220 research outputs found

    Management of gestational diabetes mellitus

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    The incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is on the increase and, if not diagnosed, managed and treated adequately, can have unfavorable maternal and fetal outcomes. Several studies have shown that glycemic values considered as adequate in the past when monitoring GDM failed to contain these adverse outcomes and randomized trials are needed to ascertain whether these targets should be lowered. Dietary restrictions remain the mainstay of GDM management and suitable physical exercise can help too. The use of rapid-acting insulin analogues (lispro and aspart) are novel treatments for improving metabolic control by reducing postprandial glycemia, while long-acting insulin analogues need to be evaluated by further studies for safety in clinical use before they can be prescribed. Numerous studies have found glyburide and metformin safe in women with GDM but more randomized controlled trials are needed, with a long-term follow-up of mother and child, to confirm these results

    Evaluation and characterization of a solid rocket propellant

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    Questo lavoro di dottorato, svolto prevalentemente presso i laboratori hangar della Facoltà di Ing. Aerospaziale di Forlì, in collaborazione con AVIO S.P.A (Colleferro), ha come scopo quello di ricostruire alcune grandezze tipiche di un motore per razzi a propellente solido. In particolare è stato sviluppato un algoritmo in MatLab, successivamente "tradotto" in C++ per evidenti motivi di velocità computazionale, capace di prevedere la frazione volumetrica di un propellente bi-modale. Successivamente, sulla base di questo parametro, e utilizzando informazioni relative alla composizione completa del propellente stesso, si è andati a defnire un "Margine di Colabilità",capace di legare la viscosità cinematica del composto alla sua stessa composizione granulometrica. Infne si è cercato di fruttare queste informazioni per vedere come questi parametri, insieme all'orientazione e concentrazione delle particelle stesse, possono influenzare il proflo di pressione durante la fase di lancio, e cercare quindi di spiegare il così detto effetto HUMP (disuniformità della velocità di combustione internamente al grain)This doctoral dissertation has been carried out in the laboratories based in the hangar of the Engineering Faculty of Forlì, University of Bolonia, in cooperation with AVIO S.P.A. (Colleferro). The aim of the thesis is to reconstruct some typical characteristics of a solid rocket motor. The work is particularly focused on the development of an algorithm - using MatLab - that has later been "translated" into C++ in order to reduce the computational load and to be able to predict the volume fraction of a bi-modal propellant. Later, using this parameter, as well as some informations concerning the full composition of the propellant, the "castability margin" has been defined, in order to link its cinematic viscosity to the related propellant formulation. Lastly, the informations collected has been exploited to figure out how these parameters, together with the particles' orientation and concentration, may influence the pressure profile during the launch phase. This data tries to explain the so-called HUMP effect (inhomogeneity of the combustion speed inside the grain

    La Telecardiologia

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    Telemedicine is a form of real-time sharing of patient information, so that the contribution of more health workers at the same time can ensure a higher level of care, reducing hospitalization costs and transport . This work is the fruit of a "handful" of traders, who for some time dealing with this issue and are often made promoters of cultural and scientific experiences to sensitize decision makers to bring up a new Health how to manage the patient...

    Interactive simulator for e-Learning environments: a teaching software for health care professionals

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    There is an established tradition of cardiovascular simulation tools, but the application of this kind of technology in the e-Learning arena is a novel approach. This paper presents an e-Learning environment aimed at teaching the interaction of cardiovascular and lung systems to health-care professionals. Heart-lung interaction must be analyzed while assisting patients with severe respiratory problems or with heart failure in intensive care unit. Such patients can be assisted by mechanical ventilatory assistance or by thoracic artificial lung. "In silico" cardiovascular simulator was experimented during a training course given to graduate students of the School of Specialization in Cardiology at \u27Sapienza\u27 University in Rome. The training course employed CARDIOSIM(C): a numerical simulator of the cardiovascular system. Such simulator is able to reproduce pathophysiological conditions of patients affected by cardiovascular and/or lung disease. In order to study the interactions among the cardiovascular system, the natural lung and the thoracic artificial lung (TAL), the numerical model of this device has been implemented. After having reproduced a patient\u27s pathological condition, TAL model was applied in parallel and hybrid model during the training course. Results obtained during the training course show that TAL parallel assistance reduces right ventricular end systolic (diastolic) volume, but increases left ventricular end systolic (diastolic) volume. The percentage changes induced by hybrid TAL assistance on haemodynamic variables are lower than those produced by parallel assistance. Only in the case of the mean pulmonary arterial pressure, there is a percentage reduction which, in case of hybrid assistance, is greater (about 40%) than in case of parallel assistance (20-30%). At the end of the course, a short questionnaire was submitted to students in order to assess the quality of the course. The feedback obtained was positive, showing good results with respect to the degree of students\u27 learning and the ease of use of the software simulator

    A Survey of Telecardiology Projects in Italy.

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    It is estimated that in Italy there are about three million people affected by chronic heart failure. Cardiology is the health care field currently getting the largest benefits from telemedicine. Transmission, using wireless devices, makes possible to achieve virtual hospitalization: it is possible to anticipate the time of discharging and the patient can be remotely controlled by the central station in the ICU of the department of Medicine. Teleconsulting (i.e. a distance consulting between physicians) is applied in telecardiology, it allows the realization of a consulting between cardiology departments and remote services in the same hospital or among far-away hospitals. In this paper some of the most significant cardiac telemonitoring projects in Italy are described. Also reported, the projects involving the applications of implantable cardiac devices which can be controlled remotely. In conclusion, we sketch out the future prospects of telecardiology research and its applications in Italy

    A Survey of Telecardiology Projects in Italy

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    It is estimated that in Italy there are about three million people affected by chronic heart failure. Cardiology is the health care field currently getting the largest benefits from telemedicine. Transmission, using wireless devices, makes possible to achieve virtual hospitalization: it is possible to anticipate the time of discharging and the patient can be remotely controlled by the central station in the ICU of the department of Medicine. Teleconsulting (i.e. a distance consulting between physicians) is applied in telecardiology, it allows the realization of a consulting between cardiology departments and remote services in the same hospital or among far-away hospitals. In this paper some of the most significant cardiac telemonitoring projects in Italy are described. Also reported, the projects involving the applications of implantable cardiac devices which can be controlled remotely. In conclusion, we sketch out the future prospects of telecardiology research and its applications in Italy

    Myocardial dysfunction and abnormal left ventricular exercise response in autonomic diabetic patients

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    In diabetic patients, the pathophysiologic mechanisms of exercise-induced left ventricular (LV) dysfunction remain controversial. In this study, the role of myocardial contractility recruitment in determining an abnormal LV response to isometric or dynamic exercise has been investigated in 14 diabetic patients with autonomic dysfunction. Ischemic heart disease was excluded by the absence of LV wall motion abnormalities induced by isotonic and isometric exercise and by coronary angiography. Left ventricular and myocardial function were studied at rest, and during isometric and isotonic exercise, by two-dimensional echocardiography; moreover, recruitment of an inotropic reserve was assessed by postextrasystolic potentiation at rest and at peak handgrip. An abnormal response of LV ejection fraction to isometric (9/14) or to dynamic (8/14) exercise was frequent in study patients. In these patients, baseline myocardial contractility was normal, and the significant increase in ejection fraction by postextrasystolic potentiation indicated a normal contractile reserve (65 +/- 7% vs. 74 +/- 6%, p = 0.001). Nevertheless, the downward displacement of LV ejection fraction-systolic wall stress relationships during exercise suggests an inadequate increase in myocardial contractility. However, the abnormal ejection fraction at peak handgrip was completely reversed by postextrasystolic potentiation (67 +/- 6% vs. 58.1 +/- 10%, p = 0.008), a potent inotropic stimulation independent of the integrity of adrenergic cardiac receptors. A defective inotropic recruitment, despite the presence of a normal LV contractile reserve, plays an important role in deexercise LV dysfunction in diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy

    Screening high school students in Italy for sudden cardiac death prevention by using a telecardiology device. a retrospective observational study

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    BACKGROUND: In 2010, an Italian project was launched aimed at using a telecardiology device in order to perform early diagnosis of young students at risk of sudden cardiac death. METHODS: Our retrospective observational study was conducted on a population of 13,016 students, aged between 16 and 19 years, in different Italian regions. It consisted of analysis of data recorded during a telecardiology pilot study. The recorded data were electrocardiograms and data concerning lifestyle habits and family history of cardiovascular diseases. In total, 14 alterations in the electrocardiogram signal have been considered in this study. Some of these alterations are as follows: ventricular ectopic beats, atrioventricular block, Brugada-like electrocardiogram pattern, left anterior/posterior fascicular block, left/right ventricular hypertrophy, long/short QT interval, left atrial enlargement, right atrial enlargement, short PQ interval, and ventricular pre-excitation Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. On the basis of the collected data, we implemented this retrospective observational study. RESULTS: The analysed data showed that 13.60% of students had a family history for cardiovascular diseases, 22.43% reported smoking habits, 26.23% reported alcohol consumption, and 7.24% reported abuse of drugs. A total of 24% of students had at least one of the 14 electrocardiogram pathological alterations considered in our study and 32% had electrocardiogram values within the normal range. CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective observational study analysed data registered during our telecardiology activity. This activity permitted to maximise data collection and minimise the costs for collecting such data. This activity of screening is being continued and in the next few years it will allow us to have a greater mass of data

    Electrocardiographic features, mapping and ablation of idiopathic outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias

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    Idiopathic outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias are ventricular tachycardias or premature ventricular contractions presumably not related to myocardial scar or disorders of ion channels. These arrhythmias have focal origin and display characteristic electrocardiographic features. The purpose of this article is to review the state of the art of diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias
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