Library Internet Use and Demographic Characteristics of Undergraduates in a Nigerian University: Uncovering the Areas of Need.


This study investigated undergraduates of Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria to ascertain whether their demographic profile was a characteristic of library internet usage. Data used for the study was a textual analysis of statistic register on library internet use from May 2017 – June 2018. The study population consisted of 2682 valid name entries during the period under study. Findings revealed that FUTO has greater number of male undergraduates and this is due to the academic structure of the institution.  Discipline wise demographic characteristics showed that undergraduates from Agricultural Economics made most use of the library internet in School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT) while those in department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) were the most users in School of Engineering and Engineering Technology (SEET). Also, undergraduates from Information Management Technology (IMT) and Project Management Technology (PMT) used the internet most in School of Management Technology (SMAT) while those in Biotechnology (BIO) were the most users in School of Biological Sciences (SOBS). Further findings revealed that undergraduates from Surveying and Geoinformatics (SVG) were the most library internet users in School of Environmental Technology (SOET) while Biomedical Technology undergraduates (BMT) made use of the internet more than their counterparts in the School of Health Technology (SOHT). Similarly, Computer Science (CSC) students used the internet most in School of Physical Sciences (SOPS). On the overall faculty level, School of Engineering and Engineering Technology (SEET) made most use of the library internet than other Schools. In terms of study level, it was revealed that final year (500 level) students used the library internet most. Having uncovered the disparity in library internet use, the study recommends among others that embedded librarians in FUTO should promote library operations and services through constant connection and communication with their various departments, continuous marketing and awareness creation of the library’s internet facility. Keywords: Academic library, Internet, Demographic characteristics, FUTO, Undergraduates, Nigerian University, Schools. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/10-2-08 Publication date: March 31st 202

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