135 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Diagnosis System using SimpNet Deep Model

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    بعد تفشي COVID-19 ، تحول على الفور من وباء إلى جائحة. تم استخدام الصور الإشعاعية للأشعة المقطعية والأشعة السينية على نطاق واسع للكشف عن مرض COVID-19 من خلال مراقبة عتامة الأشعة تحت الحمراء في الرئتين. اكتسب التعلم العميق شعبية في تشخيص العديد من الأمراض الصحية بما في ذلك COVID-19 وانتشاره السريع يتطلب اعتماد التعلم العميق في تحديد حالات COVID-19. في هذه الدراسة ، تم اقتراح نموذج التعلم العميق ، بناءً على بعض المبادئ ، للكشف التلقائي عن COVID-19 من صور الأشعة السينية. تم اعتماد بنية SimpNet في دراستنا و تدريبها باستخدام صور الأشعة السينية. تم تقييم النموذج على كل من التصنيف الثنائي (COVID-19 و No-findings) ومهام التصنيف متعددة الفئات (COVID-19 ، No-findings ،  و  التهاب رئوي). حقق نموذجنا قيمة دقة بلغت 98.4٪ للثنائي و 93.8٪ للتصنيف متعدد الفئات. عدد معلمات نموذجنا هو 11 مليون معلمة وهي أقل من بعض الطرق الحديثة مع تحقيق نتائج أعلى.After the outbreak of COVID-19, immediately it converted from epidemic to pandemic. Radiologic images of CT and X-ray have been widely used to detect COVID-19 disease through observing infrahilar opacity in the lungs. Deep learning has gained popularity in diagnosing many health diseases including COVID-19 and its rapid spreading necessitates the adoption of deep learning in identifying COVID-19 cases. In this study, a deep learning model, based on some principles has been proposed for automatic detection of COVID-19 from X-ray images. The SimpNet architecture has been adopted in our study and trained with X-ray images. The model was evaluated on both binary (COVID-19 and No-findings) classification and multi-class (COVID-19, No-findings, and Pneumonia) classification tasks. Our model has achieved an accuracy value of 98.4% for binary and 93.8% for the multi-class classification. The number of parameters of our model is 11 Million parameters which are fewer than some state-of-the-art methods with achieving higher results

    Effect of Storage on Flavour, Colour and Other Sensory Qualities Of Sugarcane Juice (Saccharum Officinarum) Yellow Cane

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    A study was conducted to determine the effects of storage on the flavour and sensory attributes of sugarcane juice. Freshly extracted sugarcane juice was stored at 25 ± 20C and 5 ± 20C for IS-days. The parameters measured were colour, acidity (pH and TA), acidic phenolics and flavour. The sensory attributes tested were colour, viscosity, sweetness, sharpness, appearance, jaggery and fresh flavour. Phenolic compounds were separated using solid phase extraction technique and HPLC method was used for isolation and identification. Major volatiles were extracted using vacu um steam distillation (VSD) technique. Gas Chromatography (GC) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) were used for separation of the volatiles and identification of their molecular weights. Results indicated that sugarcane juice stored at 5 ± 20C retained its colour and acidity until 10-days meanwhile, a drastic change occurred on the colour and acidity of juice stored at 25 ± 2oC. The sensory results showed that no remarkable changes occurred on the quality (colour, viscosity, sweetness, sharpness, appearance,jaggery and fresh flavour) of samples stored at 5 ± 2°C up to 10- days. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) observed between samples stored for 5 and 10-days. However, at the end of the IS-days, there were significant differences (P<0.05) in terms of colour, sweetness, sharpness, jaggery and freshness compared to the fresh, the 5 and the 10-days stored juices (except for appearance and viscosity). Six types of phenolic compounds were identified in sugarcane juice namely 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic, chlorogenic, p-hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, p-coumaric and 2 ,3-dihydroxybenzoic acids. Changes in the phenolics contents were observed in samples stored at both temperatures (5 ± 2°C and 25 ± 2°C). Changes in the phenolics' concentrations were more noticeable in the juice stored at 25 ± 2°C. This occurred despite the fact that the polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was deactivated at the beginning before juice extraction. At the same time, there seemed to be increases and decreases in their concentrations. This may indicate that not only enzymatic reaction, which consumed the phenolics but also autoxidation reaction, may have occurred. Sugarcane juice was found to consist of about 17 major volatile compounds. Upon storage at 5 ± 2°C the major volatiles were retained until 10-days; after that some compounds were lost and others were evolved. After two days of storage at 25 ± 2°C the major volatiles were lost and many other new compounds were evolved.A strong relationship (R²≥0.90) was observed between some of the phenolics and the sensory attributes (colour, appearance, viscosity, sweetness, sharpness, jaggery and fresh flavour) . The changes in colour (ϪE) was also correlated well (R²=0.90) with the sensory evaluation results.In general, sugarcane juice stored at 5 ± 2°C retained its quality until l0-days. However, undesirable colour, flavour and the change in taste from sweet to sour occurred after the end of the I5-days at 5 ± 2°C. Significant changes in acidity, colour, flavour and phenolics were observed at 25 ± 2°C compared to 5 ± 2°C. In fact, the flavour of the sample stored at 25 ± 2°C changed significantly after 2 days. This indicated that the juice will lose its quality if kept at 25 ± 2°C and deterioration of the juice stored at 5 ± 2°C was only noticeable after the end of the 15-days

    Strength Properties of Polymer Reactive Powder Concrete with Waste Materials

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    Reactive powder concrete, or RPC, outperforms conventional or even high-performance concrete in terms of ultra-high strength and better durability. Several buildings were destroyed in Iraq, and recycling the garbage from these buildings can significantly help reduce waste and environmental pollution as well as serve as a source of aggregate for use in new construction. Reusing garbage and using sustainable building materials are now crucial environmental challenges, so this study aimed to replace the natural fine aggregate, NFA, used in preparations of polymer reactive powder concreter, "PRPC" with recycled aggregates, or RA, from crushed old concrete, COC, in order to make PRPC production more environmentally and sustainably friendly. In this study, RPC is modified by adding styrene butadiene rubber (SBR), a polymer, to the original mixture at a ratio of 13% by weight of cement. This study sought to determine the effect of using COC as recycled fine aggregate (RFA) on the compressive, splitting, and flexural strengths of PRPC. The main objective of this investigation is to study the effect of oil (water, new oil, and waste engine oil) on the compressive and tensile strengths of PRPC with COC and to compare the behavior with that of a control mix (PRPC with NFA). The mixtures were prepared using six different percentages of RFA, replacing 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% NfA. After 28 days, the six mixes were divided into three groups. The first was still being cured in water, W; the second in waste engine oil, WEO; and the third in kerosene oil, KO. The results showed that using COC as RFA in PRPC was viable, and according to this investigation, the mix with 40% COC replacement with NFA provides the highest values of compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength before and after exposure to liquids (water, new oil, and waste engine oil). Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-08-09 Full Text: PD

    Effects of Using Silica Fume and Lime in the Treatment of Kaolin Soft Clay

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    Soil stabilization can make the soils becoming more stable by using an admixture to the soil. Lime stabilization enhances the engineering properties of soil, which includes reducing soil plasticity, increasing optimum moisture content, decreasing maximum dry density and improving soil compaction. Silica fume is utilized as a pozzolanic material in the application of soil stabilization. Silica fume was once considered non-environmental friendly. In this paper, the materials required are kaolin grade S300, lime and silica fume. The focus of the study is on the determination of the physical properties of the soils tested and the consolidation of kaolin mixed with 6% silica fume and different percentages (3%, 5%, 7% and 9%) of lime. Consolidation test is carried out on the kaolin and the mixtures of soil-lime-silica fume to investigate the effect of lime stabilization with silica fume additives on the consolidation of the mixtures. Based on the results obtained, all soil samples are indicated as soils with medium plasticity. For mixtures with 0% to 9% of lime with 6% SF, the decrease in the maximum dry density is about 15.9% and the increase in the optimum moisture content is about 23.5%. Decreases in the coefficient of permeability of the mixtures occur if compared to the coefficient of permeability of kaolin soft clay itself reduce the compression index (Cc) more than L- SF soil mix due to pozzolanic reaction between lime and silica fume and the optimum percent of lime-silica fume was found to be (5%+6%) mix. The average coefficient of volume compressibility decreases with increasing the stabilizer content due to pozzolanic reaction happening within the soil which results in changes in the soil matrix. Lime content +6% silica fume mix can reduce the coefficient of consolidation from at 3%L+6%SF, thereafter there is an increase from 9%L+6%SF mix. The optimal percentage of lime silica fume combination is attained at 5.0% lime and 6.0% silica fume in order to improve the shear strength of kaolin soft clay. Microstructural development took place in the stabilized soil due to increase in lime content of tertiary clay stabilized with 7% lime and 4% silica fume together

    Engineering Properties of Clayey Soil Stabilized with Lime

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    Kaolin soil represents the soft clay soil with a depleted bearing capacity and an elevated compressibility level. Thus, in order to hold up civil structures, the bearing capacity of kaolin soil needs to be raised. Several soil improvement procedures are currently available. These include soil replacement, preloading, corduroy and chemical stabilization. However, as these procedures are harmful to the environment, efforts to achieve soil stabilization ought to make use of materials that are environmentally friendly. The utilization of industrial waste that does not have a negative impact on the environment would represent a significant step forward in this area. Among the most frequently employed procedures to achieve soil stabilization is the utilization of a binder such as lime. This study puts forward an array of laboratory investigations to assess the influence of lime on the compressibility and swelling traits of soil. According to the findings, the liquid limit and plasticity index of soil is reduced with the introduction of lime. Pozzolanic reactions transpire due to the siliceous and aluminous nature of the material which has a negligible cementation value and is made up of large particles. This circumstance culminates in a reduction of the liquid limit. With a 9% application of lime, an elevation in the liquid limit was observed (a decrease in other reaction materials). This is attributed to the excessive presence of lime. The optimal water content rose from 20% to 23% with a 5% application of lime. The stabilizer content (lime) reduces the maximum dry density from 1.63 to 1.585 g/cm3. Lime content enhances the compressibility of soft clay by lowering the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) reduces with increasing stabilizer content and the optimum percent for lime. This is a result of the reaction between lime and soil

    Viking Settlers in the Isle of Man: Simulation Experiments

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    Background: Volume overload and depletion both lead to high morbidity and mortality. Achieving euvolemia is a challenge in patients with end stage kidney disease on hemodialysis (HD). Blood volume analysis (BVA) uses radiolabeled albumin to determine intravascular blood volume (BV). The measured BV is compared to an ideal BV (validated in healthy controls). We hypothesized that BVA could be used in HD to evaluate the adequacy of the current clinically prescribed “estimated dry weight” (EDW) and to titrate EDW in order to improve overall volume status. We were also interested in the reproducibility of BVA results in end stage kidney disease. Methods: Twelve adults on chronic HD were recruited; 10 completed the study. BVA (Daxor, New York, NY, USA) was used to measure BV at baseline. EDW was kept the same if the patient was deemed to be euvolemic by BVA otherwise, the prescribed EDW was changed with the aim that measured BV would match ideal BV. A second BVA measurement was done 1–3 months later in order to measure BV again. Results: Based on BVA, 6/10 patients were euvolemic at baseline and 5/10 were euvolemic at the second measurement. When comparing patients who had their prescribed EDW changed after the initial BVA to those who did not, both groups had similar differences between measured and ideal BV (P = 0.75). BV values were unchanged at the second measurement (P = 0.34) and there was no linear correlation between BV change and weight change (r2 = 0.08). Conclusions: This pilot study is the first longitudinal measurement of BVA in HD patients. It revealed that changing weight did not proportionally change intravascular BV. BV remained stable for 1–3 months. BVA may not be helpful in clinically stable HD patients but studies on patients with hemodynamic instability and uncertain volume status are needed. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02717533), first registered February 4, 2015

    The Impact of Water Price on the Financial Sustainability of the Palestinian Water Service Providers

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    The impactof water sales price on the performance of water service providers is typically something of a mystery. High prices mean more revenue and profit; but it may lead to less bills collection and encourage the illegal connections. Yet, this argument has not been fully addressed in the Palestinian water sector; this research evaluates the effect of average water prices on the financial sustainability key indicators as collection efficiency, profit or loss percentage, non-revenue water, staff productivity, daily consumption, operating, and maintenance cost. The average price of cubic meter sold is segmented into low, medium, and high categories. Multivariate analysis shows that there are significant differences in profit or working ratio, daily consumption, and operating cost based on the different price categories. Further significant differences have been found in non-revenue water, collection efficiency, and water production based on low and high price categories. On the other hand, no significant difference has been found in staff productivity. The results show high price set by Palestinian water providers, leads to an increase in the bill collection rate and profit margin. However, negative relationship has been found between the price on one hand, and non-revenue water, average daily consumption, and water production on the other hand. The implication of these findings reveal that the Palestinian water providers should increase water prices gradually to cover operating and maintenance cost for better financial performance and sustainability.This research paper has been made possible through the support from MEDRC Water Research at the Sultanate of Oman. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to MEDRC for publishing this paper. The deepest gratitude also to Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) for valuable, effective supervision, coordination of the scientific researches, and directing them toward finding creative solutions for current water problems

    Socio-demographic and Clinical Characteristics of patients with Thyroid Disorders in Erbil Governorate/Iraq

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    Background: Thyroid disorder is one of the commonest disorder worldwide and also in Iraq. Objective: To study identify clinical presentations of thyroid disorder and its distribution in the terms of sex, age and residency. Classifying the patients who underwent operations according to types of the disease and complications were event after operations in Erbil Governorate. Patients and Methods: A retrospective study carried out in Hawler Teaching Hospital Out patients Clinic and privet clinic, from January 2014 to December 2018.Study involved 800 patients with goiter disordered who attended to hospital or private clinic. Data gathered by questionnaire which involved patients' socio-demographics data, signs and symptoms, clinical features of disorder, medical and surgical treatment offered to those patients, and the reports of complications' incidence that event in postoperative. Data were analyzed by the statistical package for the social science (SPSS, version 22) was used for data entry and analysis. Frequency and Percentages were used to identify distribution the disease, types, and complications. Results: There was high frequency of disorders among female 710 (88.7%)  and adults, inconsistency of diseases' signs and symptoms among patients, highest percentage (44.2%) of patients were multinodular goiter, near to half of patients 392(49%) underwent operation and complications were  reported with 42(10.7%) of patients after surgical operations. Conclusion: The proportion of female is high, there was high proportion of patients who needed to surgical treatment and there was proportion of patients with complications after surgical operations.  

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Kartu Untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Mufradat Dalam Memahami Teks Qira’ah Bahasa Arab Siswa Kelas VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Paron Ngawi Jawa Timur Tahun Pelajaran 2015-2016

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    To improve the mastery of mufradāt or vocabulary is required media of learning. Card media or flashcard can improve the mastery of mufradāt or students’ vocabulary; at the same time it can improve the ability to understand the Arabic language. The purpose of this research is to know how far the effectiveness of using card media can improve mastery ofgrade VII students’ mufradāt (vocabulary) of MTsN Paron Ngawi in East Java at the School Year 2015 -2016? And is there any significant influence on increasing the mastery of mufradāt (vocabulary) on the ability of understanding the Arabic text qirā'ah for the students of grade VII of MTsN Paron Ngawi in East Java at the School Year 2015-2016? This research has use research method of using the Nonequivalent Control Group Design, where in Class VII F has been the control group and class VII G has been the experimental group. Instrument in this research is test, that is pre-test and post-test The result of data analysis shows that the average value of mufradātpre-test of control group is 55,11 and post-test is 68.86, It means that the control group has an increase of 13.74%. While the average of mufradāt pre-test value of experimental group is 55.31 and the post-test is 85.94, it means that the experimental group has increased by 30.62%. This indicates that the experimental group has increased 16.88% higher than the control group. This shows that there is a significant difference between the mastery of the student's mufradāt in the learning process using the card media or flashcard compared with the mastery of the student's mufradāt in the learning process without using the media card or flashcard. To know the effectiveness of the use of card media to improve mastery mufradāt, used t- test analysis. By using SPSS software version 23, we get the t-count value of -5.783 and the sig value of 0.000. By using the level of significance of 0.05, it resulted t-table value of 2.03. Curve t- arithmetic and t- table shows that t- arithmetic which is in area H0 is rejected. Thus, H1 is accepted, this means that there is a significant difference between the control group and the experimental group In order to know the influence of mastery of mufradāt on the ability to understand Arabic qirā'ah texts, a t- test (t test) analysis is conducted. Based on the result of t- test (t- test) to regression coefficient of variable of mufradāt mastery, it is obtained t- value equal to 5,043 with Sig value equal to 0.000. By using the significance level of 0.05, the value of t- table is 2.03. The data indicates that the value of t- count > from t-table (5.043> 2.03), this means that the mastery of mufradāt significantly gives positive effect on the improvement of Arabic qirā'ah ability. Based on the results of linear regression analysis, it is found that mastery of mufradāt contributes to the improvement of the ability to understand Arabic qirā'ah texts by 41.8%

    Prevalence and predictive factors associated with stunting in preschool children in a governorate of Iraq: a community-based cross-sectional study

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    IntroductionThe prevalence and risk factors of stunting in various geographical regions have been well investigated. However, not enough data exists regarding the communities in Iraq. This study investigated the prevalence and risk factors of stunting in preschool children in Halabja governorate.MethodsThe required data for the study was collected through a structured questionnaire form from the children’s parents. Then, the height and weight of the children were measured. According to the World Health Organization Child Growth Standards and using the WHO Anthro Survey Analyser software, children were classified as “stunted” when their height-for-age z-score was below two standard deviations.ResultsA total of 646 children were included, of which 310 (48%) were male and 336 (52%) were female. The gestational age of 556 (86%) children was 9 months, while 84 (13%) were born between 7–9 months, and 6 (1%) were born in 7 months. Regarding feeding during the first 2 years of life, 229 children (35.4%) were exclusively breastfed, 93 (14.4%) were bottle-fed, and 324 (50.2%) had mixed feeding. The prevalence of stunting was 7.9% in the sample pool, with 4.6% of females and 3.3% of males. Among stunted children, 6.35% were term babies, and 1.55% were preterm babies. None of the studied factors had a significant association with stunting.ConclusionThe prevalence of stunting in the studied population was 7.9%. However, we could not find any significant association between the studied factors and stunting. Thus, the factors that may significantly affect stunting in our area of study, especially the historical chemical warfare side effects, need to be more extensively investigated in future studies