47 research outputs found

    Effect of Oligopeptide Orientation on Polymer-based DNA Delivery

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    Non-viral synthetic gene therapy reagents offer excellent structural and chemical versatility within non-immunogenic delivery systems, coupled with high therapeutic gene carrying capacity and long shelf life, making them attractive alternatives to viral systems. The success of non-viral transfection using polymers hinges on efficient nuclear uptake of nucleic acid cargo and overcoming intra- and extracellular barriers. This poster will describe the integration of the PKKKRKV heptapeptide (the Simian virus SV40 large T-antigen nuclear localization sequence, NLS) onto a polymer backbone, and the resultant high reporter gene expression in mice when administered by intramuscular ultrasound-mediated delivery. These novel polymers afforded protein expression higher than JetPEIā„¢ in vivo, and in cell culture outperformed commercial reagents JetPEIā„¢ and Lipofectamine 2000ā„¢, the latter being notorious for coupling high transfection efficiency with cytotoxicity. The orientation of the NLS peptide grafts relative to the polymer backbone markedly affected transfection performance both in vitro and in vivo. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) studies on transfected cells showed that polymers having the NLS attached at the valine residue afforded higher nuclear translocation, and subsequently higher protein expression, relative to those having the NLS groups attached in the opposite orientation. Besides nuclear uptake, the superior binding characteristics of these comb polymers compared to linear polylysine, as judged by atomistic and coarse grain simulations as well as polymer-DNA binding experiments, contributes to their enhanced transfection performance. Polyplexes formed from these comb polymer structures exhibit low cytotoxicity and high transfection efficiency both in vitro and in vivo, demonstrating the therapeutic promise of these novel gene therapy reagents

    A Novel Approach to Targeted Oncologic Therapy - Co-culture Viability of Polymer Prodrug Conjugation to Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Background/Purpose: Conjugation of polymer prodrugs to tumor homing cells, such as Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs), could provide a vehicle for actively targeted delivery of polymer prodrugs. Methods: Human Bone Marrow MSCs were conjugated to either a doxorubicin polymer prodrug or free doxorubicin and were co-cultured with T-cells. Viability was assessed through the use of a Vi-cell counter. In Vivo Migration Analysis was performed NOD SCID mice implanted with subcutaneous MDA MB-231 breast cancer xenografts. Following tumor establishment, mice were injected via lateral tail vein injection with either saline or polymer loaded MSCs. Five days following stem cell injection, mice were euthanized, tumors were harvested and sections were analyzed using fluorescent microscopy and immuno-histochemical staining for cd105. Results: T-cell viability was reduced when co-cultured with MSCs conjugated to free doxorubicin although cells co-cultured with MSCs conjugated to doxorubicin polymer did not exhibit reduced viability. Polymer loaded MSCs displayed intact tumor homing migratory ability in vivo (Figure 1). Conclusion: MSCs conjugated to doxorubicin released the drug, resulting in reduced neighboring T-cells viability. MSCs loaded with polymer maintained their migratory capacity were able to migrate to tumors in vivo. MSCs therefore represent a potential vehicle for targeted drug delivery. Future work will focus on developing methods for releasing the drug upon successful delivery to the target in vivo

    In Vivo Evaluation of a Biomimetic Polymer-Doxorubicin Conjugate for Cancer Therapy

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    This poster will describe a novel polymer pro-drug platform designed for conjugation and delivery of chemotherapeutics. Specifically, polymer pro-drugs were prepared from functional polymer zwitterions and doxorubicin (DOX), and evaluated in vivo to assess toxicological, pharmacokinetic and therapeutic properties. The biocompatible polymer scaffold (PolyMPC) consists of zwitterionic phosphorylcholine pendent groups, which mimic the natural hydrophilic moieties of phospholipids in cell membranes, and hydrazone linkages that allow for pH-triggered release of DOX. PolyMPC-DOX pro-drugs were isolated as dry solids using a facile strategy that allows for precise control of molecular weight and DOX incorporation. In vivo toxicity of PolyMPC and PolyMPC-DOX was assessed in a murine model. The maximum tolerated dose of the pro-drug was five times greater than that of free DOX, while PolyMPC alone exhibited no toxicity even at a dose of 800 mg/kg. A pharmacokinetic study in tumor-bearing mice demonstrated a significant increase in circulation half-life of conjugated DOX (t1/2=2 hours) compared to free DOX (t1/2=15 minutes), with conjugated DOX detectable in blood serum for longer than 24 hours. This pronounced enhancement in circulation time was attributed to the macromolecular scaffold, which precludes rapid renal clearance compared to native DOX. Examination of mice given PolyMPC-DOX five days after injection in the PK study showed a three-fold increase of drug accumulated in tumor tissue compared to that of mice treated with free DOX and drug accumulation in off-target organs was reduced for mice given DOX conjugate. The therapeutic efficacy of the PolyMPC-DOX conjugates was then assessed in an orthotopic murine breast cancer model. The treatment group given PolyMPC-DOX exhibited a two-fold increase in overall survival and a significant reduction in average tumor volume compared to the free DOX and saline control groups. A study evaluating the therapeutic efficacy of PolyMPC-DOX in a human ovarian xenograft tumor model is ongoing

    Zwitterionic PEG-PC hydrogels modulate the foreign body response in a modulus-dependent manner

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    Reducing the foreign body response (FBR) to implanted biomaterials will enhance their performance in tissue engineering. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogels are increasingly popular for this application due to their low cost, ease of use, and the ability to tune their compliance via molecular weight and crosslinking densities. PEG hydrogels can elicit chronic inflammation in vivo, but recent evidence has suggested that extremely hydrophilic, zwitterionic materials and particles can evade the immune system. To combine the advantages of PEG-based hydrogels with the hydrophilicity of zwitterions, we synthesized hydrogels with co-monomers PEG and the zwitterion phosphorylcholine (PC). Recent evidence suggests that stiff hydrogels elicit increased immune cell adhesion to hydrogels, which we attempted to reduce by increasing hydrogel hydrophilicity. Surprisingly, hydrogels with the highest amount of zwitterionic co-monomer elicited the highest FBR we observed. Lowering the hydrogel modulus (165 kPa to 3 kPa), or PC content (20 wt% to 0 wt%), mitigated this effect. A high density of macrophages was found at the surface of implants associated with a high FBR, and mass spectrometry analysis of the proteins adsorbed to these gels implicated extracellular matrix, immune response, and cell adhesion protein categories as drivers of macrophage recruitment to these hydrogels. Overall, we show that modulus regulates macrophage adhesion to zwitterionic-PEG hydrogels, and demonstrate that chemical modifications to hydrogels should be studied in parallel with their physical properties to optimize implant design

    Quantum dots coordinated with conjugated organic ligands: new nanomaterials with novel photophysics

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    CdSe quantum dots functionalized with oligo-(phenylene vinylene) (OPV) ligands (CdSe-OPV nanostructures) represent a new class of composite nanomaterials with significantly modified photophysics relative to bulk blends or isolated components. Single-molecule spectroscopy on these species have revealed novel photophysics such as enhanced energy transfer, spectral stability, and strongly modified excited state lifetimes and blinking statistics. Here, we review the role of ligands in quantum dot applications and summarize some of our recent efforts probing energy and charge transfer in hybrid CdSe-OPV composite nanostructures