2,516 research outputs found

    Inovasi Pembelajaran Melalui Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar

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    Learning innovation is a necessity that must be done in order to increase the quality of education. Learning innovation is needed in many aspects and factors of education, such as good facilities, curriculum, learning process, evaluation of education and improvement of teachers and the leraning participant quality. This article presents the idea of educational innovation in the development of teaching materials. There are three ways that can be used in developing teaching materials, namely: (1) writing itself (starting from scratch), (2) repackaging information, (3) structuring information (compilation). Teaching materials must meet the criteria: the accuracy of the content, the precision of coverage, the legibility of teaching materials, the use of language, packaging, illustrations, and completeness of the component. To produce teaching materials, need to be done through the stages of research and development, including: discover the potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, revision, product testing, product revision, utility testing, product revision, and mass productio

    Implementasi Hak Konstitusional Perempuan dalam Peraturan Perundang-undangan di Indonesia

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    Women\u27s constitutional rights are human rights base on Constitution of1945 which specific regulate and influence women\u27s life in every aspect. Theimplementation of women\u27s constitutional rights have many progress, but cannot deny that many legislation, in substantion or implementation, mainly inlocal government precisely discrimination against women

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V SD Inpres 2 Kayumalue Ngapa

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    The purpose of this study was to be improve activity and science achievement at fifth grade SD Inpres 2 Kayumalue Ngapa by application of guided inquiry learning model. This study is classroom action research that refers to the Kemmis and Taggart model which consists of four stages namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The Learning was done for 3 cycles, each cycle conducted in three meetings. The data was analyse by used qualitative analysis techniques for learning process and quantitative analysis for learning outcomes. Based on classical completeness and absorption, it could be said the achievement of each end of the cycle of 20 students always increasing. Based on the percentage of achieved of students and teacher activity from the first cycle until third cycle the achievement were increased. Achievement of completeness criteria and absorption by way classical, influenced by the optimal activity of students and teachers during the learning takes place

    Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Dan Kecerdasan Sosial Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    Social intelligence to the learning outcomes of civics in fifth grade of Amaliah Elementary school. The method used was experimental study design using treatment by level 2 x 2 with analysis testing ANAVA.The study show that: (1) Study groups learning with Project Based Learning method gives a better effect than the method of Problem Based Learning learning outcomes civics. (2) There is an interaction between learning and social intelligence toward Civics outcomesin fifth garde. (3) Students who have a high social intelligence, Project Based Learning method gives a better effect than the group learned than using Problem Based Learning. (4) For students who have a low social intelligence, Problem Based Learning method give a better effect civics learning outcomes Civics fifth grader than the group with Project Based Learning.The implications of this study indicate that the learning methods and social intelligence influence on student learning outcomes Civic

    Peningkatan Kemahiran Membaca Intensif Melalui Teknik Pembelajaran SQ4-R (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Mahsiswa Jurusan Pendndidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan IAIN Raden Intan Lampung)

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    The aim of this research is to increase the students‘ ability in the sixth semester of the Department of Arabic Language Education Academic 2013-2014 in Intensive reading skill and understanding Arabic texts through the application of SQ4-R learning technique.This research is an action research and qualitative approach. Methods for data gathering: observation, interview, portofolio, reading comprehension test, and field record. Data were analyzed qualitatively by reducing, presenting and with drawing conclusion. Research findings: Aplication of SQ4-R endured modification by the addition of a learning stage, namely stage on finding of vocabularies and meaning in dictionary, that happened post survey stage. Through this action research, SQ4-R was modified into SVQ4-R. The result of this research shows increase on the students‘ ability in which their initial ability only reached literal understanding with class average score 48. The average score on literal understanding, 48 on prior to the action, 69, 7 on 1st cycle, 77,68 on 2nd cycle, and 78,22 on 3rd cycle. The average score on interpretative understanding, prior to the action, did not appear, on 1st cycle 67, on 2nd cycle 68.4, and on 3rd cycle 73. The average score on in-critical understanding and application, prior to the action did not appear on 1st cycle, 64.3, on 2nd cycle, 70.4, and on 3rd cycle, 78.09


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    This final project was aimed to build a model of Air Conditioning Equipment Pond Fish Spawning ATmega8 microcontroller-based. This device was expected to function to assist community fish farmers in fish spawning process that requires setting the water temperature automatically. This tool was developed in several stages namely, (1) Identification of Needs, (2) Needs Analysis, (3) System Design, (4) Hardware Design, (5) Software Design, (6) Technical Operations, and (7) Testing Equipment. The design of this tool is realized by combining several systems of power supply circuit, LM35 temperature sensor, push button, the LCD 16x2 lines, the control circuit and microcontroller ATmega8 as processing units. Software design as a control program in this ATmega8 microcontroller used C language and compiler software CVAVR as his. The testing of this tool is by entering the LM35 temperature sensor into the water. LM35 sensor output was connected to the ATmega8 microcontroller ADC input for processing into digital numbers for controlling the cooling elements and heating elements. If the water temperature is less than the minimum limit has been determined, then the cooling element will be on. If the water temperature is more than the maximum limit specified, then the heating element will be on. If the water temperature between the minimum and maximum temperature within the limits specified temperature, the cooling elements and heating elements will be off. The tool also displayed the temperature value into the LCD in accordance detected by the temperature sensor. After testing the data, it can be concluded that this tool can work in accordance with the plan. This tool can adjust the water temperature range 0 ° C to 40 ° C with a volume of 2 liters of water

    Pengembangan Aplikasi E-Book Elektrokimia Berbasis Android Untuk Menumbuhkan Self-Directed Learning Mahasiswa

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    Students' weak ability to understand electrochemical concepts is due to the lack of self-directed learning (SDL) in finding their own understanding outside the classroom and not used to evaluate the learning difficulties they experienced. The android-based e-books could be used to support students’ independent learning, to evaluate learning outcomes through practice questions and direct feedback, and to exchange opinions between students and lecturers. The aim of this study is to produce an android-based electrochemical e-book to emerge students’ SDL. To achieve the aim, this study employs ADDIE development models which consist of five steps; analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate. Data were collected using content validity, face validity assessment, response questionnaires and SDL. The result of content validity is 0.94 and categorized as valid. Based on face validity, vast majority of users stated that the e-book application is attractive and easy to use. Moreover, the explanation, graphics, videos, quiz questions and discussion in the e-book application are clear. The results of the implementation of application as additional learning resource for electrochemical concepts can foster students’ SDL in the high category with an average percentage of confidence at 87.20%. Students show a positive response to the use of the application in helping them understand the concepts, working on assignments, discussions between friends and lecturers, digging more in-depth information, and do practice questions in a short time, also easy to use. Thus, it can be concluded that the android-based e-book application could help students develop their SD


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    Outsourcing in Indonesian labor law is defined as the contracting of workers and providers of labor services. The legal arrangements for outsourcing in Indonesiaare regulated in Articles 64, 65 and 66 of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerningManpower and Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of theRepublic of Indonesia No. Kep.101/Men/VI/2004 of 2004 concerning Procedures forLicensing of Companies Providing Workers/Labourers.The results of the research are the process of handing over work to outsourcingemployees at PT Warna Agung, namely PT Warna Agung contacting PT Bina CiptaAbadi as an outsourcing company, then formulating a Work Agreement for charteringwork to support the company's operations. Optimization of sales volume throughhanding over of work to outsourced employees is an effort by PT Warna Agung toobtain competent and experienced workers, especially in the marketing field. Efforts toprotect the legal rights of outsourced employees at PT Warna Agung in BandarLampung are to create legal certainty regarding the rights of outsourced employees soas to ensure the fulfillment of the rights of outsourced employees.The advice given is that PT Warna Agung should pay more attention tooutsourcing employees in fulfilling employee welfare in the future. Then workers shouldunderstand and understand the rights and obligations agreed in the outsourcing workagreement and the government should carry out stricter supervision so that there are no legal violations of the rights of outsourced employees

    Perspektif Gender Dalam Buku Teks Bahasa Arab “Al-Arabiyah Baina Yadaika”

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    The objective of this article is to describe the gender position (male-female relationship) within the well-known textbook for Arabic learning, Al Arabiyah Baina Yadaik, both concerning the content of the book or the grammatical USAge throughout the book. The result of this research—as represented through some chapters the wiriter displays— reveals that Al Arabiyah Baina Yadaik is genderly biased whether in choosing the character of the story (aspects of theme) or in using pronouns, nouns, adjectives, professions (grammatical sides)

    Telaah Buku Ajar Pengajaran Bahasa Arab Di PTAIN

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    The study of text book or teaching material is aimed at describing the extent of its feasibility or correspondence to the students' need. Focusing on the objectives of Arabic language learning—ranging from its achieved language proficiency, subject feasibility, situation, context, and its sequences of learning process--this article tries to study the Arabic text book used by students of IAIN Raden Intan Lampung during their matriculation program. The result of this research shows that the used-Arabic text book is feasible as well as matches with the Arabic learning objectiv
