gender differences in emotional awareness occur at a young age