30 research outputs found

    Influential factor combinations leading to language outcomes following a home visiting intervention : a qualitative comparative analysis (QCA)

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    Background: Children who experience adversity are more vulnerable to language difficulties. Early interventions beginning antenatally, such as home visiting, are provided to help prevent these problems. To improve the precision of early interventions, the impact of combinations of risk and protective factors over time must be explored and understood. There is, however, limited research investigating how such factors interact with intervention to change language outcomes over time. Aim: To explore the different paths that lead to Good and Poor language in a cohort of children experiencing adversity whose mothers received an optimal dose of the Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home visiting (MECSH) intervention over 2.5 years. Methods & Procedures: A total of 24 low socioeconomic status (SES) mothers experiencing adversity and their children who received more than half the scheduled dose of the MECSH intervention were followed over time: from before birth to school entry. Data were extracted from surveys and direct measurement over the study course. Child language outcome at school entry and the influence of seven key child, maternal and environmental factors, which have been shown in previous research to result in Good and Poor language outcomes, were explored through qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). QCA is a qualitative analytical technique that provides a deeper understanding of factor combinations influencing language development. Outcomes & Results: Multiple paths to Good (six paths) and Poor language (seven paths) were found. Paths with mostly protective factors resulted in Good language, except when maternal antenatal distress was present. Paths with two or more influential risks usually resulted in Poor language outcomes. When children experiencing adversity received the MECSH home visiting intervention, there was no one risk or protective factor necessary for Good or Poor language outcomes; however, there were clear patterns of factor combinations. Conclusions & Implications: Mothers’ antenatal psychological resources were a flag for future language concerns which can be used to improve the precision of the MECSH intervention. They were highly influential to their children's Good and Poor language outcomes by 5 years, when over time they were combined with characteristics such as early childhood education, poor maternal responsivity and/or the number of children in the home. Knowledge of early conditions associated with later Poor language can help clinicians identify and respond in preventative and promoting ways to improve language skills. What this paper adds What is already known on the subject Children experiencing adversity are more vulnerable to language difficulties. Both risk for language difficulties and protection against them in this group are via a complex combination of factors. It is unknown how intervention works with these complex factors to result in Good and Poor language outcomes. What this paper adds to existing knowledge There are multiple paths to both Good and Poor language outcomes for children experiencing adversity. Mothers’ psychological resources antenatally in combination with other key factors were particularly influential to Good and Poor language outcomes. What are the clinical implications of this work? In this study, maternal antenatal distress together with poor maternal responsivity were present in children's paths to Poor language outcomes at school entry. An extra focus on responsivity is required in antenatally distressed mothers of children experiencing adversity in early interventions. Children of mothers with good psychological resources antenatally who received home visiting intervention had Good language outcomes at 5 years when combined with 3 years or more of early childhood education and if there were one to two children in the home. Knowledge of these influences on language development can improve the precision of home visiting interventions and help clinicians tailor their visits to individual families’ needs

    The human bite injury: a clinical audit and discussion regarding the management of this alcohol fuelled phenomenon

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    The aim of this study was to audit the management of these human bite wounds, with particular focus on infective complications and outcomes. Methods: A three year retrospective chart review was undertaken on all patients referred to the plastic surgery unit from 1 January 2003 through to 31 December 2005. A total of 92 patients with 96 human bite wounds were identified. The majority were male (92%). Alcohol consumption was documented in 86% of cases. The majority (70%) occurred over the weekend or on a public holiday. Facial injuries made up 70% of injuries with the remainder being to the upper limb. The ear was the most common target of all facial injuries (65%). Infection was documented in 18 cases (20%), with bite injuries to the upper limb and those presenting late (>12 h) having a higher incidence of infection

    The untold truth about "bath salt" highs: A case series demonstrating local tissue injury.

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    The epidemic of injecting cathinone derivatives, marketed as "bath salts", by intravenous drug users among inner city Dubliners led to an associated rise in soft tissue complications. The spectrum of the cases encountered, ranging from self-limiting cellulitis to extensive abscess formation, at a single institution is described

    Longitudinal vocabulary development in Australian urban Aboriginal children : protective and risk factors

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    Background: Vocabulary is a key component of language that can impact on children's future literacy and communication. The gap between Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children's reading and academic outcomes is well reported and similar to Indigenous/non-Indigenous gaps in other nations. Determining factors that influence vocabulary acquisition over time and may be responsive to treatment is important for improving Aboriginal children's communication and academic outcomes. Aim: To determine what factors influence Australian urban Aboriginal children's receptive vocabulary acquisition and whether any of these are risks or protective for vocabulary development. Method: One hundred thirteen Aboriginal children in South Western Sydney from the longitudinal birth cohort Gudaga study were assessed on The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test multiple times:3 years, just prior to school entry, at the end of the first and second years of formal schooling. Multilevel models were used to determine the effects of 13 fixed and manipulable maternal, child, and family variables drawn from previous research. Results: Higher maternal education was found to be protective at 3 years and over time. The number of children in urban Australian Aboriginal households made an impact on vocabulary development and this varied over time. From 3 to 6 years, those with early poor non-verbal cognitive skills had vocabulary skills that remained below those with stronger non-verbal skills at 3 years. Girls exhibit an earlier advantage in vocabulary acquisition, but this difference is not sustained after 4 years of age. Conclusions: The risk and protective factors for vocabulary development in Australian Aboriginal children are similar to those identified in other studies with some variation related to the number of children in the home. In this limited set of predictors, maternal education, gender, non-verbal cognitive skills, and the number of children in households were all shown to impact on the acquisition of vocabulary to 3 years and or the developmental trajectory over time

    Oral language supports early literacy: A pilot cluster randomizedtrial in disadvantaged schools

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    This study examined the impact of teacher professional development aimed at improving the capacity of primary teachers in disadvantaged schools to strengthen children's expressive and receptive oral language skills and early literacy success in the first 2 years of school. Fourteen low-SES schools in Victoria, Australia were randomly allocated to a research (n = 8) or control arm (n = 6), resulting in an initial sample of 1254 students, (n = 602 in research arm and n = 652 in control arm). The intervention comprised 6 days of teacher and principal professional development (delivered by language and literacy experts), school-based continuing contact with the research team and completion by one staff member of each research school of a postgraduate unit on early language and literacy. Schools in the control arm received standard teaching according to state auspiced curriculum guidelines. Full data were available on 979 students at follow-up (time 2). Students in the research arm performed significantly better on Test of Language Development: Primary (Fourth Edition) sub-tests (p ≀ .002) and the Reading Progress Test (F = 10.4(1); p = .001) than students in the control arm at time 2. Narrative scores were not significantly different at time 2, although students in research schools showed greater gains. Findings provide “proof of concept” for this approach, and are discussed with respect to implications for teacher professional development and pre-service education concerning the psycholinguistic competencies that underpin the transition to literacy.

    A Polymorphism in the Chitotriosidase Gene Associated with Risk of Mycetoma Due to <i>Madurella mycetomatis</i> Mycetoma–A Retrospective Study

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    <div><p>Background</p><p><i>Madurella mycetomatis</i> is the most prevalent causative agent of eumycetoma in Sudan, an infection characterized by the formation of grains. Many patients are exposed to the causative agent, however only a small number develop infection. <i>M</i>. <i>mycetomatis</i> contains chitin in its cell wall, which can trigger the human immune system. Polymorphisms in the genes encoding for the chitin-degrading enzymes chitotriosidase and AMCase were described, resulting in altered chitinase activity. We investigated the association between 4 of these polymorphisms and the incidence of <i>M</i>. <i>mycetomatis</i> mycetoma in a Sudanese population.</p><p>Methodology</p><p>Polymorphisms studied in 112 eumycetoma patients and 103 matched controls included a 24-bp insertion in the chitotriosidase gene (rs3831317), resulting in impaired chitinase activity and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the AMCase gene (rs61756687), resulting in decreased AMCase activity. Also, a SNP (rs41282492) and a 10-bp insertion in the 5’UTR region of the AMCase gene (rs143789088) were studied, both resulting in increased AMCase activity. DNA was isolated from blood and genotypes were determined using PCR-RFLP.</p><p>Principal Findings</p><p>Histological staining proved the presence of chitin in the fungal grain. The polymorphism resulting in decreased chitotriosidase activity was associated with increased odds of eumycetoma (odds ratio 2.9; p = 0.004). No association was found for the polymorphisms in the genes for AMCase (all p>0.05).</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Decreased chitotriosidase activity was associated with increased risk of <i>M</i>. <i>mycetomatis</i> mycetoma.</p></div