4,590 research outputs found

    The t(1/29) chromosome translocation in Danish Blonde d'Aquitaine cattle

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    Molecular Hydrodynamics: Vortex Formation and Sound Wave Propagation

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    In the present study, quantitative feasibility tests of the hydrodynamic description of a two-dimensional fluid at the molecular level are performed, both with respect to length and time scales. Using high-resolution fluid velocity data obtained from extensive molecular dynamics simulations, we computed the transverse and longitudinal components of the velocity field by the Helmholtz decomposition and compared them with those obtained from the linearized Navier-Stokes (LNS) equations with time-dependent transport coefficients. By investigating the vortex dynamics and the sound wave propagation in terms of these field components, we confirm the validity of the LNS description for times comparable to or larger than several mean collision times. The LNS description still reproduces the transverse velocity field accurately at smaller times, but it fails to predict characteristic patterns of molecular origin visible in the longitudinal velocity field. Based on these observations, we validate the main assumptions of the mode-coupling approach. The assumption that the velocity autocorrelation function can be expressed in terms of the fluid velocity field and the tagged particle distribution is found to be remarkably accurate even for times comparable to or smaller than the mean collision time. This suggests that the hydrodynamic-mode description remains valid down to the molecular scale

    Entropy on Spin Factors

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    Recently it has been demonstrated that the Shannon entropy or the von Neuman entropy are the only entropy functions that generate a local Bregman divergences as long as the state space has rank 3 or higher. In this paper we will study the properties of Bregman divergences for convex bodies of rank 2. The two most important convex bodies of rank 2 can be identified with the bit and the qubit. We demonstrate that if a convex body of rank 2 has a Bregman divergence that satisfies sufficiency then the convex body is spectral and if the Bregman divergence is monotone then the convex body has the shape of a ball. A ball can be represented as the state space of a spin factor, which is the most simple type of Jordan algebra. We also study the existence of recovery maps for Bregman divergences on spin factors. In general the convex bodies of rank 2 appear as faces of state spaces of higher rank. Therefore our results give strong restrictions on which convex bodies could be the state space of a physical system with a well-behaved entropy function.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    Microscopic origin of universality in Casimir forces

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    The microscopic mechanisms for universality of Casimir forces between macroscopic conductors are displayed in a model of classical charged fluids. The model consists of two slabs in empty space at distance dd containing classical charged particles in thermal equilibrium (plasma, electrolyte). A direct computation of the average force per unit surface yields, at large distance, the usual form of the Casimir force in the classical limit (up to a factor 2 due to the fact that the model does not incorporate the magnetic part of the force). Universality originates from perfect screening sum rules obeyed by the microscopic charge correlations in conductors. If one of the slabs is replaced by a macroscopic dielectric medium, the result of Lifshitz theory for the force is retrieved. The techniques used are Mayer expansions and integral equations for charged fluids.Comment: 31 pages, 0 figures, submitted to Journal of Statistical Physic

    Winter wheat roots grow twice as deep as spring wheat roots, is this important for N uptake and N leaching losses?

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    Cropping systems comprising winter catch crops followed by spring wheat could reduce N leaching risks compared to traditional winter wheat systems in humid climates. We studied the soil mineral N (Ninorg) and root growth of winter- and spring wheat to 2.5 m depth during three years. Root depth of winter wheat (2.2 m) was twice that of spring wheat, and this was related to much lower amounts of Ninorg in the 1 to 2.5 m layer after winter wheat (81 kg Ninorg ha-1 less). When growing winter catch crops before spring wheat, N content in the 1 to 2.5 m layer after spring wheat was not different from that after winter wheat. The results suggest that by virtue of its deep rooting, winter wheat may not lead to high levels of leaching as it is often assumed in humid climates. Deep soil and root measurements (below 1 m) in this experiment were essential to answer the questions we posed

    Preliteracy signatures of poor-reading abilities in resting-state EEG

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    The hereditary character of dyslexia suggests the presence of putative underlying neural anomalies already in preliterate age. Here, we investigated whether early neurophysiological correlates of future reading difficulties—a hallmark of dyslexia—could be identified in the resting-state EEG of preliterate children. The children in this study were recruited at birth and classified on the basis of parents’ performance on reading tests to be at-risk of becoming poor readers (n = 48) or not (n = 14). Eyes-open rest EEG was measured at the age of 3 years, and the at-risk children were divided into fluent readers (n = 24) and non-fluent readers (n = 24) after reading assessment at their third grade of school. We found that fluent readers and non-fluent readers differed in normalized spectral amplitude. Non-fluent readers were characterized by lower amplitude in the delta-1 frequency band (0.5–2 Hz) and higher amplitude in the alpha-1 band (6–8 Hz) in multiple scalp regions compared to control and at-risk fluent readers. Interestingly, across groups these EEG biomarkers correlated with several behavioral test scores measured in the third grade. Specifically, the performance on reading fluency, phonological and orthographic tasks and rapid automatized naming task correlated positively with delta-1 and negatively with alpha-1. Together, our results suggest that combining family-risk status, neurophysiological testing and behavioral test scores in a longitudinal setting may help uncover physiological mechanisms implicated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as the predisposition to reading disabilities

    Multi-omics differentially classify disease state and treatment outcome in pediatric Crohn's disease

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    Background: Crohn's disease (CD) has an unclear etiology, but there is growing evidence of a direct link with a dysbiotic microbiome. Many gut microbes have previously been associated with CD, but these have mainly been confounded with patients' ongoing treatments. Additionally, most analyses of CD patients' microbiomes have focused on microbes in stool samples, which yield different insights than profiling biopsy samples. Results: We sequenced the 16S rRNA gene (16S) and carried out shotgun metagenomics (MGS) from the intestinal biopsies of 20 treatment-naïve CD and 20 control pediatric patients. We identified the abundances of microbial taxa and inferred functional categories within each dataset. We also identified known human genetic variants from the MGS data. We then used a machine learning approach to determine the classification accuracy when these datasets, collapsed to different hierarchical groupings, were used independently to classify patients by disease state and by CD patients' response to treatment. We found that 16S-identified microbes could classify patients with higher accuracy in both cases. Based on follow-ups with these patients, we identified which microbes and functions were best for predicting disease state and response to treatment, including several previously identified markers. By combining the top features from all significant models into a single model, we could compare the relative importance of these predictive features. We found that 16S-identified microbes are the best predictors of CD state whereas MGS-identified markers perform best for classifying treatment response. Conclusions: We demonstrate for the first time that useful predictors of CD treatment response can be produced from shotgun MGS sequencing of biopsy samples despite the complications related to large proportions of host DNA. The top predictive features that we identified in this study could be useful for building an improved classifier for CD and treatment response based on sufferers' microbiome in the future. The BISCUIT project is funded by a Clinical Academic Fellowship from the Chief Scientist Office (Scotland)-CAF/08/01

    Photo-antagonism of the GABAA receptor

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    Neurotransmitter receptor trafficking is fundamentally important for synaptic transmission and neural network activity. GABAA receptors and inhibitory synapses are vital components of brain function, yet much of our knowledge regarding receptor mobility and function at inhibitory synapses is derived indirectly from using recombinant receptors, antibody-tagged native receptors and pharmacological treatments. Here we describe the use of a set of research tools that can irreversibly bind to and affect the function of recombinant and neuronal GABAA receptors following ultraviolet photoactivation. These compounds are based on the competitive antagonist gabazine and incorporate a variety of photoactive groups. By using site-directed mutagenesis and ligand-docking studies, they reveal new areas of the GABA binding site at the interface between receptor β and α subunits. These compounds enable the selected inactivation of native GABAA receptor populations providing new insight into the function of inhibitory synapses and extrasynaptic receptors in controlling neuronal excitation

    The impact of water on slip system activity in olivine and the formation of bimodal crystallographic preferred orientations

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    Crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) in olivine are widely used to infer the mechanisms, conditions, and kinematics of deformation of mantle rocks. Recent experiments on water-saturated olivine were the first to produce a complex CPO characterised by bimodal orientation distributions of both [100] and [001] axes and inferred to form by combined activity of (001)[100], (100)[001], and (010)[100] slip. This result potentially provides a new microstructural indicator of deformation in the presence of elevated concentrations of intracrystalline hydrous point defects and has implications for the interpretation of seismic anisotropy. Here, we document a previously unexplained natural example of this CPO type in a xenolith from Lesotho and demonstrate that it too may be explained by elevated concentrations of hydrous point defects. We test and confirm the hypothesis that combined (001)[100], (100)[001], and (010)[100] slip were responsible for formation of this CPO by (1) using high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction to precisely characterise the dislocation types present in both the experimental and natural samples and (2) employing visco-plastic self-consistent simulations of CPO evolution to assess the ability of these slip systems to generate the observed CPO. Finally, we utilise calculations based on effective-medium theory to predict the anisotropy of seismic wave velocities arising from the CPO of the xenolith. Maxima in S-wave velocities and anisotropy are parallel to both the shear direction and shear plane normal, whereas maxima in P-wave velocities are oblique to both, adding complexity to interpretation of deformation kinematics from seismic anisotropy.D. Wallis, L.N. Hansen, and A.J. Wilkinson acknowledge support from the Natural Environment Research Council Grant NE/M000966/1. M. Tasaka acknowledges support through a JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (26-4879) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (16K17832). D.L. Kohlstedt acknowledges support through NASA Grant NNX15AL53G. K.M. Kumamoto acknowledges support through NSF Division of Earth Science grants 1255620 and 1625032

    Low-Temperature Plasticity in Olivine: Grain Size, Strain Hardening, and the Strength of the Lithosphere

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    Plastic deformation of olivine at relatively low temperatures (i.e., low-temperature plasticity) likely controls the strength of the lithospheric mantle in a variety of geodynamic contexts. Unfortunately, laboratory estimates of the strength of olivine deforming by low-temperature plasticity vary considerably from study to study, limiting confidence in extrapolation to geological conditions. Here we present the results of deformation experiments on olivine single crystals and aggregates conducted in a deformation-DIA at confining pressures of 5 to 9 GPa and temperatures of 298 to 1473 K. These results demonstrate that, under conditions in which low-temperature plasticity is the dominant deformation mechanism, fine-grained samples are stronger at yield than coarse-grained samples, and the yield stress decreases with increasing temperature. All samples exhibited significant strain hardening until an approximately constant flow stress was reached. The magnitude of the increase in stress from the yield stress to the flow stress was independent of grain size and temperature. Cyclical loading experiments revealed a Bauschinger effect, wherein the initial yield strength is higher than the yield strength during subsequent cycles. Both strain hardening and the Bauschinger effect are interpreted to result from the development of back stresses associated with long-range dislocation interactions. We calibrated a constitutive model based on these observations, and extrapolation of the model to geological conditions predicts that the strength of the lithosphere at yield is low compared to previous experimental predictions but increases significantly with increasing strain. Our results resolve apparent discrepancies in recent observational estimates of the strength of the oceanic lithosphere.Support for this research was provided by Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) grant NE/M000966/1 and NSF Division of Earth Sciences grants 1255620, 1464714, and 1550112. D.E.J.A. acknowledges funding from the Royal Academy of Engineering through a research fellowship