65 research outputs found


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    Abstrak PPI di desa Meunasah Keudee kecamatan Mesjid Raya kabupaten Aceh Besar sejak pembangunannya tahun 2013 sampai saat ini belum tersedia fasilitas air bersih yang dibutuhkan nelayan saat pendaratan. Kebutuhan air untuk membersihkan diri (sanitasi), mencuci bagian dalam kapal, dan mencuci hasil tangkapan sulit diperoleh dan sangat minim. Akibat dari keterbatasan tersebut para nelayan harus membeli air bersih melalui depot penjualan yang datang khusus saat kapal mendarat. Hal ini tentu saja cukup memberatkan nelayan dan mengurangi hasil pendapatan mereka. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah penyediaan air bersih dengan menerapkan teknologi tepat guna berupa pemanenan air hujan (PAH) dari atap salah satu bangunan PPI yang ada dan ditampung ke tandon air berkapasitas 1000l. Dari hasil diskusi dan musyawarah informal dengan Perangkat Desa disepakati, tidak hanya menggunakan talang air sebagai pemanen air hujan tetapi juga dilengkapi sumur dangkal. Sehingga kekurangan air bila musim kemarau dapat diatasi. Kata kunci: pemanenan air hujan (PAH), tandon air, sumur dangkal, teknologi tepat guna.  Abstract PPI located at Meunasah Keudee Village, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar Regency, since its construction in 2013 has not yet provided clean water facilities needed by fishermen when their ships landing. The need of water for sanitation is difficult to obtain and quite scarce. As a result, they have to buy water that comes specifically when the ship lands. This of course is quite burdensome for fishermen and reduces their income. The purpose of this activity is the provision of clean water by applying appropriate technology in the form of rainwater harvesting (PAH) from the roof of one of the existing PPI buildings and accommodated into a water tank with a capacity of 1000l. After informal discussion with the Village Head and Panglima Laot, it was agreed that both gutters and shallow well are used to fillup the tank. Hence the lack of water during the dry season can be overcome. Keywords: rainwater harvesting (PAH), water tanndon, shallow wells, appropriate technolog

    Cross-culture adaptation and validation of Indonesian language version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index

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    Hemodialysis (HD) patients have a high rate of poor sleep. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is the most popular self-reported instrument to measure sleep quality. No study has tested the psychometric efficiency of the Bahasa (Indonesian language) PSQI in hemodialysis (HD) patients, and no cross-cultural adaptation has been done. The purpose of this research was to translate the PSQI into Bahasa and improve its psychometric properties for use in evaluating HD patients in Indonesia. This study used instrument translation, cultural adaptation, content validation, and equivalence to crossculturally validate and adapt an instrument. The hemodialysis center at a West Java medical facility served as a source of potential HD patients throughout the period of October 2022 to February 2023. A content validity index (CVI) was calculated for each item and the entire scale. The factor structure of the Bahasa PSQI has been evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach's alpha. The online survey received a response rate of 62.8% from a total of 220 patient with HD (about ten responders each item). The level of language clarity was 87.8%, and the level of cultural relevance was 84.5%. The CVI varied from 0.92 to 1.00. Each factor had factor loading ranging from 0.51 to 0.62. that Cronbach alpha for total score was 0.803, and the subscale ranged from 0.771 to 0.863. Our research provides preliminary evidence of the validity and reliability of the translated and adapted tool using data from HD patients in Indonesian hospitals

    Prediction and explanation on adolescent aggression: a study protocol

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    Introduction: Adolescent aggression is an important public health concern with escalating prevalence of juvenile cases and violence among these age groups including robbery, homicide, and gang fights. The objectives of this study protocol are to determine the biopsychosocial predictors and explore the contextual factors of adolescent aggression among secondary school students in Hulu Langat. Methods: Explanatory mixed method study design will be used, consist of quantitative cross-sectional study followed by basic qualitative study. Proportionate population sampling among Form 4 secondary school students from selected public secondary schools in Hulu Langat will be executed. Questionnaires will be distributed to 481 students on aggression as the dependent variable, and several independent variables: demographic (ethnicity, family income), biological (sex, head injury, nutritional deficiency, breakfast skipping), psychological (attitude and normative beliefs, personality trait, emotional intelligence), and social factors (family environment, single parent status, domestic violence, peer deviant affiliation, alcohol, smoking, substance abuse). Subsequently, participants with moderate to high aggression scores will be further explored on the contextual factors of adolescent aggression by in-depth interview. Multiple linear regression will be executed using SPSS to determine significant predictors whereas thematic analysis will be applied for qualitative data analysis on the context of adolescent aggression. Both findings will be further integrated and discussed to give comprehensive description on the phenomena. Conclusion: Better knowledge and understanding on adolescent aggression may generate new framework to drive more effective preventive strategies and unravel adolescent aggressive related Public Health problems

    Projek penulisan novel genre romantis Eksploit: kajian terhadap isu pemerdagangan manusia – Wang Kelian / Fatimah Syukriah Mohd Fauzi

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    Latihan ilmiah ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan isu pemerdagangan manusia: perdagangan seks dan perhambaan moden kepada etnik Rohingya di Wang Kelian. Selain itu, dua bentuk pemerdagangan manusia: perdagangan seks dan perhambaan moden telah diaplikasikan ke dalam projek penulisan novel: Eksploit dengan menggunakan kaedah genre romantis. Justeru, dua objektif kajian yang dikemukakan bagi memenuhi kehendak kajian (i) Mengaplikasi bentuk pemerdagangan manusia di Wang Kelian ke dalam projek penulisan novel Eksploit dan (ii) Menganalisa sejauh mana isu pemerdagangan manusia mampu mengangkat novel Eksploit sebagai elemen romantis. Bagi menjawab objektif tersebut, kajian ilmiah ini menggunakan elemen romantis daripada kenyataan Sternberg (2003) iaitu connectedness, relatedness dan bondedness di dalam penulisan novel: Eksploit. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat menyumbang kepada industri sastera di Malaysia dan dijadikan rujukan pada masa akan datang kepada pengkaji tentang isu pemerdagangan manusia

    Psychosocial predictors of adolescent aggression

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    Aggression is one of the most common Paediatric Psychiatric emergency problems presented in healthcare services with major public health impacts. The aim of this review is to determine the psychosocial predictors of adolescent aggression. Systematic review on observational study designs were conducted. Recent five years English published journal articles (2014-2018) were searched in three databases (Science Direct, PubMed and EBSCO) from April 2018 until May 2018. The final 15 articles (seven prospective cohort, eight cross-sectional studies) were included in the systematic review. Psychological predictors were mainly on the personality traits and emotional problems experienced by the adolescents including callous-unemotional traits, hostility, anger, and low empathy. Self-control was found to be protective against adolescent aggression. Social predictors that contribute to the aggression among adolescents according to the highest reported number of articles were peer influence, followed by school climate, substance use, neighbourhood influence, family, and parent factors. In conclusion, psychosocial predictors of adolescent aggression include both Psychological Factors; mainly personality traits and emotional problems, and Social Factors; mainly peer influence and substance use. This warrants for more holistic approach in dealing with aggressive adolescents that can be applied in more targeted and focused intervention strategy deliveries


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    Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Islam merupakan salah satu keharusan lembaga pendidikan melakukan perubahan dan pengembangan agar bisa menjawab dan memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Untuk itu diperlukan seorang pemimpin yang mampu membawa perubahan dalam dunia pendidikan serta terus mengembangkan inovasi-inovasi baru dalam mengembangkan lembega pendidikan. Salah satu tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah mengungkap strategi kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan Islam di SMP IT Smart Cendikia Karanganom, Klaten. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan September 2017- Februari 2018 di SMP IT Smart Cendekia Karanganom, Klaten. Subjek dalam penelitian Kepala sekolah, sedangkan informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Guru, Waka, dan siswa di SMP IT Smart Cendikia. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang sudah terkumpul dieriksa dengan triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi metode, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan model interaktif dengan tiga tahapan yaitu melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Strategi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Islam di SMPI IT Smart Cendekia Karanganom, Klaten dapat dilihat melalui indikator mutu pendidikan yaitu input, proses dan Output. 1) Strategi kepemimpinaan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu input pendidikan melalui: rekrutmen dan penyeleksian tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, seleksi PPDB melalui test dan wawancara, membuat perencanaan program pengembangan pendidikan Islam dan pembuatan SKL 2) Strategi kepemimpinaan kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan mutu proses pendidikan melalui: melakukan supervisi terhadap kegiatan KBM dan administrasi pendidikan, memberikan motivasi dengan cara mengingatkan komitmen awal, dan mengajak sharing dan memberi pemahaman kepada anggota yang belum yakin akan amanah yang diberikan, Pembinaan SDM yang meliputi pembinaan skill melalui pelatihan dan workshop, pembinaan keislaman, program peer teaching, menjaga komunikasi serta pengkaryaan SDM dalam berbagai kegiatan sekolah. 3) Strategi kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu output Pendidikan melalui: bimbingan belajar untuk siswa, program tahsin dan tahfidz, kajian kitab, training muhadarah, pembiasaan adab Islami, mentoring agama Islam

    Biosocial background in the development of child overweight and obesity among preschoolers in Putrajaya: an observational study

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    Introduction: Childhood obesity becomes a global epidemic with the majority are living in developing countries. Obese children are at risk of becoming obese adults with non-communicable diseases, which may further lead to huge economic burden for the affected countries. The study objectives were to determine the biosocial background contributing overweight and obesity among preschoolers in Putrajaya (2017) - sociodemographic, pre-and perinatal factors, feeding and weaning practices. Methods: Cross-sectional study was performed using cluster random sampling among 897 preschoolers, whose anthropometric body weights and heights were measured. The calculated BMI was used to determine their obese status based on WHO Growth Standards 2006 and Reference 2007. Their mothers were distributed with self-administered, validated, and pre-tested questionnaires regarding their children’s first two-years-of-life experience. Chi Square test was used for bivariate categorical analysis, Independent T-test and Mann Whitney U test for continuous data analysis. Multivariate binary logistic regression was executed to determine predictors of child obesity. Results: The prevalence of obese children was 7.4%, which can be predicted by the increase in child’s age (Adjusted Odd Ratio: 2.619; 95%CI: 1.435 – 4.780), mothers with higher level of education (AOR: 3.896; 95%CI: 1.127 – 13.470), and higher maternal BMI (AOR: 1.132; 95%CI: 1.057 – 1.213). Conclusion: Three predictors of child obesity can be derived from sociodemographic and pre-and perinatal factors. Further application on these predictors in more targeted interventions and policies need to be considered to reduce the prevalence of obesity and related non-communicable diseases in the country