1,672 research outputs found

    Dual-porosity modeling of groundwater recharge: testing a quick calibration using in situ moisture measurements, Areuse River Delta, Switzerland

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    A simple method for calibrating the dual-porosity MACRO model via in situ TDR measurements during a brief infiltration run (2.8h) is proposed with the aim of estimating local groundwater recharge (GR). The recharge was modeled firstly by considering the entire 3m of unsaturated soil, and secondly by considering only the topsoil to the zero-flux plane (0-0.70m). The modeled recharge was compared against the GR obtained from field measurements. Measured GR was 313mm during a 1-year period (15 October 1990-15 October 1991). The best simulation results were obtained when considering the entire unsaturated soil under equilibrium conditions excluding the macropore flow effect (330mm), whereas under non-equilibrium conditions GR was overestimated (378mm). Sensitivity analyses showed that the investigation of the topsoil is sufficient in estimating local GR in this case, since the water stored below this depth appears to be below the typical rooting depth of the vegetation and is not available for evapotranspiration. The modeled recharge under equilibrium conditions for the 0.7-m-topsoil layer was found to be 364mm, which is in acceptable agreement with measurement

    Long-term reliability of the figaro TGS 2600 solid-state methane sensor under low-Arctic conditions at Toolik Lake, Alaska

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Eugster, W., Laundre, J., Eugster, J., & Kling, G. W. Long-term reliability of the figaro TGS 2600 solid-state methane sensor under low-Arctic conditions at Toolik Lake, Alaska. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13(5), (2020): 2681-2695, doi:10.5194/amt-13-2681-2020.The TGS 2600 was the first low-cost solid-state sensor that shows a response to ambient levels of CH4 (e.g., range ≈1.8–2.7 ”mol mol−1). Here we present an empirical function to correct the TGS 2600 signal for temperature and (absolute) humidity effects and address the long-term reliability of two identical sensors deployed from 2012 to 2018. We assess the performance of the sensors at 30 min resolution and aggregated to weekly medians. Over the entire period the agreement between TGS-derived and reference CH4 mole fractions measured by a high-precision Los Gatos Research instrument was R2=0.42, with better results during summer (R2=0.65 in summer 2012). Using absolute instead of relative humidity for the correction of the TGS 2600 sensor signals reduced the typical deviation from the reference to less than ±0.1 ”mol mol−1 over the full range of temperatures from −41 to 27 ∘C. At weekly resolution the two sensors showed a downward drift of signal voltages indicating that after 10–13 years a TGS 2600 may have reached its end of life. While the true trend in CH4 mole fractions measured by the high-quality reference instrument was 10.1 nmolmol−1yr−1 (2012–2018), part of the downward trend in sensor signal (ca. 40 %–60 %) may be due to the increase in CH4 mole fraction because the sensor voltage decreases with increasing CH4 mole fraction. Weekly median diel cycles tend to agree surprisingly well between the TGS 2600 and reference measurements during the snow-free season, but in winter the agreement is lower. We suggest developing separate functions for deducing CH4 mole fractions from TGS 2600 measurements under cold and warm conditions. We conclude that the TGS 2600 sensor can provide data of research-grade quality if it is adequately calibrated and placed in a suitable environment where cross-sensitivities to gases other than CH4 are of no concern.We acknowledge support received from Arctic LTER grants (grant nos. NSF-DEB-1637459, 1026843, 1754835, and NSF-PLR 1504006) and supplemental funding from the NSF-NEON and OPP-AON programs. Gaius R. Shaver (MBL) is acknowledged for initiating the study and supporting our activities in all aspects. ETH is acknowledge for supporting the purchase of the Fast Greenhouse Gas Analyzer that replaced the older Fast Methane Analyzer in 2016 (grant no. 0-43683-11)

    Winter CO2 fluxes in a sub-alpine grassland in relation to snow cover, radiation and temperature

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions were measured over a period of 3 years at the sub-alpine Swiss CARBOMONT site Rigi Seebodenalp. Here we show, that winter respiration contributes larger than expected to the annual CO2 budget at this high altitude, rich in belowground organic carbon grassland (7-15% C by mass). Furthermore the contribution of winter emissions to the annual CO2 budget is highly dependent on the definition of "winter” itself. Cumulative winter respiration determined over a 6 month period from 15th of October until 15th of April contributed 23.3±2.4 and 6.0±0.3% to the annual respiration during the years under observation, respectively. The insulation effect of snow and a lowering of the freezing point caused by high concentrations of soil organic solutes prevented the soil from freezing. These conditions favored higher soil temperatures resulting in relatively high respiratory losses. The duration of snow cover and micrometeorological conditions determining the photosynthetic activity of the vegetation during snow-free periods influenced the size and the variability of the winter CO2 fluxes. Seasonal values are strongly influenced by the days at the end and the beginning of the defined winter period, caused by large variations in length of periods with air temperatures below freezing. Losses of CO2 from the snow-covered soil were highest in winter 2003/2004. These high losses were partially explained by higher temperatures in the topsoil, caused by higher air temperatures just before snowfall. Thus, losses are not a consequence of higher soil temperatures registered during the summer heat wave 2003. However, water stress in summer 2003 might have caused an increment in dead organic matter in the soil providing additional substrate for microbial respiration in the following winter. Although considerable day-to-day fluctuations in snow effluxes were recorded, no conclusive and generally valid relationship could be found between CO2 losses from the snow pack and snow depth, rate of snow melt, wind speed or air pressure. This suggests that time lags and hysteresis effects may be more important for understanding winter respiration than concurrent environmental conditions in most ecosystems of comparable typ

    Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements in the Complex Terrain of an Alpine Valley in Switzerland

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    We measured the surface energy budget of an Alpine grassland in highly complex terrain to explore possibilities and limitations for application of the eddy-covariance technique, also for CO2 flux measurements, at such non-ideal locations. This paper focuses on the influence of complex terrain on the turbulent energy measurements of a characteristic high Alpine grassland on Crap Alv (Alp Weissenstein) in the Swiss Alps during the growing season 2006. Measurements were carried out on a topographic terrace with a slope of 25◩ inclination. Flux data quality is assessed via the closure of the energy budget and the quality flag method used within the CarboEurope project. During 93% of the time the wind direction was along the main valley axis (43% upvalley and 50% downvalley directions). During the transition times of the typical twice daily wind direction changes in a mountain valley the fraction of high and good quality flux data reached a minimum of ≈50%, whereas during the early afternoon ≈70% of all records yielded good to highest quality (CarboEurope flags 0 and 1). The overall energy budget closure was 74±2%. An angular correction for the shortwave energy input to the slope improved the energy budget closure slightly to 82±2% for afternoon conditions. In the daily total, the measured turbulent energy fluxes are only underestimated by around 8% of net radiation. In summary, our results suggest that it is possible to yield realistic energy flux measurements under such conditions. We thus argue that the Crap Alv site and similar topographically complex locations with short-statured vegetation should be well suited also for CO2 flux measurement

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    Afforestation of Tropical Pasture Only Marginally Affects Ecosystem-Scale Evapotranspiration

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) from tropical ecosystems is a major constituent of the global land-atmosphere water flux and strongly influences the global hydrological cycle. Most previous studies of ecosystem ET have been conducted predominantly in tropical forests, and only few observations cover other tropical land-use types such as pastures, croplands, savannas or plantations. The objectives of our study were: (1) to estimate daily, monthly, and annual ET budgets in a tropical pasture and an adjacent afforestation site, (2) to assess diurnal and seasonal patterns of ET, (3) to investigate environmental controls of ET, and (4) to evaluate the soil infiltration potential. We performed eddy covariance measurements of ecosystem ET in Sardinilla (Panama) from 2007 to 2009. Daily ET (2.6±1.0mmday−1) was significantly lower in the pasture compared to the afforestation site (3.0±0.9mmday−1). The highest ET was observed during the wet-dry transition period in both ecosystems. However, differences in daily ET between sites were relatively small, particularly during the wet season. Radiation was the main environmental control of ET at both sites, however, we observed considerable seasonal variation in the strength of this control, which was stronger during the wet compared to the dry season. In 2008, total annual ET was only slightly higher for the afforestation (1114mmy−1) than the pasture site (1034mmy−1). Our results suggest that afforestation of pasture only marginally increases ecosystem-scale ET 6-8years after establishment. Differences in soil infiltration potentials between our sites seem to explain this patter

    Eddy covariance flux measurements of gaseous elemental mercury over a grassland

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    Direct measurements of the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of gaseous elemental mercury (Hg-0) are important to improve our understanding of global Hg cycling and, ultimately, human and wildlife Hg exposure. The lack of long-term, ecosystem-scale measurements causes large uncertainties in Hg-0 flux estimates. It currently remains unclear whether terrestrial ecosystems are net sinks or sources of atmospheric Hg-0. Here, we show a detailed validation of direct Hg-0 flux measurements based on the eddy covariance technique (Eddy Mercury) using a Lumex RA-915 AM mercury monitor. The flux detection limit derived from a zero-flux experiment in the laboratory was 0.22 ng m(-2) h(-1) (maximum) with a 50% cutoff at 0.074 ng m(-2) h(-1). We present eddy covariance NEE measurements of Hg-0 over a low-Hg soil (41-75 ng Hg g(-1) in the topsoil, referring to a depth of 0-10 cm), conducted in summer 2018 at a managed grassland at the Swiss FluxNet site in Chamau, Switzerland (CH-Cha). The statistical estimate of the Hg-0 flux detection limit under outdoor conditions at the site was 5.9 ng m(-2) h(-1') (50% cutoff). We measured a net summertime emission over a period of 34 d with a median Hg-0 flux of 2.5 ng m(-2) h(-1) (with a -0.6 to 7.4 ng m(-2) h(-1) range between the 25th and 75th percentiles). We observed a distinct diel cycle with higher median daytime fluxes (8.4 ng m(-2) h(-1)) than night-time fluxes (1.0 ng m(-2) h(-1)). Drought stress during the measurement campaign in summer 2018 induced partial stomata closure of vegetation. Partial stomata closure led to a midday depression in CO2 uptake, which did not recover during the afternoon. The median CO2 flux was only 24% of the median CO2 flux measured during the same period in the previous year (2017). We suggest that partial stomata closure also dampened Hg-0 uptake by vegetation, resulting in a NEE of Hg-0 that was dominated by soil emission. Finally, we provide suggestions to further improve the precision and handling of the "Eddy Mercury" system in order to assure its suitability for long-term NEE measurements of Hg-0 over natural background surfaces with low soil Hg concentrations (< 100 ng g(-1)). With these improvements, Eddy Mercury has the potential to be integrated into global networks of micrometeorological tower sites (FluxNet) and to provide the long-term observations on terrestrial atmosphere Hg-0 exchange necessary to validate regional and global mercury models


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    Da kein Abstract des Artikels vorhanden ist, finden Sie hier den Beginn des Artikels: Die Reihe «WerkstĂŒcke» wurde mit der Intention ins Leben gerufen, eine Plattform fĂŒr studentische Werke – die vielfĂ€ltigen, im Studium produzierten «WerkstĂŒcke» – zu liefern. Die Idee erwuchs aus dem Bedauern, originelle, kreative und herausragende studentische Werke auf dem digitalen Friedhof des Instituts-Archivs fĂŒr Leistungsnachweise â€čbegrabenâ€ș zu mĂŒssen. Im Alltag von Studierenden und Dozierenden nehmen Seminararbeiteneinen hohen Stellenwert ein. Studierende sollen hier die Werkzeuge, die sie sich im Studium aneignen, einsetzen, um einerseits durch Übung und Experiment den Umgang mit ebendiesen Werkzeugen zu erproben und um andererseits eigene Ideen zu entwickeln und neue Erkenntnisse zu generieren. Trotz Einsatz und Fleiss nimmt ein Grossteil dieser Seminararbeiten den Weg ins Niemandsland des digitalen Archivs, um in Stille vergessen zu werden

    Einleitung: Welcome to the Lucid Century

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    Da kein Abstract des Artikels vorhanden ist, finden Sie hier den Beginn des Artikels: Videospiele sind lĂ€ngst keine obskuren Objekte mysteriöser Subkulturen mehr, sondern können, wie Benjamin Beil treffend festhĂ€lt, «als fester Bestandteil der Pop(ulĂ€r)kultur gelten». Das PhĂ€nomen â€čVideospiele spielenâ€ș ist facettenreich und durchdringt den technisierten Alltag: Am Morgen wĂ€hrend der Zugfahrt auf dem Smartphone Candy Crush spielen, auf dem Fussweg zur UniversitĂ€t PokĂ©mon einfangen, in der Mittagspause auf Youtube die neusten Videos von PewDiePie ansehen und am Abend mit Freunden – am Computer versteht sich – in Payday 2 eine Bank ĂŒberfallen. In Form von Events und GrossanlĂ€ssen greifen Videospiele gar nach dem lokalen Raum. So erhielt etwa 2016 die Game-Kultur durch kulturelle GrossanlĂ€sse wie das gameZfestival, das Vintage Computer Festival und die Ludicious eine öffentliche Plattform. Nicht zuletzt im kulturellen GedĂ€chtnis haben Videospiele ihre Spuren hinterlassen, denn Figuren wie Pac-Man, Lara Croft oder Pilz-Freund Mario sind lĂ€ngst zu â€čLudic Artifactsâ€șmutiert und erfreuen sich ĂŒber Mediengrenzen hinweg eines hohen Wiedererkennungswerts
