325 research outputs found

    Efecto de la distancia entre surcos y densidad de siembra en el rendimiento y calidad del forraje de sorgo

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    El objetivo fue determinar los cambios en rendimiento de materia seca (RMS) y calidad del forraje de sorgo sembradoen surcos distanciados a 75 y 20 cm, y en densidades de 33 y 65 semillas m2, cuando la planta tiene una concentración de materia seca de 300 g kg-1. No hubo interacción año x  distancia entre surcos en los caracteres, excepto en altura de planta. Efecto de año existió, excepto en concentración de materia seca de la planta (322 g kg-1) y en proteína (97.6 g kg-1). El RMS por año varió de 10 t (2007) a 17 t ha-1 (2009), y de 10 a 16.6 t ha-1 en distancias de 75 y 20 cm, respectivamente. El peso seco de panículas fue 109.4 g y 158.1 g kg-1 mayor en 2007 que en 2008 y 2009, respectivamente, y el peso de mil granos fue 13.66 g kg-1 mayor en 2007 que al promedio de los dos años restantes. La digestibilidad fue 89.5 y 39.9 g kg-1 menor en 2007 y 2008, respectivamente, que en 2009. Hubo correlación entre digestibilidad y cenizas (-0.94**), fibra detergente ácido (-0.93**) y lignina detergente ácido (-0.85*). La proteína fue 15.2 g kg-1 mayor en surcos a 25 cm que a 75 cm. No hubo interacción año x densidad de siembra, ni la densidad afectó el RMS ni la calidad del forraje. El RMS y la calidad del forraje de sorgo fueron mejorados al combinar densidad de siembra de 33 semillas m2 con distancia de 20 cm entre surcos

    Distancia entre surcos en el rendimiento y calidad de la materia seca de maíz y de sorgo

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    The purpose of the present study was to compare dry matter yield and nutritive value of conventional hybrid grain sorghum [(Sorghum bicolor (L.)] as influenced by row spacing, with conventional hybrid maize (Zea mays L.). Sorghum hybrid var. Solarius was planted at two distances between rows, 75 and 20 cm, and maize var. Anjou 387 at 75 cm (conventional planting). Dry matter yield (DMY) in both species decreased over the years, being this fall greater in maize.El objetivo fue comparar el rendimiento de materia seca y el valor nutritivo de un híbrido convencional de sorgo [(Sorghum bicolor (L.)], establecido a dos distancias entre surcos, con un híbrido convencional de maíz (Zea mays L.). El sorgo var. Solarius fue establecido a 75 y 20 cm entre surcos, y el maíz var. Anjou 387 a 75 cm (siembra convencional) en 2007, 2008 y 2009 en Lusignan, Francia. El rendimiento de materia seca (RMS) en ambas especies declinó, con los años y esta disminución fue mayor en maíz

    Morphology, RNase and transaminase of root protoplasts

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    RNase and transaminase activities were analysed for mechanically and enzymatically prepared protoplasts from Allium Cepa roots. The comparative analyses at three root regions show that the enzymes were less active in the protoplasts than in the cells from which they had been obtained. The enzyme gradients (from apex to base of the root: RNase increase and transaminase decrease) noted previously in the intact roots were found to be similar in the protoplasts, however to a lesser degree. On the other hand, the relative activity of both tested enzymes was lower in the enzymatically prepared protoplasts than in those obtained by the mechanical technique. In connection with their physiological properties, the respective effects of the mode of preparing the protoplasts were discusse

    Ruminal degradability of leaves of Morus alba and Fraxinus excelsior managed as pollards or high stem trees

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    Ruminal degradability of leaves of [i]Morus alba[/i] and [i]Fraxinus excelsior[/i] managed as pollards or high stem trees. 4. World Congress on Agroforestr

    Effet de la diffusion de l'oxygène sur le comportement mécanique du Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo–0.1Si

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    Les alliages de titane sont utilisés dans les composants aéronautiques tels que les structures secondaires de fixation du moteur. Augmenter l''efficacité du moteur conduit à une augmentation de la température de ces composants. Pour améliorer l'évaluation de la durée de vie de ces pièces, il est nécessaire d'obtenir une meilleure compréhension des changements en service, dans le comportement mécanique. Ceux-ci sont dus à l'enrichissement en oxygène de l'alliage pendant son oxydation. Dans ce travail, des échantillons minces en alliage Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.1Si ont été pré-oxydés pendant des durées contrôlées afin d'obtenir différentes épaisseurs de la couche affectée par l'oxygène. L'analyse par résonance acoustique permet d'obtenir le module de Young à différentes températures, des essais de traction et de fluage sont ensuite réalisés. En utilisant des échantillons minces, l'effet de la zone de diffusion de l'oxygène (ODZ) sur les propriétés mécaniques a été déterminé

    Performance and milk quality of cows fed triticale silage or intercropped with oats or legumes

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    The use of intercropped grass legumes provides a source of sustainable animal production as these vegetables contribute to an increase in forage yield by area, and substitute inorganic nitrogen and other components. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional characteristics of silages and the yield and milk quality of Holstein cows fed triticale silages in monoculture or intercropped with either oats or legumes. The crops for silage production were triticale (TS), triticale in consortium with forage pea (TSP), and triticale in consortium with oats, forage peas and vetches (TSOPV). The silages showed no differences in dry matter content. The highest crude protein (13.06 %) and ethereal extract content was observed in TSOPV, but in the case of the latter, there was little difference when compared with TS (2.35 and 2.16 %, respectively) although the ash contents of the TSOPV and TSP silages did present a difference compared to TS silage. The neutral and acid detergent fibers (NDF and ADF) and cellulose fractions of TS silage were higher (68.60, 41.46 and 38.19 %, respectively) than those in TSOPV and TSP silages, which also had higher levels of soluble nitrogen, ethanol and acetic acid. Dry matter intake was higher in both TSOPV and TSP, which also provided a higher milk yield (21.19 and 20.45 L cow d–1) compared to that of TS silage (18.74 L cow d–1). Cows fed TS also produced milk with a lower N-ureic content (15.15 mg dL–1). The inclusion of legumes with triticale provided good fermentative quality for silage and increased milk production of cows without altering their concentrations of fat and protein

    Cytopathological Aspects of Breast Discharge in Women without Palpable Breast Mass in Yaounde, Cameroon

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    Objective: Describe cytopathological characteristics of nipple discharge.Methods: Four years retrospective cross- sectional study in Yaounde, Cameroon. We included all complete files of adult women with cytopathological analyses of breast discharge without palpable mass. Exclusion Criteria: Pregnant or breastfeeding women, puerperium and first 4 weeks post- abortum. Cytological modifications were classified as benign or malignant. Results: We retained 153 cases. Mean age was 41.2+/-14.4 years. Cytological modifications were malignant in 27 (17.65%) and benign in 126 (82.35%) cases. Of the 27 malignant cases, 18 (11.77%) were carcinomas and 9 (5.88%) were lymphomas. Upon histological analyses, all suspected lymphomas were confirmed while only 1 case of suspected carcinoma turned to be an atypical ductal hyperplasia. Of the 126 cases with benign modifications, 54 (35.29%) had inflammatory lesions, 48 (31.38%) had non inflammatory lesions and 24 (15.69%) had papillomas. Conclusion: Cytology of breast discharge can enhance early detection of breast cancers