3 research outputs found


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    Sex education or information provision about sexual problems to adolescents is an important thing, where the goal is to maintain and respect their bodies. Sex education itself is widely provided by institutions that provide health services for adolescents, one of them is Sebaya PKBI Jawa Timur who do counseling to adolescents in Surabaya. They give informations to the audience using slide power point and metaplan as their media, but the delivery of the information is less interactive and informative. This shortcomings makes it difficult for an audience in the 10-19 years age group to understand the information presented. After knowing the problem, collecting theoretical basis about Infographic, Sexual Reproduction, Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV / AIDS, doing analysis on similar media and system requirement analysis, then Media Visualization of Sex Education for SeBAYA’s Counseling will be created. Character design stage until page design will be implemented in this Final Project. Media Visualization of Sex Education for SeBAYA’s Counseling has some menu such as Home, Select Materials, About SeBAYA, Credit. Select Materials Menu containing infographic videos about Puberty, Gender, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Teen Rights. About SeBAYA menu contains information about SeBAYA Organization. Credit menu contains information about the author, lecturers, and audio sources used in the program. This application is implemented using Adobe Illustrator CS6, Adobe Animate CC, Adobe After Effect CS6, and Garage Band. After the implementation phase, the trial and evaluation stage are performed. The results of the trial states are Media Visualization of Sex Education for SeBAYA’s Counseling is an interesting media and can help in counseling about Sex Education


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    Sex education or information provision about sexual problems to adolescents is an important thing, where the goal is to maintain and respect their bodies. Sex education itself is widely provided by institutions that provide health services for adolescents, one of them is Sebaya PKBI Jawa Timur who do counseling to adolescents in Surabaya. They give informations to the audience using slide power point and metaplan as their media, but the delivery of the information is less interactive and informative. This shortcomings makes it difficult for an audience in the 10-19 years age group to understand the information presented. After knowing the problem, collecting theoretical basis about Infographic, Sexual Reproduction, Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV / AIDS, doing analysis on similar media and system requirement analysis, then Media Visualization of Sex Education for SeBAYA’s Counseling will be created. Character design stage until page design will be implemented in this Final Project. Media Visualization of Sex Education for SeBAYA’s Counseling has some menu such as Home, Select Materials, About SeBAYA, Credit. Select Materials Menu containing infographic videos about Puberty, Gender, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Teen Rights. About SeBAYA menu contains information about SeBAYA Organization. Credit menu contains information about the author, lecturers, and audio sources used in the program. This application is implemented using Adobe Illustrator CS6, Adobe Animate CC, Adobe After Effect CS6, and Garage Band. After the implementation phase, the trial and evaluation stage are performed. The results of the trial states are Media Visualization of Sex Education for SeBAYA’s Counseling is an interesting media and can help in counseling about Sex Education

    Pembuatan Media Visualisasi Pendidikan Seks Pranikah untuk Penyuluhan SeBAYA

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    Pendidikan seks atau pemberian informasi mengenai masalah seksual kepada remaja merupakan hal yang penting melihat tujuan dari pembelajaran tersebut adalah agar manusia dapat menjaga dan menghormati tubuh mereka. Pendidikan seks sendiri sebenarnya sudah banyak diberikan oleh lembaga-lembaga yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan pada remaja, salah satunya adalah SeBAYA PKBI Jawa Timur yang melakukan penyuluhan kepada kalangan remaja di Surabaya. Pemberian materi pada target audiensi yang berjumlah besar disampaikan menggunakan bantuan media slide power point dan metaplan, namun penyampaian materi pendidikan seks tersebut kurang interaktif dan informatif. Kelemahan tersebut menyulitkan audiens dengan rentang umur 10-19 untuk memahami materi yang sedang disampaikan. Setelah mengetahui pemasalahan, mengumpulkan dasar teori mengenai CTNUOWJNQXÀĀFZKMWYJXÀĀAMTLMWÀĀBJRĀDMXMPJYJTĀHMRXZJSĀGMVWULZRXQÀĀCTNMRXQĀEMTZSJWĀHMRXZJSĀLJTĀBCIÁ C HÀĀmelakukan analisis terhadap media sejenis serta analisis kebutuhan sistem, maka akan dibuat Media Visualisasi Pendidikan Seks Pranikah untuk Penyuluhan SeBAYA. Tahap desain karakter hingga desain halaman akan diimplementasikan pada Tugas Akhir ini. Media Visualisasi Pendidikan Seks Pranikah untuk Penyuluhan SeBAYA memiliki beberapa menu yaitu Home, Pilih Materi, Tentang SeBAYA, Kredit. Menu Pilih Materi berisi video infografis dengan materi Pubertas, Gender, Infeksi Menular Seksual, dan Hak Remaja. Menu Tentang SeBAYA berisi informasi tentang Organisasi SeBAYA. Menu Kredit berisi tentang informasi pembuat, kedua pembimbing, dan sumber audio yang digunakan pada Media Visualisasi Pendidikan Seks Pranikah untuk Penyuluhan SeBAYA. Aplikasi ini diimplementasikan menggunakan Adobe Illustrator CS6, Adobe Animate CC, Adobe After Effect CS6, sertaGarage Band. Setelah tahap implementasi, dilakukan tahapan uji coba dan evaluasi. Hasil dari uji coba menyatakan bahwa aplikasi Media Visualisasi Pendidikan Seks Pranikah untuk Penyuluhan SeBAYA menarik serta dapat membantu dalam penyuluhan tentang materi Pendidikan Seks Pranikah