227 research outputs found

    Physicochemical investigation of NiAl with small molybdenum additions

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    Specimens of four cast NiAl alloys, three of them containing 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 at. % Mo., were homogenized for 10, 10, and 140 hr at 1373, 1523 and 1273 K, respectively, then kept at 1073, 1173 and 1323 K for 60, 120 and 3 hr, respectively, and quenched in icy water. The precipitation of a metastable Ni3Mo phase was observed at temperatures between 1073 and 1523 K. Molybdenum substituted for nickel was found to inhibit the lattice disordering in NiAl at 1073 and 1523 K

    Tactics of managing a patient with fatty liver disease coursing in the background of a polyorgan digestive tract: clinical observation

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    Preparations of glycyrrhizic acid (GA) and ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) are effective in the treatment of various forms of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurring against the background of duodeno-gastroesophageal reflux. However, their effectiveness in the treatment of hologenic diarrhea and reflux gastritis has not been sufficiently studied. Currently, there are no clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with hologenic diarrhea and reflux gastritis, including those with obesity and NAFLD. It is assumed that the combined administration of GA and UDCA can be accompanied by a mutual potentiation of the effect of the drugs. The article presents a clinical case of a patient with NAFLD, obesity, dyslipidemia, GERD, refractory to treatment with proton pump inhibitors, associated with duodenogastroesophageal reflux, reflux gastritis and hologenic diarrhea. It was shown that GERD, reflux gastritis, and hologenic diarrhea developed in the long-term period after cholecystectomy. At the same time, the appointment of a complex preparation containing GA (35 mg) and UDCA (250 mg) made it possible to stop the manifestations of a typical reflux syndrome in patients with a form of GERD refractory to proton pump inhibitors, reflux gastritis, and diarrheal syndrome associated with an excess of bile acids, improve lipid profile parameters. It has been shown that the administration of GA (35 mg) and UDCA (250 mg) can improve the parameters of the intestinal microbiome and lipid metabolism, which can be used in the treatment of patients with atherogenic dyslipidemia. At the same time, patients with comorbid pathology, including NAFLD, GERD, reflux esophagitis, hologenic diarrhea, and dyslipidemia require long-term maintenance therapy with GA (35 mg) and UDCA (250 mg)

    How do Russian Researchers Evaluate Grants as a Tool for the Development of Science?

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    Актуальность рассматриваемой проблемы связана с активной модернизацией в России сектора исследований и разработок, которая происходит в условиях существующих ограничений. С одной стороны, имеется запрос на научно-технологический суверенитет, повышение ответственности ученых за технологическое и социально-экономическое развитие страны. С другой, происходит переоценка различных инструментов поддержки деятельности ученых, влияющих на их положение, репутацию, карьеру. В статье представлены данные массового социологического опроса грантополучателей (N=1700), проведенного в 2022 году. В нем приняли участие более 60 российских регионов и более 80 организаций, подведомственных Минобрнауки России. По материалам опроса отмечается значимая роль грантовой поддержки научных фондов для сохранения и развития потенциала ученых, привлечения новых исследователей в науку, создания конкурентоспособного сектора генерации знаний. Анализируются институциональные изменения в деятельности российских научных фондов в восприятии грантополучателей – научных, научно-педагогических работников и административно-управленческого персонала, обозначаются наиболее острые проблемы, затрудняющие получение и выполнение грантов российскими исследователями в текущих условиях. Новизна исследования заключается в том, что впервые был проведен массовый опрос грантополучателей российских научных фондов, позволивший выявить наиболее значимые функции грантов: экономическую функцию; функцию селективного отбора, влияющую на конкуренцию среди исследователей; символическую функцию, отражающуюся на репутации ученых, научных школ, исследовательских команд; позитивное влияние на развитие исследовательских компетенций, карьеры ученых, научного потенциала высшей школы и др. Эмпирическую базу статьи представляют материалы, собранные при помощи анкетного опроса. Для обработки материалов исследования применялись количественный анализ и анализ содержания открытых вопросов. Обработка количественных данных проведена с использованием программы SPSS, материалы открытых вопросов анализировались с применением методов обобщения и систематизации. Выявлены позитивные эффекты грантовой поддержки, влияющие на результаты научно-исследовательской деятельности ученых, а также проблемы, волнующие грантополучателей, встречающиеся в открытых вопросах. Анализируются риски при реализации научно-исследовательских проектов в связи с санкционными ограничениями, введенными в 2022 году. Результаты исследования могут быть учтены при выработке подходов к формированию политики финансирования научной деятельности в России, возможных направлений дальнейшей грантовой поддержки ученых с учетом мнения научного сообщества и поиска новых механизмов поддержки молодых исследователей.The problem under consideration is connected with the active modernization of the research and development sector in Russia, which takes place under existing restrictions. On the one hand, there is a request for scientific and technological sovereignty, increasing the scholars’ responsibility for the social and economic development of the country. On the other hand, the impact of various tools to support the scientists’ activity, these tools affecting their position, reputation and career, is being re-assessed. The article presents data from a 2022 mass sociological survey of grantees (N=1700) from more than 60 Russian regions and more than 80 organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. The survey materials showed the significant role of funds’ grant support for the preservation and development of the scholars’ scientific potential, for attracting new researchers, and for creating a competitive knowledge generation sector. The article analyzes the institutional changes in the activities of Russian scientific foundations as perceived by grantees – scientific and pedagogical workers, administrative and managerial staff. There are identified the most acute problems that make it difficult for Russian researchers to receive grants and to fulfill corresponding requirements in today’s conditions. For the first time a mass survey of grantees of Russian scientific foundations was conducted, which allowed identifying the most significant functions of grants: economic function; selective function affecting competition among researchers; symbolic function affecting the reputation of scientists, scientific schools, research teams; positive impact on the development of research competencies, careers of scientists, the scientific potential of the higher school, etc. The empirical base of the article is represented by materials collected within a questionnaire survey. The methods of quantitative analysis and content analysis of the open questions were used to process the research materials. Quantitative data processing was carried out using the SPSS program; materials of open questions were analyzed using methods of generalization and systematization. As a result, there were distinguished the positive effects of grant support over scientists’ research activities, as well as the grantees’ problems to be concerned. The risks of research projects non-completion in connection with the sanctions restrictions imposed in 2022 are analyzed. The results of the study can be taken into account when developing approaches to the formation of a policy for financing scientific activities in Russia, when working out possible directions for further scientists’ support, and when searching for new mechanisms to support young researchers.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Минобрнауки России в рамках государственного задания РИЭПП № 075‑01614‑22‑01 от 11.05.2022 г. (проект «Организационно-техническое и информационно-аналитическое сопровождение мониторинга инструментов поддержки молодых исследователей в научно-технологической сфере»).The study was financially supported by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science within the framework of the state task РИЭПП № 075‑01614‑22‑01 dated May 11, 2022 (project «Organizational, Technical and Information and Analytical Support for Monitoring Tools to Support Young Researchers in the Scientific and Technological Field»)


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    В статье рассматривается модель исследовательских компетенций, необходимых для научно-исследовательской работы. На основе компетентностно-деятельностного подхода авторы выделяют общие (инструментальные, межличностные и личностные) и профессиональные (общепрофессиональные и специальные) компетенции личности специалиста. Данные компетенции анализируются на довузовском, вузовском и послевузовском уровнях системы образования. Разрабатываемая модель исследовательских компетенций рассматривается как основа для создания системы управления качеством научно-исследовательской деятельности в университетском комплексе.The article views the model of research competences required for research work. On the basis of competence and activity aproach authors make a differentiation between general (instrumental, interpersonal, personal) and professional (general professional and special) competences of a specialist's individuality.The given competences is being analysed throutout the pre-university, undergraduate and graduate levels of educational system. The model of research competences is regarded as a basis for establishing a quality management system in research activity conducted at a university complex

    Microbiological diagnostics of pyoinflammatory abdominal diseases

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    The aim of the work was to establish the significance of complex bacteriological research in the diagnostics of acute appendicitis and to determine an optimal material for the research based on the findings. We examined 19 patients with acute phlegmonous or acute gangrenous appendicitis (males, aged 18-60 years). We performed bacteriological research of abdominal exudate (n = 19) and biopsy specimen (n = l9) of appendix wall taken before opening the lumen of the intestine. Both abdominal exudate and appendix wall specimen were taken at the same time. Aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms were detected and identified, antimicrobial susceptibility was tested. In total, we detected 25 strains of aerobic and 13 strains of anaerobic microorganisms. It has been established that a bioptate was most informative for testing (68.4 %); the parallel study of an abdominal exudate gave positive results in 21.1 % of cases. In the structure of clinically significant microflora dominated E. coli (43.3 %), then went nonfermentative gram-negative bacteria (13.3 %) and Bacteroides spp. (16.7 %). We marked growing resistance of detected strains of gram-negative bacteria to some antibiotics. For instance, 62 % of detected E. coli strains were resistant to ampicillin, 25 % - to ciprofloxacin. 92 % of strains were resistant to cefepime, 93 % -to ceftriaxone, 77 % - to Amoxiclav, 67 % - to gentamicin, 90 % - to tobramycin. From one bioptate a strain of E. coli ESBL was separated. The study of intraoperative bioptate of appendix wall increases effectiveness of microbiological diagnostics in comparison with the abdominal exudate research

    Tricalcium Phosphate Ceramics Doped with Silver, Copper, Zinc, and Iron (III) Ions in Concentrations of Less Than 0.5 wt.% for Bone Tissue Regeneration

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Novel materials with a variety of properties, such as biocompatibility, antibacterial activity, interconnected porosity, and functionalities combined in one, are required for regenerative medicine. Porous β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) ceramics doped with Cu2+, Zn2+, Ag+, and Fe3+ ions in the concentrations of less than 0.5 wt.% were synthesized and investigated. The obtained samples were analyzed by the diversity of analytical tools. The structure, solubility, and antimicrobial properties of the porous ceramics are shown to be very sensitive to the presence and the type of the cationic substituent. It opens the way to manage structure and properties of the materials for bone tissue regeneration by co-doping of the initial matrix simultaneously with different types of substituent ions

    Organizational conflicts during universities transformation: Destruam et aedificabo

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    Introduction. The authors tackle the topical problem of assessing the conflict level between subidentical groups: “management academics” (professors and lectures staff) and “academic managers” (administrative managing staff). The aim of the paper is to construct a new method of quantitative assessment of the conflict level between professional groups generated by the organizational culture; to study the dynamics of the change in the conflict level between professional and age-based cohorts existing in Russian universities. Materials and Methods. In this study, the conflict level is defined as a difference of common cultural vectors found for each of target age-groups, demonstrating generations' behavioral features and their professional competence, set up as the result of analysis of expert assessments with the help of organizational culture methods developed by the Organizational Cultural Assessment Instrument of K. Сameron and R. Quinn. Empirical data are taken from sociological research involving 384 respondents from 18 universities representing 12 regions of the Russian Federation. Results. It is shown that activity of the considered target bunches is under significant influence of hierarchical (bureaucratic) organizational culture. This objective circumstance of proceeding transformation processes forms the basis for fragmentation of existing academic identity into those intra-university bunches which are combined both in terms of valuable patterns of generations and patterns formed under the influence of social and economic conditions. Interference of various age-grade valuable patterns under permanent current transformation invokes escalation of strife, its minimum level is reached in identical age-grades of professors and lectures staff (“management academics”) and administrative managing staff (“academic managers”). A certain influence on the level of conflicts between the target groups under consideration is produced by the degree of goals adequacy and objectives of the university available resources (competence, material, technical, and financial base). Discussion and Conclusion. The novelty of the conducted research lies in consideration of conflict problems in universities arisen from the increasing differentiation of general cultural vectors of university communities. Complex, sustainable and reproducible nature of this social phenomenon, linking together both value and behavioral aspects of university communities, requires a transformation of research tactics. The research materials might be useful in practical work of heads of universities as scientific and methodological recommendations for the study and prediction of conflict processes in universities. © 2019 National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Fundamental Investigations, RFFI18-411-130018р_а, The authors received the support of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research and the Government of the Republic of Mordovia within the framework of Project 18-411-130018р_а “The organizational culture of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Mordovia (at the example of the innovative and industrial clusters)”; the article also relies on results obtained in the course of Project No. within the framework of the Program for Boosting Competitiveness of National Research Tomsk State University


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    The public demand for quality or quality education is increasing. This phenomenon is at least influenced by two main factors namely; factors of globalization challenges and parents' awareness of the need for quality or quality education for their children. Another phenomenon that is not less interesting, today many schools are qualified and give more religious content became the first choice for parents, this condition is a challenge as well as opportunities for Senior High School  (MA) Muhammadiyah Metro City to rise from the shackles of dualism that is artificial and dualism management at once showcasing the various advantages that can be an attraction at the same time can invite public interest to make this institution as an option for the continuation of their children's education. This study aims to analyze management and strategy Implementation of the curriculum in realizing Senior High School (MA) Muhammadiyah Metro City Becomes a Superior School. This type of research is descriptive qualitative in which the data collection in this study was conducted by the method of observation, interview, and documentation study. Data that have been collected is then analyzed descriptively qualitative to then drawn conclusions. The results of this study will show that the management and implementation strategy of the curriculum in realizing Senior High School Muhammadiyah Metro City becomes a superior school. The results of this study recommend to management tiem in the implementation of the curriculum in realizing Senior High School Muhammadiyah Metro City Becomes a Superior School

    Административные барьеры развития малого и среднего предпринимательства в Республике Мордовия: материалы практического исследования

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    Purpose of the study. Small and medium enterprises in foreign countries provide about 50% of GDP and almost 60% of industrial employment. In terms of its role in the economy, entrepreneurship in Russia is inferior to many countries, including the United States, Ireland, Japan, Italy, etc. The main priorities for the development of the sphere of entrepreneurship in Russia include improving the conditions for doing business, simplifying tax reporting, access to concessional financing, and improving the procurement system and others. Among the negative aspects of state regulation that hinder the development of small and medium-sized businesses, administrative barriers can be singled out. According to experts, due to the presence of excessive administrative barriers, the size of the country's "frozen" potential for economic growth is 5-7%. In this regard, there is a need for a statistical assessment of the conditions for doing business at the regional level for the subsequent determination of directions for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of state (municipal) authorities and identifying reserves for improving the business environment.Materials and methods. As an information base for the study, we used the data of the Federal State Statistics Service for 2019, as well as the results of monitoring the conditions for the activities of small and medium-sized businesses in the region, conducted by the State Treasury Institution of the Republic of Mordovia "Scientific Center for Socio-Economic Monitoring". The empirical research base included quantitative data from mass representative surveys of the business community for the period from 2014 to 2019. In addition to surveys of representatives of the business community, expert surveys were conducted, the selection of which was carried out on the basis of the experience of entrepreneurship and their belonging to formalized regional structures of entrepreneurs. The number of experts participating in the study ranged from 40 to 50 people.Results. As of January 1, 2019, there were 2,659.9 thousand small enterprises operating in the Russian Federation. Per 10,000 people, with an average of 156 in the Volga Federal District, the highest indicator was recorded in the Samara region (216 small enterprises), the lowest – in the Republic of Mordovia (86 small enterprises). The study demonstrates a steady decline in the scale of economic activity and the number of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Mordovia. The study confirmed the existence of administrative barriers to entrepreneurial activity in the region, which are manifested both at the initial stage of doing business and during long-term conduct. Within the framework of the study, proposals were formulated to reduce administrative barriers and create a favorable business environment. In the current socio-economic situation, the main measures to support entrepreneurship are to reduce tax rates and introduce a preferential tax system. Support measures that are significant for business are also a decrease in interest rates, an increase in the availability of credit, the provision of incentives for energy resources, and control over the pricing policy of services of natural monopolies. Along with institutional measures, it is necessary to disseminate various forms of entrepreneurship training and mentoring, which are widespread in foreign practice.Цель исследования. Малое и среднее предпринимательство в зарубежных странах обеспечивает около 50% ВВП и почти 60% производственной занятости. По своей роли в экономике предпринимательство России уступает многим странам, среди которых США, Ирландия, Япония, Италия и др. К основным приоритетам развития сферы предпринимательства в России относятся улучшение условий ведения предпринимательской деятельности, упрощение налоговой отчетности, доступ к льготному финансированию, совершенствование системы закупок и др. Среди негативных сторон государственного регулирования, препятствующих развитию сферы малого и среднего предпринимательства, можно выделить административные барьеры. Согласно оценкам экспертов, из-за наличия избыточных административных барьеров величина «замороженного» потенциала экономического роста страны составляет 5–7%. В связи с этим возникает потребность в статистической оценке условий ведения предпринимательства на региональном уровне для последующего определения направлений повышения эффективности и результативности деятельности государственных (муниципальных) органов власти и выявления резервов улучшения деловой среды бизнеса.Материалы и методы. В качестве информационной базой исследования использованы данные Федеральной службы государственной статистики за 2019 г., а также результаты мониторинга условий деятельности малого и среднего предпринимательства в регионе, проведенного Государственным казенным учреждением Республики Мордовия «Научный центр социально-экономического мониторинга». Эмпирическая база исследований включала количественные данные массовых репрезентативных опросов предпринимательского сообщества за период с 2014 по 2019 гг. Кроме опросов представителей бизнес-сообщества проводились экспертные опросы, отбор которых осуществлялся на основе стажа предпринимательства и принадлежности их к формализованным региональным структурам предпринимателей. Количество экспертов-участников исследования варьировало от 40 до 50 человек.Результаты. По состоянию на 1 января 2019 г. в Российской Федерации действовало 2659,9 тыс. малых предприятий. В расчете на 10000 человек населения при среднем значении 156 по Приволжскому федеральному округу, наибольший показатель зафиксирован в Самарской области (216 малых предприятий), наименьший – в Республике Мордовия (86 малых предприятий). Исследование демонстрирует устойчивое сокращение масштабов хозяйственной деятельности и числа субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства на территории Республики Мордовия. Проведенное исследование подтвердило наличие административных барьеров для предпринимательской деятельности в регионе, которые проявляются как на начальном этапе ведения бизнеса, так и при длительном ведении. В рамках проведенного исследования сформулированы предложения по сокращению административных барьеров и созданию благоприятной бизнес-среды. В условиях текущей социально-экономической ситуации основными мерами поддержки предпринимательства являются снижение ставок налогообложения и введение льготной системы налогообложения. Значимыми для бизнеса мерами поддержки также являются снижение процентных ставок, повышение доступности кредитования, предоставление льгот на энергоресурсы, контроль за ценовой политикой услуг естественных монополий. Наряду с институциональными мерами, необходимо распространять различные формы обучения предпринимательству и наставничества, которые широко распространены в зарубежной практике

    The relevance of existential experience of time

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    The article is devoted to the philosophy of man and his relation to time within the framework of existentialism. The topic of time in existentialism is very relevant today. What is still important for a modern person: the past, the future or the present?Статья посвящена философии человека и его отношению к времени в рамках экзистенциализма. Тема экзистенциального переживания времени очень востребована в наши дни. Тем самым, возникает вопрос, что же всё-таки важно для современного человека: прошлое, будущее или настоящее