3 research outputs found

    An Overview Of Pregnant Women Anxiety Levels During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Latar belakang: Kehamilan merupakan masa sensitif bagi perempuan dalam siklus kehidupannya. Perubahan fisik dan psikologis selama masa kehamilan dapat menjadi stressor yang mengakibatkan kecemasan pada ibu hamil. Hasil Penelitian tentang tingkat kecemasan ibu hamil masa pandemi menunjukkan hasil bahwa 3-17 % perempuan mengalami kecemasan selama kehamilannya. Gangguan kecemasan pada ibu hamil di negara maju mencapai 10% sedangkan di negara berkembang mencapai 25%, dan untuk di Indonesia angka kecemasan pada kehamilan berkisar 28,7%. Kecemasan pada ibu hamil menimbulkan dampak yang serius apabila tidak ditangani dengan baik.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan tingkat kecemasan ibu hamil pada masa pandemi Covid -19 di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah Puskesmas Kuta Selatan.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis metode cross sectional. Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling dengan sampel 79 ibu hamil di wilayah kerja UPTD. Puskesmas Kuta Selatan. Analisis data menggunakan distribusi frekuensi.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 50,6% ibu hamil memiliki tingkat kecemasan ringan-sedang, 32,9% menunjukkan kecemasan berat serta 16,5% ibu hamil tidak menunjukkan gejala kecemasan.Kesimpulan: Hampir seluruh (83.5%) Ibu hamil di UPTD. Puskesmas Kuta Selatan mengalami kecemasan, dengan sebagian besar 50,6% mengalami kecemasan ringan sedangSaran diharapkan petugas kesehatan dapat melakukan intervensi yang efektif untuk menangani kecemasan yang dialami ibu hamil. Kata kunci: Ibu hamil, kecemasan, pandemi covid-19 ABSTRACT  Background: Pregnancy is a sensitive period for women in their life cycle. Physical and psychological changes during pregnancy can be a stressor that causes anxiety in pregnant women. The results of the study on the anxiety level of pregnant women during the pandemic showed inconsistent results, it was found that the prevalence of increased anxiety in pregnant women when compared to the incidence of anxiety in pregnant women before the Covid-19 pandemic. Anxiety in pregnant women has a serious impact if not handled properly.Purpose: This study aims to describe the level of anxiety of pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Regional Technical Implementation Unit of the South Kuta Health Center.Method: This research uses cross sectional method. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sample of 79 pregnant women in the work area of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit of the South Kuta Health Center. Data analysis using frequency distribution.Result: The results showed that 50.6% of pregnant women had mild-moderate anxiety, 32.9% showed severe anxiety and 16.5% of pregnant women did not show symptoms of anxiety.Conclusion: Almost all (83.5%) pregnant women in UPTD. The South Kuta Health Center experienced anxiety, with most 50.6% experiencing mild to moderate anxiety.Suggestion it is hoped that health workers can carry out effective interventions to deal with anxiety experienced by pregnant women. Keywords: Anxiety, pregnant women, the Covid-19 pandemic  

    Stimulation of endorphin massage, oxytocin massage, and suggestive (SPEOS) method activates let-down reflex (LDR) of postpartum mother

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    Breast milk is the most important food, especially in the first months of a baby's life. The best nutrition on the first day of a baby's life is colostrum. Delayed and insufficient milk production can cause mothers not to give breast milk to their babies. The process of releasing milk also depends on the Let-Down Reflex (LDR). One way to facilitate breast milk production is to apply the Stimulation of Endorphin Massage, Oxytocin Massage, and Suggestive (SPEOS) method. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the SPEOS Method on the Let-Down Reflex (LDR) Activation in Postpartum. The study design used a pre-experimental one-group pre-test - post-test. The location of the study was conducted at the public health of Denpasar which provides delivery services. The research period was from May to October 2019. The population was the postpartum mother who was treated at the public health care of Denpasar and fulfilled the specified inclusion criteria. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire. Statistical analysis with Wilcoxon test. The result found the median of LDR postpartum before the SPEOS method (2 with a range of 1-3) and after the SPEOS method (5 with a range of 4-6) indicated an increase in the LDR score (p-value <0,001). The conclusion is that the SPEOS method increases the activation of Let Down Reflexes (LDR) in postpartum. Recommendation to public health centers and health workers to compile and set operational standards for SPEOS procedures and implement this method for each postpartum mother