10 research outputs found

    Inkjet Aerosol Generator as Monodisperse Particle Number Standard

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    <div><p>The AIST-inkjet aerosol generator (IAG) can generate highly monodisperse solid or liquid aerosol particles in the particle diameter range from 0.3 to 20 μm at precisely known particle generation rates. The device has been developed for evaluating the counting efficiencies of optical and condensation particle counters. Particle generation efficiency of the IAG is defined as the number of aerosol particles generated by one voltage pulse sent to an inkjet head. The 95% confidence interval of the efficiency were 0.998 ± 0.006 within the 0.4 to 10 μm particle diameter range. The efficiencies remained close to unity when the droplet generation rates were within 20–500 s<sup>−1</sup> and 100–900 s<sup>−1</sup> using ultrapure-water and isopropyl alcohol (IPA) as the solvent of the inkjet solution, respectively. The operating aerosol flowrate range of the IAG is currently 0.5 and 1.0 L/min. The coefficients of variations (C.V.) of the size distributions were 2 to 3% indicating the generated particles were highly monodisperse. The generated particle sizes were defined as the volume equivalent diameter, <i>D</i><sub>ve</sub>. The uncertainty analysis on the factors affecting <i>D</i><sub>ve</sub> indicated that 95% confidence interval of the D<sub>ve</sub> is expected to be ±5%. The uncertainty of <i>D</i><sub>ve</sub> was entirely caused by the uncertainty of the average mass of a droplet. The reproducibility of particle sizes within 0.5 to 10 μm was evaluated using an aerodynamic particle sizer. The C.V. of the measured particle sizes were less than 6% and 4% when NaCl particles and ionic liquid droplets were generated, respectively.</p><p>Copyright 2014 American Association for Aerosol Research</p></div

    Nanoscale reference materials for environmental, health and safety measurements: needs, gaps and opportunities

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    The authors critically reviewed published lists of nanoobjects and their physico-chemical properties deemed important for risk assessment and discussed metrological challenges associated with the development of nanoscale reference materials (RMs). Five lists were identified that contained 25 (classes of) nano-objects; only four (gold, silicon dioxide, silver, titanium dioxide) appeared on all lists. Twenty-three properties were identified for characterisation; only (specific) surface area appeared on all lists. The key themes that emerged from this review were: 1) various groups have prioritised nano-objects for development as “candidate RMs” with limited consensus; 2) a lack of harmonised terminology hinders accurate description of many nano-object properties; 3) many properties identified for characterisation are ill-defined or qualitative and hence are not metrologically traceable; 4) standardised protocols are critically needed for characterisation of nano-objects as delivered in relevant media and as administered to toxicological models; 5) the measurement processes being used to characterise a nano-object must be understood because instruments may measure a given sample in a different way; 6) appropriate RMs should be used for both accurate instrument calibration and for more general testing purposes (e.g., protocol validation); 7) there is a need to clarify that where RMs are not available, if “(representative) test materials” that lack reference or certified values may be useful for toxicology testing and 8) there is a need for consensus building within the nanotechnology and environmental, health and safety communities to prioritise RM needs and better define the required properties and (physical or chemical) forms of the candidate materials.JRC.D.2-Standards for Innovation and sustainable Developmen

    Aerosol-to-liquid collection: A method for making aqueous suspension of hydrophobic nanomaterial without adding dispersant

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    <p>This article introduces an aerosol-based technique to make aqueous suspension of hydrophobic nanomaterial without adding dispersant. The method is intended for making a test-sample for evaluating the toxicities of nanomaterial by intra-tracheal administration. The method can wet the surface of hydrophobic nanomaterial within a few seconds. After the wetting process five to ten minutes of sonication assisted with manual stirring can fully disperse the hydrophobic nanomaterials in water. Two types of TiO<sub>2</sub> nanomaterial were used in this study; Tayca JMT-150IB whose surfaces are coated with negatively charged hydrophobic functional group, and P25 whose surfaces are naturally hydrophilic. Nanomaterials are aerosolized by a dry-method and become micrometer-sized agglomerates. Then supersaturated water vapor is condensed onto these airborne agglomerates by using a growth tube collector. The collected suspension (CS) of hydrophobic nanomaterial (JMT-150IB) is prepared in two steps; airborne agglomerates are collected onto a flat surface then transferred to liquid-water and subsequently sonicated for complete dispersion. This method works equally well for making the CS of hydrophilic nanomaterial. Size distribution measurements of the CS show that airborne agglomerates of TiO<sub>2</sub> dissociate into smaller units of agglomerates once they are captured into water, and the sizes of the agglomerates are in the nanometer to sub-micrometer range. Light scattering technique is used to show that a short sonication process can reproduce the particle number concentration of the CS after long storage.</p> <p>Copyright © 2017 American Association for Aerosol Research</p