105 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Telemonitoring Oximetry, Ecg, dan Temperature Nirkabel

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    Lack of medical personnel in Indonesia led to many patients who need intensive care and their conditions are not monitored in real time as well as patients's room with the doctor's office away from each other. So this activity aims to facilitate monitoring of blood oxygen saturation levels, cardiac signal and temperature of the patient even though the doctor is not in place. ECG circuits that is made had HPF circuit wich pass frequencies above 0.05 Hz, LPF circuits which pass frequencies below 100 Hz, and Notcoh filter circuit that can eliminate the grid. At oximetry sensor circuit built using red LED (Light Emitting Diode) and infrared LED. In the temperature circuits, IC LM-35 is used as a temperature sensor. All three circuits were combined with a microcontroller to a PC and processed by a program has been designed and accepted by smartphones. The results that have been obtained from the test on each parameter there are no real difference to the oximetry, ECG, and temperature calibrator tool


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    Canopy cover is one approach to measuring canopy density. The area of land is covered by the vertical projection of the plant canopy or tree canopy is known as canopy cover. A photography technique called hemispherical photography is used to photograph the topography of terrestrial forests or mangroves. Another way of taking pictures to measure tree canopy cover is closed photography, which does not use a fisheye lens and concentrates more on examining the characteristics of the canopy such as the area index of leaves. This study aims to determine the percentage of canopy cover using hemispherical photography methods, water quality, and the relationship between canopy cover and water quality in Tabanio Village. Methods in data analysis use Mueller-Dumbois and Ellenberg (1974), ImageJ, STORET, and PCA (Principal Component Analysis). The results of the study can be seen in the type of mangrove canopy cover criteria, which range from medium to very dense

    Probe-dependent negative allosteric modulators of the long-chain free fatty acid receptor FFA4

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    High-affinity and selective antagonists that are able to block the actions of both endogenous and synthetic agonists of G protein–coupled receptors are integral to analysis of receptor function and to support suggestions of therapeutic potential. Although there is great interest in the potential of free fatty acid receptor 4 (FFA4) as a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of type II diabetes, the broad distribution pattern of this receptor suggests it may play a range of roles beyond glucose homeostasis in different cells and tissues. To date, a single molecule, 4-methyl-N-9H-xanthen-9-yl-benzenesulfonamide (AH-7614), has been described as an FFA4 antagonist; however, its mechanism of antagonism remains unknown. We synthesized AH-7614 and a chemical derivative and demonstrated these to be negative allosteric modulators (NAMs) of FFA4. Although these NAMs did inhibit FFA4 signaling induced by a range of endogenous and synthetic agonists, clear agonist probe dependence in the nature of allosteric modulation was apparent. Although AH-7614 did not antagonize the second long-chain free fatty acid receptor, free fatty acid receptor 1, the simple chemical structure of AH-7614 containing features found in many anticancer drugs suggests that a novel close chemical analog of AH-7614 devoid of FFA4 activity, 4-methyl-N-(9H-xanthen-9-yl)benzamide (TUG-1387), will also provide a useful control compound for future studies assessing FFA4 function. Using TUG-1387 alongside AH-7614, we show that endogenous activation of FFA4 expressed by murine C3H10T1/2 mesenchymal stem cells is required for induced differentiation of these cells toward a more mature, adipocyte-like phenotype

    Mass calibration of distant SPT galaxy clusters through expanded weak-lensing follow-up observations with HST, VLT, & Gemini-South

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    Expanding from previous work, we present weak-lensing (WL) measurements for a total sample of 30 distant (zmedian = 0.93) massive galaxy clusters from the South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SPT-SZ) Survey, measuring galaxy shapes in Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys images. We remove cluster members and preferentially select z 73 1.4 background galaxies via V - I colour, employing deep photometry from VLT/FORS2 and Gemini-South/GMOS. We apply revised calibrations for the WL shape measurements and the source redshift distribution to estimate the cluster masses. In combination with earlier Magellan/Megacam results for lower-redshifts clusters, we infer refined constraints on the scaling relation between the SZ detection significance and the cluster mass, in particular regarding its redshift evolution. The mass scale inferred from the WL data is lower by a factor 0.76−0.14+0.100.76^{+0.10}_{-0.14} (at our pivot redshift z = 0.6) compared to what would be needed to reconcile a flat Planck \u3bd\u39bCDM cosmology (in which the sum of the neutrino masses is a free parameter) with the observed SPT-SZ cluster counts. In order to sensitively test the level of (dis-)agreement between SPT clusters and Planck, further expanded WL follow-up samples are needed

    SocialTrove: A Self-summarizing Storage Service for Social Sensing

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    The increasing availability of smartphones, cameras, and wearables with instant data sharing capabilities, and the exploitation of social networks for information broadcast, heralds a future of real-time information overload. With the growing excess of worldwide streaming data, such as images, geotags, text annotations, and sensory measurements, an increasingly common service will become one of data summarization. The objective of such a service will be to obtain a representative sampling of large data streams at a configurable granularity, in real-time, for subsequent consumption by a range of data-centric applications. This paper describes a general-purpose self-summarizing storage service, called SocialTrove, for social sensing applications. The service summarizes data streams from human sources, or sensors in their possession, by hierarchically clustering received information in accordance with an application-specific distance metric. It then serves a sampling of produced clusters at a configurable granularity in response to application queries. While SocialTrove is a general service, we illustrate its functionality and evaluate it in the specific context of workloads collected from Twitter. Results show that SocialTrove supports a high query throughput, while maintaining a low access latency to the produced real-time application-specific data summaries. As a specific application case-study, we implement a fact-finding service on top of SocialTrove.Army Research Laboratory, Cooperative Agreement W911NF-09-2-0053DTRA grant HDTRA1-10-1-0120NSF grants CNS 13-29886, CNS 09-58314, CNS 10-35736Ope
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