48 research outputs found

    Clinical and laboratory predictors for plaque erosion in patients with acute coronary syndromes

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    Background-—Plaque erosion is responsible for 25% to 40% of patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Recent studies suggest that anti-thrombotic therapy without stenting may be an option for this subset of patients. Currently, however, an invasive procedure is required to make a diagnosis of plaque erosion. The aim of this study was to identify clinical or laboratory predictors of plaque erosion in patients with ACS to enable a diagnosis of erosion without additional invasive procedures. Methods and Results-—Patients with ACS who underwent optical coherence tomography imaging were selected from 11 institutions in 6 countries. The patients were classified into plaque rupture, plaque erosion, or calcified plaque, and predictors were identified using multivariable logistic modeling. Among 1241 patients with ACS, 477 (38.4%) patients were found to have plaque erosion. Plaque erosion was more frequent in non–ST-segment elevation-ACS than in ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction (47.9% versus 29.8%, P=0.0002). Multivariable logistic regression models showed 5 independent parameters associated with plaque erosion: age 15.0 g/dL, and normal renal function. When all 5 parameters are present in a patient with non–ST-segment elevation-ACS, the probability of plaque erosion increased to 73.1%. Conclusions-—Clinical and laboratory parameters associatedwith plaque erosion are explored in this retrospective registry study. These parametersmay be useful to identify the subset ofACS patients with plaque erosion and guide themto conservativemanagement without invasive procedures. The results of this exploratory analysis need to be confirmed in large scale prospective clinical studiesDr. Jang has received an educational grant from Abbott Vascular and Medicure. Dr. Adriaenssens has received grants and consulting fees from Abbott Vascula

    Ring Expansion of Cyclobutylmethylcarbenium Ions to Cyclopentane or Cyclopentene Derivatives and Metal-Promoted Analogous Rearrangements

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    Older Adults Looking for a Job through Employment Support System in Tokyo.

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    This study aims to clarify the job seeking process of the elderly people through the local employment support facility known as the Active Senior Employment Support Center (ASESC)"AKUTIBU SINIA SHUGYO SIEN SENTAA" in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and evaluate the performance as a complement to the national support systems.We conducted 6 waves of longitudinal mail surveys over 38 weeks to 235 older job seekers (146 males and 89 females, average age 63.7, SD 5.6), who visited two ASESCs for the first time, to clarify their living situation, health condition, and changes in their job seeking process.These older job seekers tended to be at a relatively low education level and on low income, as well as tended to seek jobs for earning living expenses rather than for well-being. Half of them found employment in 35.0 days; however, 23.8% couldn't find any job in 38 weeks, especially those who were younger and with higher education.ASESCs are functioning to assist older job seekers who are mainly seeking jobs for earning living expenses, which can be attained in a short time span and enable them to earn some money. These facilities are expected to be consulting services, not only for employment support but also for general living, because it is important to maintain contact with people who are at risk of social isolation, serious financial difficulty, or suicide. We consider it very helpful to encourage and re-activate these mismatched people, by supporting them to engage in highly contributional services to our society and the next generation, such as providing child-care support or daily life support, the demands for which are rapidly increasing due to recent governmental policies

    The Moderating Role of Experiential Avoidance in the Relationships Between Internal Distress and Smoking Behavior During a Quit Attempt

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    Recent smoking cessation studies have shown that decreasing experiential avoidance (EA; i.e., tendency to reduce or avoid internal distress) improves success, but to date none have examined the moderating effect of EA on the role of specific internal distress in smoking cessation. This study examined whether prequit general EA (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire) and smoking-specific EA (Avoidance and Inflexibility Scale) moderated the relations between 4 measures of postquit internal distress (depressive symptoms, negative affect, physical withdrawal symptoms, craving) and smoking. Forty adult smokers participated in a randomized controlled trial of distress tolerance treatment for smokers with a history of early lapse. Multilevel models showed that prequit smoking-specific EA, but not general EA, significantly moderated the relationship between all measures of internal distress, except craving, and smoking over 13 weeks postquit. When examined over 26 weeks, these relations remained unchanged for all, but the moderating effect became trend-level for depressive symptoms. Significant associations between postquit internal distress and smoking were found only in those with high prequit smoking-specific EA. Moreover, prequit smoking-specific EA did not predict postquit levels or changes in internal distress, suggesting that decreasing smoking-specific EA prequit may not reduce internal distress, but may instead reduce smoking risk in response to such distress during a quit attempt. Results mainly supported hypothesized relations, but only for smoking-specific EA. Smoking cessation interventions focusing on EA reduction may especially benefit those vulnerable to greater postquit depressive and withdrawal symptoms, and those who smoke to regulate aversive internal states

    Quality of life after quitting smoking and initiating aerobic exercise

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    Quitting smoking and aerobic exercise each improve health. Although smokers may be concerned that quitting smoking will reduce their quality of life (QOL), recent research has shown that cessation is associated with QOL benefits. Elements of smoking cessation interventions, such as exercise, may contribute to changes in QOL. However, it is unknown whether initiating exercise in the context of smoking cessation is associated with greater or different effects on QOL than smoking cessation alone. The current study is a secondary analysis of data from a randomized trial (n = 61) of an exercise intervention for smoking cessation. We hypothesized that smoking abstinence and engagement in exercise would have positive, additive effects on QOL at end-of-treatment, 6- and, 12-month follow-ups. Sedentary adult smokers were randomized to the exercise intervention or a health education control (HEC) group. Additionally, all participants received smoking cessation counseling and nicotine patches. Data were analyzed using actual engagement in exercise, rather than group assignment as a proxy for exercise engagement, because some HEC participants also began exercising. Abstinence was positively associated with higher total and physical health QOL at follow-up. Exercise was not associated with total QOL and only marginally associated with physical health QOL, but was positively related to overall sense of well-being. Emphasizing that smoking cessation is associated with higher QOL may help motivate smokers to initiate quit attempts

    Lactate-induced histone lactylation by p300 promotes osteoblast differentiation.

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    Lactate, which is synthesized as an end product by lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) from pyruvate during anaerobic glycolysis, has attracted attention for its energy metabolism and oxidant effects. A novel histone modification-mediated gene regulation mechanism termed lactylation by lactate was recently discovered. The present study examined the involvement of histone lactylation in undifferentiated cells that underwent differentiation into osteoblasts. C2C12 cells cultured in medium with a high glucose content (4500 mg/L) showed increases in marker genes (Runx2, Sp7, Tnap) indicating BMP-2-induced osteoblast differentiation and ALP staining activity, as well as histone lactylation as compared to those cultured in medium with a low glucose content (900 mg/L). Furthermore, C2C12 cells stimulated with the LDH inhibitor oxamate had reduced levels of BMP-2-induced osteoblast differentiation and histone lactylation, while addition of lactate to C2C12 cells cultured in low glucose medium resulted in partial restoration of osteoblast differentiation and histone lactylation. These results indicate that lactate synthesized by LDHA during glucose metabolism is important for osteoblast differentiation of C2C12 cells induced by BMP-2. Additionally, silencing of p300, a possible modifier of histone lactylation, also inhibited osteoblast differentiation and reduced histone lactylation. Together, these findings suggest a role of histone lactylation in promotion of undifferentiated cells to undergo differentiation into osteoblasts