14 research outputs found

    ITIdata – Egy irodalmi adatbázis fejlesztése Wikibase alapon és ennek hasznosítása Kosztolányi Dezső forrásjegyzékénél

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    Az ITIdata-projekt célja egy olyan irodalomtudományos adatbázis kialakítása, mely hálózatos formában képes különböző kutatások adatait tárolni, megjeleníteni és rendszerezni. Az adatbázis Wikibase szoftverrel működik, a Wikidata struktúráját veszi alapul, ugyanakkor független tőle. Az adatbázisban tárolt információk SPARQL lekérdezésekkel rendszerezhetők, mely a tájékozódáson túl elősegíti a mostani és a jövőbeli kutatásokat. Az ITIdata specifikációja úgy lett kidolgozva, hogy minél többfajta irodalomtudományos projekt adatainak tárolására szolgáljon, használható legyen könyvtári katalógusok, kéziratgyűjtemények, sajtóbibliográfiák számára egyaránt. Az ITIdata ezentúl lehetőséget biztosít a különböző elemek annotálására, valamint összekapcsolható más digitális rendszerekkel, adatbázisokkal. Az ITIdatába elsőként fölvitt projekt Kosztolányi Dezső folyóiratokban megjelent munkáihoz kapcsolódik. Kosztolányi művei kritikai kiadásának munkálatai 2008-ban kezdődtek el. A forrásgyűjtő munka előrehaladtával kirajzolódott, hogy az életmű jelentős hányada periodikákban lelhető fel. Jelenleg 250 olyan időszaki kiadványról tudunk, amelyben megjelent Kosztolányitól írás, a végső szám valószínűleg ennél jóval nagyobb lesz. Az eddigi eredményekből állítottuk össze a Forrásjegyzék első hat kötetét, amely 11 ezer tételt tartalmaz. Kosztolányi publikálási gyakorlatának jellemzője volt, hogy ugyanazt a művet újra megjelentette másik periodikában, kis változtatásokkal, esetleg új címmel, de nem volt ritka az sem, hogy ugyanaz a szöveg évekkel később ismét napvilágot látott. Ebből következett, hogy egy-egy mű publikálási hálózatának láthatóvá tételéhez adatbázisra volt szükségünk. 2018-tól a Koha könyvtári rendszerben, 2022-től pedig az ITIdatában dolgozunk

    Losing Touch? A Case Study on Students' Learning Barriers Within an Experiential-Learning-Based Course

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    The research aimed to discover learning barriers that educators unconsciously raise in students of the organisation development master’s course at Corvinus University of Budapest within an experiential and transformative educational setting. The research follows the interpretive and critical traditions of organisation studies and applies the concept of responsible research and innovation (RRI) in its research design. This article aspires to present a case that can be used by management educators working with experiential pedagogical approaches in higher education. Research results displayed a lack of emotional security and a lack of common vision and understanding as the main obstacles to students’ transformative learning through the experiential learning process. Results suggest dialogical practice for building trust and understanding to eliminate alienation in student-teacher relationship and to improve learning quality. Finally, limitations and further research directions are discussed

    Comparative Research on the Metropolitan Administration and Service in Porto

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    The Porto Metropolitan Area (Área Metropolitana do Porto, AMP) is a framework of cooperation between 17 municipalities and several districts. This metropolitan area has a specific, inter-municipal model of urban governance. In our research, we found that cooperation is significant mainly in sectors where the central legislature has essentially made this mandatory, by designing the AMP and defining its powers. In addition to AMP, only partial cooperation has been established in the field of waste management, and in the field of human public services and in the performance of public authority, there is essentially a set of autonomous organisational solutions. However, despite all this fragmentation, the above system ensures the satisfactory functioning of the metropolitan agglomeration. This also underlines the importance of transport management in urban areas, since this functioning system is based on an integrated and intermodal transport system

    A nyelvi proceduralizáció - a procedurális emlékezeti rendszer és a munkamemória változó szerepe a mondatmegértésben

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    Kutatásunk a nyelvi és emlékezeti rendszerek fejlődésére és kapcsolódási pontjainak tisztázására irányult. Fő kérdésünk, hogy a munkamemória és a procedurális emlékezeti rendszer nyelvi működésbeli involváltsága a különböző életkorokban milyen arányú. Három korcsoportban(9-11, 14-15 és 18-26 év) vizsgáltuk a munkamemóriát (Számterjedelem, Hallási mondatterjedelem), a procedurális emlékezeti rendszer tanulási hatékonyságát (ASRT) és a mondatmegértési teljesítményt (online: önütemezett olvasási sebességmérés; offline: ellenőrző kérdések). A rendszerek önálló fejlődésével kapcsolatos eredményeink megfelelnek a szakirodalomban leírtaknak, minden rendszer az életkor előrehaladtával egyre jobb teljesítménnyel működik, de a procedurális rendszer egyre gyengébben tanul. Az emlékezeti rendszerek és a nyelv összefüggésére vonatkozó fő hipotézisünk — mely szerint a fejlődés során a nyelvi készség proceduralizálódik, és abban a munkamemória szerepe fokozatosan csökken — beigazolódott. Eredményeink alapján úgy tűnik, a nyelv proceduralizációjának hátterében nem egy egyre jobban tanuló, hanem egy elsajátított nyelvi készséget egyre jobban használó procedurális rendszer áll. Our study investigated the development of language and memory systems, and the degree of involvation of procedural and working memory in language processes. In three age groups we tested working memory by Digit Span and Listening Span tests, learning efficiency of the procedural memory by ASRT, online sentence comprehension performance by word-by-word self-paced reading task, and off-line sentence comprehension by questions referring the presented sentences. All three systems showed improving performance with age except procedural memory which showed decreasing learning efficiency — although it's working performance was increasing. Results confirm our main hypothesis about language proceduralization with age and the decreasing role of working memory in language processes

    Probabilistic sequence learning in mild cognitive impairment

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    Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) causes slight but noticeable disruption in cognitive systems, primarily executive and memory functions. However, it is not clear if the development of sequence learning is affected by an impaired cognitive system and, if so, how. The goal of our study was to investigate the development of probabilistic sequence learning, from the initial acquisition to consolidation, in MCI and healthy elderly control groups. We used the Alternating Serial Reaction Time task (ASRT) to measure probabilistic sequence learning. Individuals with MCI showed weaker learning performance than the healthy elderly group. However, using the reaction times only from the second half of each learning block – after the reactivation phase - we found intact learning in MCI. Based on the assumption that the first part of each learning block is related to reactivation/recall processes, we suggest that these processes are affected in MCI. The 24-hour offline period showed no effect on sequence-specific learning in either group but did on general skill learning: the healthy elderly group showed offline improvement in general reaction times while individuals with MCI did not. Our findings deepen our understanding regarding the underlying mechanisms and time course of sequence acquisition and consolidation

    Comparative Research on the Metropolitan Administration and Service in Porto

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    The Porto Metropolitan Area (Área Metropolitana do Porto, AMP) is a framework of cooperation between 17 municipalities and several districts. This metropolitan area has a specific, inter-municipal model of urban governance. In our research, we found that cooperation is significant mainly in sectors where the central legislature has essentially made this mandatory, by designing the AMP and defining its powers. In addition to AMP, only partial cooperation has been established in the field of waste management, and in the field of human public services and in the performance of public authority, there is essentially a set of autonomous organisational solutions. However, despite all this fragmentation, the above system ensures the satisfactory functioning of the metropolitan agglomeration. This also underlines the importance of transport management in urban areas, since this functioning system is based on an integrated and intermodal transport system

    Diagnosis rates, therapeutic characteristics, lifestyle, and cancer screening habits of patients with diabetes mellitus in a highly deprived region in Hungary: a cross-sectional analysis

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    IntroductionLow socioeconomic status affects not only diagnosis rates and therapy of patients with diabetes mellitus but also their health behavior. Our primary goal was to examine diagnosis rates and therapy of individuals with diabetes living in Ormánság, one of the most deprived areas in Hungary and Europe. Our secondary goal was to examine the differences in lifestyle factors and cancer screening participation of patients with diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes compared to healthy participants.MethodsOur study is a cross-sectional analysis using data from the “Ormánság Health Program”. The “Ormánság Health Program” was launched to improve the health of individuals in a deprived region of Hungary. Participants in the program were coded as diagnosed diabetes based on diagnosis by a physician as a part of the program, self-reported diabetes status, and self-reported prescription of antidiabetic medication. Undiagnosed diabetes was defined as elevated blood glucose levels without self-reported diabetes and antidiabetic prescription. Diagnosis and therapeutic characteristics were presented descriptively. To examine lifestyle factors and screening participation, patients with diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes were compared to healthy participants using linear regression or multinomial logistic regression models adjusted for sex and age.ResultsOur study population consisted of 246 individuals, and 17.9% had either diagnosed (n=33) or undiagnosed (n=11) diabetes. Metformin was prescribed in 75.8% (n=25) of diagnosed cases and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT-2) in 12.1% (n=4) of diagnosed patients. After adjustment, participants with diagnosed diabetes had more comorbidities (adjusted [aOR]: 3.50, 95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 1.34–9.18, p<0.05), consumed vegetables more often (aOR: 2.49, 95% CI: 1.07–5.78, p<0.05), but desserts less often (aOR: 0.33, 95% CI: 0.15–0.75, p<0.01) than healthy individuals. Patients with undiagnosed diabetes were not different in this regard from healthy participants. No significant differences were observed for cancer screening participation between groups.ConclusionsTo increase recognition of diabetes, targeted screening tests should be implemented in deprived regions, even among individuals without any comorbidities. Our study also indicates that diagnosis of diabetes is not only important for the timely initiation of therapy, but it can also motivate individuals in deprived areas to lead a healthier lifestyle

    Impulzivitás-dimenziók transzdiagnosztikus vizsgálata. Impulzivitás-profil összehasonlítása felnõttkori figyelemhiányos hiperaktivitás zavarban és borderline személyiségzavarban

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    High levels of impulsivity represent a core feature of various psychiatric conditions, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Impulse Control and Conduct Disorders, Bulimia Nervosa, Substance Use Disorders, and other maladaptive behaviors, like non-suicidal self-harm and suicidal behavior. The overall aim of our research is to carry out a trans-diagnostic study of impulsivity as a common behavioral risk factor, taking into consideration the different dimensions of impulsivity (motor, attentional, non-planning). The project investigates inhibitory neurocognitive deficits, electrophysiological correlates, childhood adversities and genetic vulnerability factors in the background of impulsivity.In this report, we describe the results of our pilot study which aims to compare impulsivity profiles, personality traits, and levels of aggression in patients with adult ADHD (aADHD) and BPD primary diagnoses, and healthy control subjects, based on self report questionnaires (Barratt Impulivity Scale, Cloninger Temperament and Character Inventory). We have also carried out analyses on the role of childhood adverse events in the background of impulsivity. Because of the predominance of female participants in the BPD group, we restrict our analyses to only female subjects (N=111 out of 152 patients overall).Comparing the three groups significant differences were observed in each impulsivity domain: higher levels of attentional and motor impulsivity were present in aADHD, while non-planning impulsivity was more characteristic to BPD (p<0.001). Using the Cloninger Temperament and Character Inventory aADHD patients reached significant higher levels on six subscales (novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward dependency, perseverance, selfdirection, cooperation) than BPD patients (p<001). Childhood emotional neglect results in higher levels of impulsivity in adulthood (R=0.54, p<0.001) regardless of diagnosis.Impulsivity, as a diagnostic criterion of different psychiatric disorders is a heterogenous construct. Different characteristics of impulsivity are pronounced with respect to the condition it is part of. Studying impulsivity can improve our understanding of the etiology of different psychiatric conditions, which can result in more specific and effective therapeutic interventions