26 research outputs found


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    There are several kinds of governance systems in the world such as the presidential and parliamentary. Each system has advantages and disadvantages of government, characteristics, and individual differences. But it also has a system of government which makes it a perfect indicator, while Indonesia adheres to a presidential system and a multiparty system as well. The problem is when these two systems can not run well because the two systems should not constitute a suitable system


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    There are several kinds of governance systems in the world such as the presidential and parliamentary. Each system has advantages and disadvantages of government, characteristics, and individual differences. But it also has a system of government which makes it a perfect indicator, while Indonesia adheres to a presidential system and a multiparty system as well. The problem is when these two systems can not run well because the two systems should not constitute a suitable system


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    The Purpose of this paper research is to find out how the framing conducted by Kompas.com Media Associated with alleged blasphemy by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, and want to see more about the procedures or techniques used by Kompas.com in placing and positioning related news the issues of sara or blasphemy by Ahok. As for analyzing this, the writer used the framing model of Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki, in which there are 4 types of structure, namely, syntactic structure (the way journalists compile facts), script structures (how journalists tell facts), thematic structures (how journalist write facts) and rhetorical structure (the way journalist emphasize facts). As well as looking at the relationship between the media and politics in the Ahok case with media and political theory.In writing this paper the writer used qualitative methods. The results of this research Media Kompas.com appear neutral in reporting the news by presenting many sources, imformants and imformation in supporting the news reported. However, on the other hand, Kompas.com indirectly made certain protests in certain directions with a point of view that aligned with the suspect Basuki Tjahaja Purnama on the news displayed by Kompas.co

    Menguatnya Ikatan Patronase dalam Perpolitikan Indonesia

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    This paper intends to see how the strengthening of patronage ties in Indonesian politicstoday is strengthened. The political euphoria in Indonesia is increasingly interesting, thearticle of political essence that occurs is not only about pure politics, but has beencontaminated with various elements and interests. This is what makes the political elitemust have a precise strategy to strengthen their position. This paper uses qualitativemethods, descriptive and found that the strengthening of patronage ties in Indonesianpolitics is caused by mutual need or mutualism symbiosis between political elites andvarious elements such as community organizations for example

    Media Sosial sebagai Sarana Komunikasi di Era Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia

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    The Covid-19 pandemic, which has caused social and political restrictions on activities, has pushed people to shift their communication virtually. On the other hand, the tendency to interact via social media is increasing. Therefore, this paper discusses more about social media as communication facilities in times of pandemic. Using the Digital Naturals concept and the uses and gratification theory, communication via social media is dominant during the Covid-19 pandemic. Social media became one of the channels to fulfill the communication needs of the society during the pandemic. Fulfilling this need then becomes a differentiator for the community to choose of social media

    Media Sosial sebagai Sarana Komunikasi di Era Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia

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    The Covid-19 pandemic, which has caused social and political restrictions on activities, has pushed people to shift their communication virtually. On the other hand, the tendency to interact via social media is increasing. Therefore, this paper discusses more about social media as communication facilities in times of pandemic. Using the Digital Naturals concept and the uses and gratification theory, communication via social media is dominant during the Covid-19 pandemic. Social media became one of the channels to fulfill the communication needs of the society during the pandemic. Fulfilling this need then becomes a differentiator for the community to choose of social media

    Transformasi Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pemilukada DKI Jakarta 2017

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    This paper analyzes the transformation of public participation in the election of regional heads in DKI Jakarta in 2017. In the 2017 Jakarta Regional Head Election, the people participation is very high, one of which is seen from various actions during the election period. The formerly passive society suddenly became participatory. The people of DKI Jakarta, known as apathetic, become very concerned. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with a review of participation theory. The hypothesis of this study that the change of society from passive and apathetic tendency to political contestation become active and participative society because a very crucial factor is the existence of actors who "attract"


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    Tulisan ini ingin melihat bagaimana pelembagaan partai PDIP yang selama ini dikenal sebagai partai besar dan hebat. Banyaknya etnis Tionghoa didalam partai tersebut menjadi tantangan tersendiri karena tidak mudah menjaga kelembagaan suatu partai ketika partai tersebut didominasi oleh etnis tertentu. Dengan menggunakan teori pelembagaan partai dan dipadukan dengan metode kualitatif analisis wacana, hipotesanya adalah bahwa dengan banyaknya etnis Tionghoa di dalam Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) membuat partai tersebut menjadi tidak otonom dengan adanya beberapa kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh partai PDIP yang pro-China dan sangat menguntungkan etnis Tionghoa. 

    E-Planning Sebagai Kontribusi Sustainable Development Goals dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah di Kota Tarempa

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    Penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman tentang bagaimana sistem E- planning telah digunakan dalam desain pembangunan kembali kota Kota Tarempa dan bagaimana hal ini membantu pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan pada tahun 2030. menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif metodologi. Informasi yang diperoleh diperoleh dari interaksi dengan berbagai narasumber yang berkantor di Bappeda Kota Tarempa. Menurut hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, implementasi E-Planning yang efektif di Bappeda Kota Tarempa dapat dikaitkan dengan transparansi peraturan perundang-undangan, ketersediaan infrastruktur teknis, aksesibilitas sumber daya keuangan, serta pengetahuan tentang tenaga kerja lokal. Pemanfaatan E-Planning menghasilkan beberapa keuntungan, yang paling menonjol adalah peningkatan akurasi, produktivitas, dan keterbukaan perencanaan pembangunan. Implementasi Sustainable Development Goals pada sektor e-government melalui e-planning yang komprehensif, akurat, dan efisien akan bermuara pada penurunan emisi, peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah sebagai hasil perencanaan program pembangunan jangka panjang , dan maksimalisasi manajemen risiko selama proses pembangunan, yang semuanya akan menghasilkan populasi dan komunitas yang lebih produktif. Akibatnya, transisi ke digital dapat memainkan peran penting sebagai pendorong utama perubahan di dalam pemerintahan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang luas dan inklusif, pembangunan sosial, dan perlindungan lingkungan

    Menguatnya Ikatan Patronase dalam Perpolitikan Indonesia

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    This paper intends to see how the strengthening of patronage ties in Indonesian politicstoday is strengthened. The political euphoria in Indonesia is increasingly interesting, thearticle of political essence that occurs is not only about pure politics, but has beencontaminated with various elements and interests. This is what makes the political elitemust have a precise strategy to strengthen their position. This paper uses qualitativemethods, descriptive and found that the strengthening of patronage ties in Indonesianpolitics is caused by mutual need or mutualism symbiosis between political elites andvarious elements such as community organizations for example