131 research outputs found

    No-Copy Technology and the Copyright Act: Has the Music Industry Been Allowed to Go Too Far in Diminishing the Consumers’ Personal Use Rights in the Digital World?, 2 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 337 (2003)

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    Record companies have in recent years begun production of compact discs containing “no-copy” technology. These CDs appear to be classic CDs but are alleged to have poorer sound quality and often will not play in computers. The recording industryhas used this and other methods to stem the increasing popularity of CD copying and unauthorized music file distribution online. While the right of copyright owners to protect their intellectual property is well established, it is arguable that the methoddescribed herein interferes with a consumer’s right to make personal use of legally purchased content. Such right is alleged to stem from the Audio Home Recording Act(AHRA) passed in 1992. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) passed in1998, which bars the circumvention of digital copyright protection systems, makesthe exercise of this personal use right difficult or impossible in the case of copyprotected CDs. It is the author’s contention that the rights between copyright ownersand consumers of copyrighted content need to be rebalanced. A proper rebalancing should include a recognition of fair use exceptions in relation to the DMCA andpersonal use rights under the AHRA

    A COTS-Style Acquisition Strategy for Human Exploration Beyond LEO

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    The Evolvable Mars Campaign presents a long term strategy for NASA's Journey to Mars within a capability driven framework. By comparing each element to a set of criteria, this paper reviews the potential of acquiring those capabilities using a strategy similar to the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services program. The paper presents the criteria, assesses the elements against those criteria, and then discusses the suitability of each element to being developed using this acquisition strategy. Throughout the campaign, certain capabilities are well suited to being developed in this manner while others are not. This assessment is a snapshot in time, and should be revisited as the campaign and/or commercial capabilities change. This paper will explore each of these elements in the campaign and discuss how the COTS development andacquisition strategy could or could not be applied to those elements. This assessment will be based on theservices or functionality required in the campaign, and will use the best practices discussed above to create acase for or against a COTS-style acquisition strategy for each given element

    Panel #5: The Maine Centennial in 1920: Commemoration and Remembrance Through Photography

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    A session that included the following presentations: A Genuine Look at Maine and Its Centennial: The Eastern Illustrating & Publishing Company, Kevin Johnson The Wabanaki Encampment at the Maine Centennial in 1920: Homeland, Memory, and Ethnohistory, Micah Pawling Documents of Truth and Beauty: Maine at One Hundred Years Through the Real Photo Post Cards of Charles A. Townsend, Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr

    A Comparison of Probabilistic and Deterministic Campaign Analysis for Human Space Exploration

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    Human space exploration is by its very nature an uncertain endeavor. Vehicle reliability, technology development risk, budgetary uncertainty, and launch uncertainty all contribute to stochasticity in an exploration scenario. However, traditional strategic analysis has been done in a deterministic manner, analyzing and optimizing the performance of a series of planned missions. History has shown that exploration scenarios rarely follow such a planned schedule. This paper describes a methodology to integrate deterministic and probabilistic analysis of scenarios in support of human space exploration. Probabilistic strategic analysis is used to simulate "possible" scenario outcomes, based upon the likelihood of occurrence of certain events and a set of pre-determined contingency rules. The results of the probabilistic analysis are compared to the nominal results from the deterministic analysis to evaluate the robustness of the scenario to adverse events and to test and optimize contingency planning

    Analysis of Logistics in Support of a Human Lunar Outpost

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    Strategic level analysis of the integrated behavior of lunar transportation system and lunar surface system architecture options is performed to inform NASA Constellation Program senior management on the benefit, viability, affordability, and robustness of system design choices. This paper presents an overview of the approach used to perform the campaign (strategic) analysis, with an emphasis on the logistics modeling and the impacts of logistics resupply on campaign behavior. An overview of deterministic and probabilistic analysis approaches is provided, with a discussion of the importance of each approach to understanding the integrated system behavior. The logistics required to support lunar surface habitation are analyzed from both 'macro-logistics' and 'micro-logistics' perspectives, where macro-logistics focuses on the delivery of goods to a destination and micro-logistics focuses on local handling of re-supply goods at a destination. An example campaign is provided to tie the theories of campaign analysis to results generation capabilities

    Lunar Exploration Architecture Level Key Drivers and Sensitivities

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    Strategic level analysis of the integrated behavior of lunar transportation and lunar surface systems architecture options is performed to assess the benefit, viability, affordability, and robustness of system design choices. This analysis employs both deterministic and probabilistic modeling techniques so that the extent of potential future uncertainties associated with each option are properly characterized. The results of these analyses are summarized in a predefined set of high-level Figures of Merit (FOMs) so as to provide senior NASA Constellation Program (CxP) and Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD) management with pertinent information to better inform strategic level decision making. The strategic level exploration architecture model is designed to perform analysis at as high a level as possible but still capture those details that have major impacts on system performance. The strategic analysis methodology focuses on integrated performance, affordability, and risk analysis, and captures the linkages and feedbacks between these three areas. Each of these results leads into the determination of the high-level FOMs. This strategic level analysis methodology has been previously applied to Space Shuttle and International Space Station assessments and is now being applied to the development of the Constellation Program point-of-departure lunar architecture. This paper provides an overview of the strategic analysis methodology and the lunar exploration architecture analyses to date. In studying these analysis results, the strategic analysis team has identified and characterized key drivers affecting the integrated architecture behavior. These key drivers include inclusion of a cargo lander, mission rate, mission location, fixed-versus- variable costs/return on investment, and the requirement for probabilistic analysis. Results of sensitivity analysis performed on lunar exploration architecture scenarios are also presented

    Development of an in-house ELISA to detect anti-HPV16-L1 antibodies in serum and dried blood spots

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    Measuring anti-HPV antibody levels is important for surveillance of the immunological response to both natural infection and vaccination. Here, an ELISA test for measurement of HPV-16L1 antibodies was developed and validated in sera and dried blood spots. An in-house ELISA was developed for measuring anti-HPV-16L1 IgA and IgG levels. The assay was standardized against WHO international standard serum and validated on serum, dried blood spots and cervical liquid based cytology samples from women attending colposcopy clinics in Scotland. Antibody avidity index was also measured in serum samples. The average HPV 16-L1 specific IgG and IgA levels measured in sera, in women attending a routine colposcopy service were 7.3 units/ml and 8.1 units/ml respectively. Significant correlations between serum and dried blood spot eluates for both IgG and IgA were observed indicating that the latter serve as a credible proxy for antibody levels. Average IgG Avidity Index was 35% (95% CI 25%-45%) suggesting previous, historical challenge with natural infection. This ELISA has potential for use in epidemiological and field studies of antibody prevalence and if coupled with avidity measurement may be of use in individual case monitoring of vaccine responses and failures

    Swelling and shrinking properties of thermo-responsive polymeric ionic liquid hydrogels with embedded linear pNIPAAM

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    In this study, varying concentrations of linear pNIPAAM have been incorporated for the first time into a thermo-responsive polymeric ionic liquid (PIL) hydrogel, namely tributyl-hexyl phosphonium 3-sulfopropylacrylate (P-SPA), to produce semi-interpenetrating polymer networks. The thermal properties of the resulting hydrogels have been investigated along with their thermo-induced shrinking and reswelling capabilities. The semi-interpenetrating networks (IPN) hydrogels were found to have improved shrinking and reswelling properties compared with their PIL counterpart. At elevated temperatures (50–80 °C), it was found that the semi-IPN with the highest concentration of hydrophobic pNIPAAM exhibited the highest shrinking percentage of ~40% compared to the conventional P-SPA, (27%). This trend was also found to occur for the reswelling measurements, with semi-IPN hydrogels producing the highest reswelling percentage of ~67%, with respect to its contracted state. This was attributed to an increase in water affinity due to the presence of hydrophilic pNIPAAM. Moreover, the presence of linear pNIPAAM in the polymer matrix leads to improved shrinking and reswelling response compared to the equivalent PIL

    Organic electrochemical transistor incorporating an ionogel as solid state electolyte for lactate sensing

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    The bulk of currently available biosensing techniques often require complex liquid handling, and thus suffer from problems associated with leaking and contamination. We demonstrate the use 10 of an Organic Electrochemical Transistor (OECT) for detection of lactate (an essential analyte in physiological measurements of athlete performance) by integration of a RTIL in a gel-format, as a solid-state electrolyte