702 research outputs found

    Origin of magnetic moments in defective TiO2 single crystals

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    In this paper we show that ferromagnetism can be induced in pure TiO2 single crystals by oxygen ion irradiation. By combining x-ray diffraction, Raman-scattering, and electron spin resonance spectroscopy, a defect complex, \emph{i.e.} Ti3+^{3+} ions on the substitutional sites accompanied by oxygen vacancies, has been identified in irradiated TiO2. This kind of defect complex results in a local (TiO6x_{6-x}) stretching Raman mode. We elucidate that Ti3+^{3+} ions with one unpaired 3d electron provide the local magnetic moments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published at Phys. Rev.

    Control of interlayer exchange coupling in Fe/Cr/Fe trilayers by ion beam irradiation

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    The manipulation of the antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling in the epitaxial Fe/Cr/Fe(001) trilayer system by moderate 5 keV He ion beam irradiation has been investigated experimentally. It is shown that even for irradiation with very low fluences (10^14 ions/cm^2) a drastic change in strength of the coupling appears. For thin Cr-spacers (below 0.6 - 0.7 nm) the coupling strength decreases with fluence, becoming ferromagnetic for fluences above (2x10^14 ions/cm^2). The effect is connected with the creation of magnetic bridges in the layered system due to atomic exchange events caused by the bombardment. For thicker Cr spacers (0.8 - 1.2 nm) an enhancement of the antiferromagnetic coupling strength is found. A possible explanation of the enhancement effect is given.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Mass assembly and AGN activity at z1.5z\gtrsim1.5 in the dense environment of XDCPJ0044.0-2033

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    XDCP0044.0-2033 is the most massive galaxy cluster known at z>1.5 and its core shows a high density of galaxies which are experiencing mergers and hosting nuclear activity. We present a multi-wavelength study of a region located 157 kpc from the center of this galaxy cluster, for which we have photometric and spectroscopic multi-wavelength observations (high resolution HST images in F105W, F140W and F160W bands, NIR KMOS data in H and YJ bands and Chandra ACIS-S X-ray data). Our main goal is to investigate the environmental effects acting on the galaxies inhabiting this high density region. We find that the analyzed region hosts at least nine different sources, six of them confirmed to be cluster members within a narrow redshift range 1.5728<z<1.5762. These sources form two different complexes at a projected distance of \sim13 kpc, which are undergoing merging on an estimated timescale off 10-30 Myr. One of the sources shows the presence of a broad H alpha emission line and is classified as Type 1 AGN. This AGN is associated to an X-ray point-like source, whose emission appears moderately obscured (with intrinsic absorption NH1022cm2N_{H} \sim 10^{22} cm^{-2}) and hosts a relatively massive black hole with mass MBH107MM_{BH} \sim 10^{7} M_{\odot}, which is accreting with an Eddington ratio of \sim0.2. We conclude that the analyzed region is consistent with being the formation site of a secondary BCG. These findings, together with an in-depth analysis the X-ray morphology of the cluster, suggest a merging scenario of the entire cluster, with two massive halos both harbouring two rapidly evolving BCGs on the verge of being assembled. Our results are also consistent with the scenario in which the AGN phase in member galaxies is triggered by gas-rich mergers, playing a relevant role in the formation of the red sequence of elliptical galaxies observed in the center of local galaxy clusters

    Spinel ferrite nanocrystals embedded inside ZnO: magnetic, electronic and magneto-transport properties

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    In this paper we show that spinel ferrite nanocrystals (NiFe2O4, and CoFe2O4) can be texturally embedded inside a ZnO matrix by ion implantation and post-annealing. The two kinds of ferrites show different magnetic properties, e.g. coercivity and magnetization. Anomalous Hall effect and positive magnetoresistance have been observed. Our study suggests a ferrimagnet/semiconductor hybrid system for potential applications in magneto-electronics. This hybrid system can be tuned by selecting different transition metal ions (from Mn to Zn) to obtain various magnetic and electronic properties.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figs. accepted for publication at PR

    Разработка модели контейнера для сбора компактных люминесцентных ламп

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    Предложена конструкция контейнера для сбора у населения компактных люминесцентных ламп. Разработан и создан демонстрационный макет контейнера. Проверена его работоспособность.A container design is proposed for collecting compact fluorescent lamps from the city residents. A demonstration mock-up of the container was developed and created. It is checked up its working capacity

    Rubidium metal target development for large scale 82Sr production: LA-UR-14-22338

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    Strontium-82 (t1/2 = 25.5 d) is one of the medical isotopes produced on a large scale at the Isotope Production Facility (IPF) of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), employing a high intensity 100 MeV proton beam and RbCl targets. A constant increase in the 82Sr demand over the last decade combined with an established thermal limit of molten RbCl salt targets [1,2] has challenged the IPF’s world leading production capacity in recent years and necessitated the consideration of low-melting point (39.3 °C) Rb metal targets. Metal targets are used at other facilities [3–5] and offer obvious production rate advantages due to a higher relative density of Rb target atoms and a higher expected thermal performance of molten metal. One major disadvantage is the known violent reaction of molten Rb with cooling water and the potential for facility damage following a catastrophic target failure. This represents a significant risk, given the high beam intensities used routinely at IPF. In order to assess this risk, a target failure experiment was conducted at the LANL firing site using a mockup target station. Subsequent fabrication, irradiation and processing of two prototype targets showed a target thermal performance consistent with thermal modeling predictions and yields in agreement with predictions based on IAEA recommended cross sections [6]. Target failure test: The target failure test bed (FIG. 1) was constructed to represent a near replica of the IPF target station, incorporating its most important features. One of the most vulnerable components in the assembly is the Inconel beam window (FIG. 2) which forms the only barrier between the target cooling water and the beam line vacuum. The test bed also mimicked relevant IPF operational parameters seeking to simulate the target environment during irradiation, such as typical cooling water flow velocities around the target surfaces. While the aggressive thermal effects of the beam heating could not be simulated directly, heated cooling water (45 °C) ensured that the rubidium target material remained molten during the failure test. A worst case catastrophic target failure event was initiated by uncovering an oversized predrilled pinhole (1 mm Φ) to abruptly expose the molten target material to fast flowing cooling water. Prototype target irradiations: Two prototype Rb metal target containers were fabricated by machining Inconel 625 parts and by EB welding. The target containers were filled with molten Rb metal under an inert argon atmosphere. Follow-ing appropriate QA inspections, the prototype targets were irradiated in the medium energy slot of a standard IPF target stack using beam currents up to 230 µA. After irradiation the targets were transported to the LANL hot cell facili-ty for processing and for 82Sr yield verification. During the target failure test, cooling water conductivity and pressure excursions in the target chamber were continuously monitored and recorded at a rate of 1 kHz. Video footage taken of the beam window and the pinhole area combined with the recorded data indicated an aggressive reaction between the Rb metal and the cooling water, but did not reveal a violent explosion that could seriously damage the beam window. These observations, together with thermal model predictions, provided the necessary confidence to fabricate and fill prototype targets for irradiation at production-scale beam currents. X-ray imaging of filled targets (FIG. 3) shows a need for tighter control over the target fill level. One prototype target was first subjected to lower intensity (< 150 µA) beams before the second was irradiated at production level (230 µA) beams. During irradiation, monitoring of cooling water conductivity indicated no container breach or leak and, as anticipated given the model predictions, the post irradiation target inspection showed no sign of imminent thermal failure (see FIG. 4). Subsequent chemical processing of the targets followed an established procedure that was slightly modified to accommodate the larger target mass. TABLE 1 shows that post chemistry 82Sr yields agree to within 2 % of the in-target production rates expected on the basis of IAEA recommended cross sections. The table also compares 82Sr yields from the Rb metal targets against yields routinely obtained from RbCl targets, showing an increase in yield of almost 50 %

    57Co Production using RbCl/RbCl/58Ni Target Stacks at the Los Alamos Isotope Production Facility: LA-UR-14-22122

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    Introduction The Los Alamos Isotope Production Program commonly irradiates target stacks consisting of high, medium and low-energy targets in the “A-”, “B-”, and “C-slots”, respectively, with a 100MeV proton beam. The Program has recently considered the production of 57Co (t1/2 = 271.74 d, 100% EC) from 58Ni using the low-energy posi-tion of the Isotope Production Facility, down-stream of two RbCl salt targets. Initial MCNPX/ CINDER’90 studies predicted 57Co radioisotopic purities >90% depending on time allotted for decay. But these studies do not account for broadening of the proton beam’s energy distribution caused by density changes in molten, potentially boiling RbCl targets upstream of the 58Ni (see e.g., [1]). During a typical production with 230 µA average proton intensity, the RbCl targets’ temperature is expected to produce beam energy changes of several MeV and commensurate effects on the yield and purity of any radioisotope irradiated in the low-energy posi-tion of the target stack. An experiment was designed to investigate both the potential for 57Co’s large-scale production and the 2-dimensional proton beam energy distribution. Material and Methods Two aluminum targets holders were fabricated to each contain 31 58Ni discs (99.48%, Isoflex, CA), 4.76 mm (Φ) x 0.127 mm (thickness). Each foil was indexed with a unique cut pattern by EDM with a 0.254 mm brass wire to allow their position in the target to be tracked through hot cell disassembly and assay (see FIG. 1). Brass residue from EDM was removed with HNO3/HCl solution. The holders’ front windows were 2.87 and 1.37 mm thick, corresponding to predicted average incident energies of 17.9 and 24.8 MeV on the Ni [2]. Each target was irradiated with protons for 1 h with an average beam current of 218 ± 3 µA to ensure an upstream RbCl target temperature and density that would mimic routine production. Following irradiation, targets were disassembled and each disc was assayed by HPGe γ-spectroscopy. Residuals 56Co (t1/2 = 77.2 d, 100% EC) and 57Co have inversely varying measured nuclear formation cross sections between approximately 15 and 40 MeV. Results and Conclusion Distributions of 56,57,58,60Co were tracked as described in both irradiated targets. The distribution of activities matched expectations, with radioisotopes produced by proton interactions with the 58Ni target (56Co and 57Co) concentrated in the area struck by IPF’s rastered, annulus-shaped proton beam, and the distribution of radioisotopes produced by neutron-induced reactions (58Co and 60Co) relatively uniform across all irradiated foils. The potential range of such temperature variations predicted by thermal modeling (approx. ± 200 °C) corre-sponds to a density variation of nearly 0.2 g.cm−3, and a change in the average energy of protons incident on the low-energy “C-slot” of approximately 5 MeV, well-matched to the indi-rectly measured energy variation plotted in FIG. 3. No energy distribution in the plane per-pendicular to the beam axis has previously been assumed in the design of IPF targets. The effective incident energy measured by yields of 57Co and 56Co is, however, almost 5 MeV higher than those predicted using Anderson and Ziegler’s well-known formalism [2]. This discrepancy is supported by previous reports [3] and likely exacerbated compared to these reports by the large magnitude of energy degradation (from 100 MeV down to 30 MeV) in the IPF target stack. For more detailed discussion, refer to Marus et al.’s abstract, also reported at this meeting. While the experiments reported do confirm the potential for many Ci-scale yields of 57Co from months-long irradiations at the IPF, the level radioisotopic impurities 56Co and 58Co are concerning. Commercial radioisotope producers using U-150 (23 MeV) and RIC-14 (14 MeV) cyclotrons in Obninsk, Russia specify 56/58Co activities at levels <0.2% of available 57C

    Thick target preparation and isolation of 186Re from high current production via the 186W(d,2n)186Re reaction

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    Rhenium-186 has a half-life (t1/2 = 3.72 days) and emission of both gamma and beta particles that make it very attractive for use as a theranostic agent in targeted radionuclide therapy. 186Re can be readily prepared by the 185Re(n,γ)186Re reac-tion1. However, that reaction results in low specific activity, severely limiting the use of reactor produced 186Re in radiopharmaceuticals. It has previously been shown that high specific activity 186Re can be produced by cyclotron irradiations of 186W with protons and deuterons2,3. In this investigation we evaluated the 186W(d,2n)186Re reaction using thick target irradiations at higher incident deuteron energies and beam currents than previously reported. We elected not to use copper or aluminum foils in the preparation of our 186W targets due to their activation in the deuteron beam, so part of the investigation was an evaluation of an alternate method for preparing thick targets that withstand μA beam currents. Irradiation of 186W. Initial thick targets (~600-1100 mg) were prepared using 96.86% enriched 186W by hydraulic pressing (6.9 MPa) of tungsten metal powder into an aluminum target support. Those thick targets were irradiated for 10 minu-tes at 10 µA with nominal extracted deuteron energies of 15, 17, 20, 22, and 24 MeV. Isolation of 186Re. Irradiated targets were dissolved with H2O2 and basified with (NH4)2CO3 prior to separation using column(s) of ~100–300 mg Analig Tc-02 resin. Columns were washed with (NH4)2CO3 and the rhenium was eluted with ~80˚C H2O. Gamma-ray spectroscopy was per-formed to assess production yields, extraction yields, and radionuclidic byproducts. Recycling target material. When tested on a natural abundance W target, recovery of the oxidized WO4- target material from the resin was found to proceed rapidly with the addition of 4M HCl in the form of hydrated WO3. The excess water in the WO3 was then removed by calcination at 800 °C for 4 hours. This material was found to undergo reduction to metallic W at elevated temperatures (~1550 °C) in a tube furnace under an inert atmosphere (Ar). Quanti-fication of % reduction and composition analyses were accomplished with SEM, EDS, and XRD and were used to characterize and compare both the WO3 and reduced Wmetal products to a sample of commercially available material. Structural enhancement by surface annealing. In some experiments ~1 g WO3 pellets were prepared from Wmetal that had been chemically treated to simulate the target material recovery process described above. Following calcination, the WO3 was allowed to cool to ambient temperature, pulverized with a mortar and pestle and then uniaxially pressed at 13.8 MPa into 13 mm pellets. Conversion of the WO3 back to Wmetal in pellet form was accomplished in a tube furnace under flowing Ar at 1550 °C for 8 hours. Material characterization and product composition analyses were conducted with SEM, EDS, and XRD spectroscopy. Graphite-encased W targets. Irradiations were conducted at 20 μA with a nominal extracted deuteron energy of 17 MeV using thick targets (~750 mg) of natural abundance tungsten metal powder uniaxially pressed into an aluminum target support between layers of graphite pow-der (100 mg on top, 50 mg on the bottom). Targets were then dissolved as previously described and preliminary radiochemical isola-tion yields obtained by counting in a dose calibrator. Although irradiations of W targets were possible at 10 μA currents, difficulties were encountered in maintaining the structural integrity of the full-thickness pressed target pellets under higher beam currents. This led to further investigation of the target design for irradiations conducted at higher beam currents. Comprehensive target material characterization via analysis by SEM, EDS, XRD, and Raman Spectroscopy allowed for a complete redesign of the target maximizing the structural integrity of the pressed target pellet without impacting production or isolation. At the 10 A current, target mass loss following irradiation of an enriched 186W target was < 1 % and typical separation yields in excess of 70 % were observed. Saturated yields and percent of both 183Re (t½ = 70 days) and 184gRe (t½ = 35 days) relative to 186gRe (decay corrected to EOB) are reported in TABLE 1 below. The reason for the anomalously low yield at 24 MeV is unknown, but might be explained by poor beam alignment and/or rhenium volatility during irradiation. Under these irradiation conditions, recovery yields of the W target material from the recycling process were found to be in excess of 90% with no discernable differences noted when compared to commercially available Wmetal and WO3. Conceptually, increasing the structural integrity of pressed WO3 targets by high temperature heat treatment under an inert atmosphere is intriguing. However, the treated pellets lacked both density and structural stability resulting in disintegration upon manipulation , despite the initially encouraging energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) determination that 94.9% percent of the WO3 material in each pellet had been reduced to metallic W. The use of powdered graphite as a target stabi-lizing agent provided successful irradiation of natural abundance W under conditions where non-stabilized targets failed (20 µA at 17 MeV for 10 minutes). Target mass loss following irradiation of a natW target was < 1 % and a separation yield in excess of 97 % was obtained. In conclusion, the theranostic radionuclide 186Re was produced in thick targets via the 186W(d,2n) reaction. It was found that pressed W metal could be used for beam currents of 10 μA or less. For deuteron irradiations at higher beam currents, a method involving pressing W metal between two layers of graphite provides increased target stability. Both target configurations allow high recovery of radioactivity from the W target material, and a solid phase extraction method allows good recovery of 186Re. An effective approach to the recycling of enriched W has been developed using elevated temperature under an inert atmosphere. Further studies are underway with 186W targets sandwiched by graphite to assess 186Re production yields, levels of contaminant radiorhenium, power deposition, and enriched 186W material requirements under escalated irradiation conditions (20 µA and 17 MeV for up to 2 hours)