6 research outputs found
Mevcut dizel yakıtları ve dizel-etanol karşımları için motor performans ve emisyonlarının karşılaştırılması.
Ethanol is an environmental friendly alternative diesel fuel that has received significant attention both as a possible renewable alternative fuel and as an additive to existing petroleum-based fuels. Beyond simply representing an additional fuel supply, ethanol exhibits several advantages when compared to existing petroleum fuel. The objective of this work is to investigate experimentally the effects of using different blends of specified percentages of ethanol on the engine performance and emissions and to compare it with that of conventional diesel fuel. Tests will be done on the ‘‘Engine Test Laboratory’’ of the Turkish Tractor Factory (TTF) using a fourcylinder, turbocharged and naturally aspirated, DI diesel engines. Engine performance parameters such as engine speed, torque, power, fuel consumption will be measured. At the same time, the engine emissions including particulate matter, unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and NOX will also be recorded.M.S. - Master of Scienc
Comparison of parthenogenetic oocyte activation in different mouse strains on in vitro development rate and quality
The aim of our research is to investigate the effects of parthenogenetic activation on in vitro embryo development rates in different mouse strains. B6CBAF1, C57BL/6j, and B6D2F1 mouse strains were used in this study. Superovulated mice were sacrificed and oocytes were obtained 14 hours after the human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) injection and the parthenogenetic activation started 18 hours after hCG injection. The oocytes were activated for 6 hours in 10 mM SrCl2 + 5 μg/mL-1 Cytohalasine B (CB) + 5 nM Trichostatin A (TSA) containing Ca2+ free Chatot Ziomek Brinster (CZB) activation medium. After this, further incubation was performed for two hours in an incubator at 37 °C and 5% CO2 in embryo culturing medium + TSA. Finally, embryos were cultured for 120 hours. Parthenogenetic activation success of the B6D2F1 mouse strain was found to be higher than C57BL/6j and B6CBAF1 strain
Modelling and simulation of power steering system for agricultural tractors
This paper presents the development of models for the hydraulic and mechanical parts of the power steering system of an agricultural tractor. The hydraulic model is built using the component blocks from the Fluids toolbox of the Matlab/Simulink platform. The hydraulic part of the model is then integrated with the mechanical model of the front axle developed using the SimMechanics toolbox. The modeling procedure of the hydraulic system, containing a steering control unit, is described. The overall model allows the examination of the operation of the system, evaluation of system requirements, energy losses, and the necessary modifications to achieve the design goals through simulations
Tarım Traktörlerinde Kullanılan Ön Yükleyicinin Hidrolik Sisteminin Modellenmesi ve Simülasyonu
ZET Bu çalışmada, tarım traktörlerinde kullanılan bir ön yükleyicinin hidrolik tahrik sistemi Matlab/Simulink platformunda SimHydraulics modülü kullanılarak modellenmiştir. Model sistemin tüm hidrolik komponentlerini içermektedir. Ön yükleyicinin mekanik kısmı da SimMechanics modülü kullanılarak modellendikten sonra, hidrolik ve mekanik alt sistemler birleştirilmiştir. Bu bildiride hidrolik sistemin, özel bir monoblok kontrol birimini de kapsayan, modelleme süreci anlatılmaktadır. Model hidrolik sistemin işleyişinin, sistem gereksinimlerinin, enerji kayıplarının ve tasarım hedeflerine ulaşmak için gerekli değişiklik ve eklerin simülasyonlarla incelenmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Model kullanılarak, çeşitli ön yükleyici operasyonları görsel ve sayısal olarak incelenmiş ve her komponentin davranışı ayrıntılı olarak belirlenmiştir. Simülasyonlardan elde edilen sonuçlarla, traktör üzerinde yapılan ölçümler doğrulanmıştır.In this study, a model of the hydraulic drive system, used to operate a front loader attachment (FLA) for agricultural tractors, is developed on Matlab/Simulink platform using SimHydraulics toolbox. The model includes all the hydraulic components of the system which are integrated with the mechanical part of the FLA model developed using SimMechanics. Here the modeling procedure of the hydraulic system, containing a nonconventional monoblock control unit, is described. The model allows the examination of the operation of the system, evaluation of system requirements, energy losses, and the necessary modifications to achieve the design goals through simulations. The complete model has been used in detailed investigations of the front loader operations visually as well as quantitatively, and system responses have been examined for each component of the whole system. Results from simulations using the model are justified by on tractor test measurements