98 research outputs found

    Analysis of Prices and Structure of Real Estate Market

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na analýzu cen a struktury trhu s nemovitostmi v jednotlivých krajích České republiky. V teoretické části práce jsou popsány faktory, které mají vliv na cenu dané nemovitosti. Tyto faktory jsou rozděleny do dvou skupin, a to na mikroekonomické a makroekonomické. Dále jsou popsány nejčastější způsoby oceňování nemovitostí v České republice, výnosový, nákladový a porovnávací. Prakticko-teoretická část bakalářské práce je zaměřena na analýzu jednotlivých krajů, stanovení podílu nabízených nemovitostí v rámci konkrétního kraje a stanovení průměrných cen daných nemovitostí. V praktické části práce je provedla analýza cen nemovitostí mezi jednotlivými kraji v rámci České republiky a určení nejlevnější, a naopak nejdražšího kraje v prodeji či pronájmu dané nemovitosti. Součástí praktické části práce je i korelační analýza, která slouží ke zjištění závislosti cen nemovitostí na vybraných makroekonomických ukazatelích, a to průměrné hrubé měsíční mzdě a podílu nezaměstnanosti. Z korelační analýzy vyplynulo, že ceny nemovitostí jsou ovlivněny výší hrubé měsíční mzdy, a naopak podíl nezaměstnanosti neprokázal vyšší závislost na stanovení cen nemovitostí.The bachelor thesis focuses on analysis of prices and structure of real estate market in individual regions of the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of this thesis describes the factors that influence the price of the property. These factors are divided into two parts, micro-economics and macro-economics. There are described the most common types of evaluation of the property in the Czech Republic. These are revenue, costs and comparison. Other part of this bachelor thesis, consists of analysis of individual regions, where the rate of offering property on the real estate market and the average prices of the property in separate regions of the Czech Republic are offered. In the practical part of the thesis is provide an analysis of the prices of property comparing separate regions of the Czech Republic and the determination of the cheapest and the most expensive region in the sale or lease of the real estate. In this part is also correlation analysis which is used to determine the dependence of real estate prices on selected macro-economic indicators, specifically the average gross monthly wage and the unemployment rate. The correlation analysis showed that real estate prices are influenced by the gross monthly wage, however the rates of unemployment had no visible affect, on property prices.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvýborn

    Kemijski sastav prsiju i mišića bataka u tovljenju fazanskih pilića

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    This work presents the results of chemical analysis of breast and thigh muscles in common pheasants fattened until the age of 90 days, and evaluates changes in the quality of pheasant meat between the 40th and 90th day of fattening. Water content in breast muscles of female pheasants conclusively decreased (P0.05) to 745.41 g/kg on the 90th day of fattening while the dry matter content increased to 254.59 g/kg. A similar trend, i.e. decrease of water content and increase of dry matter level, was observed in males on the 90th day of fattening but the changes were inconclusive. Changes in protein levels (NS) in breast muscles were also inconclusive. The mean protein levels in female pheasants were ca. 229.05 g/kg, in the case of males they ranged from 229.88 g/kg to 245.03 g/kg. The fat content in breast muscles in pheasant poults increased with age. Particularly females exhibited a very conclusive increase in fat content (P0.01) on the 90th day (7.79 g/kg) while in males the fat content increased inconclusively (8.87 g/kg). The levels of ash determined in breast muscles ranged from 12.31 g/kg to 11.62 g/kg and from 12.72 g/kg to 11.72 g/kg in females and males, respectively. This parameter was not significantly affected by the age of young pheasants. The mean water content in thigh muscles ranged between 730.56 g/kg and 759.91 g/kg in females and between 725.03 g/kg and 753.37 g/kg in males. The changes in water content were related to the changes in dry matter levels. The mean protein levels in thigh muscles of female pheasants decreased to 189.90 g/kg on the 90th day of feeding (P0.05), while in males a highly conclusive decrease to 197.92 g/kg (P0.01) was found. Fat levels in both breast and thigh muscles gradually increased. Thus, fat levels in thigh muscles of females increased from 21.06 g/kg (on the 40th day) to 57.49 g/kg (on the 90th day). In the case of males the fat levels increased from 19.66 g/kg (on the 40th day) to 45.24 g/kg (on the 90th day). Similarly, the mean levels of ash ranged from 12.62 g/kg to 12.66 g/kg in females and from 12.82 g/kg to 12.44 g/kg in males. However, no conclusive differences due to the duration of fattening were found.U ovom radu izvršene su analize kemijskog sastava mišićne mase bataka i prsiju kod tovljenja fazana sve do 90. dana starosti, s ciljem razmatranja i vrednovanja izmjena kakvoće proizvedenog mesa u razdoblju između 40. do 90. dana tova fazana. Kod mišićne mase u prsima ženki fazana utvrđeno je (P0,05) smanjenje sadržaja vode u 90. danu tova na 745,41 g/kg, a time i povećanje sadržaja suhe mase na 254,59 g/kg. Sličan trend u pogledu sadržaja vode i suhe mase primijećen je u 90. danu tova mužjaka fazana, s time da ove izmjene nisu dokazive. Nedokazive izmjene zabilježene su kod sadržaja bjelančevina (NL) u prsnoj mišićnoj masi, čije su prosječne vrijednosti varirale kod ženki fazana oko 229,05 g/kg, a kod mužjaka varirale su u rasponu između 229,88 g/kg do 245,03 g/kg. Što su bili pilići stariji, to veći je bio sadržaj masti u mišićnoj masi u prsima, što je bilo veoma očito (P0,01) posebno kod ženki fazana u 90. danu starosti 7,79 g/kg, dok je kod mužjaka zabilježena nedokaziva vrijednost 8,87 g/kg. Kod pepela, čiji se sadržaj u prsnoj mišićnoj masi kretao kod ženki između 12,31 g/kg do 11,62 g/kg, a kod mužjaka između 12,72 g/kg i 11,72 g/kg, u pogledu starosti fazana nisu utvrđene nikakve značajne razlike među prosječnim vrijednostima. Kod mišićne mase bataka fazana sadržaj vode je varirao u rasponu prosječnih vrijednosti, i to kako slijedi: kod ženki fazana između 730,56 g/kg do 759,91 g/kg, a kod mužjaka između 725,03 g/kg do 753,37 g/kg. Za izmjene sadržaja vode logično su vezane i izmjene sadržaja suhe mase. Što se tiče bjelančevina, u butnoj mišićnoj masi fazana dokazano je (P0,05) kod ženki u 90. danu tova smanjenje prosječne vrijednosti na 189,90 g/kg, a kod mužjaka čak veoma očito (dokazivo) smanjenje (P0,01) na 197,92 g/kg. Slično kao kod prsnih mišića te butnih mišića utvrđen je trend postupnog rasta masti kod ženki s 21,06 g/kg (40. dan) na 57,49 g/kg (90. dan), a kod mužjaka s 19,66 g/kg (40. dan) na 45,24 g/kg (90. dan). Isto tako kod pepela, čije su se prosječne vrijednosti kretale u rasponu između 12,62 g/kg i 12,66 g/kg kod ženki fazana, te 12,82 g/kg do 12,44 g/kg kod mužjaka, nisu potvrđene dokazive razlike vezane za vrijeme trajanja tova fazana


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of selected oils from the market in the Czech Republic by monitoring the fatty acids content during storage.The work was focused on oils widely used in animal nutrition as well as dietary supplements. Chosen oils: rapeseed, soybean, linseed and milk thistle were purchased in a health food store, salmon oil derived from a feed store. The fatty acids content in oils and changes in the composition during storage under various conditions were monitored. Fatty acids were detected in oils by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Individual fatty acids were divided into groups: saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA). SFA were most frequently found in salmon oil, most of PUFA was found in linseed oil and rapeseed oil contained the most of MUFA (15.4-16.6%, 77.3-77.5%, 64.5-64.8%,respectively). Oils stored in various conditions and storage periods did not show significant changes in the fatty acids composition. Mentioned oils are characterized and known by some fatty acids, although results show that they do not always have to be included in the expected quantities.Cilj ovog rada bio je ocijeniti kakvoću odabranih ulja na tržištu Češke Republike kontroliranjem sadržaja masnih kiselina za vrijeme uskladištenja. Rad je bio usredotočen na najviše upotrebljavana ulja u hranidbi životinja kao i ulja korištena kao dodatak hrani. Odabrana ulja repice, soje, lana i mliječne koprive kupljena su u trgovini zdrave hrane a lososovo ulje u trgovini hrane. Kontroliran je sadržaj masnih kiselina u uljima, te promjene sastava za vrijeme skladištenja u raznim uvjetima. Masne kiseline su određene u uljima plinskom kromatografijom s detektorom ionizacije pomoću plamena (GC-FID). Pojedine masne kiseline podijeljene su u skupine:zasićene (SFA), mononezasićene (MUFA) i polinezasićene (PUFA). SFA su najčešće nađene u ulju lososa, većina PUFA bila je u lanenom ulju, a repičino ulje sadržavalo je većinom MUFA (15,4-16,6%,77,3-77,5%,64,5-64,8%). Ulje uskladišteno u raznim uvjetima i trajanju skladištenja ne pokazuju značajne promjene u sastavu masnih kiselina. Spomenuta ulja karakteriziraju i poznata su po nekim masnim kiselinama, iako rezultati pokazuju da ona ne moraju uvijek biti u očekivanim količinama

    Response of peat biogeochemistry and soil organic matter quality to rewetting in bogs and spruce swamp forests

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    Various peatland restoration strategies developed during the last two decades have aimed to stop degradation and bring back the original hydrology, biodiversity and other peatland functions. This study evaluated progress 6-15 years after rewetting in vegetation development, physicochemical properties of peat, soil organic matter (SOM) quality and microbial activity in previously long-term drained bogs and spruce swamp forests (SSF) in comparison with pristine and long-term drained sites in the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic. Long-term drainage led to overall ecosystem degradation, indicated by a change in vegetation composition, reduced decomposability of peat, with high content of recalcitrant compounds and decreased pH, and reduced soil microbial biomass and activity. The degradation was more pronounced in SSF, while bogs seemed to be relatively resistant to environmental changes caused by drainage. Post-rewetting progress has occurred with regard to vegetation composition, peat pH, microbial biomass and potential anaerobic CO2 and CH4 production, all of which tending towards characteristics of the pristine sites. However, overall SOM quality has not yet responded significantly, indicating that some peat properties and functions, such as C accumulation, need much longer periods of time to return to the original level.Peer reviewe

    Intenzitet rasta i značajke polovica tovljenih pilića fazana

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    The main aim of the present work was to find out whether intensive fattening of pheasant poults can provide high-quality pheasant meat. The study is a pilot work in this area because until now pheasant rearing has only produced pheasants for the purpose of hunting. In this experiment three feeding mixtures were designed; nutritional and energetic composition of the mixtures complied with the respective feeding requirements. The feeding mixtures did not contain components originating from animals in order to ensure safety of meat. The growth intensity and the state of health of pheasants reflect the quality of feeding mixtures administered. Thus, on the 90th day the female and male pheasants weighed 0.832 kg and 1.061 kg, respectively. This represents approximately 90 % of the weight of an adult pheasant in natural hunting grounds. Pheasants were in a good state of health as concluded on the basis of a very low mortality rate (4.45 %). Results concerning carcass parameters such as carcass yield and the yield of high-quality tissues (breast and thigh muscles) are very promising. Thus, carcass yields ranged from 71 % to 72 %. The yield of breast muscles at the end of the feeding was 20.43 % in females and 19.66 % in males. The yield of thigh muscles was also high, reaching the level of 20.40 % in females and 20.59 % in males. The above values of carcass yield and the yield of the most valuable muscles obtained in this experiment exceed the values observed in most broiler chickens. Importantly, the experiment showed that despite intensive fattening the pheasant poults did not accumulate abdominal fat. Accumulation of abdominal fat was detected only in some 90-day-old pheasants after slaughter.Cilj ovog rada bio je razmatranje mogućnosti intezivnog tova pilića fazana u svrhu proizvodnje mesa visoke kakvoće. Rad se može smatrati pilot projektom u ovoj problematici, jer uzgoj fazana bio je dosad usmjeren samo za potrebe lova. Za ostvarenje ovog rada sastavljena su tri različita tipa stočne hrane, koji svojim sadržajem hranjivih tvari i eneregetskih vrijednosti ispunjavaju zahtjeve za tov fazana. U pogledu sigurnosti i zdravstvene besprijekornosti proizvodnje mesa, korišteni tipovi stočne hrane pripremljeni su bez životinjskoih sastojaka. Dobiveni rezultati inteziteta rasta te zdravstvenog stanja fazana postignuti su zahvaljujući dobroj kakvoći korištene stočne hrane. Ovim intenzivnim tovom kod pilića fazana starih 90 dana postignuta je prosječna težina od 0,832 kg (ženke), te 1,061 kg (mužjaci), što predstavlja otprilike 90% težine odraslih fazana postignute u prirodnim prostorima za uzgoj. Njihovo zdravstveno stanje može se smatratii dobrim i zbog niskog postotka uginulih fazana - 4.45 %. Veoma pozitivni su rezultati mjerenja korisne mase tijela fazana. Radi se posebno o visokom postotku korisne mase tijela fazana, koji se kreće od 71 % do 72 %. Do sličnih zaključaka došlo se i vrednovanjem postotka korisne mase najkvalitetnijih dijelova tijela fazana, kao što je prsna mišicna masa, čiji je korisni postotak na kraju tova 20.43 % (ženke), te 19.66 % (mužjaci). Gotovo isti rezultati su dobiveni i mjerenjem postotka korisne mase bataka fazana, gdje su dobiveni rezultati kod tovljenih pilića fazana 20.40 % (ženke), te 20.59 % (mužjaci). Gore navedeni parametri postotka korisne mase tijela i najvrednijih dijelova tijela, koji su postignuti ovim pokusom kod fazana namijenjenih za tov, predstavljaju vrijednosti, koje nisu postignute niti kod tovljenih pilića brojlera. Veoma pozitivan rezultat predstavlja činjenica da kod pilića fazana nije dolazilo do taloženja abdominalne masti čak i kod intenzivnog tova. Abdominalna mast počela se javljati tek u 90. danu starosti pilića fazana, i to ne kod svih žrtvovanih pilića

    Variation in Egg Yolk Colour in Different Systems of Rearing Laying Hens

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    A total of 72 laying hens (ISA BROWN hybrid combination) were divided into two groups. Thirty-six layers in the first group were reared on litter while the second group of layers was reared using the cage rearing system. Samples of eggs were collected from both groups for a period of seven months. Yolk colour was determined using a portable spectrophotometer using a newly developed method, which complied with the CIELAB system. Yolk colour indicator L* decreased for the rearing system on litter, i.e. egg yolk colour became darker in the course of the whole experiment (α = 0.05). Indicator a* showed a distinct increase in the case of the rearing system on litter, with the differences being significant (α = 0.05) over the last three months of the experiment. Differences for the whole experiment were highly conclusive (α = 0.01), as seen from the increasing red colour intensity. Similarly, indicator b* also increased, i.e. egg yolk was of more distinct yellow colour. In the case of the cage-rearing system, egg yolk colour indicators correlated well with egg weight indicators, as compared to the rearing system on litter. The rearing system on litter resulted in significantly increased intensity of orange colour compared to the cage rearing system

    Extending an Event-type Ontology: Adding Verbs and Classes Using Fine-tuned LLMs Suggestions

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    In this project, we have investigated the use of advanced machine learning methods, specifically fine-tuned large language models, for pre-annotating data for a lexical extension task, namely adding descriptive words (verbs) to an existing (but incomplete, as of yet) ontology of event types. Several research questions have been focused on, from the investigation of a possible heuristics to provide at least hints to annotators which verbs to include and which are outside the current version of the ontology, to the possible use of the automatic scores to help the annotators to be more efficient in finding a threshold for identifying verbs that cannot be assigned to any existing class and therefore they are to be used as seeds for a new class. We have also carefully examined the correlation of the automatic scores with the human annotation. While the correlation turned out to be strong, its influence on the annotation proper is modest due to its near linearity, even though the mere fact of such pre-annotation leads to relatively short annotation times.Comment: Accepted to LAW-XVII @ ACL 202

    Effect of Vegetable Oil Fortified Feeds on the Content of Fatty Acids in Breast and Thigh Muscles in Broiler Chickens

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    The main objective of this work was to compare the effect of six vegetable oils added to feeding mixtures that were administered to broiler chickens on the content of major fatty acids in chicken meat. The experiment started with 90 one-day-old Ross 308 meat hybrid male chickens that were divided into six groups. Chickens were fed complete feeding mixtures for the prefattening (BR1), fattening (BR2), and post-fattening (BR3) of broiler chickens. The BR1 feeding mixture was administered to chickens aged 1-10 days, the BR2 feeding mixture was given from Day 11 to Day 30, and the BR3 feeding mixture was then administered until Day 42. The BR1 feeding mixture that was administered to all six groups during the first ten days of the experiment was supplemented with soybean oil. BR2 and BR3 feeding mixtures used to feed chickens aged 11-42 days were fortified with soybean oil (SO Group), rapeseed oil (RO Group), sunflower oil (SFO Group), flaxseed oil (FO Group), olive oil (OO Group), and evening primrose oil (EPO Group). The vegetable oils used differed by the composition of fatty acids, particularly by the content of oleic acid, linoleic acid, α-linolenic acid. The use of the above-described experimental diets in young broilers from Day 11 to 42 had a significant effect on the content of fatty acids in the fat from breast and thigh muscles. The content of α-linolenic acid in breast and thigh muscles of broilers that received the feed containing flaxseed oil (21.16 g/100 g of oil and 17.13 g/100 g of oil, respectively) significantly increased (p ⪬ 0.01). The highest content of linoleic acid (p ⪬ 0.01) in breast and thigh muscles was found in chickens that were fed the feed containing primrose oil (59.13 g/100 g and 51.71 g/100 g). A significant increase (p ⪬ 0.01) in the level of oleic acid was detected in both breast and thigh muscles of broilers that received olive oil fortified feed (52.44 g/100 g and 43.70 g/100 g of oil). No significant variation was found in the content of palmitic acid and palmitooleic acid. The levels of oleic acid, linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid in feeding mixtures correlated with those found in breast and thigh muscles (r = 0.88; 0.94 and 0.99; r = 0.99; 0.98 and 0.99)

    Comparison of the nutritional value of seeds of individual varieties of the genus Lupinus that are grown in Europe

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    Cilj ovog rada bila je usporedba hranjive vrijednosti 16 najznačajnijih sorti sjemena roda LUPINUS, gajenih u europskim uvjetima (PRIMA, LAE, LWA 1, AMIGA, APR 8-2, LAV 8-4, EGHO, V 6-1, ROSE, BORUTA, KARO, JUNO, SONET, ATU, WATT i ANDA). Na temelju kemijskih analiza dokazano je da se navedene sorte međusobno znatno razlikuju u sadržaju pojedinačnih hranjivih tvari. Kod analiziranih hranjivih tvari u 100 % suhoj tvari utvrđene su sljedeće razlike u rasponu od: dušične tvari 303,20 – 451,65 g/kg, masti 50,00 – 135,55 g/kg, vlaknina 101,2 – 173,70 g/kg, tvari bez sadržaja dušika esencijalne 268,50 – 489,00 g/kg, organska masa, 837,28 – 966,80 g/kg, pepeo 33,20 – 52,20 g/kg, kalcij 2,29 – 4,74 g/kg, fosfor 4,36 – 8,15 g/kg i magnezij 1,10 – 3,20 g/kg. Postignuti rezultati ispitivanja uspoređeni su sa sadržajem hranjivih tvari u zrnju soje dviju najčešće korištenih sorti u Europi (KORADA i VISON). Rezultati studije pokazali su da su neke sorte roda Lupinus pogodne za proizvodnju krmnih smjesa.The main aim of this work was to compare the nutritional values of seeds of 16 different major varieties of the genus LUPINUS (PRIMA, LAE, LWA 1, AMIGA, APR 8-2, LAV 8-4, EGHO, V 6-1, ROSE, BORUTA, KARO, JUNO, SONET, ATU, WATT and ANDA) that are currently grown in Europe. Chemical analysis confirmed significant differences among the above mentioned varieties in the levels of individual nutrients. The levels of the monitored nutrients ranged within the following intervals (related to 100% dry matter): nitrogen-containing substances - 303.20 – 451.65 g/kg, fat - 50.00 – 135.55 g/kg, fibre - 101.2 – 173.70 g/kg, nitrogen-free substances (extracted) - 268.50 – 489.00 g/kg, organic matter - 837.28 – 966.80 g/kg, ash - 33.20 – 52.20 g/kg, calcium - 2.29 – 4.74 g/kg, phosphorus - 4.36 – 8.15 g/kg, and magnesium - 1.10 – 3.20 g/kg. The results obtained were compared with the levels of nutrients found in soya beans of the two most commonly grown European varieties (KORÁDA and VISON). In conclusion, the findings of this work suggest that it is advantageous to grow individual varieties of the genus LUPINUS and use their seeds in the nutrition of farm animals

    Positive Effect of Plant-Based Diet on the Performance and Health of Laying Hens

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    an entirely plant-based feed mixture was prepared to minimize the potential risk of transmitting prion infections through animal feed. It consisted of two protein components (soya extracted meal and lupin seed meal) and was compared with a diet containing animal protein components (fish meal). the objective of the present work was to prepare and verify the effect of the entirely plant-based diet on the performance, selected qualitative indicators of eggs and the hens' state of health. a specially prepared feed mixture containing fish meal was used as a control diet. the tested plant-based diet administered to experimental hens produced no negative effect on egg production variables such as number of eggs per hen or laying performance. the weight of eggs laid by experimental hens was significantly higher (61.66 g, P ≤ 0.01), as compared with the control group (60.03 g). the higher average weight of eggs in the experimental group increased the production of egg mass per layer by 540 g in 252-day experimental period. the beneficial effect of the plant-based diet was demonstrated particularly in the improved egg quality, manifesting itself in a highly significant improvement in yolk colour (P ≤ 0.01) and a significant decrease (P ≤ 0.05) in cholesterol level in egg yolk. Haematological examination did not indicate statistical differences between experimental and control layers in red blood cell indices such as rBC, haemoglobin, hematocrit, MCHC, MCH, and MCv, while white blood cell indices showed a highly significant increase (P ≤ 0.01) in Le in experimental hens. Biochemical tests performed in blood plasma revealed significantly lower molar concentrations of glucose (P ≤ 0.05) and highly significantly lower levels of total lipids, cholesterol, lipoproteins (HDL and LDL) in experimental hens (P ≤ 0.01), as compared with the control group. the results of the study confirm that animal protein in diet for laying hens can be replaced by combination of vegetable protein feeds (soybean and lupin protein) without a negative impact on their performance and health, thereby contributing to solving issues of food safety (a prevention of prion infections). Hens, nutrition, egg production, egg quality, haematological and biochemical examination of blood In terms of the safety and quality of raw materials and foodstuffs originating from animals, constant effort in the area of animal nutrition goes into preventing the contamination of feeds with substances that may put human health at risk. the replacement of animal feed with plant-based feed may offer a potentially useful solution to this problem. Due to bovine spongiform encephalopathy in ruminants, a new strategy in the nutrition of animals reared for the production of feed was elaborated. First papers pointing out the option of preparing entirely plant-based diets were published b