2,505 research outputs found

    Riflessioni sull'industria agro-alimentare tra conservazione e valorizzazione della memoria storica

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    La conoscenza attenta della fabbrica, le indagini diagnostiche miranti all’eliminazione delle patologie, iprogetti preliminari di rifunzionalizzazione e valorizzazione, gli studi di fattibilità economica sono allabase delle scelte compiute nell’elaborazione del progetto affinché il vecchio stabilimento dell’IpCA aCirié (Torino) diventi per il territorio e soprattutto per i cittadini il luogo della “memoria storica” in modoche, attraverso funzioni produttive, culturali, sociali, ricettive, si possano ricordare anche coloro i qualisono morti dopo anni di lavoro all’interno della “fabbrica dei veleni”. Sulla base di tali considerazioni, ilprogetto di restauro dell’IpCA parte dal presupposto che del complesso industriale si vuole conservarefortemente la memoria sia della fabbrica (nella sua fisicità, matericità, forma) sia degli esiti tragici chehanno con il tempo decretato la sua dismissione

    Industrial Heritage: reflections on the use compatibility of cultural sustainability and energy efficiency

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    AbstractToday the industrial heritage represents a great functional and cultural resource. In fact, analyzing the international situation about it, it's possible to identify features that meet the increasing demand for architectural and urban spaces intended to cultural and social needs.However the type of industrial complexes discharged suggests solutions regarding heir sustainability for what concerns the energy standards. At the same time the cultural sustainability demands the utmost respect to the architectural elements, the space, the materials and to the structures that have historically characterized the proto-industry. The contribution, through a specific set of examples, analyzes projects and proposes actions in which the intervention achieves both the respect to the compatibility of use and the requirements of cultural and energy sustainability

    Thoughts about conservation and enhancement of archaeological heritage in France

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    French archaeological heritage of the classic age has been subjected, over the centuries, to phenomena that have caused either its abandonment or the continuation of its use, its transformation or the loss of its integrity. In particular, the sites for entertainment such as theatres, amphitheatres, circuses, stadiums and hippodromes are now often in ruins (as a result of either destructive events or the interruption of their use) after knowing seasons of transformation, conversion to new uses, repairing of damage of various kinds, restoration, adaptation to new stylistic canons: processes that have ensured the survival of these buildings through a continuous integration in urban activities. Today, these goods, mostly located in relevant urban contexts, are part of a landscape whose transformations guided by illusions aimed to make them attractive for tourists, are creating sharp separations between these monuments and the contest in which they are. Based on these premises, the paper presents the results of a research aimed the preservation of this heritage, suggesting strategies for its valorization that, in accordance with the requirements of the contemporary world, propose a project for tourist fruition which must be compatible with such goods that are architectural and parts of a landscape. In particular, the paper analyzes some interventions of enhancement on the archaeological heritage in comparison with those cases in which development strategies have proved compatible effects with the demands of conservation

    Accidental Destruction & Intentional Destruction. Considerations for archaeological sites and monuments

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    The research intends to investigate the link between accidental destruction due to natural disasters, such as earthquakes or spontaneous collapses, and intentional destruction operated by unfortunate conservation and restoration strategies. In order to conceptually embrace the buildings’ decay as inalienable, the essay aims at establishing a parallelism between what the nature has destroyed and the strategies to fix to such damage, and what has been modified or destructed, instead, by human work, often scarcely aware of the historical, value-driven and technological properties of the asset. The article will examine many archeological realities present in Asia Minor and attributable to the Roman or late Roman age, with the purpose to provide for operational examples of intervention and modification of the archeological context and to fulfill a parallelism that proposes itself as interesting critical reading of the intervention strategies

    Ruins and urban context: analysis towards conservation and enhancement

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    The paper presents the results of a study of classics theatres and amphitheatres in Europe and in the Mediterranean basin. The analysis started from the mapping of the Greek and Roman cities and has been focused in particular to the study of the transformations of these cities from the Middle Age to today, carried out through cartographic surveys, archival investigations and direct analysis. This process has led to understanding the different kinds of reuse that the theaters and amphitheatres have undergone throughout the centuries. Then, by comparing the historical city maps to the current ones (e.g. the maps of urban land registers), the archaeological traces of theatres and amphitheatres still incorporated in the current urban buildings have been located. Finally, a survey of the current situation has allowed identifying the material consistency and morphological characterization of these ancient artifacts. The process led to the proposal of strategies for the conservation and enhancement of ancient entertainment buildings, that respect both the archeological elements and the successive stratification that characterize today our historical citie

    Alcune riflessioni sulla conservazione e valorizzazione degli antichi edifici ludici e teatrali gallo-romani

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    The french archaeological heritage of the classical age has been subject to phenomena that have caused either its abandonment or the continuation of its use, its transformation or the loss of its integrity. In particular, theatres, amphitheatres and circuses are often now in ruins after experiencing seasons of transformation, conversion to new uses and restoration: processes that have ensured the survival of these buildings through a continuous integration in urban activities. Based on these premises, the paper presents the results of a research aimed to the preservation of this heritage, suggesting strategies for its valorization that, in accordance with the requirements of the contemporary world, propose a project for fruition that must be compatible with such goods

    Una fortaleza entre cielo y mar: hipĂłtesis de conservaciĂłn y valorizaciĂłn

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    [EN] Located along the French coast between the towns of Narbonne and Perpignan, the fortress of Salses has defended the borders between Spain and France since 1496. Built by order of Ferdinand the Catholic, it served both as a defensive barrier and outpost for offensive military actions. With the new geographic setting that followed the "Traité des Pyrénées", Salses and the territory of Roussillon finally passed to France. Once lost its strategic importance, the fortress was abandoned and risked demolition. Restored by Vauban in the XVIIIth century, it first became a military guard station, then a state prison and finally a powder keg. In 1866 it was classified as "Monument National". Today, though restored and inserted in the region’s tourist routes, it is disconnected from the broader context of fortified complexes that characterize the neighboring French and Spanish coasts. Based on these premises, the paper aims to propose appropriate strategies for the conservation and especially the valorization of the fortress of Salses. At the local level, it would be necessary to assign greater importance on all historical phases of the building - enhancing their characters and documentary specificity - and to relate the fortress with the surrounding landscape and with the most important defensive and urban centers in the Roussillon. At the international level, the inclusion of the fortress in a system of similar architectural heritage is highly desirable, in order to highlight its defensive value in relation to other similar complexes located along the shores of the western Mediterranean. Only in this way the fortress of Salses, with its transformations and reconfigurations, can renew and strengthen the interrelations with the territory and the landscape and become a point of accumulation of the memory of centuries, of historical events, of the political, military and social processes of the European society.Romeo, E. (2015). Una fortaleza entre cielo y mar: hipótesis de conservación y valorización. En Defensive architecture of the mediterranean: XV to XVIII centuries. Vol. II. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 289-294. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2015.2015.1774OCS28929

    Enhancement of spiritual landscapes pilgrimage routes in Asia Minor between Paganism, Christianity and Islam.

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    To pilgrims coming from the Mediterranean and Europe arrived in Asia Minor, some cities appeared real “wonderlands". The amazement reason was given mainly by Christian basilicas that rose complex and impressive in a context of the Roman ruins. These urban centers correspond to the sites of Christian communities mentioned in the Book of Revelation of Saint John. The pilgrims walked precise routes, touching devotional centers linked to the Apostle John, the Virgin, the first martyrs. But what the pilgrim felt yesterday and what remains today of these spiritual landscapes? Such as contingent valuation strategies? Based on these questions, the paper proposes a hypothesis of exploitation that do recognize, through evocations and tangible references, a dense area of spirituality and devotion that binds the past Pagan worship, Christian mysticism, Islamic religiosit
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