13 research outputs found

    A realistic simulation for Highway Traffic by the use of Cellular Automata

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    Abstract. A two lane, non-periodic highway with on-ramps and off- ramps is simulated using a simple cellular automata model. The main experimenta1 features of highway traffic are reproduced, indicating the usefulness of this approach for the study of traffic and it is shown the need of ramps to produce congested traffic. A fractal dimension for the variables used for traffic analysis, that is car density, car speed and flow has been measured with a Box Counting algorithm. Finally, it is sug- gested how to perform real-time traffic forecasts

    Macchina per la preparazione di bevande

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    Un sistema basato su celle di peltier per raffreddare immediatamente dopo la produzione caff\ue8 o infusi (t\ue8 camomilla ecc). Il vantaggio \ue8 una produzione di bevande calde di qualit\ue0 pi\uf9 elevata rispetto agli altri sistemi attualmente in uso

    Production and Characterization of Aluminum Iron Powder Composites with Ferromagnetic Properties

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    Composites made from compacted powders blends of Al with different Fe contents were produced and characterised with respect to mechanical and induction heating properties. Mechanical spectroscopy and hardness measurements were employed to follow the evolution of Young modulus and internal friction after ageing. It was found that above a critical iron content (>30% of the volume) a percolation network of Fe grains is obtained inside the specimen and the induction heating characteristics become comparable with those of ferritic steel samples

    Machine for the preparation of beverages

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    Un sistema di scambiatori termici e di celle di peltier permette di raffreddare una bevanda appena prodotta utilizzando acqua calda. La bevanda giunge nel bicchiere gi\ue0 raffreddata. Il sistema non ha parti in movimento, n\ue9 usa gas o pompe

    Method for producing a coffee-based beverage and a coffee machine for implementing the method thereof

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    il brevetto descrive un sistema per eliminare il calcare in eccesso dall'acqua utilizzata nelle macchine per il caffè