24 research outputs found

    Tratamento endoscópico das perfurações vesicais e uretrais devidas à utilização do suporte suburetral sintético para correção de incontinência urinária de esforço

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    Stress urinary incontinence is a problem that is prevalent in women, and its treatment with minimally invasive techniques using synthetic materials has increased recently, although the procedure has also brought increased occurrence of specific complications such as vesical and urethral perforations. We describe 11 cases of endoscopic correction of vesical and urethral perforations due to the use of synthetic material for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Eleven patients were treated for complications after undergoing the TVT® (tension-free vaginal tape) procedure; 6 of them had the polypropylene tape inside the bladder, and 5 had erosion of the urethra. Endoscopic resection of the polypropylene tapes was performed on all patients. RESULTS: A 6-month follow-up with cystoscopic control showed that the procedures were successful with complete relief of the symptoms except for 1 patient who persisted with the polypropylene tape in the bladder. This patient underwent a new endoscopic resection, and the cystoscopic control exam was normal 3 months later. CONCLUSION: Endoscopic resection of intravesical and intraurethral synthetic tapes can be considered a good alternative for the treatment of complications resulting from the TVT procedure.A incontinência urinária de esforço é um problema prevalente em mulheres. As opções para seu tratamento vêm aumentando nos últimos tempos, havendo um direcionamento para as técnicas minimamente invasivas, com auxílio de material sintético. Com a utilização desses procedimentos, surgiram complicações incomuns, como perfuração vesical e uretral. As complicações estudadas foram devido à utilização de material sintético no tratamento de incontinência urinária de esforço e o tratamento endoscópico empregado. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Onze pacientes foram tratadas com complicações decorrentes do tension-free vaginal tape, seis com faixa de polipropileno dentro da bexiga e cinco com erosão para uretra. Foi realizada ressecção endoscópica em todas as pacientes. RESULTADOS: Uma paciente persistiu com a faixa de polipropileno e foi submetida à nova ressecção endoscópica e cistoscopia controle após três meses era normal. CONCLUSÃO: Realização de ressecção endoscópica de faixas sintéticas intravesicais e intra-uretrais deve ser considerada uma boa alternativa no tratamento dessas complicações

    Violência doméstica e sexual em mulheres e suas repercussões na fase do climatério

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    INTRODUCTION: domestic violence and, particularly, sex can result in higher incidence of comorbidities in the climacteric. OBJECTIVE: to assess the effects of menopause on sexual and domestic violence. METHODS: sectional study in 124 postmenopausal women between 40 and 65, who suffered domestic violence and / or sexual, and a control group (124) composed (climacteric women who did not suffer violence) (N=120). Those who exposed to violence were divided into three groups 1 violence experienced in childhood and adolescence 2- adult phase 3- both phases. Subsequently a questionnaire on domestic and sexual violence was applied.Correlation was established for the intensity of climacteric symptoms measured with Menopausal Kupperman Index (MKI), type of violence experienced, stage of life exposesd to violence comorbidities during menopause, and women's perceptions about the quality of assistance received from the various professionals after the traumatic events. In the control group MKI and number of comorbidities were evaluated. RESULTS: those who have experienced violence in childhood/adolescence have average of 5.1 comorbidities; adulthood 4.6, and 4.4 in both phases, with a median of 5.0 in all phases, without violence (control) 2.8. The victims of sexual violence have more comorbidities compared those who underwent other types of violence. There were significant associations between having suffered any kind of violence in both phases and MKI serious and have suffered sexual violence at any stage of life, and MKI at least moderate. CONCLUSION: women who have experienced domestic and sexual violence have more comorbidities and MKI high compared to the control group.INTRODUÇÃO: a violência doméstica e, particularmente, a sexual pode implicar em maior ocorrência de comorbidades no climatério. OBJETIVO: avaliar as repercussões no climatério da violência domestica e sexual. MÉTODO: estudo transversal em 124 mulheres menopausadas, entre 40 e 65 anos, que sofreram violência doméstica e/ou sexual, e um grupo controle (mulheres na menopausa que não sofreram violência n=120). As expostas à violência foram divididas em três grupos: 1-violência sofrida na infância e/ou adolescência, 2-fase adulta, 3-ambas as fases, e aplicou-se questionário sobre violência doméstica e sexual. Correlacionou-se a intensidade dos sintomas climatéricos medido pelo Índice Menopausal de Kupperman (IK), tipo de violência sofrida, fase da vida exposta à violência, comorbidades apresentadas no climatério e percepções da mulher sobre a forma com que os diversos profissionais acolheram ou não nos eventos traumáticos. No grupo controle avaliamos IK e numero de comorbidades. RESULTADOS: aquelas que sofreram violência na infância/adolescência apresentam media de 5,1 comorbidades; na fase adulta 4,6; e em ambas as fases 4,4, com mediana de 5,0 em todas as fases; sem violência (controle) 2,8. As que sofreram violência sexual apresentam mais comorbidades em relação aquelas que sofreram outros tipos de violência. Houve associações significativas entre ter sofrido qualquer tipo de violência em ambas às fases e IK grave e ter sofrido violência sexual em qualquer fase da vida, e IK no mínimo moderado. CONCLUSÃO: mulheres que sofreram violência doméstica e sexual apresentam mais comorbidades e IK elevado em relação ao grupo controle

    Novos caminhos da Linguística textual: reflexões teóricas sobre o conceito de tradições discursivas e os estudos diacrônicos no português paulista a partir de alguns gêneros impressos do século XIX

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir o conceito de tradições discursivas e apresentar parte das pesquisas que vêm sendo desenvolvidas pelos integrantes do PHPP dentro do subprojeto “Tradições discursivas: constituição e mudança dos gêneros numa perspectivadiacrônica”.This paper aims to discuss the concept of discourse traditions and to show some of the research being developed by members of the subproject within PHPP entitled “Discourse traditions: constitution and change of genre from a diachronic perspective"

    Tratamento endoscópico das perfurações vesicais e uretrais devidas à utilização do suporte suburetral sintético para correção de incontinência urinária de esforço Endoscopic treatment of vesical and urethral perforations after tension-free vaginal tape (TVT®) procedure for female stress urinary incontinence

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    A incontinência urinária de esforço é um problema prevalente em mulheres. As opções para seu tratamento vêm aumentando nos últimos tempos, havendo um direcionamento para as técnicas minimamente invasivas, com auxílio de material sintético. Com a utilização desses procedimentos, surgiram complicações incomuns, como perfuração vesical e uretral. As complicações estudadas foram devido à utilização de material sintético no tratamento de incontinência urinária de esforço e o tratamento endoscópico empregado. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Onze pacientes foram tratadas com complicações decorrentes do tension-free vaginal tape, seis com faixa de polipropileno dentro da bexiga e cinco com erosão para uretra. Foi realizada ressecção endoscópica em todas as pacientes. RESULTADOS: Uma paciente persistiu com a faixa de polipropileno e foi submetida à nova ressecção endoscópica e cistoscopia controle após três meses era normal. CONCLUSÃO: Realização de ressecção endoscópica de faixas sintéticas intravesicais e intra-uretrais deve ser considerada uma boa alternativa no tratamento dessas complicações.Stress urinary incontinence is a problem that is prevalent in women, and its treatment with minimally invasive techniques using synthetic materials has increased recently, although the procedure has also brought increased occurrence of specific complications such as vesical and urethral perforations. We describe 11 cases of endoscopic correction of vesical and urethral perforations due to the use of synthetic material for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Eleven patients were treated for complications after undergoing the TVT® (tension-free vaginal tape) procedure; 6 of them had the polypropylene tape inside the bladder, and 5 had erosion of the urethra. Endoscopic resection of the polypropylene tapes was performed on all patients. RESULTS: A 6-month follow-up with cystoscopic control showed that the procedures were successful with complete relief of the symptoms except for 1 patient who persisted with the polypropylene tape in the bladder. This patient underwent a new endoscopic resection, and the cystoscopic control exam was normal 3 months later. CONCLUSION: Endoscopic resection of intravesical and intraurethral synthetic tapes can be considered a good alternative for the treatment of complications resulting from the TVT procedure

    Arabidopsis and tobacco plants ectopically expressing the soybean antiquitin-like ALDH7 gene display enhanced tolerance to drought, salinity, and oxidative stress

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    Despite extensive studies in eukaryotic aldehyde dehydrogenases, functional information about the ALDH7 antiquitin-like proteins is lacking. A soybean antiquitin homologue gene, designated GmTP55, has been isolated which encodes a dehydrogenase motif-containing 55 kDa protein induced by dehydration and salt stress. GmTP55 is closely related to the stress-induced plant antiquitin-like proteins that belong to the ALDH7 family. Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants constitutively expressing GmTP55 have been obtained in order to examine the physiological role of this enzyme under a variety of stress conditions. Ectopic expression of GmTP55 in both Arabidopsis and tobacco conferred tolerance to salinity during germination and to water deficit during plant growth. Under salt stress, the germination efficiency of both transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis seeds was significantly higher than that of their control counterparts. Likewise, under progressive drought, the transgenic tobacco lines apparently kept the shoot turgidity to a normal level, which contrasted with the leaf wilt phenotype of control plants. The transgenic plants also exhibited an enhanced tolerance to H2O2- and paraquat-induced oxidative stress. Both GmTP55-expressing Arabidopsis and tobacco seeds germinated efficiently in medium supplemented with H2O2, whereas the germination of control seeds was drastically impaired. Similarly, transgenic tobacco leaf discs treated with paraquat displayed a significant reduction in the necrotic lesions as compared with control leaves. These transgenic lines also exhibited a lower concentration of lipid peroxidation-derived reactive aldehydes under oxidative stress. These results suggest that antiquitin may be involved in adaptive responses mediated by a physiologically relevant detoxification pathway in plants

    Novos caminhos da Linguística textual: reflexões teóricas sobre o conceito de tradições discursivas e os estudos diacrônicos no português paulista a partir de alguns gêneros impressos do século XIX

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    This paper aims to discuss the concept of discourse traditions and to show some of the research being developed by members of the subproject within PHPP entitled “Discourse traditions: constitution and change of genre from a diachronic perspective"