455 research outputs found

    The Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey: SZ effect Verification with the Atacama Compact Array -- Localization and Cluster Analysis

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    The Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey (MaDCoWS) provides a catalog of high-redshift (0.7â‰Čzâ‰Č1.50.7\lesssim z\lesssim 1.5) infrared-selected galaxy clusters. However, the verification of the ionized intracluster medium, indicative of a collapsed and nearly virialized system, is made challenging by the high redshifts of the sample members. The main goal of this work is to test the capabilities of the Atacama Compact Array (ACA; also known as the Morita Array) Band 3 observations, centered at about 97.5 GHz, to provide robust validation of cluster detections via the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect. Using a pilot sample that comprises ten MaDCoWS galaxy clusters, accessible to ACA and representative of the median sample richness, we infer the masses of the selected galaxy clusters and respective detection significance by means of a Bayesian analysis of the interferometric data. Our test of the "Verification with the ACA - Localization and Cluster Analysis" (VACA LoCA) program demonstrates that the ACA can robustly confirm the presence of the virialized intracluster medium in galaxy clusters previously identified in full-sky surveys. In particular, we obtain a significant detection of the SZ effect for seven out of the ten VACA LoCA clusters. We note that this result is independent of the assumed pressure profile. However, the limited angular dynamic range of the ACA in Band 3 alone, short observational integration times, and possible contamination from unresolved sources limit the detailed characterization of the cluster properties and the inference of the cluster masses within scales appropriate for the robust calibration of mass-richness scaling relations.Comment: 19 pages (including appendices), 14 figures, and 4 tables; accepted for publication in A&

    The Infrared Luminosity Function of Galaxies in the Coma Cluster

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    An infrared survey of the central 650 arcmin2^2 of the Coma cluster is used to determine the HH band luminosity function for the cluster. Redshifts are available for all galaxies in the survey with H<14.5H < 14.5, and for this sample we obtain a good fit to a Schechter function with H∗=11.13H^*=11.13 and α=−0.78\alpha=-0.78. These luminosity function parameters are similar to those measured for field galaxies in the infrared, which is surprising considering the very different environmental densities and, presumably, merger histories for field galaxies. For fainter galaxies, we use two independent techniques to correct for field galaxy contamination in the cluster population: the B−RB-R color-magnitude relation and an estimate for the level of background and foreground contamination from the literature. Using either method we find a steep upturn for galaxies with 14<H<1614 < H < 16, with slope α≃1.7\alpha \simeq 1.7.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Luminous IRAS Source FSC 10214+4724: A Gravitationally Lensed Infrared Quasar

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    With a redshift of 2.3, the IRAS source FSC 10214+4724 is apparently one of the most luminous objects known in the universe. We present an image of FSC 10214+4724 at 0.8 pm obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFPC2 Planetary Camera. The source appears as an unresolved (less then 0.06) arc 0.7 long, with significant substructure along its length. The center of curvature of the arc is located near an elliptical galaxy 1.18 to the north. An unresolved component 100 times fainter than the arc is clearly detected on the opposite side of this galaxy. The most straightforward interpretation is that FSC 10214+4724 is gravitationally lensed by the foreground elliptical galaxy, with the faint component a counter-image of the IRAS source. The brightness of the arc in the HST image is then magnified by approx. 100, and the intrinsic source diameter is approx. 0.0l (80 pc) at 0.25 microns rest wavelength. The bolometric luminosity is probably amplified by a smaller factor (approx. 30) as a result of the larger extent expected for the source in the far-infrared. A detailed lensing model is presented that reproduces the observed morphology and relative flux of the arc and counterimage and correctly predicts the position angle of the lensing galaxy. The model also predicts reasonable values for the velocity dispersion, mass, and mass-to-light ratio of the lensing galaxy for a wide range of galaxy redshifts. A redshift for the lensing galaxy of -0.9 is consistent with the measured surface brightness profile from the image, as well as with the galaxy's spectral energy distribution. The background lensed source has an intrinsic luminosity approx. 2 x 10(exp 13) L(solar mass) and remains a highly luminous quasar with an extremely large ratio of infrared to optical/ultraviolet luminosity

    HST Imaging Polarimetry of the Gravitational Lens FSC10214+4724

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    We present imaging polarimetry of the extremely luminous, redshift 2.3 IRAS source FSC10214+4724. The observations were obtained with HST's Faint Object Camera in the F437M filter, which is free of strong emission lines. The 0.7 arcsec long arc is unresolved to 0.04 arcsec FWHM in the transverse direction, and has an integrated polarization of 28 +/- 3 percent, in good agreement with ground-based observations. The polarization position angle varies along the arc by up to 35 deg. The overall position angle is 62 +/- 3 deg east of north. No counterimage is detected to B = 27.5 mag (3σ3\sigma), giving an observed arc to counterimage flux ratio greater than 250, considerably greater than the flux ratio of 100 measured previously in the I-band. This implies that the configuration of the object in the source plane at the B-band is different from that at I-band, and/or that the lensing galaxy is dusty.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, February 199

    A Significant Population of Very Luminous Dust-Obscured Galaxies at Redshift z ~ 2

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    Observations with Spitzer Space Telescope have recently revealed a significant population of high-redshift z~2 dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs) with large mid-IR to UV luminosity ratios. These galaxies have been missed in traditional optical studies of the distant universe. We present a simple method for selecting this high-z population based solely on the ratio of the observed mid-IR 24um to optical R-band flux density. In the 8.6 sq.deg Bootes NDWFS Field, we uncover ~2,600 DOG candidates (= 0.089/sq.arcmin) with 24um flux densities F24>0.3mJy and (R-[24])>14 (i.e., F[24]/F[R] > 1000). These galaxies have no counterparts in the local universe, and become a larger fraction of the population at fainter F24, representing 13% of the sources at 0.3~mJy. DOGs exhibit evidence of both star-formation and AGN activity, with the brighter 24um sources being more AGN- dominated. We have measured spectroscopic redshifts for 86 DOGs, and find a broad z distribution centered at ~2.0. Their space density is 2.82E-5 per cubic Mpc, similar to that of bright sub-mm-selected galaxies at z~2. These redshifts imply very large luminosities LIR>~1E12-14 Lsun. DOGs contribute ~45-100% of the IR luminosity density contributed by all z~2 ULIRGs, suggesting that our simple selection criterion identifies the bulk of z~2 ULIRGs. DOGs may be the progenitors of ~4L* present-day galaxies seen undergoing a luminous,short- lived phase of bulge and black hole growth. They may represent a brief evolution phase between SMGs and less obscured quasars or galaxies. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Distant Galaxy Clusters

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    We present optical and near-infrared photometry of 45 clusters of galaxies at 0.1 < z < 1.3. Galaxy catalogs in each cluster were defined at the longest wavelenth available, generally the K-band, down to approximately two magnitudes below M*. We include finding chart images of the band used for catalog definition. The photometry has been used in previously published papers to examine the origin and evolution of galaxies in distant clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement. 232 pages including 43 figures. Tables in ascii format to be electronically available from the Ap

    The AllWISE Motion Survey, Part 2

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    We use the AllWISE Data Release to continue our search for WISE-detected motions. In this paper, we publish another 27,846 motion objects, bringing the total number to 48,000 when objects found during our original AllWISE motion survey are included. We use this list, along with the lists of confirmed WISE-based motion objects from the recent papers by Luhman and by Schneider et al. and candidate motion objects from the recent paper by Gagne et al. to search for widely separated, common-proper-motion systems. We identify 1,039 such candidate systems. All 48,000 objects are further analyzed using color-color and color-mag plots to provide possible characterizations prior to spectroscopic follow-up. We present spectra of 172 of these, supplemented with new spectra of 23 comparison objects from the literature, and provide classifications and physical interpretations of interesting sources. Highlights include: (1) the identification of three G/K dwarfs that can be used as standard candles to study clumpiness and grain size in nearby molecular clouds because these objects are currently moving behind the clouds, (2) the confirmation/discovery of several M, L, and T dwarfs and one white dwarf whose spectrophotometric distance estimates place them 5-20 pc from the Sun, (3) the suggestion that the Na 'D' line be used as a diagnostic tool for interpreting and classifying metal-poor late-M and L dwarfs, (4) the recognition of a triple system including a carbon dwarf and late-M subdwarf, for which model fits of the late-M subdwarf (giving [Fe/H] ~ -1.0) provide a measured metallicity for the carbon star, and (5) a possible 24-pc-distant K5 dwarf + peculiar red L5 system with an apparent physical separation of 0.1 pc.Comment: 62 pages with 80 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 23 Mar 2016; second version fixes a few small typos and corrects the footnotes for Table

    Chandra Detection of a TypeII Quasar at z=3.288

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    We report on observations of a TypeII quasar at redshift z=3.288, identified as a hard X-ray source in a 185 ks observation with the Chandra X-ray Observatory and as a high-redshift photometric candidate from deep, multiband optical imaging. CXOJ084837.9+445352 (hereinafter CXO52) shows an unusually hard X-ray spectrum from which we infer an absorbing column density N(H) = (4.8+/-2.1)e23 / cm2 (90% confidence) and an implied unabsorbed 2-10 keV rest-frame luminosity of L(2-10) = 3.3e44 ergs/s, well within the quasar regime. Hubble Space Telescope imaging shows CXO52 to be elongated with slight morphological differences between the WFPC2 F814W and NICMOS F160W bands. Optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of CXO52 show high-ionization emission lines with velocity widths ~1000 km/s and flux ratios similar to a Seyfert2 galaxy or radio galaxy. The latter are the only class of high-redshift TypeII luminous AGN which have been extensively studied to date. Unlike radio galaxies, however, CXO52 is radio quiet, remaining undetected at radio wavelengths to fairly deep limits, f(4.8GHz) < 40 microJy. High-redshift TypeII quasars, expected from unification models of active galaxies and long-thought necessary to explain the X-ray background, are poorly constrained observationally with few such systems known. We discuss recent observations of similar TypeII quasars and detail search techniques for such systems: namely (1) X-ray selection, (2) radio selection, (3) multi-color imaging selection, and (4) narrow-band imaging selection. Such studies are likely to begin identifying luminous, high-redshift TypeII systems in large numbers. We discuss the prospects for these studies and their implications to our understanding of the X-ray background.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures; to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Luminous IRAS Source FSC 10214+4724: A Gravitationally Lensed Infrared Quasar

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    With a redshift of 2.3, the IRAS source FSC 10214+4724 is apparently one of the most luminous objects known in the universe. We present an image of FSC 10214+4724 at 0.8 ÎŒm obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFPC2 Planetary Camera. The source appears as an unresolved ( < 0”.06) arc 0”.7 long, with significant substructure along its length. The center of curvature of the arc is located near an elliptical galaxy 1”.18 to the north. An unresolved component 100 times fainter than the arc is clearly detected on the opposite side of this galaxy. The most straightforward interpretation is that FSC 10214+4724 is gravitationally lensed by the foreground elliptical galaxy, with the faint component a counterimage of the IRAS source. The brightness of the arc in the HST image is then magnified by ~ 100, and the intrinsic source diameter is -0”.01 (80 pc) at 0.25 ÎŒm rest wavelength. The bolometric luminosity is probably amplified by a smaller factor ( ~ 30) as a result of the larger extent expected for the source in the far-infrared. A detailed lensing model is presented that reproduces the observed morphology and relative flux of the arc and counterimage and correctly predicts the position angle of the lensing galaxy. The model also predicts reasonable values for the velocity dispersion, mass, and mass-to-light ratio of the lensing galaxy for a wide range of galaxy redshifts. A redshift for the lensing galaxy of ~ 0.9 is consistent with the measured surface brightness profile from the image, as well as with the galaxy's spectral energy distribution. The background lensed source has an intrinsic luminosity ~ 2 x 10^(13) L_⊙ and remains a highly luminous quasar with an extremely large ratio of infrared to optical/ultraviolet luminosity
