14 research outputs found


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    This study aims at explaining the use of virtual tours in learning English for tourism in the English for Tourism course at the Department of English Education, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University. Technology is an alternative that is used as a human response. In the field of education, innovation was born through technological developments, namely virtual tour services which became a learning platform equipped with visual, audiovisual and interactive learning resources. Studying at home can be boring for both students and teachers due to the confined environment in the room. It is hoped that the visual service organized by the virtual tour application in Indonesia can provide educational, inspirational and recreational value as well as in learning English for tourism which is carried out onlin

    Literature Circles to Improve Reading Motivation and Skill

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    The objective of this research is to find out the improvement of reading motivation and skill by using literature circles. The researcher used classroom action research. The sample of this research were the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Cinangka students. The researcher found that there is a significant improvement in reading motivation and skill by using literature circles. In the first cycle, students reading skill improved 42,9%, and the students reading motivation improved 41,%. In the second cycle gradually students reading skill improved 68,6%, and the students reading motivation improved 80,%. In the third cycle, students reading skill improved 91,4%, and the students reading motivation improved 91,4,%. It means that there is a significant improvement of reading motivation and skill which focused on discerning the main idea, specific information, understanding the sequence, and inference. All these suggest that improving reading motivation and skill by using literature circles is highly encouraged.&nbsp


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    The objectives of this research are to find out the categories and students’ perceptions of teacher’s talks that were applied by the English teacher in the teaching and learning process at Bani Adung Islamic Boarding School based on the framework Flander’s Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC), and to know the students’ perceptions about the teacher’s talks. The participants of this research were the English teacher and the eighth grade students of the setting. The method of this research was qualitative descriptive method, and observation sheet, audio recording and questionnaire were used for data collection. The data taken from the teacher’s talks applied by the teacher in classroom activities were analyzed qualitatively. The result showed that the most dominant category was giving directions (29%), followed by asking the questions (27.5%), and the last category was accepting or using ideas of students (2.9%). The indirect talks were lower than direct talks. As a result, the teacher-centered method was found to be the most prevalent during classroom interaction. Students also preferred to be praised or encouraged, and effective language in the classroom was required. It is recommended that the teacher use all types of teacher talks in the classroom. They should, however, be based on the needs of the students


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    The researchers pointed out that digital storytelling can be used as supporting materials for the e-learning portal in both departments, English and Indonesian department. It discussed more about the process of designing the material of a digital storytelling as teaching aid for literal listening subject. It has a significant contribution for the effective and fun English learning. Through the qualitative method used to analyze the data. The research also started by collecting sources for creating and designing the digital storytelling on stories entitled “Aunt Polly” and ”Tom Fight” by Mark Twain. It started from inventorying the teaching and learning stuff such as syllabus, lesson plan, software, and the digital contents of the storytelling made. The researchers choose Audacity 3.5 Beta, and Windows Moviemaker 2.6, as the software for editing audio and creating video. The stories were made for enhancing the students listening skills either bottom-up or top down. The result of this research proves digital storytelling can be used in E-learning portal, such as Edmodo. The questionnaires result shows that digital storytelling is an interesting material, but need to be modified more in e-learning.  Article visualizations


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    This study aims at explaining the use of virtual tours in learning English for tourism in the English for Tourism course at the Department of English Education, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University. Technology is an alternative that is used as a human response. In the field of education, innovation was born through technological developments, namely virtual tour services which became a learning platform equipped with visual, audiovisual and interactive learning resources. Studying at home can be boring for both students and teachers due to the confined environment in the room. It is hoped that the visual service organized by the virtual tour application in Indonesia can provide educational, inspirational and recreational value as well as in learning English for tourism which is carried out onlin

    Developing English for Tourism Materials Course based on Banten Local Wisdom

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    By examining Banten's local wisdom, this paper intends to investigate the evolution of English for Tourism teaching materials. This article examines the concept of material development, material development principles, material development requirements analysis, and local wisdom as a point in the construction of teaching materials. The following section covers the material development process and analyzes the development of English Tourism course materials based on local knowledge. This article also offers advice on how to incorporate local knowledge into material development and how to create useful materials for an English for Tourism course.&nbsp

    The effectiveness of using cartoon movie toward students' vocabulary mastery

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu kefektifan penggunaan film kartun terhadap penguasaan kosakata di kelas 7 SMPN 2 Kota Serang. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa t-hitung (20.2) lebih tinggi dari t-table (1.99) dalam perhitungan tingkat signifikannya sebesar 5%. Itu artinya null hypothesis (Ho) ditolak dan alternative hypothesis (Ha) diterima dan adanya perbedaan skor di kelas eksperimental yang lebih besar daripada kelas kontrol. Untuk itu dapat dismipulkan bahwa film kartun efektif untuk penguasaan kosakata di kelas 7 di SMPN 2 Kota Serang dan sebagai salah satu media yang dapat membantu para siswa untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam belajar kosakata Bahasa Inggris


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    This article aims at intoducing how to use Edmodo to teach vocabulary. Vocabulary is a component of English language. When we are speaking and writing, we need to master vocabulary related to certain topic. Therefore vocabulary is important thing in learning language. But, mastering English vocabularies is not easy. Teacher needs a media to make an interesting teaching-learning process. One of the most accepted trends in the field of teaching vocabulary in a foreign language teaching is Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). CALL has several applications that can be used by the teachers in teaching vocabulary. Computer and mobile telephone internet allow immediate connection to a server. In the internet browser the teachers and students can browse Edmodo. One of media is Edmodo. Edmodo is one of social media which can be operated by students, teachers or lecturers, and parents. It is able to be used to post various assignments and students’ learning achievement, actual discussion topics, video, appointments, and to facilitate students’ polls which are related to teaching learning process

    Reading Comprehension Test and Its Challenges In Students’ Perspective

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    There are two objectives of this research were first, to find the most difficult question category that students faced in reading test, and last, to investigate the causes of students' difficulties. This research used a qualitative method and it was conducted at the first semester students of c class English Department of UNTIRTA year 2019. The descriptive method was used to expose the result of this research. The data were collected through documents of reading comprehension final test first semester and an interview with the students. The document was used to find out the most difficult question category, and the result after analyzing the document is the students got difficulties in answering the question about vocabulary mastery. It is also supported by the result of interviewing the students. There were 17 students from 20 students or 85% felt that the vocabulary question category in part B was difficult. Then, the interview was also used to investigate the causes of the student's difficulties in reading test. The result got after analysis, the causes of the students got difficulties and confused to answer vocabulary question because they were lack of vocabulary mastery, and their reading habit was poor. So, it indicates that students’ capability of guessing meaning some unfamiliar vocabulary or words in the current context needs to be improved