189 research outputs found

    Lineage-specific distribution of high levels of genomic 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in mammalian development

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    Methylation of cytosine is a DNA modification associated with gene repression. Recently, a novel cytosine modification, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) has been discovered. Here we examine 5-hmC distribution during mammalian development and in cellular systems, and show that the developmental dynamics of 5-hmC are different from those of 5-methylcytosine (5-mC); in particular 5-hmC is enriched in embryonic contexts compared to adult tissues. A detectable 5-hmC signal appears in pre-implantation development starting at the zygote stage, where the paternal genome is subjected to a genome-wide hydroxylation of 5-mC, which precisely coincides with the loss of the 5-mC signal in the paternal pronucleus. Levels of 5-hmC are high in cells of the inner cell mass in blastocysts, and the modification colocalises with nestin-expressing cell populations in mouse post-implantation embryos. Compared to other adult mammalian organs, 5-hmC is strongly enriched in bone marrow and brain, wherein high 5-hmC content is a feature of both neuronal progenitors and post-mitotic neurons. We show that high levels of 5-hmC are not only present in mouse and human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and lost during differentiation, as has been reported previously, but also reappear during the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells; thus 5-hmC enrichment correlates with a pluripotent cell state. Our findings suggest that apart from the cells of neuronal lineages, high levels of genomic 5-hmC are an epigenetic feature of embryonic cell populations and cellular pluri- and multi-lineage potency. To our knowledge, 5-hmC represents the first epigenetic modification of DNA discovered whose enrichment is so cell-type specific

    Selective Gene Expression by Postnatal Electroporation during Olfactory Interneuron Neurogenesis

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    Neurogenesis persists in the olfactory system throughout life. The mechanisms of how new neurons are generated, how they integrate into circuits, and their role in coding remain mysteries. Here we report a technique that will greatly facilitate research into these questions. We found that electroporation can be used to robustly and selectively label progenitors in the Subventicular Zone. The approach was performed postnatally, without surgery, and with near 100% success rates. Labeling was found in all classes of interneurons in the olfactory bulb, persisted to adulthood and had no adverse effects. The broad utility of electroporation was demonstrated by encoding a calcium sensor and markers of intracellular organelles. The approach was found to be effective in wildtype and transgenic mice as well as rats. Given its versatility, robustness, and both time and cost effectiveness, this method offers a powerful new way to use genetic manipulation to understand adult neurogenesis

    A coordinated DNA damage response promotes adult quiescent neural stem cell activation

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    Stem and differentiated cells frequently differ in their response to DNA damage, which can determine tissue sensitivity. By exploiting insight into the spatial arrangement of subdomains within the adult neural subventricular zone (SVZ) in vivo, we show distinct responses to ionising radiation (IR) between neural stem and progenitor cells. Further, we reveal different DNA damage responses between neonatal and adult neural stem cells (NSCs). Neural progenitors (transit amplifying cells and neuroblasts) but not NSCs (quiescent and activated) undergo apoptosis after 2 Gy IR. This response is cell type- rather than proliferationdependent and does not appear to be driven by distinctions in DNA damage induction or repair capacity. Moreover, exposure to 2 Gy IR promotes proliferation arrest and differentiation in the adult SVZ. These 3 responses are ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)- dependent and promote quiescent NSC (qNSC) activation, which does not occur in the subdomains that lack progenitors. Neuroblasts arising post-IR derive from activated qNSCs rather than irradiated progenitors, minimising damage compounded by replication or mitosis. We propose that rather than conferring sensitive cell death, apoptosis is a form of rapid cell death that serves to remove damaged progenitors and promote qNSC activation. Significantly, analysis of the neonatal (P5) SVZ reveals that although progenitors remain sensitive to apoptosis, they fail to efficiently arrest proliferation. Consequently, their repopulation occurs rapidly from irradiated progenitors rather than via qNSC activation

    Protein expression differs between neural progenitor cells from the adult rat brain subventricular zone and olfactory bulb

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neural progenitor cells can be isolated from various regions of the adult mammalian brain, including the forebrain structures of the subventricular zone and the olfactory bulb. Currently it is unknown whether functional differences in these progenitor cell populations can already be found on the molecular level. Therefore, we compared protein expression profiles between progenitor cells isolated from the subventricular zone and the olfactory bulb using a proteomic approach based on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. The subventricular zone and the olfactory bulb are connected by the Rostral Migratory Stream (RMS), in which glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive cells guide neuroblasts. Recent literature suggested that these GFAP-positive cells possess neurogenic potential themselves. In the current study, we therefore compared the cultured neurospheres for the fraction of GFAP-positive cells and their morphology of over a prolonged period of time.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found significant differences in the protein expression patterns between subventricular zone and olfactory bulb neural progenitor cells. Of the differentially expressed protein spots, 105 were exclusively expressed in the subventricular zone, 23 showed a lower expression and 51 a higher expression in the olfactory bulb. The proteomic data showed that more proteins are differentially expressed in olfactory bulb progenitors with regard to proteins involved in differentiation and microenvironmental integration, as compared to the subventricular zone progenitors. Compared to 94% of all progenitors of the subventricular zone expressed GFAP, nearly none in the olfactory bulb cultures expressed GFAP. Both GFAP-positive subpopulations differed also in morphology, with the olfactory bulb cells showing more branching. No differences in growth characteristics such as doubling time, and passage lengths could be found over 26 consecutive passages in the two cultures.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study, we describe differences in protein expression of neural progenitor populations isolated from two forebrain regions, the subventricular zone and the olfactory bulb. These subpopulations can be characterized by differential expression of marker proteins. We isolated fractions of progenitor cells with GFAP expression from both regions, but the GFAP-positive cells differed in number and morphology. Whereas in vitro growth characteristics of neural progenitors are preserved in both regions, our proteomic and immunohistochemical data suggest that progenitor cells from the two regions differ in morphology and functionality, but not in their proliferative capacity.</p

    Local Microenvironment Provides Important Cues for Cell Differentiation in Lingual Epithelia

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    Transgenic Keratin14-rtTA-PTR mice specifically express Keratin14 (K14) in the tongue epithelia, as well as co-express EGFP and the dominant negative ΔTgfbr2 genes upon treatment with Doxycycline (Dox). As TGF-β signaling negatively regulates the stem cell cycle and proliferation, its disruption by Dox induction in these transgenic mice shortens the cell cycle and allows observation of the final fate of those mutated cell lineages within a short period of time. Here, we used inducible transgenic mice to track the K14+ cells through the cell migration stream by immunohistochemical an immunofluorescent imaging. We showed that these cells have different development patterns from the tip to posterior of the tongue, achieved presumably by integrating positional information from the microenvironment. The expression of the K14 gene was variable, depending on the location of the tongue and papillae. Disruption of TGF-β signaling in K14+ progenitor cells resulted in proliferation of stem cell pools

    Tripotential Differentiation of Adherently Expandable Neural Stem (NS) Cells

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    BACKGROUND: A recent study has shown that pure neural stem cells can be derived from embryonic stem (ES) cells and primary brain tissue. In the presence of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and epidermal growth factor (EGF), this population can be continuously expanded in adherent conditions. In analogy to continuously self-renewing ES cells, these cells were termed ‘NS’ cells (Conti et al., PLoS Biol 3: e283, 2005). While NS cells have been shown to readily generate neurons and astrocytes, their differentiation into oligodendrocytes has remained enigmatic, raising concerns as to whether they truly represent tripotential neural stem cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we provide evidence that NS cells are indeed tripotent. Upon proliferation with FGF2, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and forskolin, followed by differentiation in the presence of thyroid hormone (T3) and ascorbic acid NS cells efficiently generate oligodendrocytes (∼20%) alongside astrocytes (∼40%) and neurons (∼10%). Mature oligodendroglial differentiation was confirmed by transplantation data showing that NS cell-derived oligodendrocytes ensheath host axons in the brain of myelin-deficient rats. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In addition to delineating NS cells as a potential donor source for myelin repair, our data strongly support the view that these adherently expandable cells represent bona fide tripotential neural stem cells

    Olfactory Enrichment Influences Adult Neurogenesis Modulating GAD67 and Plasticity-Related Molecules Expression in Newborn Cells of the Olfactory Bulb

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    The olfactory bulb (OB) is a highly plastic region of the adult mammalian brain characterized by continuous integration of inhibitory interneurons of the granule (GC) and periglomerular cell (PGC) types. Adult-generated OB interneurons are selected to survive in an experience-dependent way but the mechanisms that mediate the effects of experience on OB neurogenesis are unknown. Here we focus on the new-generated PGC population which is composed by multiple subtypes. Using paradigms of olfactory enrichment and/or deprivation combined to BrdU injections and quantitative confocal immunohistochemical analyses, we studied the effects of olfactory experience on adult-generated PGCs at different survival time and compared PGC to GC modulation. We show that olfactory enrichment similarly influences PGCs and GCs, increasing survival of newborn cells and transiently modulating GAD67 and plasticity-related molecules expression. However, PGC maturation appears to be delayed compared to GCs, reflecting a different temporal dynamic of adult generated olfactory interneuron integration. Moreover, olfactory enrichment or deprivation do not selectively modulate the survival of specific PGC phenotypes, supporting the idea that the integration rate of distinct PGC subtypes is independent from olfactory experience

    Topographical analysis of the subependymal zone neurogenic niche

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    The emerging model for the adult subependymal zone (SEZ) cell population indicates that neuronal diversity is not generated from a uniform pool of stem cells but rather from diverse and spatially confined stem cell populations. Hence, when analysing SEZ proliferation, the topography along the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes must be taken into account. However, to date, no studies have assessed SEZ proliferation according to topographical specificities and, additionally, SEZ studies in animal models of neurological/psychiatric disorders often fail to clearly specify the SEZ coordinates. This may render difficult the comparison between studies and yield contradictory results. More so, by focusing in a single spatial dimension of the SEZ, relevant findings might pass unnoticed. In this study we characterized the neural stem cell/progenitor population and its proliferation rates throughout the rat SEZ anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes. We found that SEZ proliferation decreases along the anterior-posterior axis and that proliferative rates vary considerably according to the position in the dorsal-ventral axis. These were associated with relevant gradients in the neuroblasts and in the neural stem cell populations throughout the dorsal-ventral axis. In addition, we observed spatially dependent differences in BrdU/Ki67 ratios that suggest a high variability in the proliferation rate and cell cycle length throughout the SEZ; in accordance, estimation of the cell cycle length of the neuroblasts revealed shorter cell cycles at the dorsolateral SEZ. These findings highlight the need to establish standardized procedures of SEZ analysis. Herein we propose an anatomical division of the SEZ that should be considered in future studies addressing proliferation in this neural stem cell niche.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    The Early Postnatal Nonhuman Primate Neocortex Contains Self-Renewing Multipotent Neural Progenitor Cells

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    The postnatal neocortex has traditionally been considered a non-neurogenic region, under non-pathological conditions. A few studies suggest, however, that a small subpopulation of neural cells born during postnatal life can differentiate into neurons that take up residence within the neocortex, implying that postnatal neurogenesis could occur in this region, albeit at a low level. Evidence to support this hypothesis remains controversial while the source of putative neural progenitors responsible for generating new neurons in the postnatal neocortex is unknown. Here we report the identification of self-renewing multipotent neural progenitor cells (NPCs) derived from the postnatal day 14 (PD14) marmoset monkey primary visual cortex (V1, striate cortex). While neuronal maturation within V1 is well advanced by PD14, we observed cells throughout this region that co-expressed Sox2 and Ki67, defining a population of resident proliferating progenitor cells. When cultured at low density in the presence of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and/or fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2), dissociated V1 tissue gave rise to multipotent neurospheres that exhibited the ability to differentiate into neurons, oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. While the capacity to generate neurones and oligodendrocytes was not observed beyond the third passage, astrocyte-restricted neurospheres could be maintained for up to 6 passages. This study provides the first direct evidence for the existence of multipotent NPCs within the postnatal neocortex of the nonhuman primate. The potential contribution of neocortical NPCs to neural repair following injury raises exciting new possibilities for the field of regenerative medicine

    The mutational impact of culturing human pluripotent and adult stem cells

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    Genetic changes acquired during in vitro culture pose a risk for the successful application of stem cells in regenerative medicine. To assess the genetic risks induced by culturing, we determined all mutations in individual human stem cells by whole genome sequencing. Individual pluripotent, intestinal, and liver stem cells accumulate 3.5 ± 0.5, 7.2 ± 1.1 and 8.3 ± 3.6 base substitutions per population doubling, respectively. The annual in vitro mutation accumulation rate of adult stem cells is nearly 40-fold higher than the in vivo mutation accumulation rate. Mutational signature analysis reveals that in vitro induced mutations are caused by oxidative stress. Reducing oxygen tension in culture lowers the mutational load. We use the mutation rates, spectra, and genomic distribution to model the accumulation of oncogenic mutations during typical in vitro expansion, manipulation or screening experiments using human stem cells. Our study provides empirically defined parameters to assess the mutational risk of stem cell based therapies
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