132 research outputs found

    Correlation between Head Computed Tomography Scan, Pre-operative Blood Lactate, and Pre-operative Glucose Level in Acute Traumatic Subdural Hematoma

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    Acute traumatic subdural hematoma (SDH) is a focal brain injury resulting in alteration of cerebral perfusion and glucose metabolism, which would also results in hyperglicemia-induced-hyperlactatemia. A cross-sectional study was performed to analyze acute traumatic SDH patients by head CT scan and observe the effect on pre-operative blood lactate and blood glucose levels in 40 acute traumatic SDH patients at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia during the period of July-September 2013. Somers' D correlation were used in the analysis with a p-value of ≤0.05 considered as significant with 95% confidence interval. The mean values of pre-operative blood lactate and blood glucose levels were 3.16±1.49 mmol/L and 155.85±32.95 mg/dl, respectively with a strong positive correlation between the hematoma thickness and the increase in blood lactate (r= 0.656; p= 0.021) and a moderate positive correlation with increased blood glucose (r= 0.556; p= 0.025). In addition, the compressed cistern also had a very weak positive correlation with increase in blood lactate (r =0.156; p=0.043) and very weak positive correlation with increase in blood glucose (r= 0.139; p=0.056) while the midline shift had a weak positive correlation with increased blood lactate (r=0.353; p= 0.041) and a weak positive correlation with increased blood glucose (r = 0.333; p= 0.046). In conclusion, increased hematoma thickness, compressed cistern, and midline shift seen on head CT scan correlate with increasing blood lactate and glucose levels in acute traumatic SDH. Head CT scan, blood lactate level, and blood glucose level can be considered as one of the routine examinations to determine acute traumatic SDH severity at the macroscopic and cellular level

    Functional Recovery of Rare Case of Sciatic Nerve Schwannoma with Peripheral Nerve Block and without Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring

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    Schwannoma are benign peripheral nerve tumors derived from the Schwann cells in the neural sheath. Sciatic nerve schwannoma in the lower extremity is uncommon, accounting for only 1% of all schwannoma cases. This report aimed to describe the functional recovery after lower limb surgery of sciatic nerve schwannoma with peripheral nerve block and without intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IOM) performed in Semen Padang Hospital in 2019. A 78-year-old woman presented with a complaint of pain on her slowly growing mass at the right popliteal region, which had existed for 22 years. Microsurgical resection was performed with local peripheral nerve block and without intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring. Tumor was removed en-bloc by sharp dissection using a microscope without any complication. The patient had significant pain relief without any neurologic deficit three weeks after the surgery. Penyembuhan Secara Fungsi Kasus Langka Schwannoma Saraf Sciatic dengan Blok Saraf Perifer Tanpa Pemantauan Neurofisiologis Intraoperatif Schwannoma adalah tumor saraf tepi jinak yang berasal dari sel Schwann dalam selubung saraf. Pada ekstremitas bawah, schwannoma saraf sciatic jarang terjadi, terhitung 1% dari semua schwannoma. Laporan ini bertujuan menggambarkan pemulihan fungsional dengan blok saraf perifer setelah operasi tungkai bawah schwannoma saraf sciatic tanpa pemantauan neurofisiologis intraoperatif (IOM) di Rumah Sakit Semen Padang, 2019. Seorang wanita 78 tahun datang dengan keluhan nyeri pada massa yang tumbuh perlahan di daerah popliteal kanannya selama 22 tahun. Reseksi bedah mikro dilakukan dengan blok saraf perifer secara lokal dan tanpa pemantauan neurofisiologis intraoperatif. Tumor terangkat secara en-bloc dengan diseksi tajam menggunakan mikroskop tanpa ada komplikasi. Pada minggu ketiga pascaoperasi, pasien mengalami pengurangan rasa sakit yang signifikan tanpa defisit neurologis

    EBAG9 (Estrogen receptor-binding fragment-associated antigen 9)

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    Review on EBAG9 (Estrogen receptor-binding fragment-associated antigen 9), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Jagung Lokal (Zea Mays L.) Varietas Talango Terhadap Pemberian Selenium (Se)

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    Local maize plants have prospects to be developed in line with the increasing demand and level of community consumption. One of the local varieties of maize, the Talango variety, has the advantages of early maturity of 75 days, long shelf life, high yield of maize and cheap seed prices. The nutritional content of the Talango variety is higher than that of hybrid maize, such as 11.24% protein, 4.96% fat and 75.6% carbohydrates. This study were to determine the best dose of selenium to growth and yield of local maize (Zea mays L.) Talango varieties. This study used Randomized Block Design (RBD) one factor consisting A0 = 0 µm, A1 = 5 µm, A2 = 10 µm, A3 = 15 µm, A4 = 20 µm, A5 = 25 µm, A6 = 30 µm, A7 = 35 µm, A8 = 40 µm, A9 = 45 µm. Each treatment will be repeated 4 times so that there are total 40 experimental units. The research variebles included plant height, root wet weight, shoot wet weight, total wet weight, flowering age, seed weight and 100 seed weight. The data obtained will be analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result will be analyzed using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) level of α 5% to compare the effect between treatments on plant yield. The treatment of selenium (Se) doses at different levels had a positive effect on increasing the observed variables of root fresh weight, shoot fresh weight, total fresh weight, flowering age, seed weight per plant and 100 seed plant weights. The results showed that the Se treatment with doses of 20 μM to 25 μM and 35 μM to 40 μM produced the best seed weight per plant in the range of 59.25 g – 79.84 g which was significantly different from the control and other treatment doses. Keywords: Local maize, Talango varieties, Seleniu

    Correlation between Degree of Gibbus Angulation, Neurological Deficits, and Pain in Spondylitis Tuberculosis Patients

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    Objective: To analyze the correlation between the degree of angulation and neurological deficits as well as pain in spondylitis tuberculosis (TB) patients.Methods: This observational-analytic study included bivariate analysis on data collected from the medical records of patients with presented with spondylitis TB to Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung outpatient clinic from January 2014 to December 2015. The variables were the degree of gibbus angulation, neurological deficits, and pain.Results: The study showed significant positive correlation between gibbus angulation and sensory neurological deficits (r=0.375; p=0.009) and there was significant positive correlation between gibbus angulation and pain (r=0.638, p=0.000). The study showed an insignificant correlation between gibbus angulation and motoric neurological deficits (r=0.125; p=0.525).Conclusions: There is a significant correlation between the degree of gibbus angulation and pain as well as sensory neurological deficits. Meanwhile, no significant correlation is found between the degree of gibbus angulation and motoric neurological deficits.Keywords: Gibbus angulation, neurological deficits, pain, spondylitis tuberculosis DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v5n2.104

    Hematoma Evacuation Outcome in Patients with Spontaneous Supratentorial Intracerebral Hemorrhage

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    The mortality rate of spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage evacuation is still high and varies in all neurosurgical centers. Currently, minimally invasive surgery to evacuate bleeding has become an option, but not all neurosurgical centers can perform the procedures due to limited resources. In addition, there are several guidelines for determining which patients will undergo a surgery. This study assessed the outcome of selected patients who were operated on using micro neurosurgical procedures or external ventricular drainage for intraventricular hemorrhage between 2016 and 2021. Patients included in this study were recruited from a hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia and selected based on the guideline of the 2015 American Heart Association/ American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA). The outcome was assessed by a modified Rankin scale (mRS). There were 301 patients with hemorrhagic stroke but only fifty patients were matched the criteria in the guideline. Male patients constituted the majority of the patients (n=28, 56%) and hypertension has occurred in 37 (74%) patients. The hematoma was mostly located in the intracerebral with intraventricular extension (n=27, 54%) patients. The pre-operative Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 23 (46%) patients were comatose and the other was 9–13. Postoperatively, there were 37 (74%) patients with a scale of 13–15, but 10 (20%) patients died. Pair t-test of the preoperative and postoperative scales showed a significant difference, p < 0.01. The outcome of 40 (80%) patients was good (modified Rankin scale of 0–3), and the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was -0.739 with the Sig.2-tailed was <0.01. The outcome of spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage evacuation is good when selecting patients following the 2015 AHA/ASA guideline and there is a strong correlation between postoperative GCS with 3-month mRS results. Keywords: Intracerebral hemorrhage, guidelines, modified Rankin scale, outcom

    Effect of Special Massage on Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) Scores among Primigravida Pregnant Women in the Third Trimester in Coping with Childbirth During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The spread of coronavirus during the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in an increased level of anxiety among pregnant women. Decrease in the level of anxiety in pregnant women can be achieved through non-pharmacological therapy, one of which is special massage. This study aims to analyze the difference in the effect of special massage on the anxiety level between primigravida pregnant women in the third-trimester and pregnant women without special massage in coping with childbirth during the Covid-19 pandemic. This was a quasi-experimental study with a Non-equivalent Control Group Design approach. The samples in this study were 80 pregnant women in the third-trimester. The sample size was determined using the formula for unpaired categorical analytical study to test the hypothesis between the two proportions. The test results showed a comparison of anxiety scores (pre and post) in the two study groups, with a decrease in the HARS score in the special massage group by 43.7percent. Meanwhile, the decrease in the HARS score in the group without special massage was -9.1percent. The statistical test results with the Mann-Whitney test obtained a p-value less than equals 0.001 (p less than 0.05) which indicated a significant difference. It can be concluded that special massage had a significant effect on a decrease in the HARS Score of primigravida pregnant women in the third-trimester pregnant women in coping with childbirth during the Covid-19 pandemic.Penyebaran virus corona di masa pandemi Covid-19 mengakibatkan meningkatnya tingkat kecemasan pada ibu hamil. Kecemasan pada ibu hamil tidak bwasa begitu saja dibiarkan, Sebab, jika penanganannya kurang tepat, akan menimbulkan risiko bagi ibu hamil, diantaranya resiko terjadinya prematuritas dan resiko hipertensi pada kehamilan. Penurunan kecemasan dapat dilakukan dengan terapi non-farmakology, salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan pijat khusus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa perbedaan pengaruh pijat khusus terhadap tingkat kecemasan ibu hamil primigravidan trimester III dibandingkan ibu hamil tanpa diberikan pijat khusus dalam menghadapi persalinan pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimental semu dengan pendekatan Non-equivalent Control Group Design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 80 ibu hamil trimester III. Perhitungan sampel menggunakan rumus penentuan besar sampel untuk penelitian analitik kategorik tidak berpasangan, digunakan rumus besar sampel untuk uji hipotesis antara dua proporsi, Hasil pengujian menunjukan perbandingan skor kecemasan (pre dan post) pada kedua kelompok penelitian, penurunan Skor HARS pada kelompok pijat khusus sebesar 43,7persen. Sedangkan penurunan Skor HARS pada kelompok tanpa pijat khusus sebesar -9,1persen. Hasil uji statistic dengan Uji Mann-Whitney diperoleh nilai p kurang dari sama dengan 0,001 (p kurang dari 0,05) yang berarti bermakna. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pijat khusus memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap penurunan Skor HARS Ibu Hamil Primigravida Trimester III dalam menghadapi persalinan pada masa pandemi Covid-19

    Rare Distal Anterior Choroidal Artery Aneurysm

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    Objective: To describe a rare patient with ruptur aneurysm case of distal anterior choroidal artery (AChA) and intraventricular hemorrhage. A 56-year old female came to our hospital with chief complaint sudden onset of severe headache and vomiting.Methods: Head computed tomography (CT)-scan and angiography on the lesion was performed at the Department of Radiology, Siloam Hospital, Tangerang, Indonesia.Results: Head CT-scan imaging revealed an intraventricular hemorrhage, primarily in the right lateral ventricle, with slight enlargement of both lateral, 3rd and 4th ventricles. Angiography examination revealed a round vascular lesion at the wall of the posterior cornu of the lateral ventricle and an occlusion of the M1 base segment of the left middle cerebral artery.Conclusions: The lesion, distal AChA aneurysm, at the posterior cornu was reached using an infratemporal lobe approach with the help of neuronavigation. Microsurgical clipping was successfully performed.Keywords: Aneurysm, distal anterior choroidal artery, neuronavigation DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v4n2.83
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