41 research outputs found

    The dependence of cylindrical resonator natural frequencies on the fluid density

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    The article examines the dependence of cylindrical resonator natural frequencies (sensitive element) on the density (mass) of different fluids flowing through it. The cylindrical resonators are being widely applied in automatic control systems of technological processes as oscillating transducer density meter. The article presents the experimental results that prove the dependence of natural frequencies and vibration amplitude on the fluid density

    Macrophage population state and proliferative activity of spleen cells under liver regeneration conditions

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    Relevance. Currently, the participation of immune system cells in the regulation of reparative processes is attracting more and more attention of researchers. There is an anatomical connection between the liver and spleen by means of portal vein. Thus, cytokines and other biologically active substances can enter the liver from the spleen through the portal vein, as well as cells can migrate to the liver. However, the specific mechanisms of mutual influence of the mentioned organs, including in reparative processes, remain poorly studied. The aim of our work was to study the state of spleen monocyte-macrophage population after liver resection, as well as the proliferative activity of spleen cells during liver regeneration . Materials and Methods . The model of liver regeneration after 70 % resection in mouse was reproduced in this work. The animals were taken out of the experiment after 1, 3 and 7 days. The marker of cell proliferation Ki67 was immunohistochemically detected, the state of spleen monocyte-macrophage population was evaluated by markers CD68, CD115, CD206, F4/80 by methods of immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. Results and Discussion . The liver regeneration had a pronounced effect on the cytoarchitectonics of the spleen. In 1 day after liver resection in the spleen there was observed a decrease in the share of Ki67+cells, according to the flow cytometry data there was a decrease in the number of CD115+cells, in 3 and 7 days there was a decrease in the number of F4/80+ macrophages. Conclusion . Liver resection causes changes in the state of cell populations of the spleen as well. First of all, to the decrease in the activity of proliferative processes in it, as well as to the changes in the state of the monocyte-macrophage system. A decrease in the content of CD115+ and F4/80+ cells in the spleen was found, which indirectly indicates the migration of monocytes/macrophages after liver resection, which can also influence the course of reparative processes in the liver

    Терапевтическая эффективность внутриартериального введения нейральных прогениторных клеток, полученных из индуцированных плюрипотентных стволовых клеток, при остром экспериментальном ишемическом инсульте у крыс

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    Aim. Neural progenitor cells (NPC) are used for the development of cell therapies of neurological diseases. Their stereotaxic transplantation in the middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model imitating ischemic stroke results in symptom aleviation. However, exploration of less invasive transplantation options is essential, because stereotaxic transplantation is a complex procedure and can be applied to humans only by vital indications in a specialized neurological ward. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of cell therapy of the experimental ischemic stroke by the intra-arterial transplantation of NPC.Materials and methods. NPC for transplantation (IPSC-NPC) were derived by two-stage differentiation of cells of a stable line of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Stroke modeling in rats was carried out by transitory 90 min endovascular MCAO by a silicon-tipped filament. NPC were transplanted 24 hours after MCAO. Repetitive magnetic resonance tomography of experimental animals was made with the Bruker BioSpin ClinScan tomograph with 7 Tl magnetic field induction. Animal survival rate and neurological deficit (using mNSS standard stroke severity scale) were evaluated at the 1st (before IPSC-NPC transplantation), 7th and 14th day after transplantation. Histological studies were carried out following standard protocols.Results. Intra-arterial transplantation of 7 × 105 IPSC-NPC in 1 ml at a constant 100 l/min rate in case of secured blood flow through the internal carotid artery did not cause brain capillary embolism, additional cytotoxic brain tissue edemas or other complications, while inducing increase of animal survival rate and enhanced revert of the neurological deficit. IPSC-NPC accumulation in brain after intra-arterial infusion was demonstrated. Some cells interacted with the capillary endothelium and probably penetrated through the blood-brain barrier.Conclusion. Therapeutic efficacy of the systemic, intra-arterial administration of NPC in ischemic stroke has been experimentally proven. A method of secure intra-arterial infusion of cell material into the internal carotid artery middle in rats has been developed and tested.Цель. Нейральные прогениторные клетки (НПК) используются при разработке технологий клеточной терапии неврологических заболеваний. Их стереотаксическое введение в мозг крыс после имитирующей ишемический инсульт операции окклюзии средней мозговой артерии (ОСМА) приводит к облегчению симптоматики. Однако стереотаксическое введение является сложной процедурой и для лечения болезней человека может быть применено только в специализированной клинике по жизненным показаниям, что делает необходимым исследование возможности менее травматичных способов трансплантации. Цель настоящей работы – исследование возможности проведения клеточной терапии экспериментального инсульта путем внутриартериального введения НПК.Материалы и методы. НПК для трансплантации (ИПСК-НПК) получали путем двухступенчатой дифференцировки клеток стабильной линии индуцированных плюрипотентных стволовых клеток человека. Моделирование инсульта у крыс производилось методом транзиторной (90 мин) эндоваскулярной ОСМА филаментом с силиконовым наконечником. Внутриартериальная трансплантация НПК выполнялась через 24 часа после ОСМА. Магнитно-резонансная томография экспериментальных животных в динамике проводилась на МР-томографе ClinScan фирмы Bruker BioSpin с индукцией магнитного поля 7 Тл. На 1 (до введения ИПСК-НПК), 7 и 14-е сутки после трансплантации оценивались выживаемость животных и неврологический дефицит с использованием стандартной шкалы оценки тяжести инсульта mNSS для грызунов. Гистологические исследования проводили, пользуясь стандартными методами.Результаты. Внутриартериальная трансплантация ИПСК-НПК в дозе 7 × 105 НПК в 1 мл с равномерной скоростью100 мкл/мин и поддержанием кровотока по внутренней сонной артерии не вызывала эмболии капилляров мозга, появления новых зон цитотоксического отека вещества головного мозга или других осложнений и приводила к достоверному повышению выживаемости животных и более быстрому восстановлению неврологического статуса. Продемонстрировано накопление ИПСК-НПК в мозге после их внутриартериальной инфузии. Часть клеток взаимодействовала с эндотелием капилляров и, вероятно, способна проникать через ГЭБ.Заключение. Получено экспериментальное подтверждение терапевтической эффективности НПК при ишемическом инсульте при системной, внутриартериальной трансплантации. Отработан и протестирован метод безопасной внутриартериальной инфузии клеточного материала в бассейн внутренней сонной артерии у крыс

    Umbilical cord tissue cryopreservation: A short review

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    In this review we present current evidence on the possibility of umbilical cord tissue cryopreservation for subsequent clinical use. Protocols for obtaining umbilical cord-derived vessels, Wharton's jelly-based grafts, multipotent stromal cells, and other biomedical products from cryopreserved umbilical cords are highlighted, and their prospective clinical applications are discussed. Examination of recent literature indicates we should expect high demand for cryopreservation of umbilical cord tissues in the near future. © 2018 The Author(s)

    Evolution of Regeneration in Animals: A Tangled Story

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    The evolution of regenerative capacity in multicellular animals represents one of the most complex and intriguing problems in biology. How could such a seemingly advantageous trait as self-repair become consistently attenuated by the evolution? This review article examines the concept of the origin and nature of regeneration, its connection with the processes of embryonic development and asexual reproduction, as well as with the mechanisms of tissue homeostasis. The article presents a variety of classical and modern hypotheses explaining different trends in the evolution of regenerative capacity which is not always beneficial for the individual and notably for the species. Mechanistically, these trends are driven by the evolution of signaling pathways and progressive restriction of differentiation plasticity with concomitant advances in adaptive immunity. Examples of phylogenetically enhanced regenerative capacity are considered as well, with appropriate evolutionary reasoning for the enhancement and discussion of its molecular mechanisms. © Copyright © 2021 Elchaninov, Sukhikh and Fatkhudinov

    Umbilical cord tissue cryopreservation: A short review

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    In this review we present current evidence on the possibility of umbilical cord tissue cryopreservation for subsequent clinical use. Protocols for obtaining umbilical cord-derived vessels, Wharton's jelly-based grafts, multipotent stromal cells, and other biomedical products from cryopreserved umbilical cords are highlighted, and their prospective clinical applications are discussed. Examination of recent literature indicates we should expect high demand for cryopreservation of umbilical cord tissues in the near future. © 2018 The Author(s)

    Cryopreservation of Tissue-Engineered Scaffold-Based Constructs: from Concept to Reality

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    Creation of scaffold-based tissue-engineered constructs (SB TECs) is costly and requires coordinated qualified efforts. Cryopreservation enables longer shelf-life for SB TECs while enormously enhancing their availability as medical products. Regenerative treatment with cryopreserved SB TECs prepared in advance (possibly prêt-à-porter) can be started straight away on demand. Animal studies and clinical trials indicate similar levels of safety for cryopreserved and freshly prepared SB TECs. Although cryopreservation of such constructs is more difficult than that of cell suspensions or tissues, years of research have proved the principal possibility of using ready-to-transplant SB TECs after prolonged cryostorage. Cryopreservation efficiency depends not only on the sheer viability of adherent cells on scaffolds after thawing, but largely on the retention of proliferative and functional properties by the cells, as well as physical and mechanical properties by the scaffolds. Cryopreservation protocols require careful optimization, as their efficiency depends on multiple parameters including cryosensitivity of cells, chemistry and architecture of scaffolds, conditions of cell culture before freezing, cryoprotectant formulations, etc. In this review we discuss recent achievements in SB TEC cryopreservation as a major boost for the field of tissue engineering and biobanking. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Role of the monocyte–macrophage system in normal pregnancy and preeclampsia

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    The proper functioning of the monocyte–macrophage system, an important unit of innate immunity, ensures the normal course of pregnancy. In this review, we present the current data on the origin of the monocyte–macrophage system and its functioning in the female reproductive system during the ovarian cycle, and over the course of both normal and complicated pregnancy. Preeclampsia is a crucial gestation disorder characterized by pronounced inflammation in the maternal body that affects the work of the monocyte–macrophage system. The effects of inflammation at preeclampsia manifest in changes in monocyte counts and their subset composition, and changes in placental macrophage counts and their polarization. Here we summarize the recent data on this issue for both the maternal organism and the fetus. The influence of estrogen on macrophages and their altered levels in preeclampsia are also discussed. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Spleen: Reparative Regeneration and Influence on Liver

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    This review considers experimental findings on splenic repair, obtained in two types of small animal (mouse, rat, and rabbit) models: splenic resections and autologous transplantations of splenic tissue. Resection experiments indicate that the spleen is able to regenerate, though not necessarily to the initial volume. The recovery lasts one month and preserves the architecture, albeit with an increase in the relative volume of lymphoid follicles. The renovated tissues, however, exhibit skewed functional profiles; notably, the decreased production of antibodies and the low cytotoxic activity of T cells, consistent with the decline of T-dependent zones and prolonged reduction in T cell numbers. Species–specific differences are evident as well, with the post-repair organ mass deficiency most pronounced in rabbit models. Autotransplantations of splenic material are of particular clinical interest, as the procedure can possibly mitigate the development of post-splenectomy syndrome. Under these conditions, regeneration lasts 1–2 months, depending on the species. The transplants effectively destroy senescent erythrocytes, assist in microbial clearance, and produce antibodies, thus averting sepsis and bacterial pneumonia. Meanwhile, cellular sources of splenic recovery in such models remain obscure, as well as the time required for T and B cell number reconstitution. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland