18 research outputs found

    Coneixement de la litosfera a partir de pèrfils sísmics

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    Estudi de la sismicitat de Catalunya

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    Els primers resultats d'un treball que caldrà continua

    Estimation of Avalanche Development and Frontal Velocities Based on the Spectrogram of the Seismic Signals Generated at the Vallée de la Sionne Test Site.

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    The changes in the seismic signals generated by avalanches recorded at three sites along a path at the Vallée de la Sionne (VdlS) experimental site are presented. We discuss and correlate the differences in the duration, signal amplitudes, and frequency content of the sections (Signal ONset (ON), Signal Body (SBO), and Signal TAil and Signal ENd STA-SEN) of the spectrograms with the evolution of the powder, transitional and wet snow avalanches along a path. The development of the avalanche front was quantified using the exponential function in time F (t) = K' exp (β t) fitted to the shape of the signal ONset (SON section of the spectrogram. The speed of the avalanche front is contained in β. To this end, a new method was developed. The three seismic components were converted into one seismic component (FS), when expressing the vector in polar coordinates. We linked the theoretical function of the shape of the FS-SON section of the spectrogram to the numerical coefficients of its shape after considering the spectrogram as an image. This allowed us to obtain the coefficients K' and β. For this purpose, the Hough Transform (HT) was applied to the image. The values of the resulting coefficients K' and β are included in different ranges in accordance with the three types of avalanche. Curves created with these coefficients enable us to estimate the development of the different avalanche types along the path. Our results show the feasibility of classifying the type of avalanche through these coefficients. Average speeds of the avalanches approaching the recording sites were estimated. The speed values of wet and transitional avalanches are consistent with those derived from GEODAR (GEOphysical Doppler radAR) measurements, when available. The absence of agreement in the speed values obtained from seismic signals and GEODAR measurements for powder snow avalanches indicates, for this type of avalanche, a different source of the measured signal. Hence, the use of the two measuring systems proves to be complementary

    Synthesis of compositionally graded nanocast NiO/NiCo2O4/Co3O4 mesoporous composites with tuneable magnetic properties

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    A series of mesoporous NiO/NiCo2O4/Co3O4 composites has been synthesized by nanocasting using SBA-15 silica as a hard template. The evaporation method was used as the impregnation step. Nickel and cobalt nitrates in different Ni(II) : Co(II) molar ratios were dissolved in ethanol and used as precursors. The composites show variable degrees of order, from randomly organized nanorods to highly ordered hexagonally-packed nanowires as the Ni(II) : Co(II) molar ratio decreases. The materials exhibit moderately large surface areas in the 60-80 m2 g−1 range. Their magnetic properties, saturation magnetization (MS) and coercivity (HC), can be easily tuned given the ferrimagnetic (NiCo2O4) and antiferromagnetic (NiO and Co3O4) character of the constituents. Moreover, the NiCo2O4 rich materials are magnetic at room temperature and consequently can be easily manipulated by small magnets. Owing to their appealing combination of properties, the nanocomposites are expected to be attractive for myriad applications

    Remote sensing and seismic data integration for the characterization of a rock slide and an artificially triggered rock fall

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    On May 5th, 2013 a planar rock slide (~450 m3) occurred in the village of La Riba (NE Spain), which forced the closure of the road C-240z for 6 months. This slide left a hanging block (~130 m3) suspended on the slope forcing a controlled blasting, followed by rock slope stabilization works. The volume of rock displaced during the both events was deduced from LiDAR and photogrammetry data following two approaches: subtracting pre- and post-event data and reconstructing the volume by fitting planes on the structural surfaces after a structural analysis of the slope. Information about the natural rock slide was obtained from the records of two permanent broadband seismic stations located 10 km from the site. From these seismic records, the existence of a rock slide was confirmed and its time of occurrence was determined, information that would be otherwise unknown. In addition, despite the small volume displaced during the event, its location was deduced from a single seismic station analysis. The blasting process was recorded with two high-definition (HD) video cameras and by two temporary seismic stations deployed close to the site (10 km). Partially, because only a part of the released energy is transmitted into the ground as seismic energy, and partially because the recorded seismic signal is highly dependent on the event characteristics and the geotechnical conditions of the ground materials. Nevertheless, seismic data is very well suited to detect and characterize in detail both rockfall events of different nature and size. Merging and integrating remote sensing techniques such as LiDAR or photogrammetry with seismic measurements should allow the implementation of rockfall early warning systems

    Controlled 3D-coating of the pores of highly ordered mesoporous antiferromagnetic Co3O4 replicas with ferrimagnetic FexCo3-xO4 nanolayers

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    The controlled filling of the pores of highly ordered mesoporous antiferromagnetic Co3O4 replicas with ferrimagnetic FexCo3-xO4 nanolayers is presented as a proof-of-concept toward the integration of nanosized units in highly ordered, heterostructured 3D architectures. Antiferromagnetic (AFM) Co3O 4 mesostructures are obtained as negative replicas of KIT-6 silica templates, which are subsequently coated with ferrimagnetic (FiM) Fe xCo3-xO4 nanolayers. The tuneable magnetic properties, with a large exchange bias and coercivity, arising from the FiM/AFM interface coupling, confirm the microstructure of this novel two-phase core-shell mesoporous material. The present work demonstrates that ordered functional mesoporous 3D-materials can be successfully infiltrated with other compounds exhibiting additional functionalities yielding highly tuneable, versatile, non-siliceous based nanocomposites

    Recent large earthquakes from geophysical perspective

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    En els darrers temps la nostra societat ha estat trasbalsada per l'efecte de diversos terratrèmols (Haití, Xile, Nova Zelanda i Japó). No es tracta de fenòmens nous, la Terra ha estat i estarà sotmesa a la seva acció, però els grans terratrèmols no són freqüents ni es produeixen arreu. Hi ha regions de la Terra més propenses que d'altres a ser sotmeses al seu efecte. D'altra banda, una societat adequadament preparada en pot mitigar el risc. Conèixer la perillositat de cada zona és imprescindible per a poder disminuir l'efecte dels terratrèmols, fet que implica l'estudi profund de les seves característiques i de les zones en què succeeixen. Aquest article repassa els últims grans terratrèmols des d'una òptica geofísica i n'analitzarem les característiques i el context geològic específic en què es produeixen. Per a dur a terme aquesta anàlisi s'ha fet servir els registres dels terratrèmols obtinguts a les estacions del LEGEF, que es poden trobar al nostre web, http://sismic2.iec.cat.In recent times our society has been disturbed by the effect of various earthquakes (Haiti, Chile, New Zealand, and Japan). These are not new phenomena, the Earth has been and will be subjected to their action, but large earthquakes are not frequent or occur elsewhere. There are regions of the Earth more likely than others to be affected by them. In addition, an adequately society can be prepared to mitigate the risk. Knowing the hazard of each area is essential in order to reduce the effect of earthquakes, which implies the thorough study of their features and of areas in which they occur. This article reviews the recent major earthquakes from a geophysical perspective and analyzes the characteristics and the specific geological context in which they occur. For this analysis, the records of earthquakes obtained at LEGEF stations, which can be found on our website (http://sismic2.iec.cat) have been used