395 research outputs found

    Molecular mimicry, genetic homology, and gene sharing proteomic “molecular fingerprints” using an EBV (Epstein-Barr virus)-derived microarray as a potential diagnostic method in autoimmune disease

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    EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) and other human DNA viruses are associated with autoimmune syndromes in epidemiologic studies. In this work, immunoglobulin G response to EBV-encoded proteins which share regions with human immune response proteins from the human host including ZEBRA (BZLF-1 encoded protein), BALF-2 recombinase expressed primarily during the viral lytic replication cycle, and EBNA-1 (Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen) expressed during the viral latency cycle respectively were characterized using a laser-printed micro-array ( PEPperprint.com ). IgG response to conserved "A/T hooks" in EBV-encoded proteins such as EBNA-1 and the BALF-2 recombinase related to host DNA-binding proteins including RAG-1 recombinase and histones, and EBV-encoded virokines such as the IL-10 homologue BCRF-1 suggest further directions for clinical research. The author suggests that proteomic "molecular fingerprints" of the immune response to viral proteins shared with human immune response genes are potentially useful in early diagnosis and monitoring of autoantibody production and response to therapy in EBV-related autoimmune syndromes


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    Il reflusso vescico- ureterale (RVU) è definito come il passaggio retrogrado permanente o intermittente di urina dalla vescica urinaria al tratto urinario superiore, in uno o entrambi gli ureteri, la pelvi renale, o entrambi. Quando il passaggio risulta permanente va considerato sempre un fenomeno patologico. L’obiettivo dell’intervento medico nel paziente con RVU è di favorire la fisiologica crescita renale, trattando e/o prevenendo le IVU e le pielonefriti, con il fine ultimo di impedire l’instaurarsi di insufficienza renale. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di confrontare i risultati di 3 tecniche chirurgiche differenti attualmente in uso per la correzione del RVU: la tecnica open tradizionale (secondo Cohen), la procedura endoscopica (subureteric transurethral injection, STING) e la tecnica di reimpianto ureterale extravescicale per via laparoscopica secondo Lich Gregoir (Laparoscopic extravesical ureteral reimplantation, LEVUR)

    Innate immune modulation induced by EBV lytic infection promotes endothelial cell inflammation and vascular injury in scleroderma

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    Microvascular injury is considered an initial event in the pathogenesis of scleroderma and endothelial cells are suspected of being the target of the autoimmune process seen in the disease. EBV has long been proposed as a trigger for autoimmune diseases, including scleroderma. Nevertheless, its contribution to the pathogenic process remains poorly understood. In this study, we report that EBV lytic antigens are detected in scleroderma dermal vessels, suggesting that endothelial cells might represent a target for EBV infection in scleroderma skin. We show that EBV DNA load is remarkably increased in peripheral blood, plasma and circulating monocytes from scleroderma patients compared to healthy EBV carriers, and that monocytes represent the prominent subsets of EBV-infected cells in scleroderma. Given that monocytes have the capacity to adhere to the endothelium, we then investigated whether monocyte-associated EBV could infect primary human endothelial cells. We demonstrated that endothelial cells are infectable by EBV, using human monocytes bound to recombinant EBV as a shuttle, even though cell-free virus failed to infect them. We show that EBV induces activation of TLR9 innate immune response and markers of vascular injury in infected endothelial cells and that up-regulation is associated with the expression of EBV lytic genes in infected cells. EBV innate immune modulation suggests a novel mechanism mediating inflammation, by which EBV triggers endothelial cell and vascular injury in scleroderma. In addition, our data point to up-regulation of EBV DNA loads as potential biomarker in developing vasculopathy in scleroderma. These findings provide the framework for the development of novel therapeutic interventions to shift the scleroderma treatment paradigm towards antiviral therapies

    Evoluzione della rete italiana delle autostrade del mare

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    Le Autostrade del Mare sono dei servizi di trasporto marittimo a corto raggio (Short Sea Shipping) che hanno fondamentalmente i seguenti obiettivi: costituire una valida alternativa al trasporto di tipo “tuttostrada”; ed integrare i trasporti terrestri, in particolare quando esistono dei vincoli geografici. In questa nota, dopo alcune osservazioni sulla competitività dei servizi di trasporto intermodale basati sulle Autostrade del Mare, rispetto ai servizi di trasporto “tutto-strada”, si analizza lo sviluppo delle rotte da e per i porti italiani. Lo studio mette in evidenza che le rotte delle Autostrade del Mare, fra coppie di porti italiani sulla penisola, non rappresentano, almeno attualmente, un’alternativa efficace al trasporto “tutto-strada”; anche se vi sono dei segni di una inversione di tendenza. Le rotte nazionali delle Autostrade del Mare infatti integrano i collegamenti fra la penisola e le isole; le rotte internazionali delle Autostrade del Mare collegano, fondamentalmente, i porti adriatici con porti della penisola balcanica, in particolare quelli posti sull’altra sponda dell’Adriatico, e i porti tirrenici con i porti, europei e nord africani, del Mediterraneo Occidentale. La nota mette infine in evidenza l’evoluzione delle caratteristiche dei servizi delle Autostrade del Mare negli anni 2008, 2010 e 2012. Seguono alcune considerazioni: sulla competitività del traspoto intermodale, basato su Autostrade del Mare, rispetto al tutto-strada ed sulle azioni relative ad azioni di policy volte a migliorare questa competitività

    A serviço do esporte: estudo de caso sobre o marketing de serviços aplicado no funcionamento da Associação Atlética Acadêmica Cláudio Besserman Vianna

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    Estudo de caso que analisa a aplicação dos conceitos de Marketing de Serviços no funcionamento de uma Associação Atlética Acadêmica, no caso, a do curso de Comunicação Social da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), que se dá o nome Cláudio Besserman Vianna. Neste estudo serão definidos os conceitos de Marketing de Serviços, será apresentado um histórico da determinada instituição desde a sua fundação no ano de 2011 até os dias atuais e também uma análise destes conceitos aplicados no seu funcionamento

    Epstein-Barr virus lytic infection promotes activation of Toll-like receptor 8 innate immune response in systemic sclerosis monocytes

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    BACKGROUND: Monocytes/macrophages are activated in several autoimmune diseases, including systemic sclerosis (scleroderma; SSc), with increased expression of interferon (IFN)-regulatory genes and inflammatory cytokines, suggesting dysregulation of the innate immune response in autoimmunity. In this study, we investigated whether the lytic form of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection (infectious EBV) is present in scleroderma monocytes and contributes to their activation in SSc. METHODS: Monocytes were isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) depleted of the CD19+ cell fraction, using CD14/CD16 negative-depletion. Circulating monocytes from SSc and healthy donors (HDs) were infected with EBV. Gene expression of innate immune mediators were evaluated in EBV-infected monocytes from SSc and HDs. Involvement of Toll-like receptor (TLR)8 in viral-mediated TLR8 response was investigated by comparing the TLR8 expression induced by infectious EBV to the expression stimulated by CL075/TLR8/agonist-ligand in the presence of TLR8 inhibitor in THP-1 cells. RESULTS: Infectious EBV strongly induced TLR8 expression in infected SSc and HD monocytes in vitro. Markers of activated monocytes, such as IFN-regulated genes and chemokines, were upregulated in SSc- and HD-EBV-infected monocytes. Inhibiting TLR8 expression reduced virally induced TLR8 in THP-1 infected cells, demonstrating that innate immune activation by infectious EBV is partially dependent on TLR8. Viral mRNA and proteins were detected in freshly isolated SSc monocytes. Microarray analysis substantiated the evidence of an increased IFN signature and altered level of TLR8 expression in SSc monocytes carrying infectious EBV compared to HD monocytes. CONCLUSION: This study provides the first evidence of infectious EBV in monocytes from patients with SSc and links EBV to the activation of TLR8 and IFN innate immune response in freshly isolated SSc monocytes. This study provides the first evidence of EBV replication activating the TLR8 molecular pathway in primary monocytes. Immunogenicity of infectious EBV suggests a novel mechanism mediating monocyte inflammation in SSc, by which EBV triggers the innate immune response in infected cells

    Recent advances in the surgical care of breast cancer patients

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    A tremendous improvement in every aspect of breast cancer management has occurred in the last two decades. Surgeons, once solely interested in the extipartion of the primary tumor, are now faced with the need to incorporate a great deal of information, and to manage increasingly complex tasks

    Carvacrol- and Cardanol-Containing 1,3-Dioxolan-4-ones as Comonomers for the Synthesis of Functional Polylactide-Based Materials

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    1,3-Dioxolan-4-one (DOX) chemistry was exploited for the synthesis of poly(lactic acid) (PLA)-based copolymers. A new DOX monomer, bearing the naturally occurring carvacrol (CarvDOX) as a pendant, ..

    Pyeloplasty techniques using minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in pediatric patients

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    Abstract Hydronephrosis is the most common presentation of ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction. We reviewed literature, collecting data from Medline, to evaluate the current status of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) approach to pyeloplasty. Since the first pyeloplasty was described in 1939, several techniques has been applied to correct UPJ obstruction, but Anderson-Hynes dismembered pyeloplasty is established as the gold standard, to date also in MIS technique. According to literature several studies underline the safety and effectiveness of this approach for both trans- and retro-peritoneal routes, with a success rate between 81-100% and an operative time between 90-228 min. These studies have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of this procedure in the management of UPJ obstruction in children. Whether better the transperitoneal, than the retroperitoneal approach is still debated. A long learning curve is needed especially in suturing and knotting
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