42 research outputs found

    Tools of state-private partnership in developing the infrastructure of the Russian regions (by the example of Tatarstan Republic)

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    Objective to identify the factors influencing the level of infrastructure development created in the framework of publicprivate partnership projects in the regions of the Russian Federation. Methods general scientific methods of cognition were used in the process of research methods of system analysis which make it possible to comprehend the patterns of infrastructure development the optimal ways and methods of managing partner projects statistical and structuralfunctional analysis enabling to identify the dependence on internal and external factors methods of generalization and grouping. Results publicprivate partnership is one of the mechanisms that have proven useful for the development of infrastructure of regions and municipalities. The article emphasizes the importance of PPP projects in the Russian practice as well as the need for further research to improve its effectiveness. On the basis of the regionsrsquo ranking by the level of publicprivate partnership development presented by the ldquoPPP Development Centerrdquo Association the analysis of various factors was carried out that allow determining the place of a region in this ranking. Also the analysis results are presented which show the implementation of projects to create an innovative PPP infrastructure in the Republic of Tatarstan as a result of which the thesis about the impact of the selected factors on the development of PPP was confirmed. The main activities contributing to the development of PPP in the Republic of Tatarstan are identified and recommendations to improve its efficiency are formulated. Scientific novelty based on the data of the ranking of the Russian Federation subjects a regression model was made describing the relationship between the level of publicprivate partnership development in the region and such factors as the proximity of the Russian Federation subject to the capital the unemployment rate in the region and the number of large profitable enterprises in its territory ndash potential subjects of publicprivate partnership. The conditions of effective development of regional projects in the sphere of publicprivate partnership are revealed and systematized. Practical significance the results can be used as recommendations for the development of regional infrastructure in the framework of publicprivate partnership projects

    Obesity and reproductive function of women: epigenetic and somato-psychological features

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    The review article presents data on the effects of obesity on the female reproductive system and offspring of mothers with overweight or obesity, such as infertility, miscarriages, premature birth, stillbirth, congenital anomalies and prematurity, as well as a high risk of cesarean section. Obesity accompanies polycystic ovary syndrome, worsening the metabolic profile and increasing the risk of developing depression and eating disorders. Maternal obesity and hyperglycemia are able to influence the formation of the fetus by epigenetic mechanisms without affecting the nucleotide sequences. Subsequently, the metabolic and cardiovascular risks increase in the descendants of obese or overweight mothers and gestational diabetes. Patients with obesity are characterized by a folic acid deficiency and a deficiency of the luteal phase. Exogenous administration of these substances improves pregnancy outcomes and prevents congenital malformations

    Ovarian reserve in reproductive age women with type 1 diabetes

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    Background: Premature aging are frequently observed among individuals with type 1 diabetes. Decrease of ovarian reserve may be one of the characteristics of such process. Aims: To evaluate the ovarian reserve function in female patients of reproductive age with type 1 diabetes in comparison with healthy women. Materials and methods: This study evaluated 224 Caucasian women, age 18–37 years with type 1 diabetes and 230 healthy women of comparable age. Serum concentrations of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), inhibin B, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol, progesterone and testosterone were compared on the 2–3 day of menstrual cycle as ovarian volume and antral follicle count (AFC). In addition, glycated hemoglobin level (HbA1c%) was evaluated. Results: We reveal statistically significant difference in following parameters in diabetic women in comparison with healthy women: AMH, AFC. But even in diabetic patients parameters remained within reference ranges. There was a pronounced negative relationship between the levels of HbA1c% and AMG. Conclusions: Ovarian reserve function parameters decrease in young women with type 1 diabetes in comparison with healthy women, but ovarian reserve parameters are in normal reference range. These findings are important in pregnancy planning consulting by gynecologists and endocrinologists. We must recommend to women with type 1 diabetes more early planning of natural pregnancy for treatment with reproductive technology in cases of prolog absence of nature pregnancy

    Ovarian reserve and autoimmune thyroid diseases

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    Present literature review provides information about clinical trials that evaluated the association of the carriage of antithyroid antibodies (ATA) and the reduction of the ovarian reserve, as well as the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies. The ambiguity and sometimes the opposite of the conclusions of different authors, makes it possible to recommend a balanced attitude to the advisability of screening for ATA in women with a reproductive dysfunction as well as the therapeutic measures proposed in some guidelines based on the results of such examination

    Hormonal regulation of menstrual function in patients of reproductive age with acromegaly

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    Background: The frequency of menstrual disorders in patients with acromegaly is 40–84% and are caused by three main reasons – the development of normal or hypogonadotropic hypogonadism due to hyperprolactinemia or a mass effect of the tumor and direct effects of GH and IGF-1 on the reproductive system. Nevertheless the exact mechanisms of reproductive dysfunction are not clear now. Hypothalamic structures play significant role in the regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary axis, so it’s important to study key neuropeptides and evaluate their effects to the pathogenesis of ovarian dysfunction during excessive secretion of growth hormone. Aim: The aim of the work is to study the hormonal regulation of menstrual function in patients of reproductive age with acromegaly in the active stage of the disease. Material and methods: The study included patients with a confirmed diagnosis of acromegaly and healthy women, comparable in age and BMI. Blood serum samples were taken in the morning (8–9 hours) on an empty stomach for 3–5 days of the menstrual cycle or on any day with amenorrhea and frozen at -70°C. The hormonal study was carried out by an enzyme immunoassay, in the case of a kisspeptin, with the preliminary extraction of serum samples. Results: The study included 31 patients with acromegaly and 15 healthy women. Between groups there was a statistically significant decrease in levels of LH (p = 0.001), FSH (p = 0.09), inhibin B (p = 0.003), and kisspeptin (p = 0.00005). The frequency of hyperprolactinemia in the cohort of patients was 51.6%. During the correlation analysis, a negative dependence of kisspeptin on the levels of GH and IGF-1 was detected (r = -0.54, p = 0.002 and r = -0.63, p = 0.0002). Conclusions: The severity of the central depression of regulation of menstrual function in patients with acromegaly may be due to the degree of disease activity

    Stratigraphy of Late Cenozoic sediments of the western Chukchi Sea: New results from shallow drilling and seismic-reflection profiling

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    The Quaternary history of Beringia and of the Arctic–Pacific marine connection via the Bering Strait is poorly understood because of the fragmentary stratigraphic record from this region. We report new borehole and seismic-reflection data collected in 2006 in the southwestern Chukchi Sea. Sediment samples were analyzed for magnetic properties, grain size, heavy minerals, and biostratigraphic proxies (spores and pollen, foraminifers, ostracodes, diatoms, and aquatic palynomorphs). Two shallow boreholes drilled between the Chukotka Peninsula and the Wrangel Island recovered sediments of two principal stratigraphic units with a distinct unconformity between them. Based on predominantly reverse paleomagnetic polarity of the lower unit and pollen spectra indicative of forested coasts and climate warmer than present, the age of this unit is estimated as Pliocene to early Pleistocene (broadly between ca. 5 and 2 Ma). Attendant sedimentary environments were likely alluvial to nearshore marine. These deposits can be correlated to the seismic unit infilling valleys incised into sedimentary bedrock across much of the study area, and possibly deposited during a transgression following the opening of the Bering Strait. The upper unit from both boreholes contains Holocene 14C ages and is clearly related to the last, postglacial transgression. Holocene sediments in Borehole 2 indicate fast deposition at the early stages of flooding (between ca. 11 and 9 ka) to very low deposition, possibly related to expansive sea ice. Closer to shore, deposition at Borehole 1 resumed much later (ca. 2 ka), likely due to a change in the pattern of coastal erosional processes and/or the demise of a landbridge between the Chukotka Peninsula and the Wrangel Island inferred from studies on mammoth distribution

    Multiwavelength behaviour of the blazar 3C 279: Decade-long study from γ -ray to radio

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    We report the results of decade-long (2008-2018) γ -ray to 1 GHz radio monitoring of the blazar 3C 279, including GASP/WEBT, Fermi and Swift data, as well as polarimetric and spectroscopic data. The X-ray and γ -ray light curves correlate well, with no delay ≳ 3 h, implying general cospatiality of the emission regions. The γ -ray-optical flux-flux relation changes with activity state, ranging from a linear to amore complex dependence. The behaviour of the Stokes parameters at optical and radio wavelengths, including 43 GHz Very Long Baseline Array images, supports either a predominantly helical magnetic field or motion of the radiating plasma along a spiral path. Apparent speeds of emission knots range from 10 to 37c, with the highest values requiring bulk Lorentz factors close to those needed to explain γ -ray variability on very short time-scales. The MgII emission line flux in the 'blue' and 'red' wings correlates with the optical synchrotron continuum flux density, possibly providing a variable source of seed photons for inverse Compton scattering. In the radio bands, we find progressive delays of the most prominent light-curve maxima with decreasing frequency, as expected from the frequency dependence of the τ= 1 surface of synchrotron self-absorption. The global maximum in the 86 GHz light curve becomes less prominent at lower frequencies, while a local maximum, appearing in 2014, strengthens toward decreasing frequencies, becoming pronounced at ∼5 GHz. These tendencies suggest different Doppler boosting of stratified radio-emitting zones in the jet. © 2020 The Author(s).We thank the referee for attentive reading and comments that helped to improve presentation of the manuscript. The data collected by the WEBT collaboration are stored in the WEBT archive at the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino -INAF (ht tp://www.oato.inaf.it/blazars/webt/); for questions regarding their availability, please contact the WEBT President Massimo Villata([email protected]).TheSt.Petersburg University team acknowledges support from Russian Science Foundation grant 17-12-01029. The research at BU was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant AST-1615796 and NASA Fermi Guest Investigator grants 80NSSC17K0649, 80NSSC19K1504, and 80NSSC19K1505. The PRISM camera at Lowell Observatory was developed by K. Janes et al. at BU and Lowell Observatory, with funding from the NSF, BU, and Lowell Observatory. The emission-line observations made use of the DCT at Lowell Observatory, supported by Discovery Communications, Inc., BU, the University of Maryland, the University of Toledo, and Northern Arizona University. The VLBA is an instrument of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the US NSF, operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. This research has used data from the UMRAO which was supported by the University of Michigan; research at this facility was supported by NASA under awards NNX09AU16G, NNX10AP16G, NNX11AO13G, and NNX13AP18G, and by the NSF under award AST-0607523. The Steward Observatory spectropolarimetric monitoring project was supported by NASA Fermi Guest Investigator grants NNX08AW56G, NNX09AU10G, NNX12AO93G, and NNX15AU81G. The Torino group acknowledges financial contribution from agreement ASI-INAF n.2017-14-H.0 and from contract PRIN-SKA-CTA-INAF 2016. I.A. acknowledges support by a Ramon y Cajal grant (RYC-2013-14511) of the 'Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion, y Universidades (MICIU)' of Spain and from MCIU through the 'Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa' award for the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia-CSIC (SEV-20170709). Acquisition and reduction of the POLAMI and MAPCAT data were supported by MICIU through grant AYA2016-80889-P. The POLAMI observations were carried out at the IRAM 30-m Telescope, supported by INSU/CNRS (France), MPG (Germany) and IGN (Spain). The MAPCAT observations were carried out at theGerman-Spanish Calar Alto Observatory, jointly operated by the Max-Plank-Institut fur Astronomie and the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia-CSIC. The study is based partly on data obtained with the STELLA robotic telescopes in Tenerife, an AIP facility jointly operated by AIP and IAC. The OVRO 40-m monitoring program is supported in part by NASA grants NNX08AW31G, NNX11A043G, and NNX14AQ89G, and NSF grants AST-0808050 and AST-1109911. TH was supported by the Academy of Finland projects 317383 and 320085. AZT-24 observations were made within an agreement between Pulkovo, Rome and Teramo observatories. The Submillimeter Array is a joint project between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics and is funded by the Smithsonian Institution and the Academia Sinica. The Abastumani team acknowledges financial support by the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation under contract FR/217950/16. r This research was partially supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science under grants DN 081/2016, DN 18-13/2017, KP-06-H28/3 (2018), and KP-06-PN38/1 (2019), Bulgarian National Science Programme 'Young Scientists and Postdoctoral Students 2019', Bulgarian National Science Fund under grant DN18-10/2017 and National RI Roadmap Projects DO1-157/28.08.2018 and DO1-153/28.08.2018 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria. GD and OV gratefully acknowledge observing grant support from the Institute of Astronomy and Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory via bilateral joint research project `Study of ICRF radio-sources and fast variable astronomical objects' (head -G. Damljanovic). This work was partly supported by the National Science Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria under grant DN 08-20/2016, and by project RD-08-37/2019 of the University of Shumen. This work is a part of projects nos 176011, 176004, and 176021, supported by theMinistry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. MGM acknowledges support through the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University. The Astronomical Observatory of the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley (OAVdA) is managed by the Fondazione Clement Fillietroz-ONLUS, which is supported by the Regional Government of the Aosta Valley, the Town Municipality of Nus and the 'Unite des Communes vald 'otainesMont-Emilius'. The research at the OAVdA was partially funded by several `Research and Education' annual grants from Fondazione CRT. This article is partly based on observations made with the IAC80 and TCS telescopes operated by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias in the Spanish Observatorio del Teide on the island of Tenerife. A part of the observations were carried out using theRATAN-600 scientific equipment (SAO of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

    Forecast of urban air pollution level by expertise

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    Introduction. A climate pattern with marine features is typical for St. Petersburg. Vagaries of weather and climate conditions in the last decade specify the timeliness of this work, the purpose of which is to outline the expected level of the open air pollution in St. Petersburg by the “decision tree” method. Materials and Methods. Current data of weather observations carried out at station 26063 (St. Petersburg) from 2006 to 2014 are studied and processed. Within the framework of the study, the data were considered on the vertical profile of the atmosphere obtained through radiosounding the atmosphere of St. Petersburg at 00.00 and 12.00 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) at Voeykovo station. Research Results . In the course of the investigation, the dependence of the atmospheric air pollution level on the synoptic process and the inertial factor was established which made it possible to figure a scheme for forecasting the air pollution level in the form of the decision tree by expertise. Accuracy of the predictive determination of the expected air pollution group in St. Petersburg was calculated on the dependent material and topped 90% (nighttime hours) and 91% (daytime hours) for a cold period; and - 84% (nighttime hours) and 87% (daylight hours) for a warm period of the year. This suggests that the proposed schemes allow obtaining a more efficient prediction of the atmospheric air pollution level in a cold period of the year. Discussion and Conclusions . In conclusion, basic outcomes and inferences are summarized. - Archives of baseline standard meteorological data and data of the atmosphere radiosounding, as well as synoptic situations and information on the level of atmospheric air pollution in St. Petersburg for the period from 2006 to 2014, are formed. - Groups of synoptic processes typical for St. Petersburg from 2006 to 2014 are established. - Schemes for forecasting the atmospheric air pollution level are developed using the “decision tree” method with accuracy of 84-91%. The research results are applicable for forecasting the urban air pollution level

    Готовність студентів-медиків до надання допомоги у припиненні куріння

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    Based on the Global Health Professions Student Survey questionnaire, 770 students of Kazan Medical University, third and fifth years were surveyed. About 90% responded that health professionals should be educated to provide smoking cessation help, while one in five reported to have acquired such skills. Students were more likely to consider quit advice effective if they got classes on smoking cessation and relevant medicines. Classes just on tobacco health impact were not associated with higher confidence that quit advice is effective. It is recommended to strengthen curricula with knowledge and skills regarding smoking cessation help.Keywords: health professions students, Global Tobacco Surveillance System, smoking cessation, health professionals’ effectiveness.Проведен опрос 770 студентов третьих и пятых курсов Казанского медицинского университета по методике глобального опроса студентов медицинских специальностей. Около 90% студентов считают, что необходимо обучать врачей методам помощи в прекращении курения, однако только пятая часть получили такое обучение. Студенты с большей вероятностью воспринимают помощь врача как эффективную, если они получили обучение, касающееся методов помощи в прекращении курения и используемых при этом медикаментозных препаратов. Информирование студентов только о влиянии курения на здоровье не повышает их уверенности в том, что совет врача повышает шансы пациента на успех. Рекомендовано усилить учебные программы для студентов медицинских специальностей знаниями и навыками, касающимися методов помощи пациентам в прекращении курения.Ключевые слова: студенты медицинских специальностей, глобальная система надзора за потреблением табака, помощь в прекращении курения, эффективность действий врача