16,406 research outputs found

    Central Extensions of Supersymmetry in Four and Three Dimensions

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    We consider the maximal central extension of the supertranslation algebra in d=4 and 3, which includes tensor central charges associated to topological defects such as domain walls (membranes) and strings. We show that for all N-extended superalgebras these charges are related to nontrivial configurations on the scalar moduli space. For N=2 theories obtained from compactification on Calabi-Yau threefolds, we give an explicit realization of the moduli-dependent charges in terms of wrapped branes.Comment: 11 pages. Sections 2 and 4 expanded, misprints corrected, references adde

    Comments on Nonlinear Sigma Models Coupled to Supergravity

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    N=1, D=4 non linear sigma models, parametrized by chiral superfields, usually describe Kaehlerian geometries, provided that Einstein frame supergravity is used. The sigma model metric is no longer Kaehler when local supersymmetry becomes nonlinearly realized through the nilpotency of the supergravity auxiliary fields. In some cases the nonlinear realization eliminates one scalar propagating degree of freedom. This happens when the sigma model conformal-frame metric has co-rank 2. In the geometry of the inflaton, this effect eliminates its scalar superpartner. We show that the sigma model metric remains semidefinite positive in all cases, due the to positivity properties of the conformal-frame sigma model metric.Comment: 6 page

    Minimal R+R2R+R^2 Supergravity Models of Inflation Coupled to Matter

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    The supersymmetric extension of "Starobinsky" R+αR2R+\alpha R^2 models of inflation is particularly simple in the "new minimal" formalism of supergravity, where the inflaton has no scalar superpartners. This paper is devoted to matter couplings in such supergravity models. We show how in the new minimal formalism matter coupling presents certain features absent in other formalisms. In particular, for the large class of matter couplings considered in this paper, matter must possess an R-symmetry, which is gauged by the vector field which becomes dynamical in the "new minimal" completion of the R+αR2R+\alpha R^2 theory. Thus, in the dual formulation of the theory, where the gauge vector is part of a massive vector multiplet, the inflaton is the superpartner of the massive vector of a nonlinearly realized R-symmetry. The F-term potential of this theory is of no-scale type, while the inflaton potential is given by the D-term of the gauged R-symmetry. The absolute minimum of the potential is always exactly supersymmetric, so in this class of models if realistic vacua exist, they must be always metastable. We also briefly comment on possible generalizations of the examples discussed here and we exhibit some features of higher-curvature supergravity coupled to matter in the "old minimal" formalism.Comment: 9 page

    Spontaneous Breaking of Extended Supersymmetry in Global and Local Theories

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    We review the "no-go" theorems that severely constrain the breaking of N=2 supersymmetry to N=1 (both in rigid supersymmetry and supergravity), and we exhibit some models that evade them.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the Spring School and Workshop on String Theory, Gauge Theory and Quantum Gravity, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, March 18-29,1996. Latex file, uses espcrc2.sty and epsf.st

    Four curious supergravities

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    We consider four supergravities with 16+16, 32+32, 64+64, 128+128 degrees of freedom displaying some curious properties: (1) They exhibit minimal supersymmetry (N=1, 2, 2, 1) but maximal rank (r=7, 6, 4, 0) of the scalar coset in D=4, 5, 7, 11. (2) They couple naturally to supermembranes and admit these membranes as solutions. (3) Although the D=4, 5, 7 supergravities follow from truncating the maximally supersymmetric ones, there nevertheless exist M-theory compactifications with G2, SU(3), SU(2) holonomy having these supergravities as their massless sectors. (4) They reduce to N=1, 2, 4, 8 theories all with maximum rank 7 in D=4 which (5) correspond to 0, 1, 3, 7 lines of the Fano plane and hence admit a division algebra (R,C,H,O) interpretation consistent with the black-hole/qubit correspondence, (6) are generalized self-mirror and hence (7) have vanishing on-shell trace anomaly.Comment: 16 pages late

    Orbits of Exceptional Groups, Duality and BPS States in String Theory

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    We give an invariant classification of orbits of the fundamental representations of exceptional groups E7(7)E_{7(7)} and E6(6)E_{6(6)} which classify BPS states in string and M theories toroidally compactified to d=4 and d=5. The exceptional Jordan algebra and the exceptional Freudenthal triple system and their cubic and quartic invariants play a major role in this classification. The cubic and quartic invariants correspond to the black hole entropy in d=5 and d=4, respectively. The classification of BPS states preserving different numbers of supersymmetries is in close parallel to the classification of the little groups and the orbits of timelike, lightlike and space-like vectors in Minkowski space. The orbits of BPS black holes in N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories in d=4 and d=5 with symmetric space geometries are also classified including the exceptional N=2 theory that has E7(25)E_{7(-25)} and E6(26)E_{6(-26)} as its symmety in the respective dimensions.Comment: New references and two tables added, a new section on the orbits of N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories in d=4 and d=5 included and some minor changes were made in other sections. 17 pages. Latex fil

    Regular R-R and NS-NS BPS black holes

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    We show in a precise group theoretical fashion how the generating solution of regular BPS black holes of N=8 supergravity, which is known to be a solution also of a simpler N=2 STU model truncation, can be characterized as NS-NS or R-R charged according to the way the corresponding STU model is embedded in the original N=8 theory. Of particular interest is the class of embeddings which yield regular BPS black hole solutions carrying only R-R charge and whose microscopic description can possibly be given in terms of bound states of D-branes only. The microscopic interpretation of the bosonic fields in this class of STU models relies on the solvable Lie algebra (SLA) method. In the present article we improve this mathematical technique in order to provide two distinct descriptions for type IIA and type IIB theories and an algebraic characterization of S*T--dual embeddings within the N=8,d=4 theory. This analysis will be applied to the particular example of a four parameter (dilatonic) solution of which both the full macroscopic and microscopic descriptions will be worked out.Comment: latex, 30 pages. Final version to appear on Int.J.Mod.Phy

    Dualities Compositeness and Spacetime Structure of 4d Extreme Stringy Black Holes

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    We study the BPS black hole solutions of the (truncated) action for heterotic string theory compactified on a six-torus. The O(3,Z) duality symmetry of the theory, together with the bound state interpretation of extreme black holes, is used to generate the whole spectrum of the solutions. The corresponding spacetime structures, written in terms of the string metric, are analyzed in detail. In particular, we show that only the elementary solutions present naked singularities. The bound states have either null singularities (electric solutions) or are regular (magnetic or dyonic solutions) with near-horizon geometries given by the product of two 2d spaces of constant curvature. The behavior of some of these solutions as supersymmetric attractors is discussed. We also show that our approach is very useful to understand some of the puzzling features of charged black hole solutions in string theory.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Flat Symplectic Bundles of N-Extended Supergravities, Central Charges and Black-Hole Entropy

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    In these lectures we give a geometrical formulation of N-extended supergravities which generalizes N=2 special geometry of N=2 theories. In all these theories duality symmetries are related to the notion of "flat symplectic bundles" and central charges may be defined as "sections" over these bundles. Attractor points giving rise to "fixed scalars" of the horizon geometry and Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula for extremal black-holes are discussed in some details.Comment: Based on lectures given by S. Ferrara at the 5th Winter School on Mathematical Physics held at the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Seul (Korea), February 199

    N=6 Supergravity on AdS5AdS_5 and the SU(2,2/3)SU(2,2/3) Superconformal Correspondence

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    It is argued that N=6 supergravity on AdS5AdS_5, with gauge group SU(3)×U(1)SU(3)\times U(1) corresponds, at the classical level, to a subsector of the ``chiral'' primary operators of N=4 Yang-Mills theories. This projection involves a ``duality transformation'' of N=4 Yang-Mills theory and therefore can be valid if the coupling is at a self-dual point, or for those amplitudes that do not depend on the coupling constant.Comment: 9 pages, late