3 research outputs found
Environmental assessment through real options
Trala Segunda Guerra Mundial, os paÃses occidentais comezaron a tomar conciencia
das repercusións que os seus proxectos de desenvolvemento e industrialización tiñan sobre o
medio. O rápido crecemento industrial obviara, a principios de século, os efectos que poderÃa
producir sobre as próximas xeracións. O obxecto desta análise será a consideración dunha ferramenta de xestión, como complemento das existentes e non como substituto, que nos proporcione un método de valoración global en termos económicos deses electos, tendo en canta que tanto a repercusión do tempo como a magnitude dos electos son incertosAlter World War II, westem countries began lo be aware of the repercussions their
developmenT and industrial projects have on the environment. The fast industrial growth had not taken into account, at the beginning of the century, the effects il could have on future generations. The aim of this analysts will be the consideration of a management tool, complementary to not substitute for the existing ones, that will provide a global assessment method in economic terms of such effects, taking into account that both the repercussion of time and the magnitude of the effects are uncertainS