486 research outputs found

    Cognitive therapy as an early treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents: a randomized controlled trial addressing preliminary efficacy and mechanisms of action.

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    BACKGROUND: Few efficacious early treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents exist. Previous trials have intervened within the first month post-trauma and focused on secondary prevention of later post-traumatic stress; however, considerable natural recovery may still occur up to 6-months post-trauma. No trials have addressed the early treatment of established PTSD (i.e. 2- to 6-months post-trauma). METHODS: Twenty-nine youth (8-17 years) with PTSD (according to age-appropriate DSM-IV or ICD-10 diagnostic criteria) after a single-event trauma in the previous 2-6 months were randomly allocated to Cognitive Therapy for PTSD (CT-PTSD; n = 14) or waiting list (WL; n = 15) for 10 weeks. RESULTS: Significantly more participants were free of PTSD after CT-PTSD (71%) than WL (27%) at posttreatment (intent-to-treat, 95% CI for difference .04-.71). CT-PTSD yielded greater improvement on child-report questionnaire measures of PTSD, depression and anxiety; clinician-rated functioning; and parent-reported outcomes. Recovery after CT-PTSD was maintained at 6- and 12-month posttreatment. Beneficial effects of CT-PTSD were mediated through changes in appraisals and safety-seeking behaviours, as predicted by cognitive models of PTSD. CT-PTSD was considered acceptable on the basis of low dropout and high treatment credibility and therapist alliance ratings. CONCLUSIONS: This trial provides preliminary support for the efficacy and acceptability of CT-PTSD as an early treatment for PTSD in youth. Moreover, the trial did not support the extension of 'watchful waiting' into the 2- to 6-month post-trauma window, as significant improvements in the WL arm (particularly in terms of functioning and depression) were not observed. Replication in larger samples is needed, but attention to recruitment issues will be required

    Detection of specific IgE against linear epitopes from Gal d 1 has additional value in diagnosing hen's egg allergy in adults

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    Background: Although hen's egg allergy is more prevalent in children, up to 0.6% of adults from different European countries suffer from a persistent or newly onset hen's egg allergy, making accurate diagnosis in adults necessary. However, sensitization to hen's egg extracts, components and linear epitopes is solely studied in children. Methods: Hen's egg allergic (n = 16) and tolerant (n = 19) adults were selected by sensitization towards recombinant components rGal d 1 and/or 3. Sensitization profiles towards egg white and yolk extract and the native components Gal d 1, 2, 3 and 4 were respectively evaluated with the ImmunoCAP or the EUROLINE system. Characterization of linear epitopes was performed with a peptide microarray containing 15mer peptides representing the entire sequence of mature Gal d 1 and 3. Results: Overall, sIgE titres against hen's egg extracts and single components overlapped largely between allergic and tolerant adults. Although the median sIgE/sIgG4 ratio to Gal d 1 was increased in allergic adults, the range was comparable between both groups. Clinically relevant sensitization to Gal d 1 was confirmed by sIgE-binding to the linear epitopes aa30-41, aa39-50 or aa84-95 in 6/13 allergic adults, mainly suffering from objective symptoms. In comparison, these epitopes were recognized by 1/15 tolerant patient. Only a few linear epitopes were detected for Gal d 3, suggesting a greater importance of conformational epitopes for the recognition of Gal d 3. Conclusion and Clinical Relevance: Specific IgE-binding to linear epitopes of Gal d 1 is highly specific in identifying hen's egg allergic adults with objective symptoms

    IgE-binding to vicilin-like antimicrobial peptides is associated with systemic reactions to macadamia nut

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    Background: Macadamia nut can induce fatal allergic reactions and changes in dietary habits will raise their consumption in industrialised countries. Until now diagnosis of macadamia nut allergy by sIgE solely relies on the macadamia nut extract, but single components are lacking. Methods: Macadamia nut proteins recognised by IgE from 2 macadamia nut extract positive sera were identified by mass spectrometry (vicilin-like antimicrobial peptides: VLAP). Sensitisation to macadamia nut extract and heterologously expressed isoform VLAP-2–3 was evaluated in 82 nut allergic (NA) and 27 tolerant (NT) patients (no tree nut allergy reported) comprehending 10 macadamia nut allergic (MA) and 18 explicitly reported macadamia nut tolerant patients (MT), using line blots. Co-sensitisation to additional VLAP isoforms and other vicilins was evaluated in 8 MA, 12 MT and 14 NA patients sensitised to VLAP-2–3. Functional properties were determined by indirect basophil activation. Results: Even though proteins recognised by IgE were identified as VLAP-2–1, 2–2 and 2–3, only peptides specifically belonging to VLAP-2–3 were detected by mass spectrometry. The macadamia nut extract was recognised by 33% of NA patients (27/82) including 3 MA patients and 26% of NT patients (7/27, 3 MT). Similarly, 29% of NA (24/82) patients showed partly strong sIgE-binding to VLAP-2–3 including 3 MA patients with systemic reactions to macadamia nut. Contrary, VLAP-2–3 was recognised by only 2 NT (1 MT) patients (7%) with very low sIgE titres. Simultaneous recognition of the isoforms VLAP-2–1 and 2–2 was observed in all patients positive for VLAP-2–3 with partly reduced sIgE titres in 59% of these patients. Additionally, all three VLAP isoforms were able to repeatedly induce BAT reactivity upon sensitisation with a MA serum. Conclusion: VLAP proteins are the first described macadamia nut components with serological and functional allergenic properties and they are associated with systemic reactions to macadamia nut

    Complement component C3 and C5b-9 deposition on hypoxia reperfused endothelial cells by non-HLA antibodies against RhoGDI2: A player involved in graft failure?

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    Antibodies against Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 2 (RhoGDI2) are associated with inferior graft survival in transplant patients receiving a kidney from deceased donors. Although this suggests that these antibodies contribute to graft injury because of ischemia, it remains unknown whether they are also pathogenically involved in the process of graft loss. To study this, we firstly analyzed the IgG subclass profile of anti-RhoGDI2 antibodies in kidney transplant recipients, and whether antibody titers change over time or because of acute rejection. Next, we investigated the expression of RhoGDI2 on primary kidney and lung endothelial cells (ECs) upon hypoxia reperfusion. In addition, the complement-fixing properties of anti-RhoGDI2 antibodies were studied using imaging flow cytometry. Anti-RhoGDI2 antibodies in patients are mainly IgG1, and titers remained stable and seemed not be changed because of rejection. Antibodies against RhoGDI2, which surface expression seemed to increase upon hypoxia reperfusion, co-localized with C3 on ECs. Binding of human IgG1 monoclonal anti-RhoGDI2 antibodies as well as patient derived antibodies, resulted in complement activation, suggesting that these antibodies are complement fixing. This study suggested a potential pathogenic role of anti-RhoGDI2 antibodies in kidney graft loss. During ischemia reperfusion, the ability of these antibodies to fix complement could be one of the mechanisms resulting in tissue injury

    Systematic multi-omics cell line profiling uncovers principles of Ewing sarcoma fusion oncogene-mediated gene regulation

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    Ewing sarcoma (EwS) is characterized by EWSR1-ETS fusion transcription factors converting polymorphic GGAA microsatellites (mSats) into potent neo-enhancers. Although the paucity of additional mutations makes EwS a genuine model to study principles of cooperation between dominant fusion oncogenes and neo-enhancers, this is impeded by the limited number of well-characterized models. Here we present the Ewing Sarcoma Cell Line Atlas (ESCLA), comprising whole-genome, DNA methylation, transcriptome, proteome, and chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) data of 18 cell lines with inducible EWSR1-ETS knockdown. The ESCLA shows hundreds of EWSR1-ETS-targets, the nature of EWSR1-ETS-preferred GGAA mSats, and putative indirect modes of EWSR1-ETS-mediated gene regulation, converging in the duality of a specific but plastic EwS signature. We identify heterogeneously regulated EWSR1-ETS-targets as potential prognostic EwS biomarkers. Our freely available ESCLA (http://r2platform.com/escla/) is a rich resource for EwS research and highlights the power of comprehensive datasets to unravel principles of heterogeneous gene regulation by chimeric transcription factors

    Accurate prediction of peanut allergy in one-third of adults using a validated Ara h 2 cutoff

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    BACKGROUND: The diagnostic value of peanut components is extensively studied in children, but to a lesser extent in adults with suspected peanut allergy. The use of peanut components in daily practice may reduce the need for double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges (DBPCFCs); however, validation studies are currently lacking. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the diagnostic value of (combined) peanut components and validate a previously found Ara h 2 cutoff level with 100% positive predictive value (PPV) in adults with suspected peanut allergy. METHODS: Adults who underwent a peanut DBPCFC were included: 84 patients from a previous study (2002-2012) and 70 new patients (2012-2019). Specific IgE (sIgE) to peanut extract, Ara h 1, 2, 3, 6, and 8 was measured using ImmunoCAP. Diagnostic value was assessed with an area under the curve (AUC) analysis. RESULTS: In total, 95 (62%) patients were peanut allergic. sIgE to Ara h 2 and Ara h 6 were the best predictors with an AUC (95% confidence interval) of 0.85 (0.79-0.91) and 0.85 (0.79-0.92), respectively. The Ara h 2 cutoff level with 100% PPV (≄1.75 kU A/L) was validated in the 70 new patients. Thirty percent of all included patients could be classified correctly as peanut allergic using this validated cutoff level. CONCLUSION: sIgE to Ara h 2 and Ara h 6 have equally high discriminative ability. Peanut allergy can be predicted accurately in one-third of adults using a validated cutoff level of sIgE to Ara h 2

    Global diversity and antimicrobial resistance of typhoid fever pathogens: insights from a meta-analysis of 13,000 Salmonella Typhi genomes

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    Background: The Global Typhoid Genomics Consortium was established to bring together the typhoid research community to aggregate and analyse Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (Typhi) genomic data to inform public health action. This analysis, which marks 22 years since the publication of the first Typhi genome, represents the largest Typhi genome sequence collection to date (n=13,000). Methods: This is a meta-analysis of global genotype and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) determinants extracted from previously sequenced genome data and analysed using consistent methods implemented in open analysis platforms GenoTyphi and Pathogenwatch. Results: Compared with previous global snapshots, the data highlight that genotype 4.3.1 (H58) has not spread beyond Asia and Eastern/Southern Africa; in other regions, distinct genotypes dominate and have independently evolved AMR. Data gaps remain in many parts of the world, and we show the potential of travel-associated sequences to provide informal ‘sentinel’ surveillance for such locations. The data indicate that ciprofloxacin non-susceptibility (>1 resistance determinant) is widespread across geographies and genotypes, with high-level ciprofloxacin resistance (≄3 determinants) reaching 20% prevalence in South Asia. Extensively drug-resistant (XDR) typhoid has become dominant in Pakistan (70% in 2020) but has not yet become established elsewhere. Ceftriaxone resistance has emerged in eight non-XDR genotypes, including a ciprofloxacin-resistant lineage ( in India. Azithromycin resistance mutations were detected at low prevalence in South Asia, including in two common ciprofloxacin-resistant genotypes. Conclusions: The consortium’s aim is to encourage continued data sharing and collaboration to monitor the emergence and global spread of AMR Typhi, and to inform decision-making around the introduction of typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs) and other prevention and control strategies
