88 research outputs found

    Effect of social network use and advertising on anthropometric status and dietary intake

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of social media use and advertisements on anthropometric status and nutrition in adults. In this randomized and cross-sectional study, 9918 adults aged between 18 and 65 years in 30 cities of Turkey were included. Method: Within the scope of the research, a questionnaire consisting of 40 questions in 4 sections was applied to the participants. The questions asked included socio-demographic information, anthropometric measurements, reliance on information about nutrition in social media and advertisements, changes in eating habits caused by social media and advertisements, information about nutrition, and 24-hour food consumption frequency. Results: Based on the findings of the study, internet and television are used more frequently to find out about nutrition than other mass media and social media platforms, and Instagram is the most popular social media platform to this end. People who use Instagram, books, and Pinterest have been found to have lower body weight, BMI, and carbohydrate, fat, and cholesterol intake. People who use Instagram, books, and Pinterest have been found to have lower body weight, BMI, and carbohydrate, fat, and cholesterol intake. While eating unhealthy foods upon being persuaded by marketing has a detrimental impact on body composition and health, learning about healthy nutrition from social media has been found to have a favorable impact. It has been observed that individuals who modified their eating habits after being persuaded by media coverage of nutrition issues had considerably lower weights, BMIs, and energy, protein, fat, and cholesterol intakes, while having higher fiber intake. It has been revealed that celebrities in commercials or social media advertising have no bearing on consumer decisions to buy products. Instead, consumers pay attention to cited sources in social media posts that discuss nutrition-related topics and seek out dietary advice from dietitians. Conclusion: It has been determined that social media and advertisements, fast and effective means of obtaining information, affect eating habits, purchasing behaviors, body compositions and health status of individuals. Hence, only dietitians should share on nutrition through social media and advertisements bearing ethical rules in mind and necessary inspections should be carried out by relevant institutions

    Labview Tabanlı Odyometre ve İşitme Cihazı Tasarımı

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    İşitme sisteminin değerlendirilmesi, işitme kaybı tanısının konulması ve işitme kaybının tespiti için odyometri testi yapılmaktadır. Hastanelerin odyoloji bölümlerinde yaygın olarak kullanılan önemli bir teşhis yöntemidir. Odyometreler aracılığı ile yapılan işitme testlerinde, yaygın olarak 125 Hertz (Hz) ile 8000 Hertz (Hz) arasındaki frekanslarda işitme ölçümleri yapılmaktadır. Ölçümler sonucunda izlenecek olan tedavi, kaybın nedenine bağlı olarak değişmektedir. İşitme kaybının tedavisi yoksa bu durumda işitme cihazları kullanılmaktadır. İşitme cihazı ile konuşmaların daha anlaşılır hale getirilmesi, tüm işitsel sinyallerin, gürültü ve müzik gibi çevresel seslerin daha rahat duyulması amaçlanır. LabVIEW ortamında geliştirilen yazılım ile işitme testi 0 Hertz (Hz) ile 20000 Hertz (Hz) arasında yapılabilmektedir. Ayrıca yapılan odyometri testi sonucunda, işitme aralığını kompanze edecek bir filtre, mümkün olduğunca düz bir işitme algılaması üretmek üzere tasarlanmıştır

    Ocjena apsorpcije, djelotvornosti protiv bakterije Escherichia coli i citotoksičnosti krutih lipidnih nanočestica s moksifloksacinom

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    Moxifloxacin (MOX) is an important antibiotic commonly used in the treatment of recurrent Escherichia coli (E. coli) infections. The aim of this study was to investigate its antibacterial efficiency when used with solid lipid nanoparticles (SNLs) and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) as delivery vehicles. For this purpose we designed two SLNs (SLN1 and SLN2) and two NLCs (NLC1 and NLC2) of different characteristics (particle size, size distribution, zeta potential, and encapsulation efficiency) and loaded them with MOX to determine its release, antibacterial activity against E. coli, and their cytotoxicity to the RAW 264.7 monocyte/macrophage-like cell line in vitro. With bacterial uptake of 57.29 %, SLN1 turned out to be significantly more effective than MOX given as standard solution, whereas SLN2, NLC1, and NLC2 formulations with respective bacterial uptakes of 50.74 %, 39.26 %, and 32.79 %, showed similar activity to standard MOX. Cytotoxicity testing did not reveal significant toxicity of nanoparticles, whether MOX-free or MOX-loaded, against RAW 264.7 cells. Our findings may show the way for a development of effective lipid carriers that reduce side effects and increase antibacterial treatment efficacy in view of the growing antibiotic resistance.Moksifloksacin je važan antibiotik koji se često rabi za liječenje rekurentne infekcije bakterijom Escherichia coli (E. coli). Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ocijeniti njegovu djelotvornost u formulaciji s krutim lipidnim nanočesticama (engl. solid lipid nanoparticles, krat. SNL) i nanostrukturiranim lipidnim nosačima (engl. nanostructured lipid carriers, krat. NLC) kao njegovim vehikulima. U tu smo svrhu osmislili dva SLN-a (SLN1 I SLN2) te dva NLC-a (NLC1 i NLC2) različitih svojstava (veličine čestice, raspodjele veličina, zeta potencijala i sposobnosti enkapsulacije) te ih obogatili moksifloksacinom kako bismo utvrdili njegovo otpuštanje, djelovanje protiv E. coli i citotoksičnost za makrofagnu staničnu liniju RAW 264.7 in vitro. S bakterijskom apsorpcijom od 57,29 %, SLN1 se pokazao značajno djelotvornijim vehikulom moksifloksacina od njegove standardne formulacije (otopine), a formulacije s SLN2, NLC1 odnosno NLC2 s odgovarajućim apsorpcijama od 50,74 %, 39,26 % odnosno 32,79 % iskazale su djelotvornost sličnu onoj standardnog antibiotika. Test citotoksičnosti nije pokazao značajnu toksičnost nanočestica bez obzira na to jesu li sadržavale moksifloksacin ili nisu. Naši rezultati upućuju na mogući smjer razvoja djelotvornih lipidnih nosača kojima bi se mogle smanjiti nuspojave i povećati antibakterijska djelotvornost liječenja s obzirom na sve veću bakterijsku rezistentnost

    Low oxygen saturation following total correction in a patient with tetralogy of fallot and persistant left superior caval vein - How did we diagnose and manage?

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    Association of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) with the other intracardiac pathologies such as atrial septal defect (ASD), atrioventricular canal defect or persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC), absent pulmonary valve are well known pathologies. The associated pathologies require specifi c attention during surgical treatment. In this manuscript, we present management of a four-month-old girl who was diagnosed with TOF and PLSVC but the diagnosis of unroofed coronary sinus was missed in her. Association of unroofed coronary sinus with TOF is a very rare variant of TOF pathology.Souvislost mezi Fallotovou tetralogií (tetralogy of Fallot, TOF) a jinými intrakardiálními patologiemi, jako jsou defekt septa síní (atrial septal defect, ASD), defekt síňokomorového kanálu nebo perzistentní levostranná horní dutá žíla (persistent left superior vena cava, PLSVC) i absence plicní chlopně, je dobře známa. Během chirurgického výkonu vyžadují přidružená onemocnění obzvláštní pozornost. V tomto článku popisujeme léčbu čtyřměsíční dívky s diagnózou TOF a PLSVC, u níž však byl přehlédnut nezastřešený koronární sinus. Nezastřešený koronární sinus se vyskytuje současně s TOF velmi vzácně

    Giant aneurysm of non-coronary sinus of valsalva in a patient with marfan sendrom

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    Valsalva sinüslerinin anevrizmaları, aort anulusu ile sinotubüler bileşke arasındaki aort kök bölgesinin dilatasyonu olarak tanımlanır. Valsalva sinüsünün izole anevrizmaları nadir görülen kardiovasküler patolojilerdir. Sinüs valsalva anevrizması, konjenital veya edinsel kökenli olabilir. Konjenital, özellikle bağ dokusu bozukluklarına sekonder ve konjenital kardiyak defektlerle birlikte görülebilir. Edinsel anevrizmalar ise enfeksiyonlara ve travmaya sekonder olarak oluşabilir. Küçük boyutlu rüptüre olmamış anevrizmalar cerrahi müdahalesiz takip edilebilirken bunun dışındaki tüm hastalarda müdahale gerekir ve cerrahi altın standart tedavi yöntemidir. Bu yazıda, aort yetmezliği ile birlikte non-koroner valsalva sinüsünün dev anevrizması olan ve uygun tedavisi yapılan 12 yaşında Marfan sendromlu hasta anlatılacaktır.Aneurysms of the sinuses of Valsalva are defined as dilatation of the aortic root region be-tween the aortic annulus and the sinotubularjunction. Isolated aneurysms of the sinus of Valsalva are rare cardiovascular pathologies. Sinus valsalva aneurysm may be of congenital or acquired origin. It can occur congenital, secondary to connective tissue disorders or in associa-tion with congenital cardiac defects. Acquired aneurysms may occur secondary to infections and trauma. Small-sized unruptured aneurysms may be followed without surgical treatment; however, surgery may be required in all other patients and surgery is the gold standard treat-ment method. In this article, a 12 -year-old patient with Marfan syndrome who had aortic regurgita-tion and giant aneurysm of the non-coronary sinus of valsalva and was treated appropriately will be presented

    The effects of ideal standards and parental approval on mate choice among emerging adults

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    The current study examines how ideal standards and parental approval interplay in the decision to marry via three consecutive studies among Turkish emerging adults. The first study explored desirable traits for a potential spouse, and participants (N = 309) rated and rank-ordered 56 traits. Findings revealed that trustworthiness, honesty, and loyalty were the most desired traits. Informed by the first study’s findings, we designed vignettes, tested their validity via three pilot studies, and finalized scenarios for the experimental study. In Study 2 (N = 331), we recruited highly liberal (secular) emerging adults and randomly assigned them to one of the four experimental conditions (2x2 design; ideal standards high vs. low, parents approve vs. disapprove). Each participant read a vignette about a potential partner and responded whether they would be willing to marry that person (yes or no). Analysis revealed that participants were 13.93 times [CI (6.40, 30.32)] more willing to marry a partner who met ideal standards and 4.24 times [CI (1.93, 9.30)] more willing if the parents approved the partner. Study 3 replicated Study 2 with a conservative sample, using the same experimental design and vignettes. We recruited participants through theology departments and online religious groups (N = 484). Main effects of both having an ideal partner [OR = 5.00, CI (2.62, 9.54)] and parental approval [OR = 4.00, CI (2.12, 7.53)] were significant as well as the interaction term [OR= 7.38, CI (2.32, 23.51)]. The current study highlights the importance of parental approval and ideal standards on marriage decisions among secular and conservative emerging adults

    The problems and barriers of RHYA as social policy

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    The Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA) has been the dominant social policy for homeless youth in the United States since 1974. The Act has actually gone through a number of incarnations over the last three plus decades creating a complex and confusing guide in understanding and solving the problems of the various populations that fall under RHYA's umbrella. In this paper, first we trace our society's attitudes towards homeless youth, from the "Whole Child" movement of the early 20th century, through the Social Security Act, and the emergence of and changes in RHYA. Second, we suggest that part of the difficulties RHYA has in serving homeless youth lay in the differing perspectives of childhood and youth over the course of the twentieth century and our discordant view of youth populations that live their lives outside of mainstream society. Part of the reasons the United States has such difficulties in helping, and sometimes even recognizing homeless youths involve the definitions and social discourse we have developed for these populations -- especially when compared to international definitions. Given the barriers RHYA as social policy, we suggest broader policy level solutions that involve more inclusive definitions of homeless youth, and acknowledge them as 'citizens of the world'.Homeless youth Runaway and Homeless Youth Act

    Daily experiences and close relationships incarcerated youth:Perspectives of inmates and prison staff

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    The current qualitative study investigated youth's adaptation to imprisonment through their daily life experiences and close relationships from a deprivation theory perspective. To that aim, we recruited 18 to 21-year-old Turkish men (n = 30) incarcerated for violent, property, or sexual offenses and the staff (n = 13) employed in the same high-security prison unit. We ran six focus group interviews with the youth and two group interviews with the staff at the prison in May 2019. Staff focus groups were separate for security guards (n = 7) and service providers (n = 6). The emergent themes from youth group interviews indicated social deprivation factors, including stigma and discrimination, estrangement with peers, longing for the family, and building closer relationships with siblings and parents via family visitations. Youth also endorsed non-parental adults in prison as essential sources of financial, social, and emotional support in adaptation to prison and referred to their newly established peer relationships as kinship. Youth anticipated experiencing stigma following their discharge, especially in close relationships. Prison staff reported negative attitudes about youth, families, and peers. Contrary to the youth's reports, prison staff interpreted the youth's close relationships as toxic; they blamed families for the youth's suffering and perceived their new relationships with peers and non-parental adults as 'deviancy training.' The findings demonstrated the ambiguity and precarity of relationships with significant others during incarceration, youth's struggles to adjust to the prison context, and the dynamics of forming new close relationships with cellmates. Intimate relationships could be sources of distress but also support for incarcerated youth

    İstanbul denetimli serbestlik memurlarına yönelik geliştirilen eğitim programının etki değerlendirmesi

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    Bu araştırma Koç Üniversitesi araştırma kaynakları ve desteği ile yapılmıştır##nofultext##Bu araştırmanın amacı, madde kullanan yükümlülerle çalışan denetimli serbestlik memurlarına yönelik geliştirilen iki günlük eğitimin etkisini niteliksel ve niceliksel verilerle ortaya koymaktır. Araştırma verileri, İstanbul Denetimli Serbestlik Şube Müdürlüğü’nde çalışmakta olan 117 uzman ve memurdan HaziranEylül 2015 arasında aşamalı olarak toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın ihtiyaç belirleme aşamasında, 28 memur 8-10 kişilik gruplara ayrılarak eşzamanlı 1.5 saatlik odak grup toplantılarına katılmıştır. Odak grup toplantılarında, memurlara iş deneyimleri, yükümlülerle ilişkileri ve onlara yönelik tutumları ile eğitim almak istedikleri konularla ilgili sorular yöneltilmiştir. Araştırmanın ikinci aşamasında, suç sosyolojisi, madde bağımlılığı, yükümlülerle iletişim ve motivasyonel görüşme becerileri konularında iki gün süren bir eğitim programı uygulanmış ve eğitim öncesinde ve bir ay sonrasında katılımcılara anket uygulanmıştır. Katılımcılar, yükümlülere karşı tutum (ATI; Melvin, Grambling, & Gardner, 1985), işbirliği (WAI; Horvath & Greenberg, 1989), genel sağlık (Goldberg & Williams, 1988), tükenmişlik sendromu (Maslach & Jackson, 1981), iş doyumu (Spector, 1994) ve örgütsel güven (Cummings & Bromiley, 1995) konularında ölçekler içeren bir anket doldurmuştur. Araştırma niteliksel sonuçlarına göre eğitimin uygulanabilirliği, kabul edilebilirliği ve eğitimden memnuniyet anketlerinde katılımcılar olumlu geribildirim vermiştir. Nicel bulgular T-test analizi kullanılarak incelendiğinde ise eğitime katılan memurların istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede daha az tükenmişlik sendromu gösterdiği ve çalıştıkları kuruma duydukları güvenin arttığı bulunmuştur. Buna karşın, madde kullanan yükümlülere yönelik tutumların değişmediği görülmüştür (p > .05). Araştırma projesinin bulguları, denetimli serbestlik çalışanlarına yönelik daha kapsamlı bir müdahale programının geliştirilmesine ışık tutmaktadır.Koc University Seed Research Grant (grant no: SF00025) and Koc ¸ University College of Social Sciences and Humanities