13 research outputs found

    Stepping Up The Ladder To Meet User Needs: Innovative Library Services And Practices In A Nigerian University Of Technology.

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    Innovative services and practices are the buzzwords in today’s libraries. Changes brought about by the electronic environment has impacted on libraries and caused a transformation in services and practices. Consequently, the library of the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) has keyed into this paradigm by changing its conventional approach. This article explored various innovative services and practices in FUTO library. It also identified the benefits and extent of innovative services and practices in the library. A descriptive survey was adopted for the study while questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. Findings revealed a remarkable increase in library patronage, library visibility, use of library resources (databases), access to OPAC and supportive staff among others. It was also discovered that the extent of innovative services and practices in the library was high in various areas such as: library visibility (Mean=3.54), library patronage (Mean= 3.45), dependence on the library for research (Mean=3.27), longer hours by patrons (Mean=3.05), more followers on social media (Mean=3.00) etc. The study also identified some challenges hindering effective innovative services and practices. It was discovered that constant electricity coupled with inadequate funds were major roadblocks. Despite these challenges, it was observed that the library is not relenting in efforts to unleash her full potential in providing services that align with the needs of the present environment

    Information Sources Preference of Post Graduate Students in Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria

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    The paper investigated postgraduate students in federal university of technology Owerri Nigeria to find out the information sources preferred for research. The descriptive survey employed questionnaire and interview as instruments for data collection. A total of one hundred questionnaires were distributed to postgraduate students from various departments while fifty were returned and found useable for the study. Data were analyzed with percentages while charts were employed to present results of the findings. The study showed that postgraduate students in FUTO prefer electronic sources of information for research.  Responses from both the questionnaire and interview showed that the major reason for preferred sources were easy and quick access, ease of use, convenience and currency. It was also discovered that very few of the postgraduate students identified database subscription from the library as available sources of information for research. This implies that library prints and subscribed databases were not popular among postgraduate students as preferred sources of information for research. This finding however, point to the need for aggressive information literacy campaign for postgraduate students tailored towards creating awareness and use of library resources and databases to  justify the university library’s role in tertiary education. Keywords: Information sources, Postgraduate students, University libraries, Electronic resources, Nigeria. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/10-1-04 Publication date: January 31st 202


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    Nomenclature is a system of names or terms or the rules for forming these terms in a particular field of arts or sciences. It has a far-reaching impact on the mind. It also defines the status of positions. Therefore changes in librarians’ professional identity as a result of increased use of new technology in the performance of their routine chores seem, however, inevitable. Such application generates changes in the context of their work and ultimately necessitates changes in professional identity.This article explored various changing roles of the librarian in this digital age. It also identified the nomenclatures professional librarians in Imo State would prefer to be identified with and also gave some reasons they would favor such nomenclature. Descriptive survey research method was employed to investigate a total population of 68 professional librarians in Imo State. The structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the research out of which 57 representing 83.8% were duly filled and returned for analysis. Findings revealed that professional librarians in Imo State would want a change in nomenclature. The study also identified some of the nomenclatures they would prefer. It discovered that librarian, Information manager, information scientist and information professional are some of the nomenclatures they prefer. Finally, they gave reasons on why they prefer such nomenclatures

    Library Internet Use and Demographic Characteristics of Undergraduates in a Nigerian University: Uncovering the Areas of Need.

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    This study investigated undergraduates of Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria to ascertain whether their demographic profile was a characteristic of library internet usage. Data used for the study was a textual analysis of statistic register on library internet use from May 2017 – June 2018. The study population consisted of 2682 valid name entries during the period under study. Findings revealed that FUTO has greater number of male undergraduates and this is due to the academic structure of the institution.  Discipline wise demographic characteristics showed that undergraduates from Agricultural Economics made most use of the library internet in School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT) while those in department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) were the most users in School of Engineering and Engineering Technology (SEET). Also, undergraduates from Information Management Technology (IMT) and Project Management Technology (PMT) used the internet most in School of Management Technology (SMAT) while those in Biotechnology (BIO) were the most users in School of Biological Sciences (SOBS). Further findings revealed that undergraduates from Surveying and Geoinformatics (SVG) were the most library internet users in School of Environmental Technology (SOET) while Biomedical Technology undergraduates (BMT) made use of the internet more than their counterparts in the School of Health Technology (SOHT). Similarly, Computer Science (CSC) students used the internet most in School of Physical Sciences (SOPS). On the overall faculty level, School of Engineering and Engineering Technology (SEET) made most use of the library internet than other Schools. In terms of study level, it was revealed that final year (500 level) students used the library internet most. Having uncovered the disparity in library internet use, the study recommends among others that embedded librarians in FUTO should promote library operations and services through constant connection and communication with their various departments, continuous marketing and awareness creation of the library’s internet facility. Keywords: Academic library, Internet, Demographic characteristics, FUTO, Undergraduates, Nigerian University, Schools. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/10-2-08 Publication date: March 31st 202


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    Since the adoption of the sustainable development goals, Nigeria has continued to demonstrate its commitment to the SDGs promise through leadership and ownership of the implementation process. Despite the government continued demonstration and commitment to the SDGs promises, it is observed that these goals have not had any desirable impact or effect on the rural communities as poverty level is still high, health condition and over all well-being is poor and mortality rate is on the increase not to mention the number of out of school children. To forestall the deterioration that would accrue from non-realization of the SDGs in rural communities, this paper explored Nigerian academic libraries as an alternative to delivering Sustainable Development Goals to rural communities. It discussed the potential of academic libraries in Nigeria towards delivering Sustainable Development Goals to the rural communities since some of the libraries are situated in the rural areas. Academic librarians from two academic libraries in Imo State were used for the study. Descriptive survey research method was adopted to investigate a total population of 45 Academic librarians while structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the research out of which 31 were duly filled and returned for analysis. Findings shows that academic libraries possess some potentials in delivering sustainable development goals to the rural communities. It also listed some strategies that will help in actualizing this programme to include organizing sensitization campaign on the different SDGs to rural communities, Partnering with health-related NGOs for health activities and Repackaging information for user. The study also identified some challenges affecting the accomplishment of these programmes by academic libraries to include administrative bottlenecks from university management, inadequate finance to cater for logistics and implementation, poor relationship between university and rural communities, societal and environmental threats

    The Academic Library’s use of Benchmarking to Achieve Outcomes: Benefits and Challenges. Academic Libraries in Imo State Experience.

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    The research examines the academic library’s use of benchmarking as a means to achieve outcomes with the academic libraries in Imo State as a focal point. The study made use of survey design to investigate a total number of 44 section heads of the academic libraries in Imo State. A structured questionnaire was used to gather data for the study. Results revealed that most of the section heads were not aware if their academic library makes use of benchmark in its operations and services. It also revealed a lot of benefits that are associated with benchmarking in academic libraries. However, some challenges were identified to inhibit benchmarking in academic libraries in Imo State. Keywords: Benchmark, academic library, benefits, challenges DOI: 10.7176/IKM/9-10-06 Publication date: November 30th 201

    Stepping Up The Ladder To Meet User Needs: Innovative Library Services And Practices In A Nigerian University Of Technology.

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    Innovative services and practices are the buzzwords in today’s libraries. Changes brought about by the electronic environment has impacted on libraries and caused a transformation in services and practices. Consequently, the library of the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) has keyed into this paradigm by changing its conventional approach. This article explored various innovative services and practices in FUTO library. It also identified the benefits and extent of innovative services and practices in the library. A descriptive survey was adopted for the study while questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. Findings revealed a remarkable increase in library patronage, library visibility, use of library resources (databases), access to OPAC and supportive staff among others. It was also discovered that the extent of innovative services and practices in the library was high in various areas such as: library visibility (Mean=3.54), library patronage (Mean= 3.45), dependence on the library for research (Mean=3.27), longer hours by patrons (Mean=3.05), more followers on social media (Mean=3.00) etc. The study also identified some challenges hindering effective innovative services and practices. It was discovered that constant electricity coupled with inadequate funds were major roadblocks. Despite these challenges, it was observed that the library is not relenting in efforts to unleash her full potential in providing services that align with the needs of the present environment

    Information Sources Preference of Post Graduate Students in Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria.

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    The paper investigated postgraduate students in the federal university of technology Owerri Nigeria to find out the information sources preferred for research. The descriptive survey employed a questionnaire and interviews as instruments for data collection. A total of one hundred questionnaires were distributed to postgraduate students from various departments while fifty were returned and found useable for the study. Data were analyzed with percentages while charts were employed to present the results of the findings. The study showed that postgraduate students in FUTO prefer electronic sources of information for research. Responses from both the questionnaire and interview showed that the major reasons for preferred sources were easy and quick access, ease of use, convenience and currency. It was also discovered that very few of the postgraduate students identified database subscriptions from the library as available sources of information for research. This implies that library prints and subscribed databases were not popular among postgraduate students as preferred sources of information for research. This finding, however, points to the need for an aggressive information literacy campaign for postgraduate students tailored towards creating awareness and use of library resources and databases to justify the university library’s role in tertiary education

    Delivery of community information service as corporate social responsibility by librarians in Nigerian tertiary institutions

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    Various scholarly works have reported the absence of library and information services provision to rural dwellers for addressing their information needs for sustainable development. Coupled with this is the absence of community information centers in the rural areas. Thus, a key question that keeps arising is: whose job is it to provide effective community information services (CIS) to rural dwellers in the country? This necessitated the study, with a view to ascertaining if librarians in academic institutions, considering their location in rural areas, are involved in corporate social responsibility (CSR) by way of providing library and information services in communities? Using four federal tertiary institutions in Imo and Ebonyi states, South East, Nigeria, which are located in rural areas, it was discovered that librarians perceived such idea in the positive direction and also responded positively to the types of CIS that could be rendered as CSR. Possible challenges that may affect the planning and delivery of such CIS programme were also discovered, among which are financial implications, unavailability of communication gadgets and other requisite resources, absence of approval and support from the management of parent institutions, librarians may see such as additional responsibility without financial reward which may lead to resistance, and possible resistance or non-acceptability by leaders and traditional rulers in the communities involved. Recommendations were made for academic librarians to take up provision of CIS as CSR for actualization of sustainable development goals in rural areas in the country.Keywords: community information services, corporate social responsibility, sustainable development goals, librarian

    21st century librarians and effective information service delivery

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    This article describes the nature of the 21st century and the changing role of academic libraries in the new millennium. It sheds light on the development of hybrid libraries as a panacea for meeting the information needs of twenty first century library users who exhibit much dexterity in using new technologies. It further explores emerging trends in information provision which can be employed by 21st century librarians to reposition the academic library for effective service delivery. Lack of competency, lack of technology literacy and inadequate power supply were highlighted as some of the challenges that hinder effective service delivery. The article submits that librarians should make efforts to acquire 21st century skills through personal training so as to be relevant and defend their profession since funds mapped for training are not always adequate.Keywords: service delivery; librarians, academic libraries; information need