154 research outputs found

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants altered in vacuole function are defective in copper detoxification and iron-responsive gene transcription

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    The metal ions, Cu 2+/+ and Fe 3+/2+ , are essential co-factors for a wide variety of enzymatic reactions. However, both metal ions are toxic when hyper-accumulated or maldistributed within cells due to their ability to generate damaging free radicals or through the displacement of other physiological metal ions from metalloproteins. Although copper transport into yeast cells is apparently independent of iron, the known dependence on Cu 2+ for high affinity transport of Fe 2+ into yeast cells has established a physiological link between these two trace metal ions. In this study we demonstrate that proteins encoded by genes previously demonstrated to play critical roles in vacuole assembly or acidification, PEP3 , PEP5 and VMA3 , are also required for normal copper and iron metal ion homeostasis. Yeast cells lacking a functional PEP3 or PEP5 gene are hypersensitive to copper and render the normally iron-repressible FET3 gene, encoding a multi-copper Fe(II) oxidase involved in Fe 2+ transport, also repressible by exogenous copper ions. The inability of these same vacuolar mutant strains to repress FET3 mRNA levels in the presence of an iron-unresponsive allele of the AFT1 regulatory gene are consistent with alterations in the intracellular distribution or redox states of Fe 3+/2+ in the presence of elevated extracellular concentrations of copper ions. Therefore, the yeast vacuole is an important organelle for maintaining the homeostatic convergence of the essential yet toxic copper and iron ions. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/38514/1/190_ftp.pd

    Characterizing the Role of Cell-Wall β-1,3-Exoglucanase Xog1p in Candida albicans Adhesion by the Human Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37

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    Candida albicans is the major fungal pathogen of humans. Its adhesion to host-cell surfaces is the first critical step during mucosal infection. Antimicrobial peptides play important roles in the first line of mucosal immunity against C. albicans infection. LL-37 is the only member of the human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide family and is commonly expressed in various tissues, including epithelium. We previously showed that LL-37 significantly reduced C. albicans adhesion to plastic, oral epidermoid OECM-1 cells, and urinary bladders of female BALB/c mice. The inhibitory effect of LL-37 on cell adhesion occurred via the binding of LL-37 to cell-wall carbohydrates. Here we showed that formation of LL-37–cell-wall protein complexes potentially inhibits C. albicans adhesion to polystyrene. Using phage display and ELISA, we identified 10 peptide sequences that could bind LL-37. A BLAST search revealed that four sequences in the major C. albicans cell-wall β-1,3-exoglucanase, Xog1p, were highly similar to the consensus sequence derived from the 10 biopanned peptides. One Xog1p-derived peptide, Xog1p90–115, and recombinant Xog1p associated with LL-37, thereby reversing the inhibitory effect of LL-37 on C. albicans adhesion. LL-37 reduced Xog1p activity and thus interrupted cell-wall remodeling. Moreover, deletion of XOG1 or another β-1,3-exoglucanase-encoding gene EXG2 showed that only when XOG1 was deleted did cellular exoglucanase activity, cell adhesion and LL-37 binding decrease. Antibodies against Xog1p also decreased cell adhesion. These data reveal that Xog1p, originally identified from LL-37 binding, has a role in C. albicans adhesion to polystyrene and, by inference, attach to host cells via direct or indirect manners. Compounds that target Xog1p might find use as drugs that prevent C. albicans infection. Additionally, LL-37 could potentially be used to screen for other cell-wall components involved in fungal cell adhesion

    Biosynthesis of Vitamin C by Yeast Leads to Increased Stress Resistance

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    during respiration, or indirectly-caused by other stressing factors. Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid acts as a scavenger of ROS, thereby potentially protecting cells from harmful oxidative products. While most eukaryotes synthesize ascorbic acid, yeast cells produce erythro-ascorbic acid instead. The actual importance of this antioxidant substance for the yeast is still a subject of scientific debate. is increased, but also the tolerance to low pH and weak organic acids at low pH is increased. cells endogenously producing vitamin C as a cellular model to study the genesis/protection of ROS as well as genotoxicity

    Different Chitin Synthase Genes Are Required for Various Developmental and Plant Infection Processes in the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

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    Chitin is a major component of fungal cell wall and is synthesized by chitin synthases (Chs). Plant pathogenic fungi normally have multiple chitin synthase genes. To determine their roles in development and pathogenesis, we functionally characterized all seven CHS genes in Magnaporthe oryzae. Three of them, CHS1, CHS6, and CHS7, were found to be important for plant infection. While the chs6 mutant was non-pathogenic, the chs1 and chs7 mutants were significantly reduced in virulence. CHS1 plays a specific role in conidiogenesis, an essential step for natural infection cycle. Most of chs1 conidia had no septum and spore tip mucilage. The chs6 mutant was reduced in hyphal growth and conidiation. It failed to penetrate and grow invasively in plant cells. The two MMD-containing chitin synthase genes, CHS5 and CHS6, have a similar expression pattern. Although deletion of CHS5 had no detectable phenotype, the chs5 chs6 double mutant had more severe defects than the chs6 mutant, indicating that they may have overlapping functions in maintaining polarized growth in vegetative and invasive hyphae. Unlike the other CHS genes, CHS7 has a unique function in appressorium formation. Although it was blocked in appressorium formation by germ tubes on artificial hydrophobic surfaces, the chs7 mutant still produced melanized appressoria by hyphal tips or on plant surfaces, indicating that chitin synthase genes have distinct impacts on appressorium formation by hyphal tip and germ tube. The chs7 mutant also was defective in appressorium penetration and invasive growth. Overall, our results indicate that individual CHS genes play diverse roles in hyphal growth, conidiogenesis, appressorium development, and pathogenesis in M. oryzae, and provided potential new leads in the control of this devastating pathogen by targeting specific chitin synthases

    Glycosylation status of the C. albicans cell wall affects the efficiency of neutrophil phagocytosis and killing but not cytokine signaling

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    The cell wall of the opportunistic human fungal pathogen, Candida albicans is a complex, layered network of rigid structural polysaccharides composed of β-glucans and chitin that is covered with a fibrillar matrix of highly glycosylated mannoproteins. Poly-morphonuclear cells (PMNs, neutrophils) are the most prevalent circulating phagocytic leukocyte in peripheral blood and they are pivotal in the clearance of invading fungal cells from tissues. The importance of cell-wall mannans for the recognition and uptake of C. albicans by human PMNs was therefore investigated. N- and O-glycosylation-deficient mutants were attenuated in binding and phagocytosis by PMNs and this was associated with reduced killing of C. albicans yeast cells. No differences were found in the production of the respiratory burst enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO) and the neutrophil chemokine IL-8 in PMNs exposed to control and glycosylation-deficient C. albicans strains. Thus, the significant decrease in killing of glycan-deficient C. albicans strains by PMNs is a consequence of a marked reduction in phagocytosis rather than changes in the release of inflammatory mediators by PMNs

    Horizontal Transmission of Candida albicans and Evidence of a Vaccine Response in Mice Colonized with the Fungus

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    Disseminated candidiasis is the third leading nosocomial blood stream infection in the United States and is often fatal. We previously showed that disseminated candidiasis was preventable in normal mice by immunization with either a glycopeptide or a peptide synthetic vaccine, both of which were Candida albicans cell wall derived. A weakness of these studies is that, unlike humans, mice do not have a C. albicans GI flora and they lack Candida serum antibodies. We examined the influence of C. albicans GI tract colonization and serum antibodies on mouse vaccination responses to the peptide, Fba, derived from fructose bisphosphate aldolase which has cytosolic and cell wall distributions in the fungus. We evaluated the effect of live C. albicans in drinking water and antimicrobial agents on establishment of Candida colonization of the mouse GI tract. Body mass, C. albicans in feces, and fungal-specific serum antibodies were monitored longitudinally. Unexpectedly, C. albicans colonization occurred in mice that received only antibiotics in their drinking water, provided that the mice were housed in the same room as intentionally colonized mice. The fungal strain in unintentionally colonized mice appeared identical to the strain used for intentional GI-tract colonization. This is the first report of horizontal transmission and spontaneous C. albicans colonization in mice. Importantly, many Candida-colonized mice developed serum fungal-specific antibodies. Despite the GI-tract colonization and presence of serum antibodies, the animals made antibodies in response to the Fba immunogen. This mouse model has potential for elucidating C. albicans horizontal transmission and for exploring factors that induce host defense against disseminated candidiasis. Furthermore, a combined protracted GI-tract colonization with Candida and the possibility of serum antibody responses to the presence of the fungus makes this an attractive mouse model for testing the efficacy of vaccines designed to prevent human disseminated candidiasis

    Effects of mannoprotein E1 in liquid diet on inflammatory response and TLR5 expression in the gut of rats infected by Salmonella typhimurium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mannoproteins are yeast cell wall componend, and rich in mannose. The use of foods rich in mannose as carbohydrate, could have a bioprotective effect against entrobacteria intestinal infection. Nothing is known about mannoproteins' activity in inflammatory bowel processes induced by entrobacteria.</p> <p>This study investigates the effects of mannoprotein administration via a liquid diet on inflammatory response and TLR5 expression during intestinal tissue injury in a rat model of infection with <it>Salmonella typhimurium</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Adult Wistar male rats were divided into three groups: control, and mannoprotein E<sub>1 </sub>at 10 or 15%. Animals were fed with a liquid diet supplemented or not with mannoprotein E<sub>1</sub>. Groups were infected by intragastrical administration of <it>S. typhimurium</it>. 24 h post-inoculation samples of spleen, ileum and liver were collected for microbiological studies. Gut samples were processed to determine levels of proinflammatory cytokines (mRNA) and TLR5 (mRNA and protein) by quantitative PCR and Western-blot, and the number of proliferative and apoptotic cells determined by immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ininfected levels of proinflammatory cytokines and TLR5 were higher in untreated controls than in the animals receiving mannoprotein. Proliferation was similar in both groups, whereas apoptosis was higher in controls. Curiosly, the mannoprotein effect was dose dependent.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Mannoprotein administration in a liquid diet seems to protect intestinal tissue against <it>S. typhimurium </it>infection. This protection seems to expressed as a lower pro-inflammatory response and TLR5 downregulation in gut epithelium, as well as by an inhibition of apoptosis. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanism by which mannoprotein is able to regulate these responses remain unclear. These results could open up new avenues in the use of mannoproteins as prebiotics in the therapeutic strategy for treatment of inflammatory gut processes induced by microbia.</p

    The Transcriptional Repressor TupA in Aspergillus niger Is Involved in Controlling Gene Expression Related to Cell Wall Biosynthesis, Development, and Nitrogen Source Availability.

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    The Tup1-Cyc8 (Ssn6) complex is a well characterized and conserved general transcriptional repressor complex in eukaryotic cells. Here, we report the identification of the Tup1 (TupA) homolog in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger in a genetic screen for mutants with a constitutive expression of the agsA gene. The agsA gene encodes a putative alpha-glucan synthase, which is induced in response to cell wall stress in A. niger. Apart from the constitutive expression of agsA, the selected mutant was also found to produce an unknown pigment at high temperatures. Complementation analysis with a genomic library showed that the tupA gene could complement the phenotypes of the mutant. Screening of a collection of 240 mutants with constitutive expression of agsA identified sixteen additional pigment-secreting mutants, which were all mutated in the tupA gene. The phenotypes of the tupA mutants were very similar to the phenotypes of a tupA deletion strain. Further analysis of the tupA-17 mutant and the DeltatupA mutant revealed that TupA is also required for normal growth and morphogenesis. The production of the pigment at 37 degrees C is nitrogen source-dependent and repressed by ammonium. Genome-wide expression analysis of the tupA mutant during exponential growth revealed derepression of a large group of diverse genes, including genes related to development and cell wall biosynthesis, and also protease-encoding genes that are normally repressed by ammonium. Comparison of the transcriptome of up-regulated genes in the tupA mutant showed limited overlap with the transcriptome of caspofungin-induced cell wall stress-related genes, suggesting that TupA is not a general suppressor of cell wall stress-induced genes. We propose that TupA is an important repressor of genes related to development and nitrogen metabolism

    Comparative study of fungal cell disruption—scope and limitations of the methods

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    Simple and effective protocols of cell wall disruption were elaborated for tested fungal strains: Penicillium citrinum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Rhodotorula gracilis. Several techniques of cell wall disintegration were studied, including ultrasound disintegration, homogenization in bead mill, application of chemicals of various types, and osmotic shock. The release of proteins from fungal cells and the activity of a cytosolic enzyme, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, in the crude extracts were assayed to determine and compare the efficacy of each method. The presented studies allowed adjusting the particular method to a particular strain. The mechanical methods of disintegration appeared to be the most effective for the disintegration of yeast, R. gracilis, and filamentous fungi, A. fumigatus and P. citrinum. Ultrasonication and bead milling led to obtaining fungal cell-free extracts containing high concentrations of soluble proteins and active glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase systems