187 research outputs found

    Canonical Modeling as a Tool in Metabolic Engineering

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    Presented on November 12, 2008, from 4-5 pm in room G011 of the Molecular Science and Engineering Building on the Georgia Tech Campus.Runtime: 62:31 minutesA growing branch of metabolic engineering uses mathematical pathway models for the development of strategies for optimizing yield in microbes. The use of such models is necessary because the production pathways are often complex, both in structure and in regulation. For reasons of simplicity, many metabolic engineers use stoichiometric and flux balance models. However, these models ignore cellular regulation. As an alternative, I will discuss canonical models within the modeling framework of Biochemical Systems Theory (BST) as good default representations of fully regulated pathway systems. The presentation will begin with a general introduction to BST, provide some representative examples, and then focus on two questions of optimization. The first concerns the actual optimization of BST models toward yield improvements, which can be formulated as a single linear program or as a series of linear programs. The second type of optimization addresses the de novo design and estimation of BST models from biological data. Of special interest here is the use of in vivo NMR data that characterize time trends in microbial metabolic profiles in a non-invasive fashion. As a specific example I will discuss the production of lactate and other compounds in the bacterium Lactococcus lactis, which is widely used in the food and dairy industry

    Extending knowledge of Escherichia coli metabolism by modeling and experiment

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    One of the challenges for 'post-genomic' biology is the integration of data from many different sources. Two recent studies independently take steps towards this goal for Escherichia coli, using mathematical modeling and a combination of gene expression and protein levels to predict new gene functions and metabolic behaviors

    Systems Biology and its Role in Predictive Health and Personalized Medicine

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    Eberhard Voit, Professor and Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Systems Biology, The Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University, presented a lecture on Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 11 AM in Room 1116W of the Klaus Advanced Computing Building on the Georgia Tech CampusRuntime: 51:15 minute

    Improved methods for the mathematically controlled comparison of biochemical systems

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    The method of mathematically controlled comparison provides a structured approach for the comparison of alternative biochemical pathways with respect to selected functional effectiveness measures. Under this approach, alternative implementations of a biochemical pathway are modeled mathematically, forced to be equivalent through the application of selected constraints, and compared with respect to selected functional effectiveness measures. While the method has been applied successfully in a variety of studies, we offer recommendations for improvements to the method that (1) relax requirements for definition of constraints sufficient to remove all degrees of freedom in forming the equivalent alternative, (2) facilitate generalization of the results thus avoiding the need to condition those findings on the selected constraints, and (3) provide additional insights into the effect of selected constraints on the functional effectiveness measures. We present improvements to the method and related statistical models, apply the method to a previously conducted comparison of network regulation in the immune system, and compare our results to those previously reported

    Effects of Storage Time on Glycolysis in Donated Human Blood Units

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    Background: Donated blood is typically stored before transfusions. During storage, the metabolism of red blood cells changes, possibly causing storage lesions. The changes are storage time dependent and exhibit donor-specific variations. It is necessary to uncover and characterize the responsible molecular mechanisms accounting for such biochemical changes, qualitatively and quantitatively; Study Design and Methods: Based on the integration of metabolic time series data, kinetic models, and a stoichiometric model of the glycolytic pathway, a customized inference method was developed and used to quantify the dynamic changes in glycolytic fluxes during the storage of donated blood units. The method provides a proof of principle for the feasibility of inferences regarding flux characteristics from metabolomics data; Results: Several glycolytic reaction steps change substantially during storage time and vary among different fluxes and donors. The quantification of these storage time effects, which are possibly irreversible, allows for predictions of the transfusion outcome of individual blood units; Conclusion: The improved mechanistic understanding of blood storage, obtained from this computational study, may aid the identification of blood units that age quickly or more slowly during storage, and may ultimately improve transfusion management in clinics

    Priming nonlinear searches for pathway identification

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    BACKGROUND: Dense time series of metabolite concentrations or of the expression patterns of proteins may be available in the near future as a result of the rapid development of novel, high-throughput experimental techniques. Such time series implicitly contain valuable information about the connectivity and regulatory structure of the underlying metabolic or proteomic networks. The extraction of this information is a challenging task because it usually requires nonlinear estimation methods that involve iterative search algorithms. Priming these algorithms with high-quality initial guesses can greatly accelerate the search process. In this article, we propose to obtain such guesses by preprocessing the temporal profile data and fitting them preliminarily by multivariate linear regression. RESULTS: The results of a small-scale analysis indicate that the regression coefficients reflect the connectivity of the network quite well. Using the mathematical modeling framework of Biochemical Systems Theory (BST), we also show that the regression coefficients may be translated into constraints on the parameter values of the nonlinear BST model, thereby reducing the parameter search space considerably. CONCLUSION: The proposed method provides a good approach for obtaining a preliminary network structure from dense time series. This will be more valuable as the systems become larger, because preprocessing and effective priming can significantly limit the search space of parameters defining the network connectivity, thereby facilitating the nonlinear estimation task

    Parameter estimation in biochemical systems models with alternating regression

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    BACKGROUND: The estimation of parameter values continues to be the bottleneck of the computational analysis of biological systems. It is therefore necessary to develop improved methods that are effective, fast, and scalable. RESULTS: We show here that alternating regression (AR), applied to S-system models and combined with methods for decoupling systems of differential equations, provides a fast new tool for identifying parameter values from time series data. The key feature of AR is that it dissects the nonlinear inverse problem of estimating parameter values into iterative steps of linear regression. We show with several artificial examples that the method works well in many cases. In cases of no convergence, it is feasible to dedicate some computational effort to identifying suitable start values and search settings, because the method is fast in comparison to conventional methods that the search for suitable initial values is easily recouped. Because parameter estimation and the identification of system structure are closely related in S-system modeling, the AR method is beneficial for the latter as well. Specifically, we show with an example from the literature that AR is three to five orders of magnitudes faster than direct structure identifications in systems of nonlinear differential equations. CONCLUSION: Alternating regression provides a strategy for the estimation of parameter values and the identification of structure and regulation in S-systems that is genuinely different from all existing methods. Alternating regression is usually very fast, but its convergence patterns are complex and will require further investigation. In cases where convergence is an issue, the enormous speed of the method renders it feasible to select several initial guesses and search settings as an effective countermeasure

    Parameter estimation of S-distributions with alternating regression

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    We propose a novel 3-way alternating regression (3-AR) method as an effective strategy for the estimation of parameter values in S-distributions from frequency data. The 3-AR algorithm is very fast and performs well for error-free distributions and artificial noisy data obtained as random samples generated from S-distributions, as well as for traditional statistical distributions and for actual observation data. In rare cases where the algorithm does not immediately converge, its enormous speed renders it feasible to select several initial guesses and search settings as an effective countermeasure.Peer Reviewe

    Identification of metabolic system parameters using global optimization methods

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    BACKGROUND: The problem of estimating the parameters of dynamic models of complex biological systems from time series data is becoming increasingly important. METHODS AND RESULTS: Particular consideration is given to metabolic systems that are formulated as Generalized Mass Action (GMA) models. The estimation problem is posed as a global optimization task, for which novel techniques can be applied to determine the best set of parameter values given the measured responses of the biological system. The challenge is that this task is nonconvex. Nonetheless, deterministic optimization techniques can be used to find a global solution that best reconciles the model parameters and measurements. Specifically, the paper employs branch-and-bound principles to identify the best set of model parameters from observed time course data and illustrates this method with an existing model of the fermentation pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This is a relatively simple yet representative system with five dependent states and a total of 19 unknown parameters of which the values are to be determined. CONCLUSION: The efficacy of the branch-and-reduce algorithm is illustrated by the S. cerevisiae example. The method described in this paper is likely to be widely applicable in the dynamic modeling of metabolic networks