409 research outputs found

    Nonperturbative renomalization group for Einstein gravity with matter

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    we investigate the exact renormalization group (RG) in Einstein gravity coupled to N-component scalar field, working in the effective average action formalism and background field method. The truncated evolution equation is obtained for the Newtonian and cosmological constants. We have shown that screening or antiscreening behaviour of the gravitational coupling depends cricially on the choice of scalar-gravitational ξ\xi and the number of scalar fields.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, a few typos correcte

    Parent-child play and the emergence of externalizing and internalizing behavior problems in childhood: A systematic review

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    It has widely been accepted that play has a major role in human development. The play situation is considered a save and controlled space in which children can learn to express their problems and to regulate their emotions, thus promoting emotional and behavioral adjustment. In early childhood, this process is thought to emerge in close interaction with caregivers. Parent-child play is thus viewed as an ideal window for parents to connect with their children and to support them in their social-emotional development. In this preregistered systematic review, we sought to integrate evidence from developmental and clinical psychology to shed more light on the role of parents in the relationship between parent-child play and children's behavioral adjustment as expressed in internalizing or externalizing behavior. Our review revealed that increased harsh control during play interactions as well as a lack of parental responsiveness, warmth and sensitivity were found to be associated with increased behavioral problems. Yet, no protective effect of warmth or responsiveness could be found in the context of risk groups. Moreover, the included studies indicated that positive affect expressed by parents during parent-child play was associated with fewer behavior problems in children, while negative affect was associated with more behavior problems. In general, this review revealed that quality and quantity of playful parent-child interactions were reduced in children with behavioral problems of both domains compared to children without behavioral problems. These findings illustrate the important role of parental characteristics during play interactions and their possible impact on children's behavioral adjustment

    Humor in psychiatry: Lessons from neuroscience, psychopathology, and treatment research

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    Humor is a ubiquitous human characteristic that is socially motivated at its core and has a broad range of significant positive effects on emotional well-being and interpersonal relationships. Simultaneously, however, impairments in humor abilities have often been described in close association with the occurrence and course of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, social anxiety, or depression. In the past decade, research in the neuroimaging and psychiatric domain has substantially progressed to (i) characterize impaired humor as an element of psychopathology, and (ii) shed light on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the role of humor in neuropsychiatric diseases. However, (iii) targeted interventions using concepts of positive psychology have revealed first evidence that a systematic training and/or a potential reactivation of humor-related skills can improve rehabilitative outcome in neuropsychiatric patient groups. Here, we sought to integrate evidence from neuroscience, as well as from psychopathology and treatment research to shed more light on the role of humor in psychiatry. Based on these considerations, we provide directions for future research and application in mental health services, focusing on the question of how our scientific understanding of humor can provide the basis for psychological interventions that foster positive attitudes and well-being

    Gauge Dependence of the Effective Average Action in Einstein Gravity

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    We study the gauge dependence of the effective average action Gamma_k and Newtonian gravitational constant using the RG equation for Gamma_k. Then we truncate the space of action functionals to get a solution of this equation. We solve the truncated evolution equation for the Einstein gravity in the De Sitter background for a general gauge parameter alpha and obtain a system of equations for the cosmological and the Newtonian constants. Analyzing the running of the gravitational constant we find that the Newtonian constant depends strongly on the gauge parameter. This leads to the appearance of antiscreening and screening behavior of the quantum gravity. The resolution of the gauge dependence problem is suggested. For physical gauges like the Landau-De Witt gauge the Newtonian constant shows an antiscreening.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure, misprints correcte

    Antagonism between brain regions relevant for cognitive control and emotional memory facilitates the generation of humorous ideas

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    The ability to generate humor gives rise to positive emotions and thus facilitate the successful resolution of adversity. Although there is consensus that inhibitory processes might be related to broaden the way of thinking, the neural underpinnings of these mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we use functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a humorous alternative uses task and a stroop task, to investigate the brain mechanisms underlying the emergence of humorous ideas in 24 subjects. Neuroimaging results indicate that greater cognitive control abilities are associated with increased activation in the amygdala, the hippocampus and the superior and medial frontal gyrus during the generation of humorous ideas. Examining the neural mechanisms more closely shows that the hypoactivation of frontal brain regions is associated with an hyperactivation in the amygdala and vice versa. This antagonistic connectivity is concurrently linked with an increased number of humorous ideas and enhanced amygdala responses during the task. Our data therefore suggests that a neural antagonism previously related to the emergence and regulation of negative affective responses, is linked with the generation of emotionally positive ideas and may represent an important neural pathway supporting mental health

    Corticolimbic dysfunction during facial and prosodic emotional recognition in first-episode psychosis patients and individuals at ultra-high risk

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    Emotional processing dysfunction is widely reported in patients with chronic schizophrenia and first-episode psychosis (FEP), and has been linked to functional abnormalities of corticolimbic regions. However, corticolimbic dysfunction is less studied in people at ultra-high risk for psychosis (UHR), particularly during processing prosodic voices. We examined corticolimbic response during an emotion recognition task in 18 UHR participants and compared them with 18 FEP patients and 21 healthy controls (HC). Emotional recognition accuracy and corticolimbic response were measured during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using emotional dynamic facial and prosodic voice stimuli. Relative to HC, both UHR and FEP groups showed impaired overall emotion recognition accuracy. Whilst during face trials, both UHR and FEP groups did not show significant differences in brain activation relative to HC, during voice trials, FEP patients showed reduced activation across corticolimbic networks including the amygdala. UHR participants showed a trend for increased response in the caudate nucleus during the processing of emotionally valenced prosodic voices relative to HC. The results indicate that corticolimbic dysfunction seen in FEP patients is also present, albeit to a lesser extent, in an UHR cohort, and may represent a neural substrate for emotional processing difficulties prior to the onset of florid psychosis

    Effective Average Action in N=1 Super-Yang-Mills Theory

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    For N=1 Super-Yang-Mills theory we generalize the effective average action Gamma_k in a manifest supersymmetric way using the superspace formalism. The exact evolution equation for Gamma_k is derived and, introducing as an application a simple truncation, the standard one-loop beta-function of N=1 SYM theory is obtained.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, some remarks added, misprints corrected, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Is Quantum Einstein Gravity Nonperturbatively Renormalizable?

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    We find considerable evidence supporting the conjecture that four-dimensional Quantum Einstein Gravity is ``asymptotically safe'' in Weinberg's sense. This would mean that the theory is likely to be nonperturbatively renormalizable and thus could be considered a fundamental (rather than merely effective) theory which is mathematically consistent and predictive down to arbitrarily small length scales. For a truncated version of the exact flow equation of the effective average action we establish the existence of a non-Gaussian renormalization group fixed point which is suitable for the construction of a nonperturbative infinite cutoff-limit. The truncation ansatz includes the Einstein-Hilbert action and a higher derivative term.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 3 figure