13 research outputs found

    From sensory perception to spatial cognition

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    To interact with the environmet, it is crucial to have a clear space representation. Several findings have shown that the space around our body is split in several portions, which are differentially coded by the brain. Evidences of such subdivision have been reported by studies on people affected by neglect, on space near (peripersonal) and far (extrapersonal) to the body position and considering space around specific different portion of the body. Moreover, recent studies showed that sensory modalities are at the base of important cognitive skills. However, it is still unclear if each sensory modality has a different role in the development of cognitive skills in the several portions of space around the body. Recent works showed that the visual modality is crucial for the development of spatial representation. This idea is supported by studies on blind individuals showing that visual information is fundamental for the development of auditory spatial representation. For example, blind individuals are not able to perform the spatial bisection task, a task that requires to build an auditory spatial metric, a skill that sighted children acquire around 6 years of age. Based these prior researches, we hypothesize that if different sensory modalities have a role on the devlopment of different cognitive skills, then we should be able to find a clear correlation between availability of the sensory modality and the cognitive skill associated. In particular we hypothesize that the visual information is crucial for the development of auditory space represnetation; if this is true, we should find different spatial skill between front and back spaces. In this thesis, I provide evidences that spaces around our body are differently influenced by sensory modalities. Our results suggest that visual input have a pivotal role in the development of auditory spatial representation and that this applies only to the frontal space. Indeed sighted people are less accurated in spatial task only in space where vision is not present (i.e. the back), while blind people show no differences between front and back spaces. On the other hand, people tend to report sounds in the back space, suggesting that the role of hearing in allertness could be more important in the back than frontal spaces. Finally, we show that natural training, stressing the integration of audio motor stimuli, can restore spatial cognition, opening new possibility for rehabilitation programs. Spatial cognition is a well studied topic. However, we think our findings fill the gap regarding how the different availibility of sensory information, across spaces, causes the development of different cognitive skills in these spaces. This work is the starting point to understand the strategies that the brain adopts to maximize its resources by processing, in the more efficient way, as much information as possible

    The Role of Visual Experience in Auditory Space Perception around the Legs.

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    It is widely accepted that vision plays a key role in the development of spatial skills of the other senses. Recent works have shown that blindness is often associated with auditory spatial deficits. The majority of previous studies have focused on understanding the representation of the upper frontal body space where vision and actions have a central role in mapping the space, however less research has investigated the back space and the space around the legs. Here we investigate space perception around the legs and the role of previous visual experience, by studying sighted and blind participants in an audio localization task (front-back discrimination). Participants judged if a sound was delivered in their frontal or back space. The results showed that blindfolded sighted participants were more accurate than blind participants in the frontal space. However, both groups were similarly accurate when auditory information was delivered in the back space. Blind individuals performed the task with similar accuracy for sounds delivered in the frontal and back space, while sighted people performed better in the frontal space. These results suggest that visual experience influences auditory spatial representations around the legs. Moreover, these results suggest that hearing and vision play different roles in different spaces

    Non-spatial skills differ in the front and rear peri-personal space.

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    In measuring behavioural and pupillary responses to auditory oddball stimuli delivered in the front and rear peri-personal space, we find that pupils dilate in response to rare stimuli, both target and distracters. Dilation in response to targets is stronger than the response to distracters, implying a task relevance effect on pupil responses. Crucially, pupil dilation in response to targets is also selectively modulated by the location of sound sources: stronger in the front than in the rear peri-personal space, in spite of matching behavioural performance. This supports the concept that even non-spatial skills, such as the ability to alert in response to behaviourally relevant events, are differentially engaged across subregions of the peri-personal space

    Comparison of auditory spatial bisection and minimum audible angle in front, lateral, and back space

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    Abstract: Although vision is important for calibrating auditory spatial perception, it only provides information about frontal sound sources. Previous studies of blind and sighted people support the idea that azimuthal spatial bisection in frontal space requires visual calibration, while detection of a change in azimuth (minimum audible angle, MAA) does not. The influence of vision on the ability to map frontal, lateral and back space has not been investigated. Performance in spatial bisection and MAA tasks was assessed for normally sighted blindfolded subjects using bursts of white noise presented frontally, laterally, or from the back relative to the subjects. Thresholds for both tasks were similar in frontal space, lower for the MAA task than for the bisection task in back space, and higher for the MAA task in lateral space. Two interpretations of the results are discussed, one in terms of visual calibration and the use of internal representations of source location and the other based on comparison of the magnitude or direction of change of the available binaural cues. That bisection thresholds were increased in back space relative to front space, where visual calibration information is unavailable, suggests that an internal representation of source location was used for the bisection task

    Auditory distance perception in front and rear space

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    The distance of sound sources relative to the body can be estimated using acoustic level and direct-to-reverberant ratio cues. However, the ability to do this may differ for sounds that are in front compared to behind the listener. One reason for this is that vision, which plays an important role in calibrating auditory distance cues early in life, is unavailable for rear space. Furthermore, the filtering of sounds by the pinnae differs if they originate from the front compared to the back. We investigated auditory distance discrimination in front and rear space by comparing performance for auditory spatial bisection of distance and minimum audible distance discrimination (MADD) tasks. In the bisection task, participants heard three successive bursts of noise at three different distances and indicated whether the second sound (probe) was closer in space to the first or third sound (references). In the MADD task, participants reported which of two successive sounds was closer. An analysis of variance with factors task and region of space showed worse performance for rear than for front space, but no significant interaction between task and region of space. For the bisection task, the point of subjective equality (PSE) was slightly biased towards the body, but the absolute magnitude of the PSE did not differ between front and rear space. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that visual information is important in calibrating the auditory representation of front space in distance early in lif

    Audio Motor Training at the Foot Level Improves Space Representation

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    Spatial representation is developed thanks to the integration of visual signals with the other senses. It has been shown that the lack of vision compromises the development of some spatial representations. In this study we tested the effect of a new rehabilitation device called ABBI (Audio Bracelet for Blind Interaction) to improve space representation. ABBI produces an audio feedback linked to body movement. Previous studies from our group showed that this device improves the spatial representation of space in early blind adults around the upper part of the body. Here we evaluate whether the audio motor feedback produced by ABBI can also improve audio spatial representation of sighted individuals in the space around the legs. Forty five blindfolded sighted subjects participated in the study, subdivided into three experimental groups. An audio space localization (front-back discrimination) task was performed twice by all groups of subjects before and after different kind of training conditions. A group (experimental) performed an audio-motor training with the ABBI device placed on their foot. Another group (control) performed a free motor activity without audio feedback associated with body movement. The other group (control) passively listened to the ABBI sound moved at foot level by the experimenter without producing any body movement. Results showed that only the experimental group, which performed the training with the audio-motor feedback, showed an improvement in accuracy for sound discrimination. No improvement was observed for the two control groups. These findings suggest that the audio-motor training with ABBI improves audio space perception also in the space around the legs in sighted individuals. This result provides important inputs for the rehabilitation of the space representations in the lower part of the body

    Audio Spatial Representation Around the Body

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    Studies have found that portions of space around our body are differently coded by our brain. Numerous works have investigated visual and auditory spatial representation, focusing mostly on the spatial representation of stimuli presented at head level, especially in the frontal space. Only few studies have investigated spatial representation around the entire body and its relationship with motor activity. Moreover, it is still not clear whether the space surrounding us is represented as a unitary dimension or whether it is split up into different portions, differently shaped by our senses and motor activity. To clarify these points, we investigated audio localization of dynamic and static sounds at different body levels. In order to understand the role of a motor action in auditory space representation, we asked subjects to localize sounds by pointing with the hand or the foot, or by giving a verbal answer. We found that the audio sound localization was different depending on the body part considered. Moreover, a different pattern of response was observed when subjects were asked to make actions with respect to the verbal responses. These results suggest that the audio space around our body is split in various spatial portions, which are perceived differently: front, back, around chest, and around foot, suggesting that these four areas could be differently modulated by our senses and our actions

    Motor Influence in Developing Auditory Spatial Cognition in Hemiplegic Children with and without Visual Field Disorder

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    Spatial representation is a crucial skill for everyday interaction with the environment. Different factors seem to influence spatial perception, such as body movements and vision. However, it is still unknown if motor impairment affects the building of simple spatial perception. To investigate this point, we tested hemiplegic children with (HV) and without visual field (H) disorders in an auditory and visual-spatial localization and pitch discrimination task. Fifteen hemiplegic children (nine H and six HV) and twenty with typical development took part in the experiment. The tasks consisted in listening to a sound coming from a series of speakers positioned at the front or back of the subject. In one condition, subjects were asked to discriminate the pitch, while in the other, subjects had to localize the position of the sound. We also replicated the spatial task in a visual modality. Both groups of hemiplegic children performed worse in the auditory spatial localization task compared with the control, while no difference was found in the pitch discrimination task. For the visual-spatial localization task, only HV children differed from the two other groups. These results suggest that movement is important for the development of auditory spatial representation

    Factors Affecting Auditory Estimates of Virtual Room Size: Effects of Stimulus, Level, and Reverberation.

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    When vision is unavailable, auditory level and reverberation cues provide important spatial information regarding the environment, such as the size of a room. We investigated how room-size estimates were affected by stimulus type, level, and reverberation. In Experiment 1, 15 blindfolded participants estimated room size after performing a distance bisection task in virtual rooms that were either anechoic (with level cues only) or reverberant (with level and reverberation cues) with a relatively short reverberation time of T60 = 400 milliseconds. Speech, noise, or clicks were presented at distances between 1.9 and 7.1 m. The reverberant room was judged to be significantly larger than the anechoic room (p < .05) for all stimuli. In Experiment 2, only the reverberant room was used and the overall level of all sounds was equalized, so only reverberation cues were available. Ten blindfolded participants took part. Room-size estimates were significantly larger for speech than for clicks or noise. The results show that when level and reverberation cues are present, reverberation increases judged room size. Even relatively weak reverberation cues provide room-size information, which could potentially be used by blind or visually impaired individuals encountering novel rooms