108 research outputs found

    Fallstudie zum FĂŒhrungssystem fĂŒr StammdatenqualitĂ€t bei der Bayer CropScience AG

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    Zusammenfassung: Zur Konsolidierung der Systemlandschaft fĂŒhrte die Bayer CropScience AG eine globale Harmonisierung der GeschĂ€ftsprozesse mit Stammdatenkonsolidierung durch. Die dabei ermittelten Defizite in den Unternehmensprozessen konnten auf mangelnde DatenqualitĂ€t zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt werden. Zur langfristigen Verbesserung der Prozesseffizienz wurden GeschĂ€ftsregeln definiert, die die Daten qualitativ bewerten und Verbesserungsmaßnahmen nach sich ziehen. Ein Kennzahlensystem dient der Auswertung der Regeln. Zur kontinuierlichen Überwachung der DatenqualitĂ€t und Steuerung von Maßnahmen sind Aufgaben und Verantwortung definiert, zugewiesen und in den Zielsystemen der Mitarbeiter veranker

    A characteristics framework for Semantic Information Systems Standards

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    Semantic Information Systems (IS) Standards play a critical role in the development of the networked economy. While their importance is undoubted by all stakeholders—such as businesses, policy makers, researchers, developers—the current state of research leaves a number of questions unaddressed. Terminological confusion exists around the notions of "business semantics”, "business-to-business interoperability”, and "interoperability standards” amongst others. And, moreover, a comprehensive understanding about the characteristics of Semantic IS Standards is missing. The paper addresses this gap in literature by developing a characteristics framework for Semantic IS Standards. Two case studies are used to check the applicability of the framework in a "real-life” context. The framework lays the foundation for future research in an important field of the IS discipline and supports practitioners in their efforts to analyze, compare, and evaluate Semantic IS Standard

    Measuring Master Data Quality: Findings from a Case Study

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    Data quality management plays a critical role in all kinds of organizations. Data is one of the most important criteria for strategic business decisions within organizations and the foundation for the execution of business processes. For the assessment of a company’s data quality, to ensure the process execution and to monitor the effectiveness of data quality initiatives, data quality has to be measured in the same way over a certain period of time. This can be achieved by implementing a measurement system. By now, the implementation of such a system to measure data quality is realized in very few organizations. This paper presents a case study describing the implementation process of a Master Data Quality Cockpit as well as the system used for measuring. The study assesses organizational, process-related, and system level changes as well as success factors necessary to implement such a tool

    Impact of coastal polynyas on dense shelf water formation in the Weddell Sea

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    Dense shelf water is an essential ingredient to the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). It is formed on the continental shelves surrounding Antarctica, when freezing rates are sufficiently high to push ocean salinity to values of 34.65 and higher. Coastal polynyas, where the ice is driven away from the coastline, maintain the highest freezing rates in Antarctic winter. Since theWeddell Sea is considered the most productive source region of AABW, we investigate the dense water formation on the continental shelves of the southwestern Weddell Sea, with a focus on the role of coastal polynyas, using the Finite Element Sea ice-Ocean Model (FESOM), a primitive-equation, hydrostatic ocean model coupled with a dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice model. The horizontal resolution of the global, unstructured mesh is up to 3 km at the southwestern Weddell Sea coastline; in vertical direction the mesh features 37 depth levels (resolution increases toward the surface). The model was initialized on 01/01/1980 with data from the Polar Hydrographic Climatology and forced with NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data. The 20-year period 1990-2009 is used for analysis. Our results indicate that in an average year, the polynya freezing rates of 9 cm d--1 (corresponding to a salt input of 2.5 kg m--2d--1) cause a seasonal variation in salinity of 0.3 psu under the Ronne polynya and result in the production of 5.10-4 km-3 dense shelf water, which leaves the continental shelf (outlined by the 700 m isobath in this study) at a long-term mean volume flux of 5.2 Sv. Some of this water contributes to the formation of Weddell Sea Deep/BottomWater, but a large fraction is diluted by mixing with ambient water and leaves the Weddell Sea at intermediate levels

    Impact of temperature and hydrogen on the nanomechanical properties of a highly deformed high entropy alloy

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    Due to their quite attractive properties, high-entropy alloys have emerged to an intensely studied class of alloys within the past years. Besides their high strength and maintained ductility, literature reports modest sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement for conventional microstructures. Utilizing severe plastic deformation methods, for example high-pressure torsion, it is possible to further tailor the mechanical properties by microstructure refinement to the nanometer regime, which in turn increases the hydrogen storage capability at internal defects and boundaries. Furthermore, the nanocrystalline grain size provides markedly enhanced strength values, while the high fraction of grain boundaries influences the hydrogen diffusion and storage kinetics. Within this study, the micromechanical characteristics of pure Ni and a single phase face-centered cubic CrMnFeCoNi alloy in fine and ultra-fine grained microstructural conditions, fabricated by high pressure torsion, will be investigated in detail. Moreover, electrochemical in-situ nanoindentation will be employed to determine the impact of hydrogen charging on the mechanical performance of this high-entropy alloy class and will be set into context to result found for pure Ni

    The Influence of verbalization on the pattern of cortical activation during mental arithmetic

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study at 3 T was to investigate the influence of the verbal-visual cognitive style on cerebral activation patterns during mental arithmetic. In the domain of arithmetic, a visual style might for example mean to visualize numbers and (intermediate) results, and a verbal style might mean, that numbers and (intermediate) results are verbally repeated. In this study, we investigated, first, whether verbalizers show activations in areas for language processing, and whether visualizers show activations in areas for visual processing during mental arithmetic. Some researchers have proposed that the left and right intraparietal sulcus (IPS), and the left angular gyrus (AG), two areas involved in number processing, show some domain or modality specificity. That is, verbal for the left AG, and visual for the left and right IPS. We investigated, second, whether the activation in these areas implied in number processing depended on an individual's cognitive style.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>42 young healthy adults participated in the fMRI study. The study comprised two functional sessions. In the first session, subtraction and multiplication problems were presented in an event-related design, and in the second functional session, multiplications were presented in two formats, as Arabic numerals and as written number words, in an event-related design. The individual's habitual use of visualization and verbalization during mental arithmetic was assessed by a short self-report assessment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We observed in both functional sessions that the use of verbalization predicts activation in brain areas associated with language (supramarginal gyrus) and auditory processing (Heschl's gyrus, Rolandic operculum). However, we found no modulation of activation in the left AG as a function of verbalization.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results confirm that strong verbalizers use mental speech as a form of mental imagination more strongly than weak verbalizers. Moreover, our results suggest that the left AG has no specific affinity to the verbal domain and subserves number processing in a modality-general way.</p

    T1 reduction rate with Gd-EOB-DTPA determines liver function on both 1.5 T and 3 T MRI.

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    Magnetic resonance T1 mapping before and after Gd-EOB-DTPA administration allows quantification of the T1 reduction rate as a non-invasive surrogate marker of liver function. A major limitation of T1 relaxation time measurement is its dependency on MRI field strengths. Since T1 reduction rate is calculated as the relative shortening of T1 relaxation time before and after contrast administration, we hypothesized that the T1 reduction rate is comparable between 1.5 and 3 T. We thus compared liver T1 relaxation times between 1.5 and 3 T in a total of 243 consecutive patients (124, 1.5 T and 119, 3 T) between 09/2018 and 07/2019. T1 reduction rates were compared between patients with no cirrhosis and patients with cirrhosis Child-Pugh A-C. There was no significant difference of T1 reduction rate between 1.5 and 3 T in any patient group (p-value 0.126-0.861). On both 1.5 T and 3 T, T1 reduction rate allowed to differentiate between patients with no cirrhosis and patients with liver cirrhosis Child A-C (p < 0.001). T1 reduction rate showed a good performance to predict liver cirrhosis Child A (AUC = 0.83, p < 0.001), Child B (AUC = 0.83, p < 0.001) and Child C (AUC = 0.92, p < 0.001). In conclusion, T1 reduction rate allows to determine liver function on Gd-EOB-DTPA MRI with comparable values on 1.5 T and 3 T

    Convolutional neural network for automated segmentation of the liver and its vessels on non-contrast T1 vibe Dixon acquisitions

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    We evaluated the effectiveness of automated segmentation of the liver and its vessels with a convolutional neural network on non-contrast T1 vibe Dixon acquisitions. A dataset of non-contrast T1 vibe Dixon liver magnetic resonance images was labelled slice-by-slice for the outer liver border, portal, and hepatic veins by an expert. A 3D U-Net convolutional neural network was trained with different combinations of Dixon in-phase, opposed-phase, water, and fat reconstructions. The neural network trained with the single-modal in-phase reconstructions achieved a high performance for liver parenchyma (Dice 0.936 ± 0.02), portal veins (0.634 ± 0.09), and hepatic veins (0.532 ± 0.12) segmentation. No benefit of using multi -modal input was observed (p=1.0 for all experiments), combining in-phase, opposed-phase, fat, and water reconstruction. Accuracy for differentiation between portal and hepatic veins was 99% for portal veins and 97% for hepatic veins in the central region and slightly lower in the peripheral region (91% for portal veins, 80% for hepatic veins). In conclusion, deep learning-based automated segmentation of the liver and its vessels on non-contrast T1 vibe Dixon was highly effective. The single-modal in-phase input achieved the best performance in segmentation and differentiation between portal and hepatic veins

    Avoiding the Intercostal Arteries in Percutaneous Thoracic Interventions.

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    The purpose of this study was to define relevant intercostal artery (ICA) anatomy potentially impacting the safety of thoracic percutaneous interventional procedures. An ICA abutting the upper rib and running in the subcostal groove was defined as the lowest risk zone for interventions requiring a supracostal needle puncture. A theoretical high-risk zone was defined by the ICA coursing in the lower half of the intercostal space (ICS), and a theoretical moderate-risk zone was defined by the ICA coursing below the subcostal groove but in the upper half of the ICS. Arterial phase computed tomography data from 250 patients were analyzed, revealing demographic variability, with high-risk zones extending more laterally with advancing age and with more cranial ribs. Overall, within the 97.5th percentile, an ICS puncture >7-cm lateral to the spinous process incurs moderate risk and >10-cm lateral incurs the lowest risk

    Correlation of gastrointestinal perforation location and amount of free air and ascites on CT imaging.

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    PURPOSE To analyze the amount of free abdominal gas and ascites on computed tomography (CT) images relative to the location of a perforation. METHODS We retrospectively included 172 consecutive patients (93:79 = m:f) with GIT perforation, who underwent abdominal surgery (ground truth for perforation location). The volume of free air and ascites were quantified on CT images by 4 radiologists and a semiautomated software. The relation of the perforation location (upper/lower GIT) and amount of free air and ascites was analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test. Furthermore, best volume cutoff for upper and lower GIT perforation, areas under the curve (AUC), and interreader volume agreement were assessed. RESULTS There was significantly more abdominal ascites with upper GIT perforation (333 ml, range 5 to 2000 ml) than with lower GIT perforation (100 ml, range 5 to 2000 ml, p = 0.022). The highest volume of free air was found with perforations of the stomach, descending colon and sigmoid colon. Significantly less free air was found with perforations of the small bowel and ascending colon compared to the aforementioned. An ascites volume > 333 ml was associated with an upper GIT perforation demonstrating an AUC of 0.63 ± 0.04. CONCLUSION Using a two-step process based on the volumes of free air and free fluid can help localizing the site of perforation to the upper, middle or lower GI tract
