1,430 research outputs found

    Bounded Counter Languages

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    We show that deterministic finite automata equipped with kk two-way heads are equivalent to deterministic machines with a single two-way input head and k−1k-1 linearly bounded counters if the accepted language is strictly bounded, i.e., a subset of a1∗a2∗...am∗a_1^*a_2^*... a_m^* for a fixed sequence of symbols a1,a2,...,ama_1, a_2,..., a_m. Then we investigate linear speed-up for counter machines. Lower and upper time bounds for concrete recognition problems are shown, implying that in general linear speed-up does not hold for counter machines. For bounded languages we develop a technique for speeding up computations by any constant factor at the expense of adding a fixed number of counters

    A Portable Eddy Covariance System for the Measurement of Ecosystem–Atmosphere Exchange of CO2, Water Vapor, and Energy

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    To facilitate the study of flux heterogeneity within a region, the authors have designed and field-tested a portable eddy covariance system to measure exchange of CO2, water vapor, and energy between the land surface and the atmosphere. The combination of instrumentation used in this system allows high precision flux measurements without requiring on-site infrastructure such as prepositioned towers or line power. In addition, the system contains sensors to measure a suit of soil, climatic, and energy-related parameters that are needed to quality control the fluxes and to characterize the flux footprint. The physical design and instrument packaging used in the system allows for simple transport (fits in a standard minivan) and for rapid deployment with a minimal number of field personnel (usually less than a day for one person). The power requirement for the entire system (instruments and data loggers) is less than 35 W, which is provided by a companion solar power system. Side-by-side field comparisons between this system and two permanent AmeriFlux sites and between the roving AmeriFlux intercomparison system are described here. Results of these comparisons indicate that the portable system is capable of absolute flux resolutions of about 61.2 mmol m22 s21 for CO2, 615 W m22 for LE, 67 W m22 for H, and 60.06 m s21 for u* between any given 30-min averaging periods. It is also found that, compared to a permanent Ameriflux site, the relative accuracy of this flux estimates is between 1% and 7%. Based on these results, it is concluded that this portable system is capable of making ecosystem flux measurements with an accuracy and precision comparable to most permanent AmeriFlux systems

    AlH3 between 65-110 GPa: implications of electronic band and phonon structures

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    A first-principles density-functional-theory method has been used to reinvestigate the mechanical and dynamical stability of the metallic phase of AlH3 between 65-110 GPa. The electronic properties and phonon dynamics as a function of pressure are also explored. We find electron-phonon superconductivity in the cubic Pm-3n structure with critical temperature Tc = 37 K at 70 GPa which decreases rapidly with the increase of pressure. Further unlike a previously calculated Tc value of 24 K at 110 GPa, we do not find any superconductivity of significance at this pressure which is consistent with experimental observation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures Keywords: AlH3, Electronic structure, Phonon dynamics, Superconductivity PACS number(s): 62.50.-p, 63.20.kd, 74.10.+v, 74.20.P

    Tablet-based disclosure counselling for HIV-infected children, adolescents, and their caregivers: a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: Overwhelmed, under-trained medical staff working in resource-limited settings need efficient resources for HIV disclosure counselling. The objective of this study was to describe providers' experiences using tablet computers for disclosure-related counselling with HIV-infected children and their caregivers in western Kenya, with additional perspectives from adolescents. METHODS: A qualitative study design was implemented at three HIV clinics in western Kenya (Bumala, Busia and Port Victoria) within the Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) partnership. Twenty-one healthcare providers involved with paediatric disclosure were recruited and enrolled in the study. Initial interviews focused on understanding current disclosure practices and barriers. Tablets containing disclosure-related resources were distributed. Resources included short narrative videos created in this context to highlight issues relevant to child HIV disclosure. RESULTS: Providers reported tablets improved disclosure, child participation, and medication adherence. All reported that reviewing materials increased their knowledge and comfort with disclosure. The most frequently used materials were the narrative videos and an animated video explaining the importance of medication adherence. Time was a major barrier for using the tablet. Clinician self-education persisted at one-year follow-up. Adolescents expressed enjoyment from viewing the tablet resources and had a better understanding of the importance of medication adherence. CONCLUSIONS: Tablet computers containing resources for disclosure are an acceptable and potentially effective resource to help providers support families with disclosure. Further work is needed to train the clinical providers in using the resources in a developmentally appropriate manner, and to develop new resources on adolescent-specific and HIV-related topics

    Biological outcome measurements for behavioral interventions in multiple sclerosis

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    Behavioral interventions including exercise, stress management, patient education, psychotherapy and multidisciplinary neurorehabilitation in general are receiving increasing recognition in multiple sclerosis (MS) clinical practice and research. Most scientific evaluations of these approaches have focused on psychosocial outcome measures such as quality of life, fatigue or depression. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that neuropsychiatric symptoms of MS are at least partially mediated by biological processes such as inflammation, neuroendocrine dysfunction or regional brain damage. Thus, successful treatment of these symptoms with behavioral approaches could potentially also affect the underlying biology. Rigidly designed scientific studies are needed to explore the potential of such interventions to affect MS pathology and biological pathways linked to psychological and neuropsychiatric symptoms of MS. Such studies need to carefully select outcome measures on the behavioral level that are likely to be influenced by the specific intervention strategy and should include biomarkers with evidence for an association with the outcome parameter in question. In this overview, we illustrate how biological and psychological outcome parameters can be combined to evaluate behavioral interventions. We focus on two areas of interest as potential targets for behavioral interventions: depression and fatigue

    Climate Change and World Food Security: A New Assessment

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    Building on previous work, quantitative estimates of climate change impacts on global food production have been made for the UK Hadley Centre's HadCM2 greenhouse gas only ensemble experiment and the more recent HadCM3 experiment (Hume et al., 1999). The consequences for world food prices and the number of people at risk of hunger as defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 1998) have also been assessed. Climate change is expected to increase yields at high and mid-latitudes, and lead to decreases at lower latitudes. This pattern becomes more pronounced as time progresses. The food system may be expected to accommodate such regional variations at the global level, with production, prices and the risk of hunger being relatively unaffected by the additional stress of climate change. By the 2080s the additional number of people at risk of hunger due to climate change is about 80 million (+/- 10 million depending on which of the four HadCM2 ensemble members are selected). However, some regions (particularly the arid and sub-humid tropics) will be adversely affected. A particular example is Africa, which is expected to experience marked reduction in yield, decreases in production, and increases in the risk of hunger as a result of climate change. The continent can expect to have between 55 and 65 million extra people at risk of hunger by the 2080s under the HadCM2 climate scenario. Under the HadCM3 climate scenario, the effect is even more severe, producing an estimated additional 70+ million people at risk of hunger in Africa

    The interaction of a gap with a free boundary in a two dimensional dimer system

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    Let ℓ\ell be a fixed vertical lattice line of the unit triangular lattice in the plane, and let \Cal H be the half plane to the left of ℓ\ell. We consider lozenge tilings of \Cal H that have a triangular gap of side-length two and in which ℓ\ell is a free boundary - i.e., tiles are allowed to protrude out half-way across ℓ\ell. We prove that the correlation function of this gap near the free boundary has asymptotics 14πr\frac{1}{4\pi r}, r→∞r\to\infty, where rr is the distance from the gap to the free boundary. This parallels the electrostatic phenomenon by which the field of an electric charge near a conductor can be obtained by the method of images.Comment: 34 pages, AmS-Te

    Aftershocks in Modern Perspectives: Complex Earthquake Network, Aging, and Non-Markovianity

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    The phenomenon of aftershocks is studied in view of science of complexity. In particular, three different concepts are examined: (i) the complex-network representation of seismicity, (ii) the event-event correlations, and (iii) the effects of long-range memory. Regarding (i), it is shown the clustering coefficient of the complex earthquake network exhibits a peculiar behavior at and after main shocks. Regarding (ii), it is found that aftershocks experience aging, and the associated scaling holds. And regarding (iii), the scaling relation to be satisfied by a class of singular Markovian processes is violated, implying the existence of the long-range memory in processes of aftershocks.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures and 1 table. Acta Geophysica, in pres
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