55 research outputs found

    Fibra efetiva para vacas em lactação.

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    Impacts of citrus pulp addition and wilting on elephant grass silage quality.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of citrus pulp addition and wilting on fermentative characteristics, chemical composition as well as gas and effluent losses of elephant grass silage. The elephant grass (70 growth days) was collected manually; one portion was immediately chopped and another one was allowed to wilt in the sun for a period of 6 h and subsequently chopped for the production of silage. Experimental PVC silos (10 cm diameter x 30 cm height) were used and sand bags were placed at the bottom of the silos. Citrus pulp (80 g kg-1 of MN) was added at the beginning of ensilage. The ensiled material was manually compressed to provide a specific mass of approximately 600 kg m-3 of silage. After 60 days, the silos were opened; gas and effluent losses were calculated and we determined pH, dry matter (DM), crude protein(CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), lignin, ammonia nitrogen, ash and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). We added 0 or 80 g kg-1 of citrus pulp to wilted and un-wilted elephant grass. We used a completely randomised design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (wilted or un-wilted) x (with or without citrus pulp), totalling treatments with five repetitions. Average values were compared using the F test with a probability of 5%. The addition of citrus pulp resulted in reduced levels of NDF, lignin, ash, N-NH3 and pH and in increased values of DM and IVDMD of silages. Wilting increased the DM, NDF and lignin values and reduced the concentrations of CP, IVDMD and N-NH3. Based on our results, citrus pulp addition improves the chemical composition of elephant grass silage and increases its in vitro dry matter digestibility

    Desempenho produtivo e composição do leite de vacas da raça holandesa no final da lactação, manejadas em pastagem e suplementadas com diferentes níveis de concentrado.

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    RESUMO - Foram utilizadas 36 vacas da raça Holandesa na fase final de lactação em um delineamento com parcelas sub-subdivididas, em pastejo de Coastcross, com o objetivo de se avaliar diferentes quantidades de suplementação: três e seis quilos de concentrado, sobre o desempenho animal (produção e composição do leite, peso e condição corporal). O Coastcross manejado em pastejo intermitente no período de verão, com lotação de cinco unidades animal por hectare apresentou em média 11,7% de PB; 70,2% de FDN; 35,2% de FDA e 63,7% de digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca. A maior ingestão de concentrado pelas vacas que receberam seis quilos de concentrado não afetou (P>0,05) a produção de leite, os teores de proteína, gordura, lactose e sólidos totais do leite produzido. No entanto, o escore da condição corporal (ECC) e a contagem de células somáticas (CCS) aumentaram com a maior suplementação de concentrado. Concluiu-se então que a suplementação de vacas holandesas no terço final de lactação mantidas em pastejo de Coastcross sp, com três e seis quilos de concentrado, não influenciou o peso corporal, a produção e a composição do leite (gordura, proteína, lactose e sólidos totais). No entanto, a maior suplementação influenciou o ECC e a CCS. ABSTRACT - Thirty-six late lactating Holstein cows in a split-split-plot design model in a Coast-cross pasture were used in order to assess different amounts of supplement: three and six kilos of concentrate mixture under the animal performance (milk production and composition, body weight and body condition). The coast-cross managed in intermittent grazing in the summer, with a stocking rate of 5 animal/ hectare presented an average of 11.7% of CP; 70.2% of NDF; 35.2% of ADF, and 63.7% of in vitro dry matter digestibility. Higher ingestion of concentrate mixture by the cows which received six kilos of concentrate mixture did not affect milk production (P<0.05), the protein content, lactose, and of the total solids in the milk produced. However, the body conditions score (BCS) and the somatic cell count (SCC) increase as a result of the higher supplement of concentrate mixture. It was thus concluded that supplementing late lactating Holstein cows grazing on coast-cross pasture with three or six kilos of concentrate mixture did not influence their body weight, production, and milk composition (fat, protein, lactose, and total solids). However, higher supplementation influenced both BCS and SCC

    Dinâmica da fase sólida e líquida no trato gastrintestinal de vacas leiteiras em pastagem tropical.

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    RESUMO - Avaliaram-se os efeitos do fornecimento de três e seis quilos de concentrado na dinâmica da fase sólida e líquida, em vacas em lactação em pastagem de Coast cross fertilizada. Estimaramse os parâmetros da cinética de fluxo de partículas no trato gastrintestinal (TGI) por intermédio dos modelos de Grovum & Willians (1973) e Dhanoa et al. (1985), testando aquele que proporcione melhores valores preditos da excreção do cromo nas fezes e para os parâmetros da cinética da fase sólida, biologicamente aceitáveis, perante as dietas. O Coast cross manejado em pastejo intermitente, com cinco unidades animal (UA)/ha, em média, possuía 11,7% de PB; 70,2% de FDN; 35,2% de FDA e 63,8% de DIVMS. A quantidade de concentrado proporcionou uma ingestão de MS de 13,4 e 14,6 kg, proporcionando percentagens de nutrientes na MS da dieta de, respectivamente, 13,6 e 15,2% de PB, 2,6 e 3,2% de EE e FDN de 64,0 e 59,0%, aos tratamentos com três e seis quilos de concentrado, respectivamente. Os parâmetros da cinética de fluxo de partículas no TGI, não foram alterados pelos diferentes tratamentos. O modelo de Dhanoa et al. (1985) foi mais eficiente na estimação dos parâmetros relativos à taxa de passagem de vacas em lactação em pastagem e suplementadas. Os parâmetros avaliados na cinética da fase líquida, não foram influenciados pela maior ingestão de concentrado. ABSTRACT - The objectives of this study was to evaluate the effects of different amounts of concentrate, three (SU1) and six (SU2) kg of concentrate, on the dynamics of the solid and liquid phases in lactating Holland cows handled in fertilized Coastcross forage. For the determination of the parameters of the particle kinetics in the gastrointestinal tract, the models of Grovum e Willians (1973) and Dhanoa et al. (1985) were used, checking which provided the best predicted values of chromium excretion in the faeces and for the parameters of the solid-phase kinetics, biologically acceptable, in face of the experimental diets. The Coastcross handled in intermittent foraging, with lots of five animal units (UA)/ha had on average 11.7% PB, 70.2% FDN, 35.2% FDA and 63.8% of DIVMS. The different amounts of concentrate provided a mean dietary ingestion of 13.6% and 14.6% of MS, having nutrient percentages in the MS of the diet of 13.6% and 15.2% PB, 2.6% and 3.2% EE and FDN of 64.0% and 59.0%, respectively. The parameters of the flux kinetics of particles in the gastrointestinal tract were not altered by the different amounts of concentrate. The model of Dhanoa et al. (1985) was more effective in the determination of the parameters related to the rate of flux. The evaluated parameters for the liquid-phase kinetics were not influenced by the greater ingestion of concentrate

    Dermatological patients with itch report more stress, stigmatization experience, anxiety and depression compared to patients without itch: Results from a European multi‐centre study

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    Background: Itch as the most common symptom in dermatology has been shown to be related to psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and depression. Moreover, associations were found between perceived stigmatization and itch. However, studies investigating the differences between patients with dermatoses with and without itch regarding perceived stress, stigmatization, anxiety and depression are missing. Therefore, one of the aims of the second study of the European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry (ESDaP study II) was to investigate these relationships in a large cohort of patients with different itchy dermatoses. Results: 3399 patients with 14 different itchy dermatoses were recruited at 22 centres in 17 European countries. They filled in questionnaires to assess perceived stigmatization, stress, signs of clinically relevant anxiety or depression, itch‐related quality of life, the overall health status, itch duration, frequency and intensity. The most significant association between the severity of itching and the perception of stress was observed among individuals with rosacea (correlation coefficient r = 0.314). Similarly, the strongest links between itch intensity and experiences of stigmatization, anxiety, and depression were found in patients with seborrheic dermatitis (correlation coefficients r = 0.317, r = 0.356, and r = 0.400, respectively). Utilizing a stepwise linear regression analysis, it was determined that within the entire patient cohort, 9.3% of the variation in itch intensity could be accounted for by factors including gender, levels of anxiety, depression, and perceived stigmatization. Females and individuals with elevated anxiety, depression, and perceived stigmatization scores reported more pronounced itch intensities compared to those with contrary attributes. Conclusion: This study underscores the connection between experiencing itch and its intensity and the psychological strain it places on individuals. Consequently, psychological interventions should encompass both addressing the itch itself and the interconnected psychological factors. In specific cases, it becomes imperative for dermatologists to direct individuals towards suitable healthcare resources to undergo further psychological assessment

    Evaluation of microalbuminuria as a prognostic indicator after a TIA or minor stroke in an outpatient setting: the prognostic role of microalbuminuria in TIA evolution (ProMOTE) study

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    OBJECTIVE: Transient ischaemic attacks (TIA) and minor strokes are important risk factors for further vascular events. We explored the role of albumin creatinine ratio (ACR) in improving risk prediction after a first event. SETTING: Rapid access stroke clinics in the UK. PARTICIPANTS: 2202 patients attending with TIA or minor stroke diagnosed by the attending stroke physician, able to provide a urine sample to evaluate ACR using a near-patient testing device. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOMES: Primary outcome was major adverse cardiac events (MACE: recurrent stroke, myocardial infarction or cardiovascular death) at 90 days. The key secondary outcome was to determine whether urinary ACR could contribute to a risk prediction tool for use in a clinic setting. RESULTS: 151 MACE occurred in 144 participants within 90 days. Participants with MACE had higher ACR than those without. A composite score awarding a point each for age >80 years, previous stroke/TIA and presence of microalbuminuria identified those at low risk and high risk. 90% of patients were at low risk (scoring 0 or 1). Their 90-day risk of MACE was 5.7%. Of the remaining 'high-risk' population (scoring 2 or 3) 12.4% experienced MACE over 90 days (p<0.001 compared with the low-risk population). The need for acute admission in the first 7 days was twofold elevated in the high-risk group compared with the low-risk group (3.23% vs 1.43%; p=0.05). These findings were validated in an independent historic sample. CONCLUSION: A risk score comprising age, previous stroke/TIA and microalbuminuria predicts future MACE while identifying those at low risk of a recurrent event. This tool shows promise in the risk stratification of patients to avoid the admission of low-risk patients.The article is available via Open Access. Click on the 'Additional link' above to access the full-text.Published version, accepted version, submitted versio

    Modelagem comparativa da cinética da fase sólida do capim - elefante picado, suplementado ou não com concentrados, e fornecido a vacas Holandês x Zebu em lactação.

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    RESUMO - Foram comparadas as estimativas da cinética da fase sólida do capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.) picado, mordentado com cromo (Cr), obtidas do ajuste de dois modelos não-lineares (bicompartimental tempo-independente e multicompartimental tempo-dependente) a resultados de excreção fecal de vacas Holandês x Zebu em lactação. Utilizaram-se dados de dois experimentos realizados em anos diferentes com capim-elefante cortado aos 60 e 45 dias, e suplementado, 3,3kg/vaca/dia, base matéria natural, ou não com concentrados. Foram utilizadas quatro e três vacas, respectivamente, no primeiro e no segundo ano de experimentação, havendo sempre duas fases de coleta de dados, necessárias para permitir que cada vaca pudesse ser avaliada em cada tratamento. As taxas de passagem ruminal estimadas variaram de 3,0 a 3,2%/h no modelo bicompartimental tempo-independente, e de 2,6 a 3,0%/h no modelo multicompartimental tempo-dependente, enquanto as respectivas taxas de passagem pós-ruminal variaram de 4,9 a 7,4%/h e de 7,4 a 10,9%/h. Os tempos médios de retenção do capim-elefante no trato gastrintestinal das vacas variaram de 66,0 a 76,2h no modelo bicompartimental tempo-independente, e de 48,1 a 57,8h no modelo multicompartimental tempo-dependente. O processo de dependência de tempo imposto pelo modelo multicompartimental permitiu melhor ajuste aos dados de excreção fecal do Cr, em relação ao modelo bicompartimental. ABSTRACT - Particulate kinetics estimates of chopped elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.) mordanted with Chromium (Cr) were obtained and compared by the adjustment of two nonlinear models - age-independent double-compartmental model and age-dependent multicompartmental model - to a Cr faecal excretion dates of lactating crossbred Holstein x Zebu cows. Results from two trials carried out in different years with elephantgrass cut at 60 and 45 days of growth and supplemented, 3,3 kg/cow/day, wet basis, or not with concentrates were used. Four cows in the first and three cows in the second year were used and in each year there were two phases of collection of data, necessary to allow that each cow could be evaluated in each treatment. The ruminal particulate passage rates of chopped elephantgrass ranged from 3.0 to 3.2%/h in age-independent double-compartmental model, and from 2.6 to 3.0%/h in age-dependent-multicompartmental model, while that the respective post-ruminal passage rates ranged from 4.9 to 7.4%/h and from 7.4 to 10.9%/h. The total mean retention time of the elephantgrass in the gastrointestinal tract ranged from 66.0 to 76.2 h in age-independent double-compartmental model, and from 48.1 to 57.8 h in age-dependent-multicompartmental model. The implicit assumption of age-dependence for the multicompartimental model allowed better fit to the data of faecal excretion Cr than that one of the double-compartmental model

    Parâmetros ruminais de vacas leiteiras mantidas em pastagem tropical.

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    Foram utilizadas quatro vacas, portadoras de cânula no rúmen para estudar dois níveis de suplementação concentrada (base na matéria seca): 2,7 e 5,4 kg/vaca/dia, respectivamente, baixo (BC) e alto concentrado (AC). As vacas foram mantidas em pastejo intermitente de capim-Coastcross no período de verão, com lotação de cinco unidades animal/ha. O concentrado, para os dois níveis de suplementação apresentou a mesma composição química e foi dividido em partes iguais, fornecidas no momento das ordenhas da manhã e da tarde. Objetivou-se verificar efeitos do nível de suplementação com concentrado sobre o pH e as concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3) e de ácidos graxos voláteis (AGV) do rúmen. O Coastcross apresentou, em média, 11,7% de proteína bruta (PB); 70,2% de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN); 35,2% de fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) e 63,8% de digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). A ingestão total de alimentos foi, em média, de 13,4 e 14,6 kg de MS. A composição química das dietas ingeridas foi de 13,6 e 15,2% de PB; 2,6 e 3,2% de extrato etéreo e 64,0 e 59,0% de FDN, para os tratamentos BC e AC, respectivamente. O aumento do concentrado na dieta influenciou o pH, mas manteve valores que não comprometeram a atividade celulolítica dos microrganismos ruminais. As concentrações ruminais de N-NH3 e AGV totais não sofreram alterações com os dois níveis de suplementação com concentrado