363 research outputs found

    The effect of renovation of long-term temperate grassland on N2O emissions and N leaching from contrasting soils

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    pre-printRenovation of long-term grassland is associated with a peak in soil organic N mineralisation which, coupled with diminished plant N uptake can lead to large gaseous and leaching N losses. This study reports on the effect of ploughing and subsequent N fertilisation on the N2O emissions and DON/NO3− leaching, and evaluates the impact of ploughing technique on the magnitude and profile of N losses. This study was carried out on isolated grassland lysimeters of three Irish soils representing contrasting drainage properties (well-drained Clonakilty, moderately-drained Elton and poorly-drained Rathangan). Lysimeters were manually ploughed simulating conventional (CT) and minimum tillage (MT) as two treatments. Renovation of grassland increased N2O flux to a maximum of 0.9 kg N2O–N ha− 1 from poorly-drained soil over four days after treatment. Although there was no difference between CT and MT in the post-ploughing period, the treatment influenced subsequent N2O after fertiliser applications. Fertilisation remained the major driver of N losses therefore reducing fertilisation rate post-planting to account for N mineralised through grassland renovation could reduce the losses in medium to longer term. Leaching was a significant loss pathway, with the cumulative drainage volume and N leached highly influenced by soil type. Overall, the total N losses (N2O + N leached) were lowest from poorly and moderately draining soil and highest for the well draining soil, reflecting the dominance of leaching on total N losses and the paramount importance of soil properties

    A field-based comparison of ammonia emissions from six Irish soil types following urea fertiliser application

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    peer-reviewedAmmonia (NH3) emissions from a range of soil types have been found to differ under laboratory conditions. However, there is lack of studies comparing NH3 emissions from different soil types under field conditions. The objective was to compare NH3 emissions from six different soil types under similar environmental conditions in the field following urea fertiliser application. The study was conducted on a lysimeter unit and NH3 emissions were measured, using wind tunnels, from six different soil types with varying soil characteristics following urea fertiliser application (80 kg N/ha). On average, 17.6% (% total N applied) was volatilised, and there was no significant difference in NH3 emissions across all soil types. Soil variables, including pH, cation exchange capacity and volumetric moisture, were not able to account for the variation in emissions. Further field studies are required to improve the urea-NH3 emission factor used for Ireland’s NH3 inventory

    Wavelength dependent collective effects in the multiphoton ionization of atomic deuterium

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation into collective effects in the transient plasma formed by multiphoton ionization of atomic deuterium with a pulsed laser. The laser wavelength is varied in a narrow range around 243 nm, so that the photoionization is resonant with the metastable 2S1/2 state. The ion yield, the ion time-of-flight spectra, and the yield of Lyman-a photons have been measured as a function of laser intensity ~from 1 to 340 MW/cm2! and laser detuning around the 1S1/2-2S1/2 two-photon resonance. During and shortly after the laser pulse, collective effects resulting from the mutual interaction of the photoelectrons and the ions affect the spatial and temporal distribution of the ions. Because of the near-degeneracy of the 2S1/2, 2P1/2 , and 2P3/2 states, the resonant multiphoton ionization is affected by the Stark mixing of these states in the collective field. As a result, the time-dependent yields of ions and of Lyman-a photons are modulated by the interplay of the multiphoton ionization of the atoms and the collective effects in the plasma. From the measurements it is deduced that collective effects are important above a critical charge density of 33108 ions/cm3. An asymmetry is observed in the line profile of the total ion yield as a function of laser detuning. This asymmetry is interpreted to be due to the effect of the collective field upon the intermediate resonant 2S1/2 state of the photoionization process

    Wavelength dependent collective effects in the multiphoton ionization of atomic deuterium

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation into collective effects in the transient plasma formed by multiphoton ionization of atomic deuterium with a pulsed laser. The laser wavelength is varied in a narrow range around 243 nm, so that the photoionization is resonant with the metastable 2S1/2 state. The ion yield, the ion time-of-flight spectra, and the yield of Lyman-a photons have been measured as a function of laser intensity ~from 1 to 340 MW/cm2! and laser detuning around the 1S1/2-2S1/2 two-photon resonance. During and shortly after the laser pulse, collective effects resulting from the mutual interaction of the photoelectrons and the ions affect the spatial and temporal distribution of the ions. Because of the near-degeneracy of the 2S1/2, 2P1/2 , and 2P3/2 states, the resonant multiphoton ionization is affected by the Stark mixing of these states in the collective field. As a result, the time-dependent yields of ions and of Lyman-a photons are modulated by the interplay of the multiphoton ionization of the atoms and the collective effects in the plasma. From the measurements it is deduced that collective effects are important above a critical charge density of 33108 ions/cm3. An asymmetry is observed in the line profile of the total ion yield as a function of laser detuning. This asymmetry is interpreted to be due to the effect of the collective field upon the intermediate resonant 2S1/2 state of the photoionization process

    Effect of Land Management on Grassland Carbon Dioxide Fluxes

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    Grassland soils can act as both a source and sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Implementing grassland management practices that increase the rates of soil CO2 sequestration are urgently sought to offset Ireland’s agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. However, land management of Irish grasslands is not yet accounted for in the national inventories simultaneously posing a limitation and opportunity for refining modelled estimates of carbon sequestration. In this study, eddy covariance flux towers were established to monitor net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Re) in three grassland types (intensive dairy grazing, drystock grazing and zero- grazing) in geographically distinct agricultural catchments in Ireland. The initial results show larger magnitude of NEE, GPP and Re in intensively grazed and zero-grazed grasslands that are subject to frequent grazing/defoliation followed by recovery of photosynthetic potential. The continuously grazed drystock grassland exhibited lower NEE and GPP rates but smaller seasonal fluctuations in daily fluxes which may reflect the reduction in nutrient availability to support higher GPP. However, the drystock grazed grassland had significantly higher soil water content which may stimulate higher soil CO2 respiration resulting in lower NEE over time. Management practices involving defoliation and nutrient supply influenced affected season CO2 exchange but longer-term flux monitoring is required to assess the net ecosystem carbon budgets of each grassland system

    Bifidobacterial biofilm formation is a multifactorial adaptive phenomenon in response to bile exposure

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    In the current study, we show that biofilm formation by various strains and species belonging to Bifidobacterium, a genus that includes gut commensals with reported health-promoting activities, is induced by high concentrations of bile (0.5% (w/v) or higher) and individual bile salts (20 mM or higher), rather than by acid or osmotic stress. The transcriptomic response of a bifidobacterial prototype Bifidobacterium breve UCC2003 to such high bile concentrations was investigated and a random transposon bank of B. breve UCC2003 was screened for mutants that affect biofilm formation in order to identify genes involved in this adaptive process. Eleven mutants affected in their ability to form a biofilm were identified, while biofilm formation capacity of an insertional mutation in luxS and an exopolysaccharide (EPS) negative B. breve UCC2003 was also studied. Reduced capacity to form biofilm also caused reduced viability when exposed to porcine bile. We propose that bifidobacterial biofilm formation is an adaptive response to high concentrations of bile in order to avoid bactericidal effects of high bile concentrations in the gastrointestinal environment. Biofilm formation appears to be a multi-factorial process involving EPS production, proteins and extracellular DNA release, representing a crucial strategy in response to bile stress in order to enhance fitness in the gut environment

    Nutrition support practices and opinions toward gastrostomy use in pediatric bone marrow transplant centers : a national survey

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    Objective: Previous surveys have shown deviations in nutritional practices from international guidelines during bone marrow transplant (BMT). Guidelines recommend enteral nutrition first-line and nasogastric tubes are the mainstay for its provision. Gastrostomies provide an alternative, yet their use is less common. This national survey investigated nutrition support practices in pediatric allogeneic BMT centers and compared clinicians’ opinions on gastrostomy use. The aim of this study was to identify the national picture of nutritional support practices across pediatric allogeneic BMT centers, including use and opinions of dietitians, clinical nurse specialists, and physicians, toward gastrostomy feeding. Methods: An online survey was administered to 12 centers. The lead dietitian answered questions regarding nutritional counseling, screening, assessment, and interventions. Questions regarding current use, perceived advantages, and problems of gastrostomies were answered by the dietitian, lead clinical nurse specialist, and physician. Results: A 100% response rate was achieved from 12 centers (N = 36 clinicians). Nutritional counseling was provided in 92% of centers before and routinely throughout admission, 83% screened on and regularly throughout admission, 83% assessed nutritional status before transplant, and 92% used enteral nutrition first-line. Forty-two percent of the centers used gastrostomies. In those not using gastrostomies, 76% of clinicians felt some children should be offered a gastrostomy. Clinicians perceived less displacements (78%) and cosmetic appearance (69%) as the most common advantages of gastrostomies over nasogastric tubes. Risks associated with surgery (92%) and tube/stoma complications (58%) were the most common perceived problems. Conclusions: A similar approach was shown on many aspects of nutritional support. Gastrostomy use divided opinion with differences in use and perceived advantages, but agreement on potential complications. Despite their risks, clinicians wanted to use gastrostomies more. Placement requires careful consideration of the risks, benefits, and family preferences

    Systematic review of gastrostomy complications and outcomes in pediatric cancer and bone marrow transplant

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    Background Nutrition support is essential in children with cancer, including those undergoing bone marrow transplant (BMT), to reduce the risk of malnutrition and associated deleterious outcomes. Enteral nutrition is more commonly provided via nasogastric than gastrostomy tubes because of safety concerns with the latter in immunocompromised children. This systematic review investigated the incidence and type of complications and outcomes in pediatric cancer patients fed by gastrostomy. Methods Databases were searched for randomized and observational studies investigating the use of any gastrostomy device in children aged <18 years with any cancer diagnosis, including those undergoing BMT. Five cohort and 11 case series studies were included. Owing to clinical heterogeneity, meta-analyses were not performed. Results Quality of evidence varied, with five studies judged at serious risk of bias and poor quality; however, the remaining 11 were considered to range from moderate to good quality. Across studies, 54.6% of children developed one or more complications, of which 76.6% were classified as minor, 23.4% major. The most frequent complications included inflammation (52% of episodes), infection (42.1%), leakage (22.3%), and granuloma (21%). Evidence regarding infection rates in cancer/BMT patients compared with other disease states was inconclusive. Gastrostomy feeding was associated with improvement or stabilization of nutrition status in 77%–92.7% of children. Conclusion Gastrostomy feeding in this population is relatively safe and effective in stabilizing or improving nutrition status throughout treatment. Complications are frequent but mostly minor. Placement requires careful consideration of the complications, benefits, nutrition risk and status at diagnosis, and quality of life

    Homeobox transcription factor muscle segment homeobox 2 (Msx2) correlates with good prognosis in breast cancer patients and induces apoptosis in vitro

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    Introduction: The homeobox-containing transcription factor muscle segment homeobox 2 (Msx2) plays an important role in mammary gland development. However, the clinical implications of Msx2 expression in breast cancer are unclear. The aims of this study were to investigate the potential clinical value of Msx2 as a breast cancer biomarker and to clarify its functional role in vitro. Methods: Msx2 gene expression was first examined in a well-validated breast cancer transcriptomic dataset of 295 patients. Msx2 protein expression was then evaluated by immunohistochemistry in a tissue microarray (TMA) containing 281 invasive breast tumours. Finally, to assess the functional role of Msx2 in vitro, Msx2 was ectopically expressed in a highly invasive breast tumour cell line (MDA-MB-231) and an immortalised breast cell line (MCF10a), and these cell lines were examined for changes in growth rate, cell death and cell signalling. Results: Examination of Msx2 mRNA expression in a breast cancer transcriptomic dataset demonstrated that increased levels of Msx2 were associated with good prognosis (P = 0.011). Evaluation of Msx2 protein expression on a TMA revealed that Msx2 was detectable in both tumour cell nuclei and cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic Msx2 expression was associated with low grade tumours (P = 0.012) and Ki67 negativity (P = 0.018). Nuclear Msx2 correlated with low-grade tumours (P = 0.015), estrogen receptor positivity (P = 0.038), low Ki67 (P = 0.005) and high cyclin D1 expression (P = 0.037). Increased cytoplasmic Msx2 expression was associated with a prolonged breast cancer-specific survival (P = 0.049), recurrence-free survival (P = 0.029) and overall survival (P = 0.019). Ectopic expression of Msx2 in breast cell lines resulted in radically decreased cell viability mediated by induction of cell death via apoptosis. Further analysis of Msx2-expressing cells revealed increased levels of p21 and phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and decreased levels of Survivin and the 'split ends' (SPEN) protein family member RBM15. Conclusions: We conclude that increased Msx2 expression results in improved outcome for breast cancer patients, possibly by increasing the likelihood of tumour cell death by apoptosis
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