217 research outputs found

    Aplicação dos Princípios Analítico-Comportamentais para Alterar o Comportamento de uma Esquizofrênica

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    The present study investigated the behavior of a chronic schizophrenic using the principles of behavior analysis. The participant was female, age 57, single and has had multiple hospitalizations since the age of 18. The types of problematic behavior that received intervention were: eye contact, self isolation in the yard, participation in the events of the institution, and others. To control the effect of the intervention procedures the ABAB reversal design followed by a follow-up was used. The experiment started with the baseline of phase I. In intervention phases I and II positive reinforcement, modeling and extinction procedures were used. The results indicated that the procedures of behavior analysis were effective to control the problematic-behavior displayed by the participant.O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar o comportamento de uma pessoa diagnosticada como esquizofrênica crônica e retardo mental no contexto psiquiátrico, em uma unidade particular conveniada com o SUS. Para essa finalidade foram utilizados os princípios da análise do comportamento aplicada. A participante foi uma pessoa do sexo feminino, com 57 anos, solteira, semi-analfabeta, descendente de família de parcos recursos econômicos e que houvera sido internada em várias instituições especializadas para tratamentos psiquiátricos, desde os 18 anos de idade. Foram selecionadas sete classes de comportamentos-problema para sofrerem intervenção como, por exemplo, manter contato olho a olho, permanecer isolada sentada num banco do pátio, participar dos eventos da instituição etc. Para o controle dos procedimentos foi utilizado o delineamento de reversão do tipo ABAB, seguido por follow-up. O delineamento foi iniciado com a coleta de dados de linha de base I. A seguir foram realizadas as sessões nas fases de intervenções I e II. Nas intervenções foram utilizados procedimentos de reforçamento positivo, modelagem e extinção.  Os resultados demonstraram que os procedimentos da análise do comportamento aplicada foram efetivos para controlar os comportamentos-problema apresentados pela participante

    The use of a geographic information system to increase outdoor tourism

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    Purpose: Outdoor tourism is a growing segment that still requires data for planning and management. Aimed to present the potential of the Geographic Information System (GIS) to improve outdoor tourism in the North of Portugal. To achieve this purpose, a case study was conducted on developing a Web-GIS in Northern Portugal. Methodology: Four steps were followed to develop the GIS tool with information about outdoor tourism in the North of Portugal. In the first step, municipalities in the North of Portugal sent information about outdoor activities. In the second step, the data were georeferenced and associated. In the last step, a Web-GIS was developed. Findings: The development of tools is an important source of support for tourism. This study identified that a tool such as the GIS could support a destination's decision-making and promotional processes, besides providing detailed information to the tourist and facilitating travel planning. Practical implications: GIS provides effective planning of outdoor tourism, once this tool allows an effective search of the tourist offer and, from the tourist's perspective, relevant suggestions of visits according to their location are presented, facilitating their experience in the region. Originality: Several studies relate to GIS and tourism, but there is still a gap in specific studies on outdoor activities. So, this study presents the importance of GIS to improve outdoor tourism in the North region of Portugal. Understanding this importance is essential in planning and managing tourism, helping further policymaking and marketing strategies.B913-0565-0908 | Elvira VieiraN/

    Vitamin D3 Supplementation: An Option Associated with The Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis: : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic complex neurodegenerative disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted on observational studies and analytics on impact of Vitamin D supplementation in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. In our research, a total of 457 articles were selected and identified for analysis. This systematic review article and meta-analysis, which included evidence from randomized controlled trials conducted with patients with multiple sclerosis, revealed that Vitamin D3 supplementation is effective as an option associated with the treatment of this disease, and that it also has a diffuse protective role against various remission outbreaks in the health. Doses (50,000 IU/week) are appropriate to restore neuroimmunological parameters when used within 12 weeks

    The Use of Vitamin D in The Infectious Process in The Hospital Period in Childhood Effective?

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    Goals: To verify whether the use of Vitamin D as parallel therapy to hospital and drug treatment can be effective in the process of infectious reduction in hospitalized children. Data source: This study is a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, published between 2011 and the first quarter of 2019, in the Cochrane Library, Medline, US National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health (PubMed), Literature databases. Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (Lilacs), Scopus and Web of Science. The studies were scored by the Down and Black scale associated with the quality assessment method according to the Cochrane criteria (RCT). Summary of the data: Of the 1475 studies, 09 were included. There is a direct relationship between Vitamin D level and mortality rate in hospitalized children with infections. Conclusion: This study highlighted that the vitamin D deficiency in children under serum analysis during hospitalization triggers severe immunological changes


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    O presente artigo busca comparar em duas escolas de Araguaína (TO) a questão do uso e não uso do livro didático de Língua Inglesa. As escolas que foram utilizadas como campus de pesquisa foram: CEM Castelo Branco e EE Vila Noval. Ao longo deste artigo explicaremos o porquê uma escola optou pela utilização do material e a outra instituição não. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida enquanto cursávamos o curso de Letras - Língua Inglesa e Literaturas da Universidade Federal do Tocantins e participávamos do Programa de Residência Pedagógica (PRP). Como embasamento teórico são utilizados documentos que trazem orientações sobre o ensino de Língua Inglesa no âmbito nacionais. Ao final dessa experiência no Programa Residência Pedagógica, tivemos a oportunidade de vivenciar a prática em duas escolas com realidades diferentes, nas quais adquirimos um grande aprendizado