56 research outputs found

    Pharmacophagy and pharmacophory: mechanisms of self-medication and disease prevention in the honeybee colony (Apis mellifera)

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    International audienceAbstractApitherapy promises cures for diseases in human folk medicine, but the effects of honeybee produced and foraged compounds on bee health are less known. Yet, hive products should chiefly facilitate medication and sanitation of the honeybees themselves rather than other organisms. We here review the impact of both self-produced gland secretions and foraged hive products (pharmacognosy) on colony health. Although foraged plant-derived compounds vary highly in antibiotic activity depending on the floral and regional origins, secondary plant metabolites in honey, pollen and propolis are important for the antibiotic activity against pathogens and parasites. However, specific bee health-enhancing activities of bee products should clearly be distinguished from the effects of an intact nutrition ensuring the basic immune competence of bees. Further unravelling the interactions among groups of active substances or individual compounds used in concert with specific behavioural adaptations will deepen our understanding of the natural potential of honeybees to maintain colony health

    Perspectives on long-term bee vitality monitoring

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    Bienen sind essentielle BestĂ€uber und daher ist ihr Schutz von zentraler Bedeutung fĂŒr die Sicherung der biologischen Vielfalt und der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion. Innerhalb des Projekts MonViA werden viele Partner zusammen­arbeiten, um wirksame Strategien zur Förderung der biologischen Vielfalt zu entwickeln. Wir prĂ€sentieren eine Langzeit-Fallstudie wie sich Klima auf die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit von Honigbienenvölkern auswirkt. VerĂ€nderungen des mitteleuropĂ€ischen Honigertrags haben wir in Bezug auf die Änderung von Temperatur und Niederschlag modelliert. Eine + 1°C TemperaturĂ€nderung steigert den jĂ€hrlichen Honigertrag um + 0,9 kg pro Volk, wĂ€hrend + 100 mm Niederschlag den Ertrag um – 0,4 kg verringert. Basierend auf Klimawandelprognosen im Zeitraum 2020–2050, schĂ€tzen wir eine potenzielle Ertragssteigerung von + 0,4 bis + 0,8 kg Honig pro Volk. Wir schließen daraus, dass die Honigbienenpopulation in Deutschland von steigenden Temperaturen profitieren könnte. Weiterhin diskutieren wir, wie die Bienenleistung mit dem Wetter zusammenhĂ€ngt und wie unsere Analysen durch die Einbeziehung weiterer Daten, mit einer höhe­ren zeitlichen und rĂ€umlichen Auflösung, gestĂ€rkt werden könnten. Die EinflĂŒsse extremer Wetterbedingungen, imkerlicher Praxis, Krankheitsbelastung, VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Nahrungsressourcen, Landnutzung und auch Landschaftsstrukturen sollten im Rahmen des Monitorings der BienenvitalitĂ€t miterfasst werden.Bees are essential pollinators and their protection is relevant to secure biodiversity and agricultural production. MonViA-project members and partners collaborate in monitoring projects to develop effective policies to support biodiversity in Germany. In the current case-study, the impact of climate on honey bee population performance was assessed. We modeled year-to-year Central-European honey yield changes and found + 1°C temperature change to stimulate annual honey yield by + 0.9 kg per colony, and + 100 mm precipitation to reduce honey yields – 0.4 kg. In regard to different climate change scenarios for Germany, our modelling suggests a potential + 0.4 to + 0.8 kg honey yield gain per colony in 2050, as compared to 2020. We conclude that the German honey bee population may benefit by rising temperatures. We discuss how bee performance is linked to weather and how our analysis would be strengthened by including more data, with a higher temporal and spatial resolution, i.e., intra-annually and -nationally. Pollinator trend monitoring should be extended with analyses that include e.g., extreme weather conditions, disease loads, availability of floral resource, beekeeping practice, land use and landscape structure

    Diversity of honey stores and their impact on pathogenic bacteria of the honeybee, Apis mellifera

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    Honeybee colonies offer an excellent environment for microbial pathogen development. The highest virulent, colony killing, bacterial agents are Paenibacillus larvae causing American foulbrood (AFB), and European foulbrood (EFB) associated bacteria. Besides the innate immune defense, honeybees evolved behavioral defenses to combat infections. Foraging of antimicrobial plant compounds plays a key role for this social immunity behavior. Secondary plant metabolites in floral nectar are known for their antimicrobial effects. Yet, these compounds are highly plant specific, and the effects on bee health will depend on the floral origin of the honey produced. As worker bees not only feed themselves, but also the larvae and other colony members, honey is a prime candidate acting as self-medication agent in honeybee colonies to prevent or decrease infections. Here, we test eight AFB and EFB bacterial strains and the growth inhibitory activity of three honey types. Using a high-throughput cell growth assay, we show that all honeys have high growth inhibitory activity and the two monofloral honeys appeared to be strain specific. The specificity of the monofloral honeys and the strong antimicrobial potential of the polyfloral honey suggest that the diversity of honeys in the honey stores of a colony may be highly adaptive for its social immunity against the highly diverse suite of pathogens encountered in nature. This ecological diversity may therefore operate similar to the well-known effects of host genetic variance in the arms race between host and parasite

    More than royal food - Major royal jelly protein genes in sexuals and workers of the honeybee Apis mellifera

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    BACKGROUND: In the honeybee Apis mellifera, female larvae destined to become a queen are fed with royal jelly, a secretion of the hypopharyngeal glands of young nurse bees that rear the brood. The protein moiety of royal jelly comprises mostly major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) of which the coding genes (mrjp1-9) have been identified on chromosome 11 in the honeybee’s genome. RESULTS: We determined the expression of mrjp1-9 among the honeybee worker caste (nurses, foragers) and the sexuals (queens (unmated, mated) and drones) in various body parts (head, thorax, abdomen). Specific mrjp expression was not only found in brood rearing nurse bees, but also in foragers and the sexuals. CONCLUSIONS: The expression of mrjp1 to 7 is characteristic for the heads of worker bees, with an elevated expression of mrjp1-4 and 7 in nurse bees compared to foragers. Mrjp5 and 6 were higher in foragers compared to nurses suggesting functions in addition to those of brood food proteins. Furthermore, the expression of mrjp9 was high in the heads, thoraces and abdomen of almost all female bees, suggesting a function irrespective of body section. This completely different expression profile suggests mrjp9 to code for the most ancestral major royal jelly protein of the honeybee.AB was supported by a fellowship of the Prorectorate for Research and Young Academics of the Martin-Luther-University Halle- Wittenberg. The DFG provided financial support for chemicals and supplies (RFAM).http://www.frontiersinzoology.com/content/10/1/72am201

    Effects of Flupyradifurone and Two Reference Insecticides Commonly Used in Toxicological Studies on the Larval Proteome of the Honey bee Apis mellifera

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    The western honey bee Apis mellifera is globally distributed due to its beekeeping advantages and plays an important role in the global ecology and economy. In recent decades, several studies have raised concerns about bee decline. Discussed are multiple reasons such as increased pathogen pressure, malnutrition or pesticide use. Insecticides are considered to be one of the major factors. In 2013, the use of three neonicotinoids in the field was prohibited in the EU. Flupyradifurone was introduced as a potential successor; it has a comparable mode of action as the banned neonicotinoids. However, there is a limited number of studies on the effects of sublethal concentrations of flupyradifurone on honey bees. Particularly, the larval physiological response by means of protein expression has not yet been studied. Hence, the larval protein expression was investigated via 2D gel electrophoresis after following a standardised protocol to apply sublethal concentrations of the active substance (flupyradifurone 10 mg/kg diet) to larval food. The treated larvae did not show increased mortality or an aberrant development. Proteome comparisons showed clear differences concerning the larval metabolism, immune response and energy supply. Further field studies are needed to validate the in vitro results at a colony level

    Anatomical, phenological and genetic aspects of the host–parasite relationship between Andrena vaga (Hymenoptera) and Stylops ater (Strepsiptera)

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    Stylops ater is an endoparasite of the mining bee Andrena vaga with extreme sexual dimorphism and hypermetamorphosis. Its population structure, parasitization mode, genetic diversity and impact on host morphology were examined in nesting sites in Germany to better understand this highly specialized host–parasite interaction. The shift in host emergence due to stylopization was proven to be especially strong in A. vaga. Around 10% of bees hosted more than 1 Stylops, with at maximum 4. A trend in Stylops' preference for hosts of their own sex and a sex-specific position of extrusion from the host abdomen was found. Invasion of Andrena eggs by Stylops primary larvae was depicted for the first time. Cephalothoraces of female Stylops were smaller in male and pluristylopized hosts, likely due to lower nutrient supply. The genes H3, 18S and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 were highly conserved, revealing near-absence of local variation within Stylops. Ovaries of hosts with male Stylops contained poorly developed eggs while those of hosts with female Stylops were devoid of visible eggs, which might be due to a higher protein demand of female Stylops. Male Stylops, which might have a more energy-consuming development, led to a reduction in head width of their hosts. Host masculinization was present in the leaner shape of the metabasitarsus of stylopized females and is interpreted as a by-product of manipulation of the host's endocrine system to shift its emergence. Stylopization intensified tergal hairiness, most strongly in hosts with female Stylops, near the point of parasite extrusion, hinting towards substance-induced host manipulation

    High-resolution maps of Swiss apiaries and their applicability to study spatial distribution of bacterial honey bee brood diseases

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    Honey bees directly affect and are influenced by their local environment, in terms of food sources, pollinator densities, pathogen and toxin exposure and climate. Currently, there is a lack of studies analyzing these data with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to investigate spatial relationships with the environment. Particularly for inter-colonial pathogen transmission, it is known that the likelihood of a healthy colony to become infested (e.g., Varroosis) or infected (e.g., American foulbrood—AFB, European foulbrood—EFB) increases with higher colony density. Whether these transmission paths can actually be asserted at apiary level is largely unknown. Here, we unraveled spatial distribution and high-resolution density of apiaries and bacterial honey bee brood diseases in Switzerland based on available GIS data. Switzerland as ‘model country’ offers the unique opportunity to get apiary data since 2010 owing to compulsory registration for every beekeeper. Further, both destructive bee brood diseases (AFB and EFB) are legally notifiable in Switzerland, and EFB has an epizootic character for the last decades. As governmental data sets have to be ameliorated, raw data from the cantonal agricultural or veterinary offices have been included. We found a mean density of 0.56 apiaries per km2, and high resolution spatial analyzes showed strong correlation between density of apiaries and human population density as well as agricultural landscape type. Concerning two bacterial bee brood diseases (AFB, EFB), no significant correlation was detectable with density of apiaries on cantonal level, though a high correlation of EFB cases and apiary density became obvious on higher resolution (district level). Hence, Swiss EFB epizootics seem to have benefited from high apiary densities, promoting the transmission of pathogens by adult bees. The GIS-based method presented here, might also be useful for other bee diseases, anthropogenic or environmental factors affecting bee colonies

    Diversity of honey stores and their impact on pathogenic bacteria of the honeybee, Apis mellifera

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    Honeybee colonies offer an excellent environment for microbial pathogen development. The highest virulent, colony killing, bacterial agents are Paenibacillus larvae causing American foulbrood (AFB), and European foulbrood (EFB) associated bacteria. Besides the innate immune defense, honeybees evolved behavioral defenses to combat infections. Foraging of antimicrobial plant compounds plays a key role for this “social immunity” behavior. Secondary plant metabolites in floral nectar are known for their antimicrobial effects. Yet, these compounds are highly plant specific, and the effects on bee health will depend on the floral origin of the honey produced. As worker bees not only feed themselves, but also the larvae and other colony members, honey is a prime candidate acting as self-medication agent in honeybee colonies to prevent or decrease infections. Here, we test eight AFB and EFB bacterial strains and the growth inhibitory activity of three honey types. Using a high-throughput cell growth assay, we show that all honeys have high growth inhibitory activity and the two monofloral honeys appeared to be strain specific. The specificity of the monofloral honeys and the strong antimicrobial potential of the polyfloral honey suggest that the diversity of honeys in the honey stores of a colony may be highly adaptive for its “social immunity” against the highly diverse suite of pathogens encountered in nature. This ecological diversity may therefore operate similar to the well-known effects of host genetic variance in the arms race between host and parasite.The project RoBeeTech (grant POS CCE 206/20.07.2010 SMIS code 618/12460 to LAM, DSD, RFAM) and an ERASMUS MUNDUS exchange program grant (AD, RFAM).http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2045-7758hb201
