17 research outputs found

    Caracterização de Onze Linhagens Puras de Guandu Selecionadas em São Carlos, SP.

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    Objetivou-se caracterizar morfologicamente e descrever o ciclo vegetativo de 11 linhagens de guandu previamente selecionadas por diversos critérios agronômicos e submetidas a processos de autofecundação, seleção e multiplicação, com vistas à obtenção de linhagens puras. A descrição foi efetuada com base em descritores internacionalmente aceitos para a espécie e concluiu-se que as 11 linhagens apresentaram características morfológicas distintas, pelas quais podem ser facilmente identificadas

    Critérios para a definição da área de estudo e do banco de dados destinados à modelagem da dinâmica espacial de sub-bacias sob expansão da palma de óleo na Amazônia brasileira.

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    Resumo: A modelagem ambiental tem se mostrado uma importante ferramenta no estudo de impactos ambientais das mudanças da paisagem de curta e longa duração. O Modelo CLUE-S possibilita estudar a dinâmica de paisagem na perspectiva de simular cenários. Abordar-se-á os critérios de escolha das áreas de estudo, bem como o processo de levantamento e procedimentos prévios de manipulação dos dados necessários ao estudo de dinâmica espacial das sub-bacias dos rios Acará-Mirim e Bujaru. A base da escolha dessas áreas foi a existência de plantio extensivo da Palma de Óleo. Os dados são de origens e formatos diversos, exigindo uma ampla rede de informação e amplo conhecimento conceitual e metológico para o desenvolvimento da modelagem. Abstract: Environmental modeling has been an important tool in the study of environmental impacts of changes in the landscape of short and long term. The CLUE-S model allows studying the dynamics of landscape from the perspective of simulating scenarios. Will be worked on the selection criteria of the study areas, well as the process of lifting and preliminary handling procedures of data needed to the study the spatial dynamics process of the sub- basins of Acará-Mirim and Bujaru. The basis of selection of these areas was the existence of extensive planting of palm oil. The Data are from various sources and formats, requiring a wide network of information and broad conceptual and methodological knowledge to the development of modeling.SIAGRO 2014

    Aquatic macrophytes assessment in the reservoir of hydroelectric power plant Luís Eduardo Magalhães (Tocantins State, Brazil)

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    As macrófitas aquáticas são importantes componentes dos recursos hídricos. Contudo, a presença excessiva dessas plantas pode diminuir o potencial de usos múltiplos de reservatórios. Nesse estudo visou-se monitorar, por um período de 4 anos (2004 a 2008) as macrófitas aquáticas do reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica (UHE) Luís Eduardo Magalhães (UHE Lajeado), tendo em vista subsidiar o seu controle. Verificou-se que esse ambiente não apresenta atualmente macrófitas aquáticas em excesso (ca. 26 km2 ) e as espécies com maior cobertura são Salvinia auriculata e Oxycaryum cubense. As plantas encontram-se principalmente confinadas nos braços do reservatório ou em áreas protegidas da ação do vento e das correntezas. Devido à s características hidrodinâmicas (i.e. velocidade e direção da correnteza) e fetch elevado não se prevêem a propagação dessas plantas no corpo central do reservatório. As áreas ocupadas pelas plantas aquáticas têm-se mantido constantes (média: 3.7%), sugerindo que essa comunidade apresente tendência à estabilidade.The aquatic macrophytes are important components of the aquatic ecosystems. However, their excessive presence can decrease the potential of multiple uses of man-made reservoirs. The aim was to monitor the composition and cover of aquatic macrophytes in the Reservoir of Hydroelectric Power Plant Luís Eduardo Magalhães (HPP Lajeado) during four years. These parameter trends are indicators for aquatic weed control and environmental management decisions. The results showed that at sampling dates this reservoir did not show a critical high aquatic plant cover (ca. 26 km2 ) and the species with the largest distribution were Salvinia auriculata and Oxycaryum cubense. All the plants are mainly confined in the arms of the reservoir or within areas that are protected from the wind and currents. Due to their hydrodynamic characteristics and high fetch, their propagation is not foreseen in the central region of the reservoir. The areas occupied by the aquatic plants have remained constant (average: 3.7%), suggesting that this community tends to be stable.Comité de Medio Ambient

    Morphometry and retention time as forcing functions to establishment and maintenance of aquatic macrophytes in a tropical reservoir

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    Abstract Macrophytes may constitute an important resource for several chemical, physical and biological processes within aquatic ecosystems. This study considers that in tropical reservoirs with low retention time and with low values of shoreline development (DL), the expansion and persistence of aquatic macrophytes are mainly reported to local conditions (e.g., hydrodynamic and wind exposure) rather than trophic status and depth of the euphotic zone. In this context, this study aimed at describing and comparing the incidence of aquatic macrophytes in a throughflowing, non-dendritic tropical reservoir. During February 2006 to November 2007, eight limnological surveys were performed quarterly within the Ourinhos Reservoir, and in the mouth areas of its tributaries. At the six sampling stations 30 variables were measured. The number of sites with plants varied between 21 and 38 and at the end of the 1st year the total richness was found. The sampling survey outcome the recognition of 18 species of aquatic macrophytes; Cyperaceae (2 genera and 1 species), Pontederiaceae (3 species) and Onarograceae (3 genera) were the families with higher diversity. Seven species (Typha domingensis Pers., Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell.) Verdec, Salvinia auriculata Aubl., Eichhornia azurea (Sw.) Kunth, Eleocharis sp1, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Oxycaryum cubense (Poepp. & Kunth) Lye) always were present and were more frequent in the sites. The occurrence of emergent species predominated (45.9%), followed by submersed rooted (24.5%), free floating (19.5%), floating rooted (9.7%) and free submersed (0.3%). Although limnological variables and the distribution of macrophytes have discriminated the same sampling points, the stepwise multiple linear regressions did not pointed out strong correspondences (or coherence) among the most constant and distributed macrophyte species and the selected limnological variables, as well the trophic statuses. Seeing the low relationship among limnological variables and macrophytes distribution, in the case of Ourinhos Reservoir, the results pointed out that the water turbulence, low DL and wind exposure are the main driving forces that determine its aquatic plant distribution, life forms and species composition